Software Process Simulation Over The Past Decade: Trends Discovery From A Systematic Review

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Software Process Simulation over the Past Decade:

Trends Discovery from A Systematic Review

He Zhang Barbara Kitchenham Dietmar Pfahl

School of Computer Science School of Computer Science Simula Research Laboratory
and Engineering, UNSW and Mathematics, Department of Informatics,
National ICT Australia Keele University, UK University of Oslo, Norway

ABSTRACT our future research activities in this domain. The process

Software Process Simulation (SPS) research has increased and preliminary results of this review have been reported
since 1998 when the first ProSim Workshop was held. This in [5]. This paper instead presents the underlying trends
paper aims to reveal how SPS has evolved during the past over the decade derived from the review results.
10 years based on the preliminary results from the system-
atic literature review of SPS publications from 1998 to 2007. 2. THE SYSTEMATIC REVIEW
Trends over the period showed that interest in continuous This section briefly describes the method applied in this
modelling was decreasing and interest in micro-processes review and the studies identified (see [5] for more details).
was increasing. Hybrid models were based primarily on sys-
tem dynamics and discrete event simulation and were all 2.1 Method
implemented by vertical integration. This research follows Kitchenham’s methodological guide-
lines for systematic reviews [3]. Three researchers were in-
Categories and Subject Descriptors volved, including one principal and one secondary reviewer,
D.2.9 [Software Engineering]: Management—Software pro- plus the third acting as the expert panel. The research ques-
cess models tions of this review are the following:

Q1. What are the purposes and motivations for SPS in the
General Terms last decade’s practice?
Q2. Which simulation paradigms have been applied in the
last decade, and how popular are they in SPS?
Q3. Which simulation tools are available for SPS and have
Software process simulation, systematic literature review
been in use in the decade? And how popular are they?

1. INTRODUCTION Q4. On model level, what are problem domains and model
Software Process Simulation (SPS) was introduced into scopes focused on by simulation models?
the software engineering domain by Abdel-Hamid’s pioneer- Q5. On parameter level, what are the output variables con-
ing work [1]. In the last two decades, it emerged as an sidered when developing simulation models?
effective tool to help evaluate and manage changes made to
software projects and organisations. As a major research Q6. Which simulation paradigm is the most appropriate for
event, the ProSim series conference1 has taken place since a specific SPS purpose and scope?
1998, and focuses on up-to-date theory and practice of SPS
research in addressing real-world problems. The time frame of sources for this study is constrained
Recently, we undertook a systematic review to revisit and to the period from 1998 to 2007. As the ProSim series
update the state-of-the-art of SPSM research, to summarise are regarded as the most important forum of SPS, the re-
the 10-years (1998-2007) progress, and to discover trends for lated sources, i.e. ProSim, ICSP, Journal of Systems & Soft-
ware (JSS) and Software Process Improvement & Practice
International Workshop on Software Process Simulation Modelling (SPIP), are the primary data sources for this research.
(ProSim) and International Conference on Software Process (ICSP)
2.2 Studies
The pilot review identified four categories of primary study:
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
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A. Software process simulation models or simulators;
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B. Process simulation modelling paradigms, methodologies,
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ESEM’08, October 9–10, 2008, Kaiserslautern, Germany.. C. Applications, guidelines, and solutions for adopting pro-
Copyright 2008 ACM 978-1-59593-971-5/08/10 ...$5.00. cess simulation in software engineering practice;

D. Experience reports of SPS research and practice.
Table 3: Paradigms applied in primary studies

These four categories are not a mutually exclusive. They
focus on different aspects of SPS research, and may give an-
swers to the research questions from different perspectives. SD l l l l l l l l l
DES l l l l l l l l l
SBS l l l l l
Table 1: Sources identified as primary studies KBS l l l
QSIM l l l l

