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Earth-Science Reviews 196 (2019) 102871

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Landslides and Quaternary climate changes—The state of the art T

Tomáš Pánek

Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Faculty of Science, University of Ostrava, Chittussiho 10, Ostrava 710 00, Czech Republic


Keywords: Climatic factors are considered major causes and triggers of slope instability, but the palaeoclimatic implications
Landslides of landslides have not yet been systematically reviewed. As inferred from landslides dated to the Late Glacial and
Slope stability Holocene, glacial-interglacial transitions are the major intervals of enhanced landsliding, but the length of this
Dating interval varies between distinct types of landscapes. Mass movements in non-glaciated temperate mountain
Glacial-interglacial cycle
ranges, arid and tropical regions, and coastal areas intensified soon after the onset of the Holocene alongside the
Climate changes
warming and wetting of the climate, whereas large rock slides in areas within the limits of Pleistocene glacia-
tions mostly show a millennial-scale time lag with respect to glacier withdrawal. Although the incidence of
landslides was ubiquitous throughout the Holocene, the mid- to late-Holocene transition (~5–4 ka) was espe-
cially favourable for the origin of landslides across distinct types of landscapes, indicating a strengthened role of
mass movements during the culmination phases of interglacial climate optima. In addition, growing evidence
suggests that the enhanced activity of landslides occurred during warmer interstadial conditions, which is best
demonstrated in the temporal coincidence of arid-zone landslides with Quaternary “pluvials”. Future progress in
the understanding of the relationships between landslides and Quaternary climate changes should benefit from
the i) extension of datasets of dated landslides, ii) geographical expansion of dating studies to regions with a lack
of chronologically determined landslides (e.g., tropics), iii) improvement of landslide-dating strategies involving
the incorporation of independent palaeoclimatic proxies and iv) wider incorporation of numerical modeling
within landslide-dating studies.

1. Introduction greater in the long-term Quaternary palaeoenvironmental context (Korup

et al., 2011).
Landslides produce some of the most widespread Quaternary landforms Recently, a growing number of studies have linked the temporal
and deposits. Additionally, landslides represent major natural hazards occurrence of landslides with Quaternary climate changes of various
(Petley, 2012) and efficient geomorphological processes that contribute to duration (i.e., from orbital to centennial timescales; Soldati et al., 2004;
global sediment flux from land to the sea (Korup, 2012). Although tradi- Bookhagen et al., 2005; Margielewski, 2006; Dortch et al., 2009;
tionally reported from mountain areas (Korup et al., 2007) and volcanic Borgatti and Soldati, 2010; Zerathe et al., 2014; Johnson et al., 2017;
edifices (Ponomareva et al., 2006), large landslides are also common in Březný et al., 2018). However, using landslides in a palaeoclimatic
mountain foothills (e.g. Philip and Ritz, 1999), dissected tablelands (e.g. context is more challenging compared to other landforms that are fre-
Castleton et al., 2016) and coastal regions (e.g. Pánek et al., 2016a). Failure quently used as geomorphological evidence of Quaternary environ-
scars and debris piles that are related to terrestrial landslides might persist in mental changes (e.g., moraines, river terraces, dunes or sea/lake shor-
landscapes over 103–106 years, depending on the climate and tectonic set- elines; Lowe and Walker, 2015). The origin of landslides might be
tings (Clague, 2015). Although climatic and accompanying hydrological connected with a complex suite of causes and triggers that involve
and ecological factors are unequivocally some of the most important drivers climatic factors, intrinsic changes within the rock mass, seismic activity
of mass movements (Selby, 1993; Sidle and Ochiai, 2013), mechanisms by and anthropogenic effects (McColl, 2015). Furthermore, a limited
which climate changes stimulate landslides are far from well known (Korup number of chronologically constrained landslides exist, and only a few
et al., 2011). Many unanswered questions exist regarding the effects of regions involve extensive time series of dated landslide events (e.g.,
contemporary climate change on the magnitude and frequency of landslides Whitehouse, 1983; Prager et al., 2008; Pánek et al., 2013; Starkel et al.,
(Crozier, 2010; Gariano and Guzzetti, 2016), but uncertainties regarding 2013; Ballantyne et al., 2014; Yuan et al., 2013; Booth et al., 2017;
how altered precipitation and temperature regimes affect slope stability are Hermanns et al., 2017; Fig. 1). As a demonstration of this drawback,

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Received 30 January 2019; Received in revised form 27 May 2019; Accepted 27 May 2019
Available online 29 May 2019
0012-8252/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T. Pánek Earth-Science Reviews 196 (2019) 102871

(caption on next page)

T. Pánek Earth-Science Reviews 196 (2019) 102871

Fig. 1. Distribution of dated landslides (n = 1248). A. Worldwide context. Climate-related landslides (n = 831) are those whose origin was at least partially in-
terpreted in terms of climate forcing. B. Main characteristics of more extensive regional datasets of dated landslides (“n” denotes the number of dated landslides in a
particular region).

the > 1800 absolute-dating entries for glacial landforms and deposits
solely from the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen (Owen and Dortch, 2014)
significantly exceed the number of all landslides (> 1200), which have
been hitherto dated throughout the world (Pánek, 2015).
This study provides the first comprehensive state-of-the-art review
of the current knowledge regarding how past climate changes affected
terrestrial landslides in the Quaternary context. A substantial number of
recent papers have examined the slope-stability implications of con-
temporary climate change and global warming but only marginally
discussed the palaeoenvironmental record to infer the effect of climate
change on landslide activity (Crozier, 2010; Huggel et al., 2012;
Gariano and Guzzetti, 2016). Therefore, the main concern of this re-
view is to evaluate the palaeoclimatic implications of terrestrial land-
slides on timescales of ≥102 years, i.e., with a particular focus on an-
cient mass movements that are mostly datable by radiometric and
chronostratigraphic techniques. This study builds and expands on ear-
lier studies by Matthews et al. (1997); Dikau and Schrott (1999),
Borgatti et al. (2001), Borgatti and Soldati (2002, 2013) and Gariano
and Guzzetti (2016), who introduced the role of ancient landslides as
palaeo-evidence of climate change.
This study focuses on large (≥106 m3) landslides and uses > 1200
hitherto dated landslides across the globe to i) provide the first as-
sessment of the world's landslide chronology and discuss the possible
connections between the hitherto dated landslides and Quaternary
climate changes, ii) present the temporal behaviour and palaeoclimatic
context of Quaternary landslides in diverse types of landscapes, and iii)
discuss the role of landslides in the (last) glacial-interglacial cycle.
Rather than a comprehensive meta-analysis of existing landslide time
series, which are still too limited and thus challenging for sophisticated
statistical treatment (Korup et al., 2011), we summarize the original
authors' ideas regarding possible climatic influences on the studied
landslides, present regional differences in potential climate signals
within catalogues of dated landslides, and define research gaps and
future lines of work to the scientific community concerning the in-
tegration of the landslide topic with Quaternary science.

2. Background

Climatic factors represent some of the most important causes and

triggers of mass movements and, in most cases, have been used to ex-
plain the temporal occurrence of ancient landslides (Fig. 2A). However,
precipitation and temperature variabilities alongside related environ-
mental changes affect the resisting and driving forces that act on hill-
slopes in a complex manner (Crozier, 2010; Sidle and Bogaard, 2016).
The effect of past climate changes on landslide occurrence is therefore
challenging to evaluate because of the i) complex tectonic, climatic, and
anthropogenic array that influences slope stability and ii) low temporal
resolution and limited size of catalogues of dated landslides, which
often lack independent comparative palaeoclimatic proxies (Dikau and
Schrott, 1999). Processes that are related to climate change might act as
both preparatory factors (e.g., an increase in the precipitation total
lowering rock-mass strength by weathering) and triggers (e.g., more
frequent heavy rainfall transiently increasing pore-water pressures). Fig. 2. Database of dated landslides (n = 1248) and related literature (n = 331
Simultaneously, climate variables influence slope stability on various studies) that were published between 1969 and 2018. A. Literature that focused
spatial and temporal scales. Dikau and Schrott (1999) emphasized that on landslide dating with the interpretation of possible landslide triggers. The
the same past climatic conditions in the Holocene led to both an in- number of landslide-dating studies per year and cumulative number of studies
crease and inhibition of landslide activity in distinct European regions is presented by blue bars and the solid blue line, respectively. B. Dated land-
and that various types of landslides reacted differently to similar cli- slides per year are marked with red bars, and the solid red line shows the cu-
matic inputs. mulative number of dated landslides. (For interpretation of the references to
The implications of climate changes on slope-stability responses colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this
were thoroughly discussed in other papers (Crozier, 2010; Borgatti and article.)

T. Pánek Earth-Science Reviews 196 (2019) 102871

Table 1
Reported changes in climatic factors that were responsible for the increase in landslide incidence in the Quaternary palaeoenvironmental context (partly based on
Crozier, 2010 and Gariano and Guzzetti, 2016).
Change in climatic factor Examples of consequences Landslide response/type of landslides Study

Increased precipitation total Higher water table during “humid Deep-seated landslides due to gradual reduction of shear Bertolini et al. (2004); Margielewski (2006);
periods”. strength. Pánek et al. (2013); Starkel et al. (2013);
Higher lake levels and increased Various types of landslides originate due to wet antecedent Sewell et al. (2015)
discharge in streams. conditions.

