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Part A: Content Design
Course Title Real Time Systems
Course No(s) BITS ZG553/ ES ZG553/MEL ZG553
Credit Units 5
Credit Model
Content Authors KG Krishna

Course Objectives
CO1 To introduce the issues and challenges in developing software for Real Time /
embedded systems
CO2 To introduce Real Time Scheduling in uni-processing, multi-processing and distributed
CO3 Introduce both theoretical and practical aspects of Real Time Operating Systems
(RTOS) to the students.

Text Book(s)
T1 Liu, Jane W.S., Real Time Systems, Pearson Education, 2000

Reference Book(s) & other resources

R1 C.M.Krishna, K.G.Shin, Real Time Systems, McGraw Hill Education,2010
R2 Phillip.A.Laplante, S.J.Ovaska, Real Time System Design and Analysis, 4th edition,

R3 Shaw, Real-Time Systems and Software, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2001. ISBN

R4 H. Kopetz, "Real-time Systems," Design Principles for Distributed Embedded

Applications 2nd edition, Springer, 2011*
R5 Sivamurthy, G. Manimaran, Resource Management in Real-Time Systems and
Networks ,PHI, New Delhi,2005
R6 Relevant Journal and Conference Papers

* Available as kindle edition which is considerably cheaper than the printed version

Content Structure
1. Fundamentals of Real-Time Systems
1.1. Typical Real-Time Systems
1.1.2.Examples of Real-Time Systems
1.2. Hard vs Soft Real-Time Systems
1.2.1.Jobs and Processors
1.2.2.Timing Constraints
1.2.3.Hard and Soft Real-Time Systems
2. A Reference Model of Real-Time Systems
2.1. Processors and Resources
2.2. Temporal Parameters of Real-Time Workload
2.3. Periodic Task Model
2.4. Precedence Constraints and Data dependency
2.5. Functional Parameters
2.6. Resource Parameters
2.7. Feasibility, Optimality and Performance Measures
3. Commonly Used Approaches to Real-Time Scheduling
3.1. Clock-Driven Approach
3.2. Round-robin and Weighted Round-robin Approaches
3.3. Priority-Driven Approach
3.4. Effective Release Times and Deadlines
3.5. Off-line vs On-line Scheduling
3.6. Different Scheduling Algorithms
3.6.1.EDF (Earliest Deadline First) Algorithm
3.6.2.LRT (Latest Release Time) Algorithm
3.6.3.LST (Least-Slack-Time-First) Algorithm
4. Clock Driven Scheduling
4.1. Static Timer Driven Scheduler
4.2. General Structure of Cyclic Schedules
4.3. Cyclic Executives
4.4. Scheduling Aperiodic Jobs
4.5. Scheduling Sporadic Jobs
4.6. Practical Considerations
4.7. Pros and Cons of Clock-Driven Scheduling
5. Priority-Driven Scheduling of Periodic Tasks
5.1. Fixed-Priority vs Dynamic-Priority Algorithms
5.2. Well-known Fixed-priority Scheduling Algorithms
5.2.1.RM (Rate-Monotonic) Algorithm
5.2.2.DM (Deadline-Monotonic) Algorithm
5.3. Well-known Dynamic-priority Scheduling Algorithms
5.3.1.EDF (Earliest Deadline First) Algorithm
5.3.2.LST (Least-Slack-Time-First) Algorithm
5.4. Maximum Schedulable Utilization of Different Scheduling Algorithms
5.5. Time Demand Analysis for Fixed Priority Systems
6. Scheduling Aperiodic and Sporadic Jobs in Priority-Driven Systems
6.1. Assumptions and Approaches
6.2. Deferrable Servers
6.3. Scheduling of Sporadic Jobs
7. Resource and Resource Access Control
7.1. Resource and Their Usage
7.2. Effect of Resource Contention and Resource Access Control
7.3. Basic Priority Inheritance Protocol
7.4. Basic Priority Ceiling Protocol
8. Hardware Considerations in Real-Time Systems
8.1. CPU
8.2. Memory
8.3. Peripheral Devices
9. Multi-Processing & Distributed Real Time Systems
9.1. Priority-driven Preemptive Scheduling, Static Table-Driven Scheduling, Dynamic
Plan-based Scheduling, Integrated Scheduling of Hard and QoS - Degradable Tasks,
Real-Time Scheduling with Feedback Control
9.2. Resource reclaiming in Multi-Processor RTS
9.3.Scheduler Model, Properties of Resource Re-claiming algorithms, Task Model,
Resource reclaiming algorithms
9.4.Fault-Tolerant task Scheduling in Multiprocessor RTS - Fault Classification, Fault
Tolerance in RTS, Fault-Tolerant Scheduling Algorithms for Multi-Processor Systems,
Scheduling of Real-Time Imprecise Computations
9.5.Resource Management in Distributed RTS- Scheduling in Distributed RTS, Global
Scheduling, an Integrated Approach to Distributed Real time Scheduling.
10. Real Time Operating Systems
10.1.Pseudokernels to Operating Systems
10.2.Process States
10.3.Inter-task communication and synchronization
10.4.Memory Management
10.5.Storage & File Systems