RPG l l l







ABS l l
Proc. 15 13 21 0 32 27 24 8 8 148 DTS l
JSS 11 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 Stig. l
SPIP 0 10 0 7 5 7 7 2 2 38 Emrg. l
selected 13 9 14 7 16 10 13 6 8 96 Number 4 2 5 5 4 5 5 4 4

In total, 209 papers have been published in the ProSim Trend 1 System dynamics and discrete-event simulation formed
sources. They form a comprehensive body of knowledge of the main stream of SPS paradigms.
software process simulation. By carefully reviewing their
titles, abstracts, keywords, conclusions, 96 articles were se- Table 2 shows the number of Category A studies (simu-
lected and identified as the primary studies. The number of lation models) per paradigm and per year. Note that some
papers per year and source are summarised in Table 1. studies employed more than one paradigm in their research.
The bottom line indicates the number of hybrid models
3. TRENDS DISCOVERY each year, which integrate two or more modelling techniques
above it. The majority of process models for simulation each
Trend means “the general movement over time of a sta- year were built using SD or DES (the top two rows), includ-
tistically detectable change” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). ing their combinations appearing at the bottom.
This section attempts to detect the interesting ‘movement’
or ‘change’ derived from the review results over the decade. Trend 2 New simulation paradigms continued to be intro-
duced into SPS research.
3.1 Paradigms
Table 3 presents a more comprehensive view of all primary
studies (Category A/B/C/D). Unlike Table 2, the study
Table 2: Paradigms applied in simulation models numbers are represented with the solid dots, which make
it clear which paradigms were applied each year. The four



rows at the top are the paradigms discussed in KMR’s paper

in 1998, which are separated from the others by a solid line.
SD 4 5 7 1 4 3 5 2 1 32 The emerging paradigms were introduced to SPS research
DES 1 2 3 1 2 2 4 1 2 18 since 2000, and their application became dominant at 2004.
SBS 1 1 1 3
KBS 1 1 1 3
3.2 Granularities
QSIM 1 1 2 As two complementary types of software process, macro-
RPG 1 1 2 process and micro-process research (identified by Osterweil [4]),
ABS 1 2 3 are applicable to SPS research as well. However, the system-
DTS 1 1 atic review reflects that there are three different granularity
Stig. 1 1 levels that process simulation models can focus on: namely
Hybrid 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 10 system, process, and entity levels. They are supported by
different simulation paradigms.
SD: system dynamics DES: discrete-event simulation
At system level , a software process is modelled as an
SBS: state-based simulation KBS: knowledge-based simulation
overall system. The process behaviour is described by a
RPG: role-playing game ABS: agent-based simulation
set of external parameters that continuously vary over time.
Stig.: stigmergy QSIM: qualitative/semi-quantitative simulation
This granularity corresponds to the macro-process research
Emrg.: emergent DTS: discrete-time simulation
and is supported by the conventional continuous simulation.
Software processes are modelled and observed with more
details at process level , where the executed tasks with the
In 1998, there were only three simulation paradigms em- resources required and their sequential relationships can be
ployed by the Category A studies (models) published in the tracked during simulation. The modelling on this level is
first ProSim workshop (Table 2). They were SD, DES and supported by discrete simulation.
KBS. Kellner, Madachy and Raffo (KMR) discussed four
types of simulation in their seminal paper in ProSim com- Trend 3 Continuous modelling gradually lost its dominant
munity [2]. However, our review identified ten simulation position in SPS research in comparison with discrete
paradigms from the primary studies (listed in Table 3). approaches during the decade.

3.3 Integration
Table 4: Paradigms in support of granularities
Like the interaction between macro-process and micro-


process [4], process modelling on the three granularity levels



is not mutually exclusive, and sometimes combined.
System l l m Hybrid modelling employs more than one paradigm in de-
Process l l l m l veloping a process simulation model. The systematic re-
Entity m l l l view concludes that hybrid process simulation models have
attracted interest as a possibility to avoid the limitations
l - inherently supported m - condition applying
of applying single modelling method, and more realistically
capture complex real world software processes.
Trend 6 System dynamics and discrete-event simulation were
Table 5: Granularity levels of simulation studies the most common combination for hybrid modelling.

