Grammar: Add S' Es' " Ies"

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Worry Drive cry rain wash
go sleep play Take live
Do study Miss Hurry fix

Para esta actividad debes usar los verbos que están en el cuadro y completar las
oraciones. Usa tu diccionario para saber que verbo usar. Observa con detenimiento el
primer ejemplo:

1. My brother usually ________________ TV in the evenings.

2. Mrs. Smith to work every morning.

3. Susan Spanish at school.

4. I bring an umbrella with me when it .

5. John in a small apartment downtown.

6. It an hour for me to go to work in the mornings.

7. My husband old cars in his free time. It’s his hobby.

8. My cat all day near the window.

9. Stewart too much about his job. He should relax more.

10. My classmate always her homework on time.

11. My little brother when he is scared.

12. Jennifer to class every morning at six-thirty.

13. Mr. Johnson sometimes golf in the afternoon.

14. Sam has a new job. He dishes at a restaurant.

15. Sue moved to a new city in May. Now, she her friends.

16. My father to work

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Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. ©

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