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Private İstanbul Program for 2 or 3 days

This program includes visits to special Istanbul sites some of which are not the
focus of large tour groups due to requiring special interest or convenience
which includes difficulties with parking tour busses : As an instance in an
interesting list named “ 1000 places you should see before you die’ , the
name of a mosque from Istanbul is given, Suleymaniye Mosque. This is more
impressive than Blue Mosque; yet its location is not easily accessible for tour
busses or parking is expensive for tour vans ; as a result less tours go to see
this superior mosque of Istanbul.

Your tour guide will adjust the order of the visits, with daily small fine
tunings according to what accommodates you the best.
On some of the days the cruiseship passengers crowd the major museums and
on such days visiting especially Topkapi Palace around 4.30 – 5 p.m. may
work better. Topkapi Palace stays open until 7 pm .

Detailed descriptions of the sites mentioned in the program are at the bottom
of these pages.

Day 1.

You will begin your day by exploring the 4 century old narrow streets around
the Spice Market before getting to the mainstream visitors’ interest, The
Egyptian Bazaar named as Spice Market in English resources.
Then onto Sokullu M. Pasa mosque for a brief stop which is close to the
Blue Mosque to have the experience of a visit to a mosque that is not the
mainstream tourist attraction. This is one of the most impressive mosques of
architect Sinan of the 16th century despite being smaller in size than the sultan
mosques. The mosque has got pieces of the most sacred stone for the
Muslims, the black stone – hacerüleswed.

Blue Mosque and Hippodrome will be the next stops. After lunch break
explore Ayasofya , the Byzantine Cathedral, and Basilica Cistern.
Day 2.

Topkapi Palace and highlights of the Archaelogical Museum will cover the
whole morning.
Notice : Harem of Topkapi palace is only available before 3 p.m., guides are
not allowed to give information in the Harem, and there is no palace guide
inside. Only hiring an electronic talking guide hand unit is available.
Dolmabahce palace’s harem section is recommended more, since it has got
almost all of the original furnitures as opposed to few in Topkapi .

After lunch a visit to a reputable warehouse, Sirca is possible, if you grow

your interests in these Turkish arts : Ceramic and pottery. Sirca is the
provider of state ceramic gifts to the dignitaries of the countries visited by
their Turkish counterparts; Attending a pottery production performance is
possible ( on most tours in the old town, walking from one site to another
nearbye one may equal walking and standing all day long; such stops for brief
demonstrations also help to rest a bit. ) Later you can also stop by the store
of their major rival in Turkey , Iznik ceramic foundation if you have further

Proceed to Suleymaniye Mosque and Grand Bazaar.

Late afternoon : Explore Istiklal Street with tunel area, Balik Pazari ( fish
market ) Nevizade Street, Cicek Pasaji, Ara Guler’s café ( just walk by) , St.
Antuanne Church.

Day 3.

Drive along Golden Horn Estuary to go to Chora. Chora the Byzantine church
with its Christian mosaics and frescoes Is in any art book referring to the
(visit )

At 3 o’clock is the Ottoman military band performance in Nisantasi district.

Half an hour stay will introduce this band that influenced in Mozart, Beethoven
and Chaikowsky. If the concert is indoors there will also be an impressive
slide presentation for 10 minutes.

On a weekend day , lesser known by visitors but trendy for locals is Ortakoy
district ( see the site desription section below ) , where unpressurised
shopping with inexpensive souveniers from lady street vendors will be
available, as well as a Bosphorus cruise.

We recommend a 3.30 p.m. visit to this area with a cruise by 4.20 or an hour
Time Planning :

The tours are 8 hours, they may begin at 8.30 9 or 9.30 according to your
selection ( most museums open at 9 or 9.30 )

Istiklal Street can best be enjoyed at early evening from 8 to 9 p.m. So,
the day you would enjoy a late visit to Topkapi palace, Istiklal Street can be
combined .

Bosphorus Cruise and Ortakoy district is more fun at about 7 p.m. , this can
be combined with your dinner, with the areas fine restaurants like Feriye. If
you would like a late Ortakoy program after 5.30 p.m. though there will be
surcharge for keeping your guide and your van longer, you will surely enjoy
this better.