The bottom line of Table 2 shows the number of hybrid
models published per year. All these 10 models were at least
System 4 5 7 2 4 3 5 3 1 34 based on the combination of SD and DES, or even more.
Process 2 2 4 3 3 3 4 1 3 25
Entity 2 2 4 Trend 7 Hybrid process simulation modelling concentrated
on vertical integration.
There exist two broad approaches to develop a hybrid
process model: vertical integration, which primarily im-
When revisiting the top two rows of Table 2, both SD
plements discrete modelling at the lower process level, then
and DES supported simulation studies of software process
continuously calculates the process factors and incorporates
each year. Although the total number of SD models is larger
the feedback loops at system level; and horizontal integra-
than any others’, it is not difficult to observe a decreasing
tion, in which the sub-processes or phases within a large
trend of SD application in the decade, by absolute number
scale or complex software process may be modelled using
or percentage. The studies using SD dominated in the early
different approaches respectively and sequentially, and the
years (prior to 2000). Recently, the number of published
data flow has to be converted at the interface in transition.
studies using SD has decreased and approached the number
We found all the hybrid models reported in primary studies
of studies using DES. It implies that simulation research has
were implemented by vertical integration.
become more interested in micro-process modelling.
Process level simulation models are based on the conven-
tional life-cycle or sequential process modelling. However, 4. CONCLUSION
it is difficult to simulate team effects by process level mod- The method, process and preliminary results from the sys-
elling through aggregating individuals. This becomes an is- tematic review on software process simulation has been re-
sue when modelling a process with many participants, such ported in [5]. This paper further presents the in-depth find-
as the open source developer community. Accordingly, mod- ings of SPS research by discovering the trends underneath
elling and simulation technology at entity level requires the review results over the past decade. In addition, we
quite different characteristics from the technology used on also gain the new insights about SPS research on modelling
process level. Simulation at entity level consumes more re- granularity and integration.
sources to track all entities and their relationships individu- The results from this review can help both insiders’ and
ally than the approaches using aggregation. outsiders’ perception and understanding of SPS research.
Table 4 indicates for each simulation paradigm the in- These trends derived from the preliminary facts help suggest
herently supported research granularity level(s) as identified possible directions for future SPS-related research.
from the review. Here, RPG is a special case, its supported
granularity level often depending on its combined approach. 5. REFERENCES
[1] T. K. Abdel-Hamid and S. E. Madnick. Software
Trend 4 Most of newly introduced paradigms enhanced the Project Dynamics: An Integrated Approach. Prentice
research capability at the micro-process level. Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1991.
All newly introduced paradigms are listed at the right side [2] M. I. Kellner, R. J. Madachy, and D. M. Raffo. Software
of the vertical line (between KBS and QSIM) in Table 4 process simulation modelling: Why? what? how?
(compared with the four discussed by KMR at leftmost). If Journal of Systems and Software, 46(2/3):91–105, 1999.
we refine the scope of micro-process to cover the entity gran- [3] B. Kitchenham. Guidelines for performing systematic
ularity level, then most of them are capable of the process literature reviews in software engineering. Technical
or entity level research corresponding to the micro-process. report, School of Computer Science and Mathematics,
Keele University, 2007.
Trend 5 In recent years, micro-processes have been attract- [4] L. J. Osterweil. Unifying microprocess and
ing more simulation research. macroprocess research. In Software Process Workshop,
Table 5 records the number of published studies on each Beijing, 2005. Springer.
granularity level over years. When applying the extended [5] H. Zhang, B. Kitchenham, and D. Pfahl. Reflections on
concept of micro-process, since 2004 the number of micro- 10 years of software process simulation modelling: A
process simulation models has been no less than macro- systematic review. In International Conference on
process models. It is also an enhancement of Trend 3. Software Process, Leipzig, Germany, 2008. Springer.


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