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Constructive Feedback

Do You Fail To Address Performance Issues?

If you are aspiring to become a truly effective leader, then introspection will help you
identify areas that you need to work on and improve.
Do you sometimes fail to address brewing poor performance or unacceptable behaviour?
If so, why? What holds you back?
Recognizing your pitfalls is a great first step. Coming up with an action plan to rid
yourself of these stumbling blocks is step 2. It goes without saying, then the next step is to
take action to overcome your stumbling blocks.

Here’s an exercise you may like to do:

Check through the list immediately below and ask yourself whether you fall into any of
these categories. If so, tick the box.
 Inexperienced
 Doesn’t know how to provide feedback
 Lack of confidence
 Wants to be one of the gang
 Afraid of conflict
 Fear of failure
 Fear of the problem escalating
 Employee resentment
 It didn’t work in the past
 Ignore the issue – it will go away
 Personal friendship
 Employee deceives manager
 Lack of time
How did you go? Did you tick any boxes? How many boxes did you tick? ____________

Give some thought to the stumbling blocks you ticked. Can you work on overcoming them?
Your course of action could be very diverse; for example, if ‘personal friendship with staff
member’ is one of your issues, working on this challenge would require a totally different
approach to working on ‘lack of time’.

Assuming you have ticked one or more boxes, write down the stumbling block/s that you can
work at overcoming. I have given you the option of working on a maximum of 3; the more
you choose the more diluted your efforts will be. Choosing just one may be a sensible start.

1. ___________________________________
2. ___________________________________
3. ___________________________________

Once you have decided which stumbling block you most need to work on removing, you next
need to plan your ‘goal setting’, in other words, what do you need to do to eliminate it from
your pitfall list.

Goal setting and goal getting is not the focus of this training, so in case you wish to enlist the
guidance of a course, I have one on Udemy that covers this topic in detail, and it is called:
“Succeeding In Life – A Step By Step Blueprint”.

To be a great leader, coaching and guiding your staff is one of the key skills you need to
possess. Developing the right skills may take effort, time and patience, for which you will be
well rewarded.

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