Decreased precipitation Deforestation and vegetation Discrete high-magnitude rainfalls acting on desiccated Nott et al. (2001); Sewell et al. (2015)
total decay. landscape.
Especially shallow landslides and debris flows.

Increased frequency of Rapid build-up of perched water Transitional increase of pore-water pressures. Scott Eaton et al. (2003); Matthews et al.
extreme rainfalls tables. Increased through flow and Especially shallow landslides and debris flows. (2009); Johnson et al. (2017)
surface runoff.

Increase in air temperature Deglaciation Debutressing of rock slopes, accumulation of thick piles of Blikra et al. (2006); Ballantyne et al. (2014);
unstable deposits (moraines etc), collapses of moraine/ice- Pánek et al. (2016b); Gallach et al. (2018);
dammed lakes, lost of cohesion due to interstitial ice melt, Hilger et al. (2018); Böhme et al. (2019)
reduction of the shear strength of ice-filled clefts.
Permafrost degradation Rock avalanches, rock falls, retrogressive thaw slumps etc.

Decrease in air temperature Higher accumulation of winter Water saturation due to seasonal snowmelt. Bertolini et al. (2004); McIntosh and Barrows
snow. Various types of landslides, earth flows etc. (2011); Slee et al. (2017)

Change in circulation Enhancing of Asian summer Arid areas previously unaffected subject to higher rainfall. Busche (2001); Keefer et al. (2003); Trauth
patterns monsoon. et al. (2003); Bookhagen et al. (2005)
Pluvial periods in Northern Africa
and Middle East.
El Niño Southern Oscillation Various types of landslides involving rock avalanches, rock
Tropical Atlantic Sea wet periods. slides, rotational slides, spreads etc.

Soldati, 2013; Gariano and Guzzetti, 2016), so their detailed treatment Crosta et al., 2013; Coquin et al., 2015; Safran et al., 2015). Thus, we
is outside the scope of this study. Table 1 summarizes the main climate- compile a database that involves 1248 hitherto dated terrestrial land-
change parameters and their effects, which have been hitherto dis- slides (Fig. 2B), from which 831 landslides were related to climatic
cussed in relation to palaeolandslide origins. Here, we consider climate forcing, or at least where climate acted as one contributing factor. The
change in its broadest sense, including direct and indirect environ- number of dated landslides does not reflect individual mass movements
mental consequences. As such, we also consider as climate-triggered that were reconstructed from minerogenic deposits within lakes and
palaeolandslides those that are related to paraglacial processes (see mires (e.g., Matthews et al., 2009), although these studies are con-
Ballantyne, 2002), which involve seismicity accompanying the release sidered in this review. Offshore turbidites are considered only in the
of lithospheric stresses during and after the retreat of continental ice case of existing direct links with adjacent coastal landslides (Bøe et al.,
sheets (e.g., Ballantyne et al., 2014; Ojala et al., 2018). Similarly, we 2003, 2004). Although the gathered dataset is probably not complete
include all landslides that are related to past cryosphere dynamics (e.g., and some dated landslides that were published in local or technical
permafrost degradation), sea−/lake-level oscillations and changes in reports were likely omitted, we believe that this database involves a
vegetation cover that were linked to climate variability (Table 1). substantial number of dated landslides that have been published since
To ensure compatibility with other studies, the terminology of the 1990s (Fig. 2B). Chronological data are presented throughout this
landslide types follows the widely accepted classification of Cruden and study in their original published form, without recalibration or the use
Varnes (1996), which was recently updated by Hungr et al. (2014). For of new updated scaling models.
generalization, we sometimes use terms beyond classical mass move- The obtained dataset is strongly geographically biased, with > 50%
ment types, but these terms are familiar to researchers that work in the of the landslides dated in Europe but only a negligible fraction (< 5%)
area of landslide science. In particular, rock-slope failure (RSF) is an of chronologically constrained landslides from Africa, Australasia and
umbrella term for massive rock slides, rock avalanches and rock falls the tropical areas of South America (Figs. 1 and 3). This fact creates
(Jarman, 2006), and deep-seated gravitational slope deformations gaps in our understanding of landslides and their palaeoclimate con-
(DSGSDs) encompass short-displacement, rather prolonged deforma- trols in low-latitude areas (Thomas, 2004). The asymmetric distribution
tions of high-relief hillslopes (Agliardi et al., 2001). also reveals the contribution from individual landslide types,
where > 90% of the dated landslides comprise flows (40%, especially
3. Dataset debris flows and earth flows), slides (33%, mainly rock slides, rotational
and translational slides) and rock avalanches (22%; Fig. 3). Other types
3.1. Literature review of mass movements, such as deep-seated gravitational slope deforma-
tions (DSGSDs or mountain/rock slope deformations; Hungr et al.,
We perform an extensive literature review based on > 330 mostly 2014), rock falls and topples, comprise only a few percent of the dated
cases (Fig. 3). This phenomenon is generally related to the relative ease
peer-reviewed publications to summarize recent views on the climatic
control of Quaternary landslides. Nearly 73% of these studies explained of dating fragmented landslide bodies (e.g., debris flows, earth flows,
and rock avalanches) by radiocarbon (14C) or terrestrial cosmogenic
the temporal occurrence of landslides as the direct effects of pre-
nuclide (TCN) techniques, which are by far the most common methods
cipitation and temperature changes or alternatively related processes,
for determining landslide ages (Fig. 3). On the contrary, block-type
such as deglaciation, sea-level oscillations or vegetation changes. We
emplacements (e.g., DSGSDs, rock spreading and topples) require only
focus on studies that involved the absolute dating of landslides
the application of novel dating strategies, for instance, the TCN dating
(n = 331; see Fig. 2A and Supplementary material Table S1) alongside
of exposed scarps (Hippolyte et al., 2009, 2012; Zerathe et al., 2014;
some articles that discussed palaeolandslides in the climatic context
Březný et al., 2018) or other rarely applicable procedures, such as
without absolute time constraints (e.g., Busche, 2001; Thomas, 2004;

T. Pánek Earth-Science Reviews 196 (2019) 102871

Fig. 3. Main characteristics of the world database of dated landslides.

U—Th dating of speleothems that infill landslide cracks or cover rear or river terraces (Schanz et al., 2018). Although this global catalogue of
scarps (Fig. 3; Pánek et al., 2009, 2018a; Zerathe and Lebourg, 2012). dated landslides might reveal potential imprints of first-order climate
changes that occurred after the Late Glacial-Holocene transition, during
3.2. Towards the world's landslide chronology the Holocene Climatic Optimum and during the late Holocene
(Mayewski et al., 2004), these signals should be considered with cau-
The number of dated landslides that have been recorded in the tion and treated separately for different types of landscapes, particular
world over Quaternary timescales is shown in Fig. 4. The vast majority landslide types and their magnitude (Crozier, 2010).
(97%) of the hitherto dated landslides span the time interval over the
last < 100 ka, from which 93% are landslides that are constrained be-
tween 0.1 and 25 ka and 79% fall within the Holocene (0.1–11.6 ka; 4. Landslides within the limits of Pleistocene glaciations
Fig. 4A, B). This observation clearly indicates strong temporal biasing
towards more recent events because of the removal of older landslides Studies that involved landslide dating have traditionally focused on
by erosion (Clague, 2015) or their overlapping by younger generations alpine regions and areas covered by continental ice sheets (Fig. 1). Full
of landslides (Bertolini, 2007; Pánek et al., 2013). Therefore, this global or partial deglaciation in these regions during the late Pleistocene-Ho-
dataset of dated landslides confirms the earlier hypothesis of Clague locene transition inducedhad widespread slope-stability consequences
(2015), who suggested that the number of dated Holocene landslides because of glacial erosion, debuttressing, sheet jointing, permafrost
reveals a progressive decrease in frequency back in time (Fig. 4B). This degradation and seismicity from glacial isostatic rebound (Ballantyne,
overall negative exponential trend is disrupted only by slight incre- 2002; McColl, 2012).
ments at ~10 ka, ~4 ka and ~2 ka (Fig. 4C), whereas the increase of Contrary to pioneering studies, which assumed that large landslides
mass movement frequency at ~10 ka is more clearly evident for large in areas that were covered by Pleistocene glaciers originated soon after
landslides with V ≥ 106 m3 (Fig. 4B). the LGM and/or Late Glacial Period ice retreat (Abele, 1969, 1974), a
Our global dataset fits earlier ideas, such that large landslides recently growing number of dated landslides from regions with well-
(> 106 m3) are less biased than smaller ones because of their better constrained ice-retreat dates (e.g., European Alps, British Islands,
preservation potential (e.g., Korup et al., 2011; Sanhueza-Pino et al., Scandinavia, Iceland, Himalayas and Southern Alps of New Zealand)
2011; Clague, 2015). Histograms that were compiled separately for two showed rather complex temporal behaviour for mass movements in the
groups of the largest landslides (≥106 m3, and ≥ 108 m3, respectively; last glacial-interglacial cycle. Some studies suggested that the para-
Fig. 4B) show a regular distribution of large events throughout the glacial phase during the Late Glacial-Holocene transition represented a
Holocene (< 10 ka). However, both size categories show a significant major slope-destabilization effect (Cossart et al., 2008; Ballantyne et al.,
decrease in the number of landslides before ~15 ka. This observation 2014; Hermanns et al., 2017; Mercier et al., 2017), while others high-
likely reflects the erosion of landslides by glaciers from the Last Glacial lighted the importance of millennial- or shorter-scale precipitation and
Maximum (LGM) because > 60% of the studied landslides are situated temperature variability (González-Díez et al., 1996; Soldati et al., 2004;
within the limits of Pleistocene glaciations. Strong trends are also Bookhagen et al., 2005; Borgatti and Soldati, 2010; Prager et al., 2008;
missing if the global dataset of chronologically determined landslides is Ivy-Ochs et al., 2017; Hilger et al., 2018). More or less evenly temporal
stratified according to the landslide types (Fig. 4C) and inferred causes distribution of postglacial landslide events in many deglaciated regions
and triggers (Fig. 4D). The proportion of individual types of landslides reveals that suitable conditions for the origin of large landslides pre-
remains similar across the last 25 ka, even though flows approximately vailed throughout the Late Glacial and Holocene. Recent findings (e.g.,
double at ~5–6 ka compared to older periods (Fig. 4C). This trend may McColl, 2012; Riva et al., 2018) indicate that i) some paraglacial pro-
indicate more suitable conditions for such slope failures since the cesses operated throughout various timescales, causing an often pro-
humid Holocene Climatic Optimum because flows require abundant nounced time lag of the landslide origin with respect to glacier dis-
water for initiation (Hungr et al., 2001). Climate forcing is ascribed to appearance, and ii) landslides reacted to many intrinsic and external
the majority of palaeolandslides throughout the last 25 ka, but without causes and triggers after deglaciation, such as rock slope fatigue, pre-
any time interval revealing a dramatic increase in climate-induced cipitation and temperature changes, seismicity, and human effects.
landslides (Fig. 4D). Somewhat controversial opinions on the role of paraglacial processes,
This compiled global database shows that the catalogue of dated postglacial climate variability and other landslide causes and triggers in
landslides is strongly biased in the last ~100 ka, which complicates the deglaciated regions are summarized in Table 2.
evaluation of the importance of landslides even in the last glacial-in- Because of geographical differences, we review areas of mountain
terglacial cycle. In this respect, the preservation potential of landslides glaciation, regions that were covered by continental ice sheets and
is much lower than that of other landforms that are traditionally used in glacier forelands. These regions often have different climatic condi-
Quaternary studies, such as glacial moraines (Owen and Dortch, 2014) tions, seismic activity and types of rocks within slope instabilities.

