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TANGGAL : 18-02-2020



Daftar Hasil Studi Mahasiswa

Academic Achievement Record

NIM Periode : Genap - 2016/2017

: 41916010046
Student Identification Number Period Second Semester - 2016/2017
Nama Fakultas : Desain dan Seni Kreatif
Name of Student Faculty Design and Creative Art
Semester Program Studi : Desain Produk
Semester Department Product Design

Nilai Nilai Sks x
Nilai Nilai
Sks Lain- UTS Bobot Bobot
Nomor Kode Mata Kuliah Absensi UAS Huruf
Course lain Mid Grade Course
Number Code Subject Attendance Final Letter
Credit Others Term Point Credit x
Exam Grade
Exam Value Weight
1. 19009 KOMPUTER DESAIN 3 DIMENSI 3 100.00 85.00/ 80.00 85.00 A 4.00 12
Computer Three-dimensional Design
2. 19010 TEORI DASAR DAN PRAKTIK FOTOGRAFI 3 100.00 80.00/ 80.00 90.00 A 4.00 12
Basic Photography
3. 19046 DASAR-DASAR DESAIN 2 3 100.00 75.00/ 75.00 85.00 A 4.00 12
Design Basics 2
4. 19047 TIPOGRAFI APLIKATIF 3 93.00 85.00/ 95.00 90.00 A 4.00 12
Applicative Typography
5. 19048 MENGGAMBAR TEKNIK 3 100.00 75.00/ 73.00 75.00 B+ 3.50 10.5
Technical Drawing
6. 81003 TEKNIK PRESENTASI 3 92.00 80.00/ 75.00 80.00 A 4.00 12
Presentation Technique
7. 90003 KEWARGANEGARAAN 2 100.00 80.00/ 85.00 85.00 A 4.00 8
Jumlah/Total : 20 27.5 78.5
Index Prestasi Semester/Grade Point Average = 3.93

Beban Studi Semester yad : 24 Sks

Semester Study load that will be taken : 24 Sks
Apabila ada kesalahan input data UTS Semester GENAP 2016/2017 dapat dikonfirmasi mulai : - s.d -.
Input error of Mid term Exam of the second semester 2016/2017 can be confirmed on - to -
Dan data UAS Semester GENAP 2016/2017 dapat dikonfirmasi mulai : - s.d -.
And Final Exam data of the second semester 2016/2017 can be confirmed on - to -

Batas akhir masa studi Anda semester genap 2021 / 2022

The deadline of your study period is the second semester 2021 / 2022
Catatan / Note :
Sks Satuan Kredit Semester
Course Credit
Absensi Prosentase kehadiran kuliah MENGETAHUI / APPROVAL,
Attendance Attendance Percentage
Tugas dan Nilai Tugas/Praktikum
Praktikum Assignment/ Practice Score
and Practice
Absensi < 69 dan/atau tidak ikut UTS/UAS nilai E ------------------------------------------------------
Attendance < 69 and/or did not participate in Mid/ Final Exams will get E score
Nilai E/Gugur dihitung dalam IPS
E Score/Failed is calculated in Semester Grade Point Average

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