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Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Municipality of Naujan
Volume I – Situational Analysis


1.1 Purpose of the Plan

This Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) provides direction to the socio-
economic and physical growth of Naujan within the next 10 years (2001-2010).
The CLUP takes into account the municipality’s location, its economic
development potentials, community goals and aspirations, and its financial and
human resource capability. This is supported by sectoral plans, programs and
projects as well as the necessary administrative and financial arrangements.

1.2 Consultation and Liaison

The CLUP is a product of an extensive data collection and consultative process.

Primary and secondary data essential to analyzing the existing situation in
Naujan were gathered. A series of ocular inspections and appraisal of critical
areas were performed in the lowland, upland and coastal barangays. Informal
interviews were also conducted with the Municipal Department Heads and other
members of the Technical Working Group (TWG).

Multi-Sectoral Consultations, through a series of District-Level Consultations,

Visioning and Strategy Formulation Workshops were also conducted. Detailed
environmental scanning validated information culled from previously written

The series of District Consultations were conducted from June 6 to 8, 2000 where
baseline information at the barangay level was gathered. The sessions focused
on the validation of available data, identification of key issues and the
enumeration of an initial list of projects. Two Multi-Sectoral workshops were also
held. The Visioning Workshop served as the venue for defining the community’s
desired direction. The Strategy Formulation Workshop, on the other hand,
detailed the steps that the community wants to take to achieve the vision as well
as over-all goals and objectives. The municipal Technical Working Group (TWG)
was also consulted in the preparation of programs and projects.

1.3 Report Structure

Volume One: Situation Analysis Report consists of the environmental concerns,

the structure and the growth of the population and the local economy. A study on
the present educational, cultural and health conditions and facilities is also
presented in this volume. Infrastructure and utilities, and the review of the
existing organizational structure and financial performance complete this volume.

Volume Two: Comprehensive Land Use Plan presents the overall and sectoral
development plans. The Economic Development Plan is divided into Agriculture,
Trade and Industry and Tourism sections. The Social Development, Land Use,
Infrastructure and Utilities, Environmental Management and Development
Administration Plans are also presented.

Volume Three presents the Local Development Investment Program (LDIP).

Volume Four presents the Zoning Ordinance.


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