T. Pánek Earth-Science Reviews 196 (2019) 102871

Fig. 4. Temporal distribution of the world's dated landslides. A. All Quaternary dated landslides. B. Timing of the largest dated landslides in the last 25 ka (i.e.,
approximately since the maximum coverage of ice sheets in the last glacial-interglacial cycle). Figures C and D show all dated landslides in the last 25 ka stratified by
the type and possible triggers, respectively. Note the temporal bias of dated landslides, with progressively fewer events recorded back in time.

4.1. High mountains Despite these limitations, alpine areas provide invaluable insights to
the chronology of RSFs and their potential links to glacier retreat and
Deciphering climatic signals from alpine landslides is challenging postglacial climate variability. These relationships are best documented
because i) orogenic belts are affected by permanent tectonic strain and in the European Alps and Himalayas, which contain some of the most
associated high-magnitude earthquakes (Burbank and Anderson, 2011), extensive records of dated landslides (Fig. 5). Although both mountain
ii) high mountain slopes are strongly influenced by static and cyclic regions differ in terms of topography, tectonic activity, deglaciation
fatigue (McColl, 2015) and iii) high-relief landscapes are usually history and climate, they share some similarities with respect to post-
characterized by the highest erosion rates (Montgomery and Brandon, LGM landslide occurrence, such as i) missing or only indistinct peaks of
2002). In other words, landslides in high mountain areas are often RSF activity following post-LGM ice retreat and ii) large landslides that
triggered by non-climatic factors (Stolle et al., 2017; Roback et al., roughly originated evenly throughout the Holocene and nearly across
2018), sometimes originating without any obvious triggers (Hancox the entire altitudinal range of mountains.
et al., 1999), and their chance for survival over long periods Enhanced slope activity in the European Alps occurred at ~10–9 ka,
(> 103 years) is low (Clague, 2015). ~5–3 ka and ~2–1 ka, where the oldest cluster temporally coincides

T. Pánek

Table 2
Overview of glaciated regions where climate changes are discussed among factors that contributed to the genesis of ancient landslides.
Region/type of glaciationa Datasetb Main dating methods Age of landslides Role of paraglaciation Role of post-glacial climatic changes Main referencesc

14 10
European Alps/MG > 239; debris flows, C and Be ~114–0.2 ka; 98% post- Largely preparatory factor Early Holocene warming (~10–9 ka) and Prager et al. (2008); Borgatti and
earthflows, rock LGM, 91% Holocene Mid-to Late Holocene humid and cold phases Soldati (2010); Zerathe et al. (2014);
avalanches and rockslides, (~5–3 ka and ~2–1 ka) often cited as causes Ivy-Ochs et al. (2017)
few DSGSDs or triggers of landslides.
Some landslides attributed to seismicity.
14 10
Scandinavia/IS > 110; debris flows, C and Be ~18.8–0.1 ka; 100% Often cited as preparatory or Climatic changes at the end of the Holocene Bøe et al. (2003, 2004); Blikra et al.
debris slides and rock post-LGM, 88% triggering factor. thermal optimum responsible for ~5 ka (2006); Schleier et al. (2015, 2017);
avalanches Holocene Landslides in Finland directly landslides cluster. Hermanns et al. (2017); Hilger et al.
related to postglacial rebound- (2018); Ojala et al. (2018)
induced seismicity.
10 14
British Islands/IS > 55; rock avalanches, Be (only few C) ~17.9–0.1 ka; 100% Major factor. Landslides in Mid-to Late Holocene humid phases likely Dowell and Hutchinson (2010);
rockslides, rockfalls, few post-LGM, 51% Scotland and Northern Ireland responsible for origin of some landslides in Ballantyne and Stone (2013);
rotational slides and Holocene directly related to postglacial England. Ballantyne et al. (2014); Southall
earthflows rebound-induced seismicity. et al. (2017)
Iceland/IS > 17; rock avalanches C and ~15.97–1 ka; 100% Major preparatory and triggering Not mentioned Coquin et al. (2015); Mercier et al.
and rockslides tephrochronology post-LGM, 94% older factor. (2017)
than Preboreal

Cantabrian Mountains/MG > 23; earthflows, slides C ~44.7–0.1 ka; 87% post- Some of the major preparatory and Some landslides likely related to Early and González-Díez et al. (1996, 1999);
and few rock avalanches LGM, 52% Holocene triggering factor. Late Holocene humid phases. Rodríguez-Rodríguez et al. (2018)
Some landslides attributed to seismicity.
10 14
Himalayas/MGd > 66; rock avalanches, Be (few C and OSL) ~122–0.5 ka; 80% post- Seldom mentioned. Landslides originated during ~29.9–24 ka Bookhagen et al. (2005); Dortch et al.
rockslides and debris flows LGM, and ~9–4 ka intervals attributed by some (2009); Yuan et al. (2013)
68% Holocene authors to intensified monsoon phases.
Landslides largely attributed to seismicity
Central Andes-Cerro > 22; rock avalanches, Cl (few 14C and ~192–4.1 ka; 59% post- Major factor for landslides situated Not mentioned Fauqué et al. (2009); Hermanns and
Acocangua region/MG rockslides tephrochronology) LGM, 32% Holocene within deeply incised deglaciated Longva (2012); Moreiras et al. (2015)
Tatra Mts (Carpathians)/ MG > 14; DSGSDs, rockfalls, Be ~20.2–4.4 ka; 100% Both preparatory and triggering Possible connection with humid phases Pánek et al. (2016b, 2017)
rock avalanches post-LGM, 43% factor. Bølling–Allerød chronozone and Mid-
Holocene Holocene Climatic Optimum
San Juan Mountains > 7; rockslides Cl, 14C, soil ~14–2 ka; 100% post- Preparatory factor. Landslides related to short-term weather Johnson et al. (2017)
(Colorado, New development LGM, 57% Holocene events.
Mexico)/ MG

MG – mountain glaciation, ice cap, IS – ice sheet.
Involving dated reactivations of individual landslides.
Mainly papers presenting large datasets of dated landslides and review papers involving data from other authors.
Including whole Himalayan-Tibetan orogen.
Earth-Science Reviews 196 (2019) 102871
T. Pánek Earth-Science Reviews 196 (2019) 102871

