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Aang Ale, Gurl Ftor ‘New Directions in Cita Theory presets ousting casi nd on temporary tes in the tndton xt socal heey, Brody con stud. The sess to ene aed adeance the program oer = ‘al theory, wha puter focus on therising corernprsry stigees around gender rc, seal, ce, and pobelation and thei complex Mara ara Rarting Ei A Peto hear f civ doer ‘Amy Allen Ca The Politics of Our Selves Power, Autonomy, and Gender in Contemporary Critical Theory w ‘Columbia Univers rest New York Forny oiler lak tier Ioabelle Hhise w Catt rivet Prt Now Yk Chee Wt Sve ‘ery acc Colas Ut as [lig reed eer Cangas Cts Fab Ete Dept sp ery a ier 1B ra~ New dati ct cay) locates iegriel ren d de| ISBN comin (eth apap) — SEN roast (oa Seoul 2 fersei cry 9 Crate hy The buon 307 e Cotta Univer Pes hk ae prin rman a ule ‘eee wh ey Atrovent be Inwodcthn The oles of OurSebes 1 “The Btangleent of Power ad abit ¢ ‘Wi he “Tr Set You Free? 20 The Subject efPats Tash fora FeniistCeteal Theory 19 2 Foucault, Sbjct andthe Eighteen AC Reappraisal 23 Foucultand Kart 2g “The Fpl athe Transcendent 29 ThefodetMan 32 The impurity of Reason and the Pssity of Cique 39 3 The Input of Pract Rests Power and Avtoncmyn Fact 45 Contents, Technolog fDemintion 48 Government ed Governments Tecincegis ofthe Set 64 Resitanes, State: and Reco 6k 4 Dependeny, Subordination and Recogitn: utero Stbecton 72 Subject 76 Dependeny Suberiation and Reegnion 8 Ambient Recognise #5 CConcitingPltcal Posacit 92 5 powering the Lieve? Autenony and Rowerin Habermas 96 Systratialy Dsterted Subjectivity? 201 Inditation Thrugh Soclation 106 ‘The Moray Disciplined Personality sna 6 Contexung Cote Theory 13 “Te npc and the Transcendent Bepie) 36 “The Contant Transcendence of Vly Chins 57 Coots Habermas us 1 Regendering Catal Theory st enhabibs Critique of Habermas 13 ‘The Naratve Conarption ofthe S19 Gendt Power nt Namatne 363 CConduding Refecons 92 tes 8s iboreply 203 Acknowledgments Ths book tock shape over numberof yeas—I ft eoncived oft fine framework in the summer of v99h-aed, consequent meny Individuals snd iaitione have eontited to Hs development Tam {atl to all f thers and only ope tit {can xpress tat patie ‘witout ening anyone. ‘My work on this book was supported by weve euch fellowships that gave me the gests git any cage can kf the te to tik and reflect. am patel othe Ninel Endowment othe Huis fora grant wo atend the sume inst on “Ihe Ide of Soci Se ene” rected by ames Bohman nd Pal Roth, where [was ist nite (0 werk ou the general structure ofthe Bock. Talo wish to thank the [Marion and sper Whiting Foundation for a summer search gran 2000 that made pose the lial research fr chper 3 andthe Ce ‘3 Michel Foural atthe Inte Mémoie de Elson Contemporsne for access to ter extn. The American Asccton of Univers ‘omen general avarded me an Armerianflwahi fo the ent dear of 009 that lloned met work extensively onthe fst df he ‘manuscript. Dartmth Callege—in partic, then Avsocte Dea the acy forthe Humanities Lenore Greoble—supperte tha flo ship leave end supplemented with a unir Faculty Fellowship which ipvemea Uy burs amount of te on 2009 and 2004, Thaw lio beefed ener fem ry pustpatonin thre bean tila orpiniations the Cita Theory Roundtable, the Cola "hum on Phiesophy andthe Social Sener in Prue, nthe Society for enomenclogy an Extent Phiesopywhee ety version of ‘any ofthe ies inthis ook have Been peered over the st sever ats: These oganeatins hae gen mea poop homeaway fom Tome, andar rte fer the tilting ind caloging erveonmers that hey, the ery ferent way, provide Tari versions lvl chapters of this bok were abo presented in sever the verte, lading the flwig: