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10 Dynamic Warm-Up Exercises

1. The Head-Turner
 Stand tall but relaxed with your feet at
hip width.
 Hang your arms at your sides, palms
turned back.
 Look straight ahead.
 As you inhale, raise your right arm
forward and up overhead as you turn
your head to the left.
 As you exhale, bring your arm down
and turn your head forward.
 As you inhale, raise your left arm
forward and up overhead while
turning your head to the right.
 Repeat eight times on each side,
alternating right and left.

2. Wring out the Towel

● Standing with your feet about hip-

width apart, bring your arms up to
shoulder height with your thumbs
pointing forward.
● Then rotate your left hand, pointing
the thumb down and then backward so
that your palm is facing up. Your
whole arm should rotate and the
shoulder should rotate forward.
● As you rotate the left thumb down and
back, turn the right thumb up and back
so the right palm is also facing up.
You should be rotating the right
shoulder back and open. Your body
should also turn and open a bit to the
● Then switch hands, rotating your body
a bit to the left as your left shoulder
rotates back and your right shoulder
rotates forward.
● Keep alternating till all reps are

3. Quadruped Thoracic Rotation

● Start with one hand directly below

shoulder, the other behind head with
knees directly below hips. 
● Rotate by opening your torso up as far
as possible while exhaling, hold for 2
● Rotate torso towards the deck, taking
elbow to knee, hold for 2 seconds. 
● Complete 8 reps, then repeat on the
opposite side.

4. Waterfall

● Plant heel on the ground and keep

entire leg straight.
● Bend over and swipe your arms (one
arm over the other) over your foot.
● Complete 16 alternating reps.

5. Trunk Rotation

● Lie on your back and bring your knees

up toward your chest so your body is
positioned as if you’re sitting in a
● Fully extend your arms out to the
sides, with your palms face-down on
the floor.
● Keeping your knees together and
hands on the floor, gently roll both
bent knees over to your right side and
hold for 15–20 seconds.
● Return to the starting position and
repeat step 3 on your left side, again
holding for 15–20 seconds.
● Repeat 5–10 times on each side.
6. Fire Hydrant Circles

● On all 4 fours, make sure your core is

braced and nothing moves other than
the working leg. 
● Keeping your right leg bent at 90
degrees, take it out to the side and
then in a circular motion. 
● Do 5 circles in one direction, then the
● Then switch to the other leg.

7 Backpedal

● Keep your hips low at about 1/4 of a

squat position.
● Take small steps backward
continuously while pumping your
arms and landing on the balls of your
● Continue for the desired time or
8 High Kicks

● Stand still with your feet hip-width

● Bring your left arm to a 90° angle (in
front of you) then kick your leg up
and try touching your fingers using
your toes and bring it back down.
● Switch, bring your right arm up and
kick forward with your right leg while
trying to touch your fingers and bring
it back down.
● Do not lean forward and keep you
back straight
● Complete 16 alternating reps.

9. Dymamic Pigeon

● In a push up position, bring your right

knee toward your right hand while
keeping your shin parallel to your hips
so that your left foot comes just
behind your left hand.
● Sink your hips towards the floor, feel
the stretch, then return to push up
position and repeat on the other leg.
● Complete 10 reps.

10. Crawl – out Squats

 Place your feet slightly wider than
shoulder-width apart.
 Squat and place your hands on the
ground, in between your feet.
 Move your hands forward and
transition into a plank. Hold for
several seconds.
 Crawl back into the squat. Stand up
 Complete 10 reps.

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