Fig. 5. Timing of dated post-LGM landslides in the European Alps (A; Prager et al., 2008; Ivy-Ochs et al., 2017 and references therein) and the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen (B;
Chen et al., 2013; Yuan et al., 2013; Peng et al., 2018 and references therein) related to selected topographical and environmental characteristics. The upper plots show large
RSFs (rock avalanches and rock slides with ≥106 m3) with known volume and scar elevation, the lower plots denote individual ages of all the dated RSFs (red points with age-
uncertainty bars), and the 1-ka binned histograms display the temporal distribution of the complete dataset of chronologically determined landslides (including flows and falls).
The major glacial advances for the European Alps and Himalayas are adopted from Ivy-Ochs et al. (2009) and Owen and Dortch (2014), respectively. The period with a
strengthened monsoon in the Himalayas was adopted from Gasse et al. (1996). For a complete list of references of landslide ages, see Supplementary material Table S1. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

with the early Holocene warming and permafrost degradation, while of large RSFs. This phenomenon was demonstrated in the contemporary
the later phases are explained by a shift to wetter and colder climatic arid NW portion of the mountain range, where rainfall advects only
conditions (Fig. 5A; Prager et al., 2008; Ivy-Ochs et al., 2017). Although during abnormal monsoon years (Bookhagen et al., 2005). Although
some landslides or their clusters were attributed to seismic triggering earthquakes represent a major trigger of Himalayan landslides
(e.g., Sanchez et al., 2010; Grämiger et al., 2016) or the direct effects of (Dunning et al., 2007; Parker et al., 2011; Stolle et al., 2017; Roback
glacial shrinking (Cossart et al., 2008), the prevailing opinion is that et al., 2018), the marked chronological coincidence between mass
landslides in the European Alps resulted from the joint effects of long- movement events and humid monsoon phases suggests that earth-
lasting preparatory processes that were related to deglaciation (e.g., quakes were more efficient destabilization agents during the wet Qua-
stress redistribution and subcritical crack growth) and Holocene cli- ternary periods (Dortch et al., 2009; Hewitt et al., 2011). Interestingly,
matic variations, which stimulated landslide activity either as causes or the occurrence of large RSFs in the Himalayas is seldom linked with
triggers (Soldati et al., 2004; Borgatti et al., 2007; Prager et al., 2008; Le glacier retreat (Shroder et al., 2011) but should be considered for at
Roux et al., 2009; Borgatti and Soldati, 2010; Ivy-Ochs et al., 2017; least some major mass movement events, given that a substantial
Schwartz et al., 2017). An open question remains regarding whether number of dated landslides follow early Holocene orogen-scale glacier
some large landslides reflect shorter, centennial-scale Holocene climatic advance (Fig. 5B; Owen and Dortch, 2014).
events. Based on high-resolution TCN dating, some studies related the Although not supported by extensive catalogues of dated landslides,
occurrence of large RSFs to a cold “8.2 ka BP event” (Ostermann et al., studies from other glaciated mountain belts confirmed complex inter-
2012) and “4.2 ka event” (Zerathe et al., 2014). play between long-term climate variability and stability of hillslopes.
In the Himalayas, the linking of ancient landslides with climate For instance, Fauqué et al. (2009) examined deeply incised valleys in
changes is more difficult because of the stronger seismicity and more the vicinity of Cerro Acocangua (Central Andes) and found that 10 large
complex chronological pattern of Late Quaternary glacier advances RSFs originated between ~18.7 and 8.6 ka, i.e., soon after the local
(Owen and Dortch, 2014). However, > 40% of all landslides that were retreat of glaciers. In the Cantabrian Mountains (North Iberian Pe-
dated in the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen span the time interval ~9–4 ka, ninsula), enhanced mass movement activity immediately followed
which excellently coincidences with the timing of the Holocene's in- glacier retreat at ~16.1 ka (Rodríguez-Rodríguez et al., 2018) but also
tensified monsoon phase (Fig. 5B; Gasse et al., 1996). Moreover, several occurred during subsequent humid intervals at ~8.5–7.5 ka, ~3–2.5 ka
other massive rock slides were dated to a late Pleistocene humid phase and ~0.5–0.3 ka (González-Díez et al., 1996; Rodríguez-Rodríguez
(~35–25 ka; Shi et al., 2001), which led some authors (e.g., Bookhagen et al., 2018). Recent findings from the Tatra Mountains (Carpathians,
et al., 2005) to conclude that enhanced monsoons throughout the Slovakia and Poland) suggest that relatively small rock falls (≤105 m3)
Quaternary provided especially suitable conditions for the production dated to ~20.2–15.6 ka immediately reacted to deglaciation (i.e., a few

T. Pánek Earth-Science Reviews 196 (2019) 102871

Fig. 6. Different temporal reactions of RSFs to the post-LGM glacier retreat in the Tatra Mts. (highest portion of the Carpathians; Slovakia; Google Earth Images). A.
Immediate reaction of small RSFs (≤106 m3) to the deglaciation of the Malá and Velká Studená Valleys (Engel et al., 2015; Pánek et al., 2016b). B. Delayed response
of DSGSDs to ice withdrawal in the Roháčská Valley (Engel et al., 2017; Pánek et al., 2017).

hundred years; Pánek et al., 2016b), but deep-seated mass movements, in that mass movement activity started alongside the onset of the decay of
such as rock avalanches or sackung-type DSGSDs, revealed a millennial- Fennoscandian and British-Irish ice sheets (Fig. 7), and evidence suggests
scale time lag with respect to ice retreat coeval with the humid that rock avalanches have already collapsed onto decaying ice sheets
Bølling–Allerød chronozone, early Holocene and Holocene Climatic (Ballantyne et al., 2013; Schleier et al., 2015). The peak of the post-glacial
Optimum (Fig. 6; Pánek et al., 2017). slope instability is more pronounced for the British Islands, where > 90% of
Because of the lack of reliable proxies and insufficient resolution of the dated RSFs in Scotland and Northern Ireland occurred within a few
landslide dating, only a few studies attempted to correlate past land- millennia after deglaciation (Fig. 7; Ballantyne et al., 2014; Southall et al.,
slide events with short, sub-millennial climate fluctuations (Ostermann 2017). The most possible trigger of enhanced post-glacial activity of RSFs in
et al., 2012; Zerathe et al., 2014). Johnson et al. (2017) analysed seven the northern portion of the British Islands (Ballantyne et al., 2014) and
exceptionally large prehistoric landslides that affected Tertiary volcanic Scandinavia (Blikra et al., 2006; Ojala et al., 2018) is considered to be
rocks in the San Juan Mountains (Colorado, New Mexico). Although transient seismicity that was related to a major interval of glacial isostatic
this area was covered by several extensive ice caps during the LGM, the uplift (Fig. 7). Seismic loading triggered the RSFs in the steep bedrock ter-
occurrence of landslides between ~14 ka and 2 ka cannot be explained rain of Scotland, Northern Ireland and Norway and debris slides in the low-
by paraglacial triggering, and instabilities do not correspond with post- gradient landscape of northern Finland (Ojala et al., 2018). A crucial effect
glacial climatic shifts. With respect to dating results and the current from the paraglacial phase on rock slope instability was also reported from
regional rainfall regime, Johnson et al. (2017) proposed that landslides Iceland, where all 17 dated RSFs originated before the Boreal chronozone
were likely triggered by seasonal weather events or short-term climatic (> 8 ka) following the fast retreat of the local ice sheet (Table 2; Mercier
fluctuations that lasted several years at most. et al., 2013, 2017; Coquin et al., 2016; Decaulne et al., 2016). Moreover,
lessons from Iceland showed that the genesis of large DSGSDs might be
4.2. Regions affected by continental ice sheets coeval with deglaciation, with the onset occurring even before complete ice
withdrawal from adjacent valleys (Coquin et al., 2015).
Unlike in high mountain areas, paraglacial processes at the Late Glacial- The temporal distribution of landslides in Scandinavia and British
Holocene transition are agreed to represent the most important control on Islands also contain a common climatic signal in the pronounced mid-
the occurrence of RSFs in regions that were covered by ice sheets to late-Holocene increase in landslide frequency (Fig. 7). Climate de-
(Ballantyne et al., 2014; Coquin et al., 2015; Hermanns et al., 2017; Mercier terioration after ~5 ka, at the end of the Holocene Climatic Optimum,
et al., 2017; Ojala et al., 2018; Table 2). Although in some respects similar to induced higher precipitation and stronger weather seasonality in
deglaciated high mountain areas, terrains that were covered by North Norway (Matthews et al., 2009; Hilger et al., 2018). Moreover, the
Hemisphere ice sheets are, with some exceptions (e.g., Iceland, North mean annual average temperatures at ~5 ka in the permafrost areas of
American Cordillera), tectonically relatively stable and their post-glacial the Scandinavian Mountains were ~1 °C higher than those today
surface uplift is chiefly related to glacial isostatic crustal rebound (Steffen (Fig. 7; Lilleøren et al., 2012). Therefore, the high incidence of cata-
and Kaufmann, 2005). This phenomenon simplifies deciphering paraglacial strophic RSFs in that period can be attributed to the effects of increased
and climatic signals from time series of dated landslides. precipitation (Blikra et al., 2006; Hermanns and Longva, 2012) and
Some of the most widespread datasets of chronologically determined permafrost degradation from an increase in surface air temperature
landslides involve British Islands and Scandinavia (Fig. 7; Bøe et al., 2003, (Hilger et al., 2018). In addition to catastrophic rock avalanches, mid-
2004; Blikra et al., 2006; Hermanns and Longva, 2012; Ballantyne et al., Holocene warming favoured the acceleration of slow-moving rock
2013, 2014; Ballantyne and Stone, 2013; Coquin et al., 2015; Hermanns slides that were underlain by mountain permafrost (Böhme et al.,
et al., 2017; Hilger et al., 2018; Ojala et al., 2018). These regions are similar 2019). Although not explicitly stated in published landslide studies, a

