OLPC Questions

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1 Digital citizenship is what technology users should know to use technology appropriately
and prepares them for a society full of technology.

A.2 Authenticity is can be defined as proof that a software is the real and hasn’t been cracked.
Security is the defense of digital information against threats such as hacking and etc.
Authenticity is more related to is a software is real or not and security is about if there is anyone
stalking them or wishes to hurt them in any form.

B. Explain how do students use OLPC?

To lift up the screen the user first must rotate the antennas (for wireless network connectivity) so
they are pointing up then the power button is pressed to turn on the laptop but this takes 1-2
minutes (as that the laptop doesn’t have a really powerful processor. The user can also turn it
into a tablet by rotating the screen 180 degrees and closing the screen. The laptop uses
screens that have a very low sensitivity to sunlight so the laptops can be used outside. The
battery can be charged by a power plug and if an outlet isn’t available then insert the hand
powered crank to supply backup power.

The OS is a light weight (doesn’t take that much storage space) LINUX OS and to interact with
the laptop it can only be done through the weather resistant keyboard, touch pad or the buttons
on the side of the screen as that there is no external mouse but one can be inserted through
one of the two USB ports or a thumb drive to transfer files. There is also a headphone and
microphone jack if the user wants to work with audio. The user can also insert an ssd to give
extra storage space as that there is only a very small amount of inbuilt storage on the SSD, and
this is used because there is no moving parts so the SSD won’t break like a HDD and the low
storage space is because the laptop will become cheaper. There is also a webcam to act as a
camera. The laptop as a whole is not very powerful because of the single core processor and
limited ram so the laptop wouldn’t be so expensive.

C. Evaluate the impact of the implementation of the OLPC project in LEDC.

The benefits of the implementation of the OLPC project in less economically developed
countries (LEDCs) is that the divide between the rich and poor becomes smaller, because they
both have access to technology. This will allow the less privileged to get a better education
because there is a lot of information online so will allow the students to become smarter. Also
will allow them to learn at the rate that the children do, so learning can be self-paced. And the
quality of education can increase as that there are classes online on websites such as edx or
coursera that are made by top universities. And this will allow the students to learn about topics
that they like. The digital divide between the rich and poor will divide because both rich and pool
will have access to the same information. Maybe people from both sides, the rich and the poor
can become friends due to the access to the internet and will increase the cultural diversity. Kids
may teach parents how to use the computers and then the parents may recognize that this was
a good thing that the government implemented and the digital divide between the old generation
and the new generation as that that a lot of the older generation may see this as a bad thing.
Children can see what is going on outside their county of residence by researching outside
countries that will increase cultural diversity and also speed up globalisation.

However there are also some drawbacks. The money can be used in more important areas
such as health care, food, waste water purification plants as that it can get very expensive in the
short term but a lot of countries see that if the children are more educated than they pay more
taxes so all the money they spent they can make a lot more out of it. Another is that the
teachers might not know how to use the laptops but that can be resolved by teaching the
teachers how to use these devices and also another problem is that the teacher can’t look at the
screen of 10s of laptops and that the students might get distracted and that is a problem that
can’t be solved so easily but this is why the teacher has to trust that the students that they are
doing what they are supposed to do. Some parents might see this as a bad thing as that they
might not get involved in family stuff like sitting together and eating and others. Parents will then
see this as a bad thing and this can be partially solved by showing all the knowledge that a
student can gain from using laptops. But there will most likely be some anti technology parents
and one thing that can be done to mitigate this is by teachers and students showing the parents
what can be done on the laptops and how it will help the children in the future and if this is done
there will be less of a cultural divide between the older and young. I am pretty sure that the
parents are scared of security issues and privacy issues as that anyone can get a person's
information and the parents have to be assured that there are systems in place so these things
don’t happen. And also to mitigate security issues the students have to be aware of the policies
that are in place to make sure that people are safe and then the people who make the websites
should know what these policies are in place and they should follow this.

In conclusion, there are more positive impacts on implementing the OLPC project in LEDCs as
that in the long term positive effect, the government will get higher taxes as that people are
earning more money and the gap between LEDCs and MEDCs will shorten and the cultural
diversity increases as people can find out more about other places. Most of the problems can be
solved but there will always be “anti technology” using the word lightly.

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