Your Tour Guide

We just use top guides for our tours. Your Tour Guide is Oguz Kosebalaban
who also has a bachelor’s degree from Ankara University’s Faculty of Political
Sciences. He is a short movie film maker and scenario writer. In April 2007 his
short movie was found eligible to compete in the finals in a contest held by
Nokia , Turkey in cooperation with İstanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts
( ) His movie is at the
end of the list , since the list of movies is in Alphabetical order.
His travel articles are frequently being quoted in his colleague’s tours. His
website address is
Site Descriptions :

Ortakoy District

This is a waterfront area that resembles to Seaport of New York City, the
major difference being the mosque instead of the mall at Seaport.
This is right before the first suspension bridge connecting Europe to Asia over
the Bosphorus Straits, as referred to in Homer’s book Odyssey, the site of the
clashing rocks.
19th century Grand Mecidiye Mosque is situated on
the shore as if it were floating. This was the setting
as the background with the mosque and the bridge
connecting two continents for the speech of
President Bush during Nato summit in 2004, the
context of which was the peace between eastern and
western world, the brotherhood of religions. The
location was intelligently chosen by
The U.S.
( )

with especially the mosque being the background for president Bush at a time
when American jets were bombing another muslim nation’s territory, Iraque.
This contributed to the image of the U.S. to emphasise that the U.S. was
friends with Islamic nations , the Iraque conflict does not have any religious
connection. ( by then your guide Oguz Kosebalaban escorted CBS News,
and analysed the choice for this setting for the tv commenter )

This area converts into an up scaled flea market – the look is the look of a flea
market but the items offered on the stands are brand new and nice, and prices
are much beter than the tripled or quadrupled rates of Grand Bazaar. But stil
there is minor negotiation possibilities from the low profit margins of these
sweat lady vendors.
Daily after 4.20 there is a Bosphorus cruise departure from here.
Istiklal Street

(Below; on the left . Across Ayasofya on the right is Blue Mosque with 6

532-537 emperor Justinian I erected the

greatest Church in the ancient Christian world.
The bold structure was a combination of Roman
Basilica and domed Roman central building, the
central element of which was a dome with a
diameter of 101,7 ft (31 m) and a height of
160,7 ft. (49 m) after the example of Hadrian's
Pantheon in Rome. Neither in Byzantine nor
Osmane days this dimension ever was
surpassed. After several seismic shocks
however the dome imploded in 558. The dome
we see today was consecrated in 562. The dome we see today is 23 ft (7 m)
higher and was consecrated in 562.
Daylight is flooding the church through 91 windows, illuminating the incredible
beauty of the interior, which is adorned with marble tiles, elaborate, colourful
mosaics and pictures, created from ceramics, precious and semiprecious
stones, gold... The structure of the interior and the play of light convey the
impression of weightlessness, which certainly contributed to the churches
legendary fame.

Thanks to its grandeur and beauty the church served as a house of God, even
under the reign of Osmane Sultans, all together for almost 1400 years! After
the conquest of Constantinople in 1453 by the Turks under Mehmed II, the
Hagia Sophia was used as mosque until the Turkish republic was founded in
1923. Today it is a museum.


This is the area in front of Blue Mosque. The most precious

ancient remnant of the Hippodrome and oldest monument
of Constantinople is the Egyptian obelisk, which was erected
by Pharaoh Thutmosis III in Karnak 1471 BC.

Tripod of Plataea : The three snakes of the Tripod of

Plataea, seen on the left , was transferred to Constantinople
by the
emperor Constantine, where it stands today
in the Hippodrome Square. The names of the cities, which took part in the
battle, are written in the body.

Basilica Cistern

The cistern, built by emperor Justinian around 542, is also called the "Sunken
Palace", which aptly reflects the magical atmosphere of this subterranean
building. The reservoir had a capacity of 80.000 cubic feet of water and
provided the quarter around the Hagia Sophia as well as the emperor's palace
and later the Topkapi palace. On an area of 453 x 213 ft. (138 x 65 m) or 2,2
acres (8970 m²) a dim wood of 336 marble columns, which support the up to
8 m high vault, is reflected in the

Walkways and atmospheric lighting make the Cistern a great tourist attraction,
which takes you back into ancient times.
Topkapı Palace

The imperial Palace of the Ottomans is the hub of the Ottoman universe
(complete sightseeing tour: allow for ½ day) After conquering Constantinople,
Mehmet II chose the smartest spot in town as his home. At the tip of the
peninsula on which Constantinople was located, washed by the waves of the
Golden Horn and the Sea of Marmara, he built his Topkapi Palace subdivided
into four courtyards. It wasn't just his home, however. This is where the
strings of world history were being pulled: the business of the empire was
done , the Ottoman bureaucracy was educated, and the sultan's
elite troops, the janissaries, housed (first courtyard). By the way,
from this first courtyard one path towards ( the direction of the
street car street ) north takes you to the Archaelogical museum .