T. Pánek Earth-Science Reviews 196 (2019) 102871

Fig. 8. Examples of giant landslides that affected LGM moraines in the foreland
Fig. 7. Timing of dated post-LGM landslides in Scandinavia (A) and the British
of the Patagonian Ice Sheet (Lago Pueyrredón region/Argentina; Pánek et al.,
Islands (B), which are expressed as individual central ages (red and green
2018b). A. Laguna Seca landslide (WGS84 lat −7.5911° lon −71.4647°). B.
diamonds) and probability density distributions (black solid curves; kernel
Lago Ghio landslide (WGS84 lat −47.3399° lon −71.4559°). C. Rio Blanco
density estimates) and plotted against selected palaeoenvironmental proxies.
landslide (WGS84 lat −47.3551° lon −71.4100°). The yellow dashed lines
The majority of the Scandinavian landslide ages were adapted from Bøe et al.
indicate the glacial-lake shorelines between ~11.5 and 8 ka (Glasser et al.,
(2003, 2004), Blikra et al. (2006), Hermanns et al. (2017), Hilger et al. (2018)
2016), which are disturbed by landslides or trimmed within landslide bodies.
and Ojala et al. (2018). The landslide ages from the British Islands were inferred
Landslides originated during successive lake-level fall, which overlapped with
from Dowell and Hutchinson (2010 and references therein), Ballantyne et al.
the early Holocene humid period as defined by Markgraf et al. (2003). (For
(2014) and Southall et al. (2017). The paleoenvironmental proxies were
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
adapted from the following: 1 – Lilleøren et al. (2012), 2 – Matthews et al.
referred to the web version of this article.)
(2009), 3 – Steffen and Kaufmann (2005), 4 – Patton et al. (2017), 5 – Macklin
et al. (2012), and 6 – Firth and Stewart (2000). For a complete list of references
of landslide ages in both regions, see Supplementary material Table S1. (For environments to slope failure (Ballantyne, 2002). Temperature in-
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is creases might substantially affect the stability of moraine slopes
referred to the web version of this article.) through permafrost degradation and the melting of buried ice (Klimeš
et al., 2016; Moreiras, 2017), but relationships between climate change
similar mid- to late-Holocene peak of mass movement activity was also and the occurrence of landslides in glacier forelands is potentially more
recorded in the British Islands (Fig. 7). Herein, the majority of land- complex, involving the effects of proglacial lake-level oscillations
slides in central and northern England that were dated to the mid- to (Pánek et al., 2018b), glacier-lake outburst floods (GLOFs; Emmer,
late Holocene are rotational slides and earth flows, and some authors 2017) and river incision into weak sediments that flank former gla-
attributed their genesis at least partially to wetter climatic phases ciated margins (LaHusen et al., 2016).
(Redda and Hansom, 1989; Boon et al., 2015). Unfortunately, virtually no data exist regarding the temporal be-
haviour of mass movements in glacier forelands. Pánek et al. (2018b)
4.3. Glacier forelands noted that some of the largest landslides (> 1 km3) in terminal mor-
aines originated in the eastern piedmont of the Patagonian Ice Sheet
Thick piles of unconsolidated moraine, glaciofluvial and glaciola- (Lago Buenos Aires region, Argentina), especially along the former
custrine deposits in glacier forelands represent highly prone shorelines of the Late Glacial-early Holocene glacial lakes (Fig. 8).

T. Pánek Earth-Science Reviews 196 (2019) 102871

Major mass movement episode(s) with a cumulative volume of 2006; Starkel et al., 2013). Although some landslide deposits in the
~11 km3 occurred here between ~11.5 ka and 8 ka, when glacial lakes Carpathians pre-date the LGM and were dated to the wetter interstadial
experienced several dramatic (> 100 m) lake-level drops (Glasser et al., conditions of MIS3 (> 40 ka; Pánek et al., 2014; Jankovská et al.,
2016) and the climate was more humid than recently (Markgraf et al., 2018), these landslides are no more morphologically evident. It can be
2003). However, mass movement activity in this region continued expected that deep-seated landslides in temperate medium-high
throughout the Holocene and affected slopes of gorges that deeply in- mountains were more frequent in the wake of the Late Glacial-Holocene
cised glacigenic sediments (Pánek et al., 2018b). Persistent Holocene transition because of large amounts of infiltrating water from intense
slope instability that affected glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sedi- and/or prolonged rainfall or snowmelt (Margielewski, 2006; Pánek
ments was recently described from the foreland of the Puget Lobe of the et al., 2010, 2011, 2013). On the contrary, shallow, rapid mass move-
Cordilleran Ice Sheet in Washington State (USA; Booth et al., 2017). ments, such as debris flows, were likely inhibited at the onset of the
Because of the unfavourable slope lithology, which consists of sands Holocene because of the ascending tree line, afforestation of hillslopes
and gravels that overlie impermeable glaciolacustrine clays, this region and more effective apparent root cohesion (Šilhán and Pánek, 2010).
is extremely susceptible to catastrophic flow-like landslides, including In flysch rocks of the Outer Western Carpathians and Northern
the deadly 2014 Oso landslide (Booth et al., 2017). Although other Apennines, the onset of record of dated deep-seated landslides and
factors should be considered (e.g., preservation bias, seismicity, lateral earth flows began during the Last Termination since ~16.5 ka (Fig. 9;
erosion), the increase in landslide frequency between ~7 ka and ~1 ka Bertolini et al., 2004; Bertolini, 2007, 2010; Margielewski, 2006; Pánek
likely reflects a change from a relatively warm and dry early Holocene et al., 2013; Starkel et al., 2013). Although both regions contain only a
climate to relatively cool and wet conditions, which prevailed in the few landslides that were constrained between ~16.5 and 12.7 ka
Pacific Northwest during the mid- to late Holocene (Booth et al., 2017). (Fig. 9), dramatic environmental changes at the Late Glacial-Holocene
Although limited in number, case studies from glacier forelands transition were likely decisive for the genesis of first-time landslides.
indicated that (i) large portions of terminal moraines can fail cata- Some of the kilometre-scale earth flows in the Outer Western Car-
strophically several thousand years after emplacement because of the pathians (Pánek et al., 2010, 2011, 2013) and Northern Apennines
direct effects of climate change and/or external factors, such as the (Bertolini, 2007, 2010) originated at the onset of the Holocene.
drawdown and drainage of glacial lakes; (ii) the accumulation of loose Bertolini (2007) expected that the majority of contemporary landslides
glacigenic deposits created persistent slope instability throughout the in the Emilia-Romagna region in the Northern Apennines originated at
Holocene; and (iii) the main phases of mass movements might coincide the beginning of the Holocene and have since been periodically re-
with humid Holocene phases because of intensive river incision and activated, with the culmination of landslide activity between ~5 and
increased pore-water pressures within unconsolidated sediments. 2.5 ka in the most humid intervals of the Subboreal and Subatlantic
(Fig. 9).
5. Landslides in non-glaciated regions Similarly, reactivations of landslides throughout wet Holocene
periods were common in the flysch Carpathians (Fig. 9; Pánek et al.,
Compared to glaciated areas, where glaciers act as erasing agents, 2013). Based on a dataset that comprised 69 radiocarbon-dated land-
one can expect a longer record of dated landslides in regions outside the slides, Starkel et al. (2013) stated that especially suitable phases for the
limits of Pleistocene glaciations. Additionally, changes in geomorphic origin and reactivation of deep landslides occurred at ~13.3 ka,
boundary conditions during the glacial-interglacial transitions were ~9.5–9.1 ka, ~7.8–7.6 ka, ~6.9–6.6 ka, ~5.7–5.5 ka, ~4.1–3.7 ka,
generally less dramatic than in areas that experienced ice retreat (Lowe ~2.8 ka, ~2.1–1.9 ka, ~1.4–1.2 ka and ~0.7–0.5 ka. These periods
and Walker, 2015). Unfortunately, catalogues of past landslide activity coincide with regional palaeoclimatic proxies of climate moistening
are, with some exceptions, more limited in non-glaciated areas than in (e.g., fluvial activity, pollen spectra, and speleothem growth; Starkel
glaciated regions (Fig. 1). Because of the contrasting contemporary et al., 2013) and broadly correlate with the ages of other landslides
climatic conditions and distinct Quaternary climate histories, we con- across the Carpathians (Fig. 9). As revealed by TCN dating, large rock
sider temperate mountains, arid regions and tropical low-latitude areas slides and DSGSDs in the highest area of the Czech flysch Carpathians
separately. originated at ~6–3 ka (Březný et al., 2018), and this deep-seated slope
instability is supported by the ages of some crevice-type caves in the
5.1. Temperate mountain belts Polish flysch Carpathians (Margielewski and Urban, 2017). Březný et al.
(2018) explained the enhanced mid- to early late-Holocene activity of
Although covering vast territories of North America and Eurasia and deep-seated landslides in this region by a combination of suitable pre-
containing some of the most landslide-prone areas (Van Den Eeckhaut paratory factors (long-term rock-mass-strength degradation) and trig-
and Hervás, 2012), only a few mid-latitude mountain belts (e.g., Ap- gers (intensive and/or long-lasting rainfall) during and immediately
palachians, Apennines and Carpathians) have relatively widespread following the terminal phase of the humid Holocene Climatic Optimum
datasets of dated landslides (Pánek, 2015). These regions involve some (Fig. 10).
common specifics, such as i) their position within the periglacial zone Increases in mass movements in the late-Quaternary history of
during glacial periods, ii) the presence of soil-mantled slopes with dense temperate mountains have been explained by the occurrence of rare,
vegetation cover throughout the interglacials and iii) the crucial role of extreme meteorological events, such as hurricanes. In the Blue Ridge
fluvial processes in shaping of topography. Climate variability in tem- Appalachian region (Virginia, USA), Scott Eaton et al. (2003) re-
perate mountain belts influenced mass movements, especially through cognized 11 generations of debris flows that originated between > 50
the direct alteration of precipitation and temperature regimes and re- ka and ~2.1 ka, recurring at least every 2.5 ka on average. These au-
lated changes in moisture balance, vegetation cover and river discharge thors suggested that the dated debris flow deposits revealed high-
(Sidle and Bogaard, 2016). Soil-mantled slopes of forested mountains magnitude storms that were related to the incursions of tropical air
are especially prone to flows and slides, which greatly depend on the masses into the Appalachians.
availability of water and soil moisture (Hungr et al., 2014), whereas
rock avalanches, rock falls and DSGSDs (e.g., lateral spreads and 5.2. Arid regions
sackungen) are less frequent.
First-order climate cycles, such as transitions from glacial to inter- Because of their low erosion rates, arid zones comprise the longest
glacial conditions, are considered major intervals of slope destabiliza- time series of dated landslides, with some deposits conserved since the
tion because of permafrost degradation, higher groundwater recharge Middle Pleistocene (Hermanns et al., 2001; Ryb et al., 2013; Moreiras
and increasing precipitation totals (Bertolini et al., 2004; Margielewski, et al., 2015) or even earlier (Pinto et al., 2008). Although modern

