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8/12/2020 Wednesday 3. BTr - keepers of funds

diff objectives between private and govt - financial managers of the PH (find
companies ways to generate passive income)

P: for profit - under Dept. of Finance

G: non profit Mandates:

GAM for NGAS - standards for Govt 1. assist in formulation of policies

Definition of GA - in State Audit Code of 2. formulate

the PH 3. maintain BoA of cash transactions
- similarly defined w acctg 4. manage cash transactions, collect
- "involving transactions " taxes, control & service public debt

- for disposition of public infrastructure

Government Agencies - maintains a
complete set of acctg books
PD no. 1445 - signed by Pres. Marcos
- taxes are part of the country's equity
GAM for NGAs - promulgated to
-other receipts and revenues of the govt: harmonize govt acctg standards with
donations from other countries IPSAS
-plans first before disbursing budgets (based on IFRSs)

4 offices responsible for GA Intl Org of Supreme Audit Institution

responsibilities (INTOSAI) - implements Intl standards
1. COA - keeping the books of accts of for GAcctg
all govt entities - members should adapt IPSAS (Intl
- visit website and find the auditing Public Sector Acctg Standards)
reports of your LGU
2. DBM - responsible for creating the SEARCH!!
national budget
Chairperson: Michael G. Aguinaldo
- implementation of natl budget ->from
Preparation to Accountability phase Commissioner: Roland Cafe Pondoc

- release the diff allocation and DBM secretary: Wendel E. Avisado

appropriations of NGAs budget National Treasurer: Rosalia V. De Leon
8/14/2020 Friday * also Modified basis (both cash and
ppt slide 11
-Budget basis for presentation of budget
info in FS
GAM - compilation of all public sector
- uses the Revised Chart of Accts
acctg standards
- Double Entry of bookkeeping
- promulgated to harmonize GA
standards with IPSAS - FS based on acctg and budgetary
- Fund cluster Acctg
IPSASB - creates the GA standards
- general in approach
FUND CLUSTERS - recordings of diff
uses of funds in GAs
>> What if a government agency
01 – Reg. Agency Fund (only 4:
personal, capital outlay, maintenance &
It is allowed!! as long as it can be other operating exp., financial)
justified by the agency
02 - Foreign Assisted Projects
Fund - donations from other

GAM Coverage: 03 - Special Acct - Locally

Funded/ Domestic Grants Fund
Volume 1 - acctg policies, guidelines,
procedure on how it to use 04 - Special Acct – Foreign
Funded/ Foreign Grants Fund
Volume 2 - Acctg books (journal,
ledger, etc), registries, records, forms 05 - from operations of GAs -
and reports revenues i.e. payment of claiming of
Birth Certs, Driver's license fee
Volume 3 - Revised Chart of Accounts
06 - Business Related Funds
>> Do diff GAs have the same Chart of
Accounts? YES! 07 - Trust Receipts

Basic Acctg and Budger Reporting QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS of


- GAAP in accordance w PPSAS - Understandability

- Accrual basis of acctg (recorded when - Relevance

- Materiality (threshold)
* BIR is cash basis
- Reliability = Faithful Representation THE BUDGET PROCESS
- Comparability
Intercomp - one acct to another General Acctg Plan - acctg cycles and
acct of GA rules that NGAs adapts for diff
Intracomp - within the same GA
- Substance Over Form
National Budget
*form over substance in reality??
- estimate of the sources and uses of
govt funds within a fiscal yr
- key instrument for promoting its
and Principles
socioeconomic objectives
- Fair presentation in accord. w PPSAS
- Going Concern
Types of Govt Budget:
- Consistency of Presentation
Accdg to Law:
- Materiality and Aggregation
1. Annual / General Budget - most
- Offsetting - not allowed in general comprehensive bc it entails all sectors of
accts Govt

- Comparative Information - minimum of - made by Congress

2 yrs

a. General Appropriation Act -

COMPONENTS OF GENERAL source of law pertaining to General

1. Statement of Financial Position - Bal

2. Supplemental Budget - an addition
2. Statement of Income statement to Annual budget

3. Statement of Changes in Equity - if GB needs additional

4. Statement of Cash flows i.e. emergency funds, COVID funds

5. Statement of Comparison of Budget

and Actual Amounts
b. Supplemental Appropriation
6. Notes to FS Act - i.e. Bayanihan Act

> Surplus instead of Net Profit

> Deficit instead of Loss
3. Special Budget - to be spent on the Wed 0826
creation of a certain/new govt agency

The PH Budget Cycle

c. Special Appropriation Act -
Accdg to Basis:
1. Preparation
1. Line- item budget - typical budget
a. Budget Call - each NA must submit
target programs and budget
- based on previous period's budget,
Probable sources of fund - from the
modifying to a current one
surplus budget that they had the
* objects of expenditures previous year
2. Performance Budget - in terms of - borrow from other countries or World
the performance of the agency Bank
- measured quantitatively
- focused on performance, not b. Stakeholder Engagement - each NA
objects of expenditures must look into the needs of the poorest
areas of the country
- only necessary for the
objectives of the NGA so that they could include it in the

