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Kharisma Larabhakti Mayorette


A. Program and Function of Human Resources

1. Human Resources Objectives
Goals to be achieved in the area of HRM, are determined by the organization’s objectives
as a whole. For examples arranging vision and mission for HR department itself.
2. HR Policies
Guides to action required to achieve the HR objectives, in the area of employment, pay,
development and training, employee relations, health and safety, etc. For examples in
employee development: training, career development, appraising and improving
3. HR Procedures
Prescribed sequence of steps to be followed in carrying out HR policies. Such as
Employment: recruitment, selection, placement, and orientation.
4. HR Information System (HRIS)
Network of procedures, equipment, information, and personnel to provide data for
purpose of control and decision making. It should be through collective bargaining,
cooperative programs, employee concerns and complaints.
5. HR Budget
financial plan and a control for the expenditure of funds necessary to support the HR
programs. For example, planning for employment benefits like administering company
policies: retirement, family care, employee assistance, recognition awards, compensation
insurance, recreation.

B. Meaning of Compensation

Generally, means administering wage and salary, incentive pay. It is financially reward or
non-financial that are accepted by people through staffing relationship within the organization.
compensation can be directly or indirectly given to employees, where employees receive
compensation in non-monetary forms.
1. Kinds of Compensation
a. Direct Financial Compensation
In the form of; basic payment (salary and wages), achievement fee, incentive payment
(bonus, commission, profit sharing / stock options and options) and deferred payment
(savings program and stock purchase annuity).
b. Indirect Financial Compensation
in the form of; protection programs (health insurance, life insurance, pensions, labour
insurance), pay outside working hours (holidays, holidays, annual leave and maternity
leave) and facilities such as vehicles, office space and parking lots.
c. Non-Financial Compensation
in the form of work (interesting tasks, challenges, responsibilities, recognition and a
sense of achievement). Work environment (healthy policies, competent supervision,
pleasant relatives, comfortable work environment).

C. Aims
1. Fulfil regulations
2. Ensure the employee salary
3. Reduce turnover of the employee
4. Obtain the quality of employee
5. Cost Control
6. Appreciation

D. Regulations
1. Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 concerning manpowers (UU
Ketenagakerjaan) Pasal 88 ayat (1) UU Ketenagakerjaan every worker /
laborer has the right to earn income that meets a decent living for humanity.
2. Pasal 88 Ayat (4) The government sets minimum wages based on decent living
needs, productivity, and economic growth. The government also prohibits payment
of wages that are lower than the minimum wage as stipulated in Pasal 90. If the
employer has objections to paying the minimum wage, he must postpone it, in
accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration of
the Republic of Indonesia Number: KEP.231 / MEN / 2003 concerning Procedures
for Suspending the Implementation of Minimum Wages.
3. Basic Wage Calculation: minimum of 75% (seventy five percent) of the total base
wage and fixed allowances.

E. Examples
1. Wages
Wages for FO staff at Hotel Banana Inn is about Rp. 50.000,-/day, and for the
extra time will get Rp. 10.000,- per day.
2. Salary
According to the regulation of the city that UMK Bandung in 2020 is Rp.
3.623.778,91,-/month. So the minimum of the salary that should be given is around
Rp. 2.500.000,-.
3. Incentive
Giving individual incentive to sales marketing if their sales profit volume is higher
than the necessary targeted. For example, every 5% of the excrescent will get Rp.
100.000 ,-.
4. Benefits
Compulsory benefit is like food, insurance, and transport which is under the
wages. For example,
a. food employee cost: Rp. 390.000 (Rp.15.000 x 26 days)
b. transport : Rp. 260.000 (Rp. 10.000 x 26 days)
c. Position benefit : Rp. 200.000
d. Health insurance : Rp. 300.000
5. Facility
Employee parking facility and locker, gym membership, one-time food given in

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