T. Pánek Earth-Science Reviews 196 (2019) 102871

Therefore, landslides in contemporary arid regions might reveal strong

climatic signals and may even serve as palaeoclimatic proxies (Trauth
and Strecker, 1999), especially when situated in tectonically stable
domains (Busche, 2001).
The best record of the effects of Quaternary climate changes on the
mobilization of large landslides in dry regions was obtained from sev-
eral regions in the Andes in South America. Trauth and Strecker (1999)
provided strong evidence between the timing of the wet Minchin period
(~40–25 ka) and the occurrence of enormous rock avalanches with a
volume ≥ 108 m3 in the Cordillera Oriental region of northwestern
Argentina. Later dating programs in this area revealed that large
landslides were also clustered in younger humid phases, such as the
Tauca period (~14.5–11 ka; Hermanns et al., 2004) and especially the
Titicaca period (< 5 ka; Trauth et al., 2000, 2003). These humid per-
iods probably reflected changes in atmospheric circulation patterns
across South America from the activation of the El Niño-Southern Os-
cillation (ENSO) and Tropical Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature
Variability (TAV; Trauth et al., 2003). Independent support for the
climatic control of slope instability here is provided by the high-re-
solution limnological analysis of varved landslide-dammed deposits,
suggesting strong inter- and intra-annual fluctuations of precipitation
and the occurrence of heavy rainfall, which are currently lacking in this
area (Trauth and Strecker, 1999).
Interestingly, Keefer et al. (2003) inferred a similar timing of mass
movements along the opposite slope of the Andes, specifically, the
hyper-arid coastal region of southern Peru (Ilo region). Herein, debris-
flow deposits that were dated to ~38.2–12.9 ka, and mainly postdating
~5.3 ka, are related to short-term periods of heavy rainfall from ENSO
activity (Keefer et al., 2003). Additionally, other dated large-scale mass
movements in the western Andes of Peru might have been related to
humid climate periods, such as the ~40-km3 Chuquibamba landslide
complex, which coincided with the Ouki wet climatic event (~100 ka),
or the giant (~15 km3) polyphase Cerro Caquilluco rock avalanche,
which sequentially originated since ~600 ka (Zerathe et al., 2015,
Although all these discussed mass movement phases in the Andes
might also reflect seismic triggering (McPhillips et al., 2014), most
authors attributed slope instabilities to i) higher runoff from the
scouring and undercutting of structurally preconditioned mountain
slopes and ii) enhanced seasonality and the occurrence of extreme
rainfall, which reduced the slope-stability threshold and increased the
susceptibility of rock slopes to even low-magnitude earthquakes
Fig. 9. Timing of dated Late Glacial and Holocene landslides in the non-gla-
(Trauth and Strecker, 1999; Keefer et al., 2003). A similar interpreta-
ciated areas of the Western Carpathians and Apennines. The probability density
distributions (green solid lines) of 14C dates from landslides were pre- tion was used for the occurrence of large rotational landslides in the Rio
dominantly based on data from the following: 1 – Alexandrowicz (1993, 1996); Grande canyon (New Mexico, USA) by Reneau and Dethier and Reneau
Alexandrowicz and Alexandrowicz (1999); Margielewski (1997, 1998, 2003, (1996). Several phases of river-damming landslides occurred between
2006) and Margielewski et al. (2010, 2011), 2 – Pánek et al. (2013), and 3 – ~17.5 and 12.4 ka, which correspond with the most distinct late-
Starkel et al. (2013) for the Western Carpathians; and 4 – Bertolini et al. (2004) Pleistocene climate change in the western USA and were associated
and 5 – Bertolini (2007) for the Apennines. Other sources of landslide ages: 6 – with humid pluvial conditions and high river discharges from the
Margielewski and Urban (2017) and 7 – Březný et al. (2018). The timing of melting of mountain glaciers (Dethier and Reneau and Dethier, 1996).
humid (green panel), humid/cold (green/blue) and warm (orange) intervals in Climate control is also speculated for the largest terrestrial ~50-km3
the Western Carpathians is after Kłapyta et al. (2016), Krąpiec et al. (2016) and Baga Bogd landslide in central Mongolia. Although the genesis of this
Obidowicz (1996). The radiocarbon ages were calibrated by using the IntCal 09
rock avalanche was related to strong earthquakes along the mountain-
calibration curve (Reimer et al., 2013) in the OxCal v 4.2.4 software (Bronk
front thrust (Philip and Ritz, 1999), its timing compared to the begin-
Ramsey, 2009). For a complete list of references of landslide ages in both re-
gions, see Supplementary material Table S1. (For interpretation of the refer- ning of the last interglacial (~140 ka) suggests that failure originated
ences to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of under wet conditions, allowing the fluidization of basal clays along the
this article.) shear plane (Balescu et al., 2007).
Perhaps the most mysterious giant landslides in arid settings flank
sandstone plateaus and volcanic elevations in the central Sahara
climatic conditions are not favourable for mass movements, some of the
(Fig. 11; Ostaficuk, 1973; Busche, 2001). Unfortunately, none of these
largest terrestrial landslides were detected in the world's driest regions
landslides have been absolutely dated. According to Busche (2001),
(Philip and Ritz, 1999; Zerathe et al., 2017). This fact might be less
who summarized the distribution and preconditions of Saharan land-
surprising because many subtropical and temperate arid regions ex-
slides, most mass movements in the Sahara occurred under con-
perienced distinct wet periods during the Quaternary, which were
siderably wetter early Pleistocene conditions. Busche (2001) suggested
usually related to an intensified summer monsoon in response to in-
that only very limited slope instability occurred during later-Qua-
creased insolation (Skonieczny et al., 2015; Lehmkuhl et al., 2018).
ternary humid episodes because of insufficient precipitation. However,

T. Pánek Earth-Science Reviews 196 (2019) 102871

Fig. 10. One of the mid- to early late-Holocene ridge-top grabens that was related to deep-seated landslides in the highest portion of the Czech Western Carpathians
(Březný et al., 2018).