Learning Outcomes:

No Learning Outcomes
LO1 Ability to Design and Analyze Scheduling Algorithms for Single Processor Embedded
Real Time Systems
LO2 Ability to Design and Analyze Scheduling Algorithms for Single Processor Embedded
Real Time Systems
LO3 Ability to design , build Real Rime Embedded Systems
LO4 knowledge about both theoretical and practical aspects of Real Time Operating
Systems (RTOS).

Part B: Learning Plan

Academic Term First Semester 2019-2020

Course Title Real Time Systems
Course No BITS ZG553 / ES ZG553 / MEL ZG553
Lead Instructor KG Krishna

Contact Hour 1 & 2

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference
Pre CH
During 1 Ty p i c a l R e a l - T i m e S y s t e m s , T1 Ch1, T2 Ch1, T1 Ch 2
CH Dependability, Fault Tolerance, Hard
Vs Soft Real Time Systems
Post CH

Contact Hour 2 & 3

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource
Pre CH
During 2 A Reference Model of Real-Time T1 Ch 3
CH Systems
• Processors and Resources
• Temporal Parameters of Real-
Time Workload
• Periodic Task Model
• Precedence Constraints and Data
• Functional Parameters
• Resource Parameters
• F e a s i b i l i t y, O p t i m a l i t y a n d
Performance Measures
Post CH

Contact Hour 5 , 6
Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource
Pre CH
During 3.1 – 3.4 S c h e d u l i n g A l g o r i t h m s – A n T1 Ch 4
CH Introduction, Commonly used
Scheduling Algorithms

• Clock-Driven Approach
• Round-robin and Weighted Round-
robin Approaches
• Priority-Driven Approach
• Effective Release Times and
Post CH

Contact Hour 7
Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource
Pre CH
During 3.5 - 3.6 Commonly Used Approaches to Real- T1 Ch 4
CH Time Scheduling
• Off-line vs On-line Scheduling
• Different Scheduling Algorithms
o EDF Algorithm
o LRT Algorithm
o LST Algorithm

Post CH

Contact Hour 8

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource

Pre CH
During 4.1 - 4.2 Clock Driven Scheduling T1 Ch 5
CH • Static Timer Driven Scheduler
• General Structure of Cyclic
• Cyclic Executives

Post CH

Contact Hour 9 & 10

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource
Pre CH
During 4.4 - 4.7 Clock Driven Scheduling T1 Ch 5
CH • Scheduling Aperiodic Jobs
• Scheduling Sporadic Jobs
• Practical Considerations
• Pros and Cons of Clock-Driven
Post CH

Contact Hour 12 & 13

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource
Pre CH
During 5.1 - 5.3 Priority-Driven Scheduling of Periodic T1 Ch 6
CH Tasks
• Fixed-Priority vs Dynamic-Priority
• We l l - k n o w n F i x e d - p r i o r i t y
Scheduling Algorithms
o RM (Rate-Monotonic)
o DM (Deadline-Monotonic)
• Well-known Dynamic-priority
Scheduling Algorithms
o EDF (Earliest Deadline
First) Algorithm
o LST (Least-Slack-Time-
First) Algorithm
Post CH

Contact Hour 14
Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource
Pre CH
During 5.4 Priority-Driven Scheduling of Periodic T1 Ch 6
CH Tasks
• Maximum Schedulable Utilization
of Different Scheduling Algorithms
Post CH

Contact Hour 15
Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource
Pre CH
During 5.5 Priority-Driven Scheduling of Periodic T1 Ch 6
CH Tasks
• Time Demand Analysis for Fixed
Priority Systems
Post CH