And being less than careful in the second courtyard could actually
cost you your head. If you were only waiting to see the sultan
about something (third courtyard), you'd better watch which queue you were
in – the sultan's executioners were also housed here, ready to fulfil their
master's wishes. And, if you thought you could catch a glimpse of what was
going on in the harem (Buy a separate ticket , well worth the
visit!), you'd be very wrong. The harem, well-guarded by the
sultan's mother, could be entered by only one man - the sultan
himself (as you can well imagine, eunuchs could come and go
as they pleased). From the early 16th century, when the
brothers of the heir to the throne were no longer being sent
straight back to meet their maker, they were also allowed to
live in the harem. ( in a cosy cell ) And if now, like the sultan in
former times, you feel like taking a break and a cup of coffee,
go on to the fourth courtyard, a large garden with pavilions and
an unforgettable view of the entrance to the Bosphorus.

Spice Market
Kuru yemis (KOO-roo yeh-meesh) means "dried fruits." Turkey grows a lot of
wonderful fruit. To preserve and store it in the days before tin cans and
refrigeration, much of it was dried. Dried fruit is convenient! No cans or
packages to open or dispose of, no need for refrigeration. Just add mouth!
Plums, figs, dates, apricots, apples...even blackberries and other berries which
are pressed and dried into sheets ("fruit leather"), the stuff you see right at
the center of the photo above; from the Spice Market. Don't forget the nuts:
high protein, high flavor, low maintenance: walnuts, almonds, peanuts,
pistachios and of course hazelnuts (filberts), of which Turkey's Black Sea
Coast furnishes half the world supply.

Grand Bazaar

Though this bazaar became rather touristy especially with cruiseships bringing
couples of ten thousand visitors on some of the days! ; still this is an
impressive site at least for window shopping ; if you are not pulled into a shop
by a slightly more than enthusiastic! Vendor! :))

The mother of all covered market places had humble beginnings as a much
smaller market in 1461, during the reign of Mehmet the Conqueror. Now
comprised of well over four thousand shops
stretching over a maze of sixty-odd winding streets, it
easily holds the title of largest covered market in the
world. And inside: everything from belly-dancing
outfits to 'cezve' (pronounced 'jesveh' - the special
copper pots for brewing Turkish coffee). The bazaar's
streets are named and labeled, but still confusing.
Unfortunately, this bustling space of the new and old
has had its fair share of tragedies. Earthquakes and
fires have both affected the building more than once -
the most recent being the major fire of 1954. After
each event, the Grand Bazaar was repaired, but
original records have been lost forever. And so, we've
lost that bit of history too. But life marches on in and
around the bazaar. Around, because the marketplace
is not merely within the walls of the official covered
section, but it also extends past the surrounding areas
to create an open-air shopping arena that disappears each evening until its
subsequent morning arrival.


Bosphorus Straits divides Europe from Asia and connects Black Sea to
Marmara Sea and never fails to impress visitors with upscaled waterfront
wooden mansions, palaces, fortresses, parks and woods.
Bosphorus is mentioned twice in Mythology : Jason and the Argounats
crossing the clashing rocks ( Bosphorus Straits must then be an earth quake
fault line - hence ; "clashing rocks" ) , and its link with Io , the mistress of
Zeus , giving it the name Bosphorus , meaning the passage of the heifer. Not
to forget Persian King Darius crossing his army on a bridge made up of boats
anchored next to one another. 2 impressive suspension bridges, palatial
houses on both sides, Ottoman Palaces (Dolmabahce, Beylerbeyi, Ciragan ) ,
Castles ( Rumeli and Anadolu Castles ), mosques, forests and more.