this idea was challenged by recent findings, which stated that the Sa- Chyi, 2010; Hsieh et al., 2011, 2014, 2017), Hong Kong (~9–5 ka;
hara received enough precipitation to establish extensive drainage Sewell et al., 2015), NE Queensland/Australia (< 12 ka; Thomas et al.,
networks during late-Quaternary humid periods in Africa (< 120 ka), 2007), central Africa/Malawi (~11.8 ka; Shroder Shroder Jr., 1976)
producing large quantities of freshwater to the Atlantic Ocean and SE Brazil (~9–8.5 ka; Modenesi-Gauttieri, 2000). This landslide
(Skonieczny et al., 2015). Therefore, some Saharan landslides might be mobilization likely reflects a transition to warm and humid conditions
much younger and we cannot exclude their genesis during the early after enhanced monsoon precipitation (Fig. 12). Hsieh et al. (2014,
Holocene African humid period (~11.7–5 ka). In any case, the future 2017) attributed the early Holocene debris flows, slides and rock ava-
dating of kilometre-scale rotational slides, lateral spreads and earth lanches in Taiwan to frequent prolonged rainfall from the early Holo-
flows in the contemporary hyper-arid landscape of the Sahara (Fig. 11) cene East Asian summer-monsoon maximum. However, many Late-
would bring additional proxy information regarding the nature and Glacial and Holocene mass movement phases in Taiwan do not link
timing of “Green Sahara Periods”. with regional climate trends and are interpreted as products of in-
dividual typhoons, which acted especially effectively after strong
earthquakes (Fig. 12; Hsieh et al., 2014, 2017). Slope instability that
5.3. Low-latitude settings was related to humid phases were also reported for older, pre-LGM
periods, such as debris flow and landslide activity in NE Queensland
Climate variability influences slope stability in tropical areas in a alongside the wet and warm OIS 3 (~64–28 ka) or the massive accu-
complex manner. In addition to the intensity and duration of rainfall mulation of a > 50-ka colluvial deposit in Taiwan, which is thought to
events, which directly control water infiltration and pore-water pres- have accumulated during the last interglacial period (Hsieh et al.,
sures, climate mediates changes in vegetation density, the effectiveness 2018).
of chemical weathering and sediment production (Thomas, 2004). However, the attribution of mass movement activity to wet periods
Therefore, the frequency and magnitude of landslides from the same in tropics is not always unequivocal. Slope stability was likely also re-
rainfall event often reveals major contrasts even between two adjacent duced during relatively cool and dry conditions, e.g., around the global
river basins (Hsieh and Chyi, 2010). Information regarding the past LGM, when many tropical areas experienced the replacement of tro-
landslide activity in tropics is mostly derived from colluvial sediments, pical forests by dry woodlands or even the absence of arboreal vege-
alluvial fans and river terraces (e.g., Coelho Netto, 1999; Modenesi- tation (Thomas et al., 2007). Sewell et al. (2015) explained the occur-
Gauttieri, 2000; Nott et al., 2001; Thomas et al., 2007; Hsieh et al., rence of massive debris flows in Hong Kong for the interval ~28–19 ka
2017); only a few landslides have been dated directly (e.g., Shroder Jr., from the mobilization of thick weathering mantles because of periodic
1976; Thomas and Murray, 2001; Sewell et al., 2006). By far the most rainstorms acting on slopes with low vegetation cover. Similarly, Nott
dated mass movements are debris flows and earth flows, with only a et al. (2001) reported landslides and debris flows from NE Queensland
few cases of deep-seated landslides, rock avalanches and rock falls. that originated between ~27 and 14 ka, i.e., when rainforests that
Beyond catalogues of dated mass movement events in Taiwan, NE covered the escarpment of the Eastern Highlands were replaced by dry
Australia and Hong Kong (Sewell et al., 2006, 2015; Thomas et al., sclerophyll vegetation (Fig. 12).
2007; Hsieh and Chyi, 2010; Hsieh et al., 2017), dated landslides across According to this published evidence, tropical regions are especially
tropical areas are generally scarce (Fig. 1). sensitive to highly episodic mass movement events, whose recurrence is
Although limited in number, time series of dated landslides across controlled by the frequency of extreme rainfall events and the avail-
tropics reveal a strong linkage with glacial-interglacial climate change. ability of unstable material (Thomas, 2004). In addition to mountain
Enhanced mass movement activity at the beginning of the Holocene regions, which are characterized by relatively frequent catastrophic
was documented in several regions of Taiwan (~11–8 ka; Hsieh and

T. Pánek Earth-Science Reviews 196 (2019) 102871

Fig. 11. Distribution of giant landslides (> 106 m3) in North Africa (after Busche, 2001; Broeckx et al., 2018 and authors's unpublished data) and examples of
individual landslides depicted on Google Earth images. A and B show the reconstruction of North African vegetation and climate during the Eemian Green Sahara
Period (~128–122 ka) and present day conditions (Larrasoaña et al., 2013), respectively. C. Rock avalanche (Mount Uwaynat, WGS84 lat 21.8316° lon 24.8281°). D.
Lateral spread (Hamada el Homra, WGS84 lat 30.7753° lon 13.1421°). E. Rotational landslide (Messak Mellet escarpment, WGS84 lat 24.3749° lon 11.3803°). The
occurrence of many landslides in the central Sahara overlaps with the modern hyper-arid conditions (annual precipitation totals ~5 mm/yr), whereas the same areas
received hundreds of times more precipitation during the Quaternary pluvials. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

slope failures (e.g., SE Brazil, Taiwan; Coelho Netto, 1999; Hsieh et al., the post-LGM rise of the Black Sea (~20–15 ka) and its rapid trans-
2017), some intraplate tropical landscapes might reveal extremely long gression, which was dated to ~9–8 ka (Fig. 13). In western Kazakhstan,
intervals between major successive mass movement events. As ex- dozens of enormous (≥108 m3) rotational slides, spreads and flows
emplified by Thomas and Murray (2001) on the large landslides from originated during successive Caspian Sea transgressions in the Late
the eastern Zambia, the landscape was not likely affected by climatic Glacial, when the Caspian Sea shoreline advanced several hundred
events that could generate major slope failures over the last 200 ka. kilometres to the north and east from the current coastline position
(Fig. 14; Pánek et al., 2016a). Many slides that affected weak Neogene
6. Landslides in coastal areas sediments occurred during the Khvalynian transgressions, which were
probably caused by enhanced runoff in the Volga River basin after the
Coastal areas represent highly susceptible settings for climate-re- LGM (Tudryn et al., 2016). This case exemplifies how remote changes
lated mass movements. The stability of coastal cliffs is influenced by in climate and hydrological balance might influence massive slope in-
both the first-order climate variability that encompasses glacial-inter- stability in dry, low-gradient regions, which are otherwise not suscep-
glacial transitions and related water-level changes (Pánek et al., 2016a) tible to major landslide events (Pánek et al., 2016a).
and short-term climate deteriorations, which increased the incidence of Many landslides that trim modern coastlines may have evolved as a
severe storm events, wave action and coastal erosion (Hapke and Green, response to global sea-level rise and the establishment of the current
2006). shoreline at the end of the Holocene Climatic Optimum. Several ex-
According to the available datasets, enhanced mass movement ac- amples of mid-Holocene (~5–3.5 ka) landslides were described from
tivity was correlated with transgressions of the sea and large lakes. The the coastal areas of British Islands (Barlow et al., 2016; Ballantyne
coincidence of coastal-slope instability with periods of rapid postglacial et al., 2018). Although the precise mechanism of how sea transgression
(< 12 ka) sea-level rise was recently inferred for the rotational slides in affects slope instability is poorly understood, Ballantyne et al. (2018)
Malta (Soldati et al., 2018) and the huge rock falls along the coastal proposed that translational landslides along the Shetland archipelago
cliffs of Cassis in SE France (Recorbet et al., 2010). Similarly, Pánek originated when the sea level approached the footslope of coastal cliffs,
et al. (2018a) reported that the exposure ages of rock slide scarps that allowing storm waves to undercut discontinuities that faced out of the
flank the highly dissected SW coast of the Crimean Peninsula followed slope.

T. Pánek Earth-Science Reviews 196 (2019) 102871

7. Concluding remarks

7.1. Research gaps and future needs

Despite the considerable progress in landslide dating and the

availability of regional palaeoclimatic proxy data, the direct link be-
tween ancient landslides and Quaternary climate changes is still weak.
The main drawbacks can be seen in the i) rather limited regional re-
cords of dated landslides, ii) low temporal resolution of chronologically
constrained landslides, iii) geographic bias of catalogues of dated
landslides and iv) largely tentative correlation of ancient landslides
with past climate variability. Although linking palaeolandslides with
alternations of precipitation and temperature will always be more
elusive than for modern or historical events (Gariano and Guzzetti,
2016), the credibility of inferred causes and triggers of ancient slope
failures can still be improved; in this respect, we summarize future
research challenges and avenues in Table 3.
One approach is the extension and increasing sample size of re-
gional catalogues of dated landslides, i.e., improving the statistical re-
levance of landslides' time series. An especially promising possibility
seems to be the construction of coherent datasets of dated landslides
from spatially limited and homogenous areas, such as individual river
basins and/or geographically smaller areas of mountains. Although
containing a respectable number of chronologically constrained land-
slides, many of the presented datasets of dated landslides are spread
across very wide and geographically diverse regions, which complicates
the searching of common causes and triggers of slope instability (e.g.,
Blikra et al., 2006; Prager et al., 2008; Yuan et al., 2013; Ballantyne
et al., 2014; Hermanns et al., 2017; Ivy-Ochs et al., 2017). Only a few
hitherto published papers showed representative time series of land-
slide ages with respect to the size of the studied area (e.g., González-
Díez et al., 1996; Soldati et al., 2004; Borgatti et al., 2007; Booth et al.,
2017; Hilger et al., 2018; Leshchinsky et al., 2018; Ojala et al., 2018).
Furthermore, many hitherto published landslide ages might be chal-
lenged because of an insufficient sampling size, particularly for studies
that involved the TCN dating of landslide accumulations. Some of these
studies inferred landslide ages from three or fewer boulders per land-
slide (McIntosh and Barrows, 2011; Ballantyne et al., 2014; Hermanns
et al., 2017). Considering the serious risk of being affected by TCNs that
were produced in the rock prior to failure, such dating results should be
treated with caution. As exemplified on the timing of glacial stages in
the Himalayas, Owen and Dortch (2014) showed that the reliability of
TCN-dating results dramatically increases after including ≥5 dated
boulders or surface samples on a single glacial landform. Hilger et al.
(2019) focused on the TCN dating of rock slides and demonstrated that
more than three samples per rock slide deposit are required to minimize
the effect of pre-exposure inheritance on the resulting landslide age.
However, simply increasing the number of dated landslides and
improving their dating strategy may be insufficient to strengthen our
knowledge regarding the climatic triggers of ancient slope instabilities.
The major problem of hitherto published studies is that the climatic
conditioning of ancient landslides was inferred largely tentatively and
without any independent proofs. Most studies ascribed climatic forcing
Fig. 12. Timing of late-Quaternary mass movements in Taiwan, Hong Kong and to dated mass movements merely based on their chronological coin-
NE Australia/Queensland (1 – Sewell et al., 2015 and references therein; 2 – cidence with broadly (often globally) defined climatic fluctuations.
Hsieh et al., 2014; 3 – Hsieh and Chyi, 2010; 4 – Hsieh et al., 2017; 5 – Thomas Such reconstructed climate changes are often based on proxy data from
et al., 2007). The intensified summer monsoon phases for SE and S Asia are
natural archives that are located far from the studied landslide-affected
inferred from the following: 6 – Guiot et al. (2008) and 7 – Fang (1991).
regions. As such, we suggest greater work with local sources of proxy
data. Promising high-resolution data for the palaeoclimatic and pa-
Unfortunately, the low number of dated coastal landslides limits our laeohydrologic conditions of time slices when given landslides origi-
understanding of how past climate changes and related water-level nated have been obtained, e.g., by utilizing the floating den-
changes influenced the frequency and magnitude of slope instabilities. drochronology of buried trees within landslide bodies (Krąpiec and
More extensive dating programs that focus on coastal mass movements Margielewski, 2003), pollen analyses of landslide-related peat bogs or
might reveal useful information for the prediction of slope instability in lacustrine sequences (Margielewski, 2006; Borgatti et al., 2007; Pánek
relation to current and future sea-level rise. et al., 2010), the counting and geochemistry of varves within the de-
posits of landslide-dammed lakes (Trauth and Strecker, 1999; Trauth

