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I am Luis Joaquin Martinez

Developmental psychology
Teacher: Maryeling Molina
August 13, 2019

1. Prenatal develoment to birth
My early physical development • The pregnancy leading up
included to my birth was normal but
free of complications.
• Germinal stage: I was only
a zygote.
• Embryonic stage: my basis • I was born in Cabrera, on
support systems formed. January 29th, 1999. I was born
a healthy child. Which has
• Fetal stage: the last 7 allowed me to develop
months of my
development. 2
New born to toddler years (Birth to 24 months)
• When I was a baby, I • My temperament • My parents divorced
constantly grasped and throughout this time when I was 2, I went
explored all objects in was good. I was not to live with my
sight. I enjoyed
putting things
a crying baby, I was grand parents.
(especially my own a calm and quiet • My grand father
hands and feed). My child because all of used to look after
parents would also my needs were met me and when I
peek-a-boo with me, by my parents and started to walk by
and I would giggle grand parents and I
because I had not myself I didn’t like
trusted them to care people to carry me
grasped the concept of
object permanence.
for me. on. 3
Toddler to kindergarten (2 to 5)
• When I was 3 my • When I was 4 my • When I turn 5, they
grandfather grandfather took tried to register me
taught me to me to school with in kinder but I told
write, read and do him, so I were him I didn’t fit in
easily math by familiarized when there and I didn’t
playing. got there, I liked to like it, so as
already knew all
• As I was raised in be all afternoon at
the basic things of
the countryside I school and playing
with all those kids. kinder and 1st
used to be free grade I got direct
running around • I have always been into 2nd grade and I
safely. the shorter one. felt comfortable. 4
Pictures flashback

(With my sister)
Childhood (6 to 12 years )
• I remember I was • I was a not a social • My grandfather
shy, when someone guy, in this stage it helped me and
greeted me I used to is common to when I went to 7th,
look down, in my socialize but the it was a little better
childhood I was not only thing I used to for me.
very confident. At was trying to • I liked to play
8th we moved to understand the alone.
Santo Domingo and homewotk at 6th
it was grade, cause I didn’t • I was respectful
uncomfortable fit in and my with adults.
during the school attention was not • My grandmother
for me. fully in there. was very protective.
Adolescence (13 to 19 years)
• In my early adolescence • At the age of 16, I • I got in the
people told my voice got diagnosed with university in the late
was deepen and started
epilepsy, it was a adolescence
laughing about my
facial hair. hard time for me and beginning with
my family. medicine, then
• By this stage, I liked to
advertising and
question a lot but some • I began to study
people never knew to languages, I don’t finally education.
have deep answers. remember about • I was very confused
• Some things my aunt French but I about what I wanted to
reminds me is that I do, but then trying,
continues with
used to told her: I'm socializing and
English. investigating in the
going to sleep if not
I'm going to be hungry internet I got into what
I like physiology. 7
again. I ate a lot.
Don’t you know my
grandparents yet ?

Here they are

Emerging Adulthood 20’s to 30’s
• I found my inner peace and built • I began to do exercise and
my own personality. eating healthy.
• I finished my studies in education • I decided not to adopt but
at college.
educate and guide children.
• I went out of the country to study
psychology, languages and life
• I found the intimacy I was
searching for and I got married with
a guy.

Middle adulthood (40’s to 50’s)
• Finally back in Dominican • Create a bilingual university
Republic, hungry to apply my focus on languages, sports and
knowledge in my country and mental health and nutrition,
help young adolescences and will evaluate by competences.
adults. • At 50’s, I will start suffering
• I started my own business. from blood pressure.
• I’ll be giving conferences, • There many physical changes
teaching, doing new things in that came with my age, my
vulnerable areas. hearing started to decline but
• Teaching camp to motivate my biggest change was my
young people. vision.

Late adulthood (60’s)+
• Over the decades of my • After retiring from • My body couldn’t resist
life. I’ve experienced long years of hard any minute more at 65
loss many times. But years old, one day in
work, we (my
the hardest moment Barcelona, Spain.
were when the closest husband and I )
people to me began to decided to go take a
pass away, my parents, time to visit the • Around 16:02 PM, I
grands, my siblings, and word. was laughing a lot and I
I was not in the country. just passed away.
It was a emotional time, • I was recognized in
• Doctors said my blood
but my incredible some countries for pressure was ok, and I
husband were there to my incredible job died due to Sudden
support me. and I felt satisfied. unexpected death in
epilepsy (SUDEP).


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