Blue Mosque

Sultan Ahmed I, who ascended the throne at the age of fourteen was an
extremely religious-minded sultan, who displayed his religious fervor in his
decision to construct a mosque to compete with Ayasofya. For the site, a
suitable place was long sought before the decision was taken. At last the
mosque decided to build on the site of the palace of Ayse Sultan. The owner of
the palace was compensated and the site prepared by the architect Sedefkar
Mehmet Aga, who began the construction in 1609. This architect poet and
inlayer completed this great work in 1617. An imperial lodge, school, service
kiosk and single and double storied shops were included in the complex, which
spread over the area around the mosque. The mosque itself is surrounded on
three sides by a broad courtyard, and is entered on each side by a total of
eight portals. The inner court is reached through three gates, and is paved in
marble, and surrounded by revaks supported on columns of pink granite and
marble, and two of porphyry, and surmounted by 30 cupolas. A fine fountain
for ablution takes up the center of the courtyard, surrounded by six marble
columns. The mosque is unique with its six minarets in Istanbul. Four of these
have three balconies, two have two balconies each, a total of 16 in all. The
most original feature of the mosque is the 260 windows through which it is so
well lit. A total of 21043 tiles have been used in the interior. The mosque
received its synonym as the Blue Mosque from the bluish haze given to the
interior by these tiles. The faience consists of floral and rumi motifs of various
colors on white ground. These are very fine examples of the art of tiling. The
bronze and wooden decorations and artifacts of the mosque are also very fine.
Calligraphy is the work of Kasim Gubari and the fine mother-of-pearl window
shutters are the work of Sedefkar Mehmet Ada. Ahmed I died in 1617 and was
buried near the mosque.

Süleymaniye Mosque

The cascading domes and four slender minarets of the Imperial

Suleymaniye Mosque dominate the skyline on the Golden Horn's west bank.
Considered the most beautiful of all imperial mosques in Istanbul, it was built
between 1550 and 1557 by Sinan, the renowned architect of the Ottoman
Empire's golden age. Erected on the crest of a hill, the building is conspicuous
for its great size, emphasized by the four minarets that rise from each comer
of the courtyard. Inside are the mihrab (prayer niche showing the direction to
Mecca) and the mimber (pulpit) made of finely carved white marble and
exquisite stained-glass windows coloring the incoming streams of light. It was
in the gardens of this complex that Suleyman and his wife, Hurrem Sultan
(Roxelane), had their mausolea built, and near here also Sinan built his own
tomb. The mosque complex also includes four medreses, or theological
schools, a school of medicine, a caravanserai, a Turkish bath, and a kitchen
and hospice for the poor.

Turkish Bath
Another great experience in Istanbul is experiencing a Turkish Bath visit at
one of the historical Istanbul Baths in the Old Town. Before the times
everyone had a bathroom in their homes, a trip to the hammam was
essential, in order to perform your ritual cleansing which was also a must
according to Islam. While declining in popularity amongst the local folks since
the widespread availability of hot and cold running water, the hammam
continues to be a "try it once" type activity for enthusiastic visitors. A funny
action Turkish bath sequence of one of Jackie Chan’s Movie – Golden Fist was
filmed in one of these Baths.

( as described by a visitor in past years : )

“ Wiley and I paid 10 million lira ( the ongoing rate for full service is
about 70 Lira , today = 55$ ) each for our scrubbings. Then we parted,
as the hammam we were in wasn't co-ed, but apparently many are today. I
didn't really want a guy giving me a bath, so we specifically hunted this place
down. Once in the women's changing area, I was given a thin cloth, a locker
key, and told to "take everything off". ( you may wear your bathing suit,
but still they provide a bath material the size of a bath towel , which
you wrap around your body ) I obeyed, somewhat tenuously, and silently
wished that I had read more closely the section of the guidebook that
describes exactly WHAT you're supposed to do, once inside.

The changing room attendant pointed the way into a hallway, which I followed,
until it came to a large, domed room, with a round marble slab in the center,
and marble sinks all around the outside. There was one woman in there
already, laid out on the slab, so I followed her lead. I took off my cloth,
spread it out on the warm marble, and laid myself out. I was somewhat
uncomfortable at first, but more and more women came into the room, and it
became obvious that none of us had a clue what was going on, so I relaxed.
It was very warm in the room and I was sweating profusely, but it was quiet
and calm in there, and I just laid back and looked lazily at the warm sunlight
filtering in through the small circular windows in the dome.
Eventually I was called over to another part of the slab by a large Turkish
women, who was wearing nothing but navy blue panties and the evidence of a
Caesarean section. She spread out my cloth, and motioned for me to lay
down. She then proceeded to pour buckets of warm water all over me, then
scrubbed me down with some type of exfoliating mitt. Then she brought over
a bucket of warm, sudsy water and began my "soap down". I'm pretty sure
I've never been so clean. The cleaning also included a light massage, which
was nice. Once she had soaped me up and washed me, she rinsed me with
more warm water, then lead me into another room, where she washed my
hair. After a couple more rinses with warm water, she hit me with a final
bucket of cold water, which felt really good. After that, I dried off, dressed,
and met Wiley back in the lobby. We both agreed that it was a somewhat
bizarre experience, but that it certainly must have been luxurious in the days
before hot running water.”

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