Gender Responsive Budgeting Exercise

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Gender Responsive Budgeting Exercise

You are managing a project in country ZZZ. The project is focusing on alternative livelihoods. The project
has a target of 40% female beneficiaries and 60% male beneficiaries. Country ZZZ is very conservative
and patriarchal. Girls and women fall into traditional roles. There is active conflict and mobility for all is
limited. Literacy rates vary but lower in rural areas. There are 6 main ethnic groups and over 20
language groups.

Below are just a few folks that would interested in being involved in the project.
How can we guarantee this?
Mr. AB He is a 30 year old man from a remote part of the country. He speaks language AA but the
dialect in rural areas is quite different the one often heard in urban areas.

Ms. DB She is an 18 year old female with only 8 years of education. Her language skills are limited
but she has a strong business sense. Literacy is not a requirement for doing business at
the village level.

Mr. BB He is a 29 year old man that lost his sight 15 years ago. He has successfully learned braille
and was able to complete school up to year 12. He has a wife and 2 children that he

Ms. CB She is a 24 year old woman with 2 young children. She is from a conservative family, but
one that does support her involvement in business as long as in line with their values and

Mr. UW He is 36 year old man that uses a wheelchair. He had significant experience in data
collection before he received a partial amputation of his leg. He has struggled to find work
since the amputation.

Ms. CC She is a 34 year old Deaf woman with a 12 th grade education. She would like to participate
in the training for a new livelihood.

Your team will first carry out a household survey to determine the needs of the community. This will be
followed by a training program and a study tour.

What are some of the budget considerations for the below activities in order to be inclusive of the
above named community members?

- Household survey
- A 2 week training in a new livelihood
- A study tour to a regional country or a neighboring city
Household Survey









Study Tour



Household Survey
Enumerators Need to hire both males and females since males may not be able to interview
Language considerations
Travel Female enumerators may not be able to travel between towns. For this
reason, female enumerators will need to be trained and hired in each town.
This may add a cost.
Mobility issues
Material There will be different education levels among the interviewees and the
enumerators. For this reason, materials need to take into consideration the
level of written and visual information in any materials used.
Language considerations

Facilitators May need to hire both male and female trainers. This could impact budget if
the original plan was to have one trainer only.
Language considerations
Facility There may be a need for separate facilities for males and females or at least
separate accommodations at the facility.
The facility should be accessible for anyone with a physical disability
Material Will more than one type of training material need to be developed to
accommodate literacy and skill levels.
Language considerations
Food Need to budget if there are any dietary concerns of participants.

Study Tour
Recruitment How reach potential candidates? Will recruitment efforts to reach female
candidates require more travel closer to their homes whereas males may be
able to travel to a location?
Physical disability
Orientation If a certain language or language level is required, one accommodation could
be providing language training or an interpreter.
Travel Mobility assistant for a participant that is blind
A Maharam

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