T. Pánek Earth-Science Reviews 196 (2019) 102871

Fig. 13. Rock slide scarps along the Crimean Mountains' coast that chronologically coincide with the post-LGM (~19–15 ka) and early Holocene (~10–5 ka) Black
Sea transgressions. The numbers denote the exposure (36Cl) ages of scarps according to Pánek et al. (2018a). A. Foros rock slide (WGS84 lat 44.4026° lon 33.7706°).
B. Complex rotational slides near Mount Shan Kaya (WGS84 lat 44.4359° lon 34.0194°). C. Scarp of the Morcheka rock slide (WGS84 lat 44.4212° lon 33.9112°).

et al., 2000, 2003), and mineralogical and geochemical analyses of 7.2. Role of landslides in the (last) glacial-interglacial cycle
soils/palaeosoils that are related to landslide bodies (Gioia et al., 2010)
(Table 3). Although the above-mentioned drawbacks prevent a strictly quan-
Another avenue is the wider incorporation of the numerical mod- titative extraction of climate signals from time series of Quaternary
eling of slope instability to landslide-dating studies. Despite the recent landslides (Korup et al., 2011), the inspection of available datasets re-
boom in landslide modeling (Stead and Coggan, 2012), surprisingly few garding the timing of landslide events, insight into individual landslide
studies have utilized numerical modeling for ancient landslide events. histories and the overall geomorphic and palaeoclimatic context of
As presented by Yenes et al. (2015), even the incorporation of simple various landslide-affected regions enables us to construct hypothesized
limit-equilibrium models might reveal if studied prehistoric landslides models that describes the role and relative importance of mass move-
were sensitive to high-rainfall episodes or required more complex ments in the generalized glacial-interglacial cycle (Fig. 15).
preconditioning. More advanced approaches, such as continuum and Quaternary terrestrial landslides were especially accentuated in i)
discontinuum modeling, might reveal more complex relationships be- glacial-interglacial transitions, ii) the culmination phases of interglacial
tween slope instability and climate-induced processes, such as glacial climate optima, and iii) interstadials, although the number of dated
debuttressing (Crosta et al., 2013; Grämiger et al., 2017; Riva et al., landslides in the last case is limited. Obviously, landslides are generally
2018), groundwater rise (Baroň et al., 2005; Baroň and Kašperáková, connected with prolonged humid periods because of the availability of
2007) and drawdowns of lakes adjacent to coastal landslides (Boon water (Sidle and Ochiai, 2013). However, this simplified picture is
et al., 2015). Therefore, numerical models might help determine if sometimes complicated with respect to the given setting and mass
dated landslides were susceptible to changes in climate conditions, movement specifics. In some situations, landslides were more frequent
especially in the absence of available palaeoclimatic proxies. during relatively dry periods of glacial-interglacial cycles because of a
lack of forest cover and apparent root cohesion. It pays especially for
shallow landslides and flows in temperate (Šilhán and Pánek, 2010) and
tropical areas (Nott et al., 2001; Sewell et al., 2015), which were largely

T. Pánek Earth-Science Reviews 196 (2019) 102871

Fig. 14. Giant landslides in the NE coastal region of the Caspian Sea (Kazakhstan). Nearly 90% of large-scale lateral spreads and rotational slides line a cliff that was
cut by the Early Khvalynian transgression at 50 m a.s.l. (modified after Pánek et al., 2016a).

deforested during the culmination phases of glacials (Fig. 15). between glacial terminations and the first millennia of interglacials,
Late Pleistocene-Holocene mass movement records suggest that might be crucial for landslide intensification in most settings (Fig. 15).
widely defined glacial-interglacial transitions, i.e., time intervals However, the response time of slope failures with respect to climate

Table 3
Summary of major drawbacks and future research goals for the investigation of climate-related palaeolandslides.
Major drawbacks of landslide-dated time series/ Suggested approach Examples of studies
related problems

Lack of statistical reliability • Increasing the number of dated landslides through the searching
of new cost-effective dating strategies (e.g. surface-roughness
Booth et al. (2017); Leshchinsky et al. (2018)

• Uncertainty about the temporal clustering of dating)

landslides • Acomplete
focus on smaller regions with the possibility of obtaining more
time series of landslide events
Soldati et al. (2004); Ojala et al. (2018)

Insufficient dating accuracy • Increasing the

Increasing resolution of dating methods Akçar et al. (2012)
• A focus on the sample size of dated boulders per landslide Hilger et al. (2019)
• Low resolution of dating results • the exposure dating of landslide scarps Zerathe et al. (2014); Březný et al. (2018); Böhme
• Not reliable temporal correlations with
known palaeoclimatic events
et al. (2019)

Temporal bias • Looking for the dating methods with the longer time-range Ryb et al. (2013); Szczygieł et al. (2019)
• Alandscape
focus on the large landslides which are more persistent in the Korup et al. (2011); Korup (2012)
• Decreasing the number of dated landslides
back in the time • More utilizing coring into the multi-generation landslide bodies Bertolini (2007); Ojala et al. (2018)
• Information only for the last glacial-
interglacial cycle
• Using sedimentary records for the retrieving information about
the timing of landslides
Bøe et al. (2003, 2004); Starnberger et al. (2013);
Pánek et al. (2014)

Geographic bias • More landslide-dating studies should be performed in the arid,

tropical and coastal regions
Thomas et al. (2007); Sewell et al. (2015); Hsieh et al.
(2014, 2017); Pánek et al. (2016a, 2018a); Zerathe
• Lack of dated landslides outside the
temperate and alpine regions
et al. (2017)

Tentative assignment of landslide triggers • Utilizing local isotopic, pelaeolimnological, pelaeoecological, and
geochemical proxies
Krąpiec and Margielewski (2003); Trauth et al.
(2003); Borgatti et al. (2007); Gioia et al. (2010)
• Dated palaeolandslides might also be
attributed to other (non-climatic) triggers
• Incorporation of the numerical modeling of slope stability Baroň et al. (2005); Crosta et al. (2013); Boon et al.
(2015); Yenes et al. (2015); Grämiger et al. (2017)

T. Pánek Earth-Science Reviews 196 (2019) 102871

Fig. 15. Conceptual model of the possible relative importance of mass movements for the generalized glacial-interglacial cycle.

changes differs in various settings and depends on the landslide type coincided with interstadial conditions that were related to global in-
and magnitude. Mass movements in non-glaciated temperate mountain solation maxima (Fig. 15).
ranges, arid areas, tropical regions, and coastal areas largely intensified The future expansion and qualitative improvement of landslide-
soon after the onset of the Holocene. Somewhat controversial data dating studies should refine and verify this conceptual model on a
originated from the glaciated regions. In high mountains, the timing of quantitative basis and evaluate if this approach is valid for only the last
large slope failures (> > 106 m3) seldom coincides with ice with- glacial-interglacial cycle or across Quaternary timescales.
drawal, possibly because of prolonged stress relaxation within the rock
mass after ice retreat (Riva et al., 2018), which is more accentuated for Acknowledgments
voluminous landslides than smaller RSFs (Fig. 15). Although the time
series of landslides in glaciated regions cover nearly exclusively only This study was conducted within the framework of the Czech
the post-glacial period, a growing body of literature suggest that mass Science Foundation, project 17-17712S. Supportive comments from an
movements cannot be fully excluded during glaciations (McColl and anonymous reviewer substantially improved the original manuscript.
Davies, 2013; Starnberger et al., 2013), and a lack of dated pre-LGM
landslides is largely attributed to the effective sequestration of landslide Appendix A. Supplementary data
debris by glaciers (Dunning et al., 2015).
The incidence of landslides was ubiquitous throughout the Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
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especially favourable for the origin or reactivation of landslides across
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