Accdg to Approach and Technique:

c. Technical Budget Hearing - each
1. Incremental Budgeting - increasing
NA will defend the validity of their
a certain amt from the prior year
budget proposals in front of DBM
- benchmarking from last year
- the budget may increase or
2. Zero-based Budget - do not look decrease in this process
- start as if there was no
d. Executive Review - the Executive
comparison to previous budget
Review Board will deliberate the
~ actual budgeting approved budgets and prioritize them
- still under DBM


e. Consolidation, Validation, and
Expected revenue = expected expenses Confirmation - will all put into National
Expenditure Program
- will then called General
Appropriation Bill (GAB)
f. Presentation to the President and
Cabinet - during the cabinet meeting - will then be signed/vetoed by
the President
- if approved, DBM will prepare
and finalize docs to be submitted to * cannot be full vetoed by the Pres
Congress since the govt cannot operate wo the
* only partial veto or line-vetoed is
g. President's Budget -
> PBM - explains policy
* if approved, it will be called (GAA)
General Appropriation Act
> BESF - what programs and
what probable source of fund
d. Ratification and Enrollment
> NEP - budget for each proj
e. The Veto Message
> Details to Selected Programs
and Projects f. Reenactment

2. Legislation - on the day of SONA, 3. Execution - implementation of GAA

the President will submit the PB to the
- by the Executive Dept
* Aug - Oct - House Deliberation:
a. Release Guidelines and Program
- House Committee on
Appropriation - analysis of the budget b. Budget Execution Docs (BEDs) -
consists of 4 docs:
- Senate Comm. on Finance -
analysis of the budget > Physical and Financial Plan
> Monthly Cash Program
a. House Deliberation - until Oct > Estimate of Monthly Income -
contains the monthly expenses and
b. Senate Deliberation - Sept
revenue of the proj
c. Bicameral Deliberations - will
> List of Obligations that are not
discuss, consolidate, and harmonize
yet due and demandable -
conflicting provisions of both
deliberations - these docs outline agency plans
and performance targets
- Before December
- Bicameral Conference Comm.
- Cash Release Program (CRP)
- to set a guide for disbursement levels

Wed 0902
Allotment Release Order Documents:
1. GAARD - comprehensive
Budget Execution -
release of the funds
a. Release Guidelines & Program
- contains the NGA
Appropriation - legislation of a budget individual budgets

Allotment - permission given by DBM to - per-item basis

the NGA so that they can enter into a
2. SARO - lump sum release of
money for a specific project of each
Allocation - manner in which the NGA agency
has been notified by DBM for the
3. GARO - by-category basis
release of the budget
d. Allotment Release (SAROs)
- first journal entry (when NCA
is received) e. Incurring Obligations - obligations
are liabilities legally incurred which the
govt will pay for
b. Budget Execution Documents (BEDs)
f. The GAA as Allotment Release
- Physical Plan - expected
g. Cash Allocation - to authorize an
physical output of the NGA
agency to pay obligations it incurs
- Financial Plan - monetary value
- DBM issues a disbursement
associated w the PP
- Monthly Cash Program - how
Disbursement Authorities:
much should be disbursed each month
1. NCA - most common type of
- List of Obligations that are not
disbursement authority given by DBM to
yet due and demandable
> listing of all liabs and
Dr. Cash-MDS, Regular
Cr. Subsidy Income from NG
c. Allotment & Cash Release
Programming 2. NCAA - to authorize non-cash
- Allotment Release Program
(ARP) - to set a limit for allotments 3. CDC - for depts w overseas
issued operations
4. NTA – for regional and
operating units

Dr. Cash in Bank - Foreign Currency

Fri 0904 (Current/Savings Acct)
Cr. Cash-collecting Officers
(to recog. deposit of collection to
NCA - max amt of withdrawal authorized bank)

FSPs (Foreign Service Posts)

Dr. Cash - MDS, Regular Dr. Cash-Constructive Income
Cr. Subsidy from Natl Govt Remittance
Cr. Subsidy Income from
Natl Government
NCAA - for non-cash transactions - to recog receipt of CDC from
(loans/grants) DBM

- liquidation of actual obligations

Dr. Quarter Allowances
Agency Books: Dr. Rent
Cr. Cash in Bank –Foreign
Dr. Comm. Equipment Currency
Cr. A/P (to recog. payment of expenses charged
to CDC)
Dr. A/P
Cr. Subsidy from NG BTR
Dr. Sub to NGA
BTR Books: Cr. CC remit

Dr. Subsidy to NGAs !! No money shall be disbursed by any

NGAs unless there is authority to
Dr. Loans Payable - Foreign
disburse from DBM!!

CDC - for foreign operations of Foreign

NTA - issued by Central office to other
Service Posts (DFA and DOLE)
regional/operating units

h. Disbursement - final step, monies
Dr. Cash-Collecting Officers are actually spent
Cr. Passport and VISA fees
(to recog coll. Of income)
> Modified Disbursement Dr. A/p
Scheme – disbursements are Cr. Cash
chargeable against Treasury
Dr. A/R 200,000
BTR Cr. Sales 176,000
Cr. Output Vat 24,000
Dr. Subsidy
Cr. Cash NGA:
4. Budget Accountability - process of
checking and verifying whether the Dr. Office Supplies 200,000
executed budget was disbursed accdg Cr. A/P 200,000
to the law
- fidelity and honesty Dr. A/P 180,000
Cr. due to BIR 10,000
a. Performance and Target outcomes Cr.Cash-MDS, Reg 170,000
b. BARs Seller
Dr. A/R 170,000
c. No report, no release – MPBF Cr. Sales 170,000
Miscellaneous Personal Benefits Fund
- semester basis - biannual j.
(every 6mos) w/ no TRA advice

d. Review of Agency Performance – Dr. Due to BIR

Budget Performance Assessment Cr. Cash
Review (BPAR)
e. Audit - COA Dr. Cash
Cr. Subsidy
f. Performance-Based Incentive
system if problem is silent, use w TRA advice

Fri 0911
l. accrued revenue
Practice Exercise:
i. m.
Private Entity:
Dr. Office Supplies Dr. Subsidy 305,000
Cr. A/P Cr. Cash-MDS, Reg. 305,000

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