Contact Hour 16
Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource
Pre CH
During 6.1 – 6.2 Scheduling Aperiodic and Sporadic T1 Ch 7
CH Jobs in Priority-Driven Systems
• Assumptions and Approaches
• Deferrable Servers

Post CH

Contact Hour 17 & 18

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource
Pre CH
During 6.2 Scheduling Aperiodic and Sporadic T1 Ch 7
CH Jobs in Priority-Driven Systems
• Deferrable Servers

Post CH

Contact Hour 19 & 20

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource
Pre CH
During 6.3 Scheduling Aperiodic and Sporadic T1 Ch 7
CH Jobs in Priority-Driven Systems
• Scheduling of Sporadic Jobs

Post CH

Contact Hour 21
Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource
Pre CH
During 7.1-7.2 Resource and Resource Access Control T1 Ch 8
CH • Resource and Their Usage
• Effect of Resource Contention
and Resource Access Control
Post CH

Contact Hour 22
Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource
Pre CH
During 7.3 Resource and Resource Access Control T1 Ch 8
CH • Basic Priority Inheritance
Post CH

Contact Hour 23
Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource
Pre CH
During 7.4 Resource and Resource Access Control T1 Ch 8
CH • Basic Priority Ceiling Protocol

Post CH

Contact Hour 24
Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource
Pre CH
During 8.2 - 8.3 Hardware Considerations in Real-Time Lecture Notes
CH Systems
• Memory
• Peripheral Devices

Post CH

Contact Hour 25 - 27
Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource
Pre CH
During 9 Scheduling in Multi- Processing Papers to be provided
CH Systems
Post CH
Contact Hour 28 & 29
Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource
Pre CH
During 9 Scheduling in Distributed Systems Papers to be provided
Post CH

Contact Hour 30 - 32
Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource
Pre CH
During 10 Real-Time Operating Systems Lecture Notes
• Kernels
• Memory Management
• Storage & File System
Post CH

Detailed Plan for Lab work/Design work

Lab Lab Objective Lab Sheet Access Content Reference
1 Introduction to Cheddar Simulation Lab Session 1 to 3
Environment in Lab sheet
3 Example RTOS : Hands-on Exercises with Lab Session 5 to 6 https://
Keil ARM RTX in the Lab Sheet
Evaluation Scheme:
Legend: EC = Evaluation Component; AN = After Noon Session; FN = Fore Noon Session
No Name Type Duratio Weight Day, Date, Session, Time
EC-1 Assignment Online - 10% August 23 – September 01, 2019
Assignment Online 10% November 01 – 10, 2019
EC-2 Mid-Semester Test Closed 2 hours 30% Friday, 20/09/2019 (FN)
Book 10 AM – 12 Noon
EC-3 Comprehensive Open 3 hours 50% Friday, 15/11/2019 (FN)
Exam Book 9 AM – 12 Noon

Note: If Assignment kindly remove Quiz-I, II, III

Syllabus for Mid-Semester Test (Closed Book): Topics in Session Nos. 1 to 16
Syllabus for Comprehensive Exam (Open Book): All topics (Session Nos. 1 to 32)
Important links and information:
Elearn portal:
Students are expected to visit the Elearn portal on a regular basis and stay up to date with the latest
announcements and deadlines.
Contact sessions: Students should attend the online lectures as per the schedule provided on the
Elearn portal.
Evaluation Guidelines:
1. EC-1 consists of either two Assignments or three Quizzes. Students will attempt them through
the course pages on the Elearn portal. Announcements will be made on the portal, in a timely
2. For Closed Book tests: No books or reference material of any kind will be permitted.
3. For Open Book exams: Use of books and any printed / written reference material (filed or
bound) is permitted. However, loose sheets of paper will not be allowed. Use of calculators is
permitted in all exams. Laptops/Mobiles of any kind are not allowed. Exchange of any
material is not allowed.
4. If a student is unable to appear for the Regular Test/Exam due to genuine exigencies, the
student should follow the procedure to apply for the Make-Up Test/Exam which will be made
available on the Elearn portal. The Make-Up Test/Exam will be conducted only at selected
exam centres on the dates to be announced later.
It shall be the responsibility of the individual student to be regular in maintaining the self study
schedule as given in the course handout, attend the online lectures, and take all the prescribed
evaluation components such as Assignment/Quiz, Mid-Semester Test and Comprehensive Exam
according to the evaluation scheme provided in the handout.

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