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W HE R E HE LE A D S 2 011
JANUARY 29, 2011

Praise and Prayer

 Praise God for 2010 and
for all that He taught me Happy New Year from Australia! year’s team and Stacey, an to continue to supply Aussie-
last year I am so thankful for all of your American from Washington also isms, though I may not have
prayers and financial gifts. God on last year’s team. Ryan is the enough to last the year.
 Continue to pray for
was so good to me in 2010, lone new STINTer. Kara is also
Queensland as it cleans New Website
and taught me so many things returning from last year, making
up after massive flooding
about Himself, ministry, other a total of 5. We are young and I have launched a new blog at
from earlier this month
people, and myself. My first inexperienced but that is just This blog will
 Pray for our team plan- year in Newcastle brought many the kind of people God uses to serve as my official ministry
ning retreat Feb 6-10 ups and downs in ministry. change the world. We are trust- website, and if I do say so my-
Some highlights were planning ing Him to continue to launch a self, it’s pretty cool. Please
 Pray for the Student
a successful Celebration/Vision spiritual movement here at the check it out. You’ll find a lot
Planning Retreat with our
Night in October and seeing 6 University of Newcastle. more information on there
Movement Builder Stu-
students sign our Movement about what I am doing, more
dents Feb 18-19 New Look
Builder Agreement and become information than you will find
 Pray for our new team leaders for 2011. A few low
As you have probably noticed, I anywhere else. All my newslet-
and Nick and Stacey our changed the look of my news- ters will be posted there among
points included realizing just
new leaders letter. Hopefully you like it (I’m other useful pieces of infor-
how apathetic Australians are
not sure if I do yet). I will contin- mation.
toward spiritual things and the
Aussie-isms ue to try and update you month-
several trips I took to the ER in
“Fortnight”: Every 2 weeks; ly. Feel free to subscribe to my
July for some health problems.
Ok, so not necessarily Australi- newsletter via email if you like
But God is still God and He is
an, but they use it all the time (just send me an email at
moving here in Newcastle. This
“Pinched”: stolen Also,
year should be exciting as we
have new team leaders, Nick, feel free just to email me any
“Fizzy Drink”: Pop, soda
questions or comments regard-
an Aussie returning from last
ing anything Australia. I will try
Team at a training time in Sydney
with Amanda (far left). Kara, me,

Things have seemed to calm the devastation. Most things clean-up efforts and for the
down on the floods here in Aus- seemed normal on the surface, people who were affected by
tralia. They were mainly isolated though places like the Universi- the flood. Pray that God works
to Queensland, though most of ty of Queensland (UQ) and all over Australia through this
CONTACT INFO that state was affected. We some neighborhoods were devastation to bring this coun-
spent a week just above Bris- largely underwater the week try to its knees.
Address: 29 Compton St. bane on the Sunshine Coast for before. Some of us helped
Just so it is clear, I live nowhere
North Lambton, NSW 2299 a Student Life’s annual mis- clean some things up at UQ and
near the affected areas. I live
Phone: 406-551-4744 sionary conference called Nex- another group helped clean out
about 10 hours drive south of
Email: us. One day we all went into a large Asian food warehouse.
Queensland and on the top of a
Blog: the city to help clean up after Please continue to pray for the
gigantic hill, so flooding should-
n’t be an issue.

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