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Outline 1.

Title: The problem of current Colombian music

Currently the trap and the reggueton are the most popular music in Colombia.
1-The majority of current songs degrades the women.
2-These songs are projected to an audience that can be influenced by misogyny
3-The music could have influence in the children

1-Make new music genres without degrading women

2-Try to create trap or reggueton music whit good (not affecting women) lyrics
3-Concienzate people the bad things about this kind of music
-A lot people could not like new music genres
-This action doesn’t guarantee less misogyny
-Much people doesn’t care about the lyrics
Outline 2.0


The problem with the message sent by current popular music such as reggaeton and trap


- Nowadays the reggueton and the trap are the most popular genres in Colombia; it
is simple like just turn on the radio to hear how most of the stations play songs
from these genres.
- The popularity of reggueton and trap is impossible to deny, the first semester of
last year the 10 most important songs surpassed more than 5500 million
reproductions in YouTube.
- Some studies states that since 2014 the number of people who listen reggueton in
the platform increases to 119%.
- In Colombia many reggaeton songs are produced by famous artists, this genre is so
important that Medellin is known as the capital of reggaeton.


- The majority of current songs degrades the women, and it promotes misogyny.
- Many songs give a false overview of drugs use and glorify the drug trafficking.
- Many songs talk about the use of weapons, fights between gangs and excesses as if
these were positive things.


- Try to create trap or reggueton music whit good lyrics that do not affect women or
glorify bad actions (drug trafficking, excesses, fights…)
- Create campaigns to show the real effects of drugs, drug trafficking
- Make people be conscious of the bad message that most reggaeton songs send,
and how that can influence children.


- This kind of actions doesn’t guarantee less misogyny

- This kind of actions doesn’t guarantee less problems related with drugs, and less
glorification of drug trafficking
- Many people won't see it as a real problem, so they won’t take real actions.

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