the pilesopy department ‘Unwersty College Crk the department of patel cence aso ‘gy athe National Universo lan, the pita scsence department the Univerty of Flori, the New YerkSecey for Women in lose, the pilot and pender and women studies depatnents at Grinnell Clee the Co Sub Unit ofthe Free Universit of Bern, the Werlahop on Gender and Piesophy at MIT. the philesophy depart rents Vase Coleg, ad the Humanities Forum t Darth College, Tam patel othe audiences en each ofthese occasions forthright {a questions and ements. ‘Many people rend an cemmented cr individual chapters, fred me fowl on the iets worked out in thers, or Beh In particu wish to thank Thora Babich Sota Brisa adh Bude Maeve Cook, Nancy Fraser Jngen Habermas, Any Hallywood, Atel Honneth, Call Keapritn, Thomas McCarthy, Edsréo Mendieta, Martin Sag Jes Sch, Sly Sedgwick res Send Dian Talo, Tomas Tse, apd Christopher Zurn. fe brave souls even red and commented on the ere manuscript and them ove an enaxmous debt of grate: Jeanna Mecan, Maris Miata and Jara Savi Al thre happen tobe ‘endef pilerophers constructively eral yet generous readers. 2 ‘ear lends and | am eter rate forthe ne they ave eves top ne refine this book over the years awe spec bt my Dartuth presidential scholar Wes them, wh served a ty research asst in the winter and spi of aoa a ping the ishing touches on this manascipe is ete fal comments tnd editorial suggestions on the manuscript helped me improne i teemendouly anid Ns enti forthe projet rere | "k special thanks io ta Wendy Lachner my erat Clubs User 1 Pres, who belived inthis proj anid Rs autor fom the begining se erttulastiallysuppste the book though the al stages eve Gorent Her slang support ard cheefl good sense make working ‘oh er ost joy T have als Boe fetunate enough tohave three wonderflcallegues sr deat eds at Detmuth College who have sstaned me treugh ‘be upe and dows of academe if Denise Arthory, Sam Levey, and ‘Custie Thomas, Without then would lng ago have et th io what sve do for ving Taal must hank ny sn, Cee Laie Although I etiny cal have finished this book without hi ar ax ees infil rte that Ld ot have te, Tate verso of some portions of dis ook have appeared in print ldo, An ety version of chapter 2 peared a “Toucan the E> lightenment A Critic! Reapprisl” Clans ve (ne 2003 o-9 Moat of chapter 4 anda few angraps of Canela Ree ‘ons wate pulled ar “Dependency, Subornstin, and Reception: (Gn judth ter Theory of Sbjecton in Continent Phlaopy Review 28 (2006) 19-222. One section of copter eppeared as “Ssteatialy| Distorted Subject? Habeas and the Criogueof Power" in ase hy and Socal Criticism 3 (ly 2007 631-50. The Politics of Our Selves Introduetion Majeh pole the et dares what int tiny ryt the oer et te dice psiloc found mf hes Mabe or ple em tn deca thet Inpebethn dhs conelatcn eh techy bin ut hry Mabe te poblem to care the tcl. A i ise oe the an poll robles wa be way inte rt re the ord the pttis ofcahe| Ge erroneous dh at ema crate Fo lea pater that ofthe poles ef ursdves appears ematiably escent tants, evens his wr wok undeubtdly eped ts fey the ested debates over ety plies and. more recently he pl tis of recognition that have bees the focus of 0 much ntl ad lita attri onthe ast ert fe yee However Foucault eal or «pits of cures remains bit igus. IF Sem to etal two ein, though etd, cai, Ft i gps ha he ef iret rare given entity (which Fou ‘ates by saying that we have to give up on dscoverng the sel in ts ov) bata pita ne in the ree tat constituted by pone ‘eltins. This why Foca ndcstes in his ectres “About the Beg ings cf the Hermeneutics ofthe Se that tecrclogies of the elf ave to be studied together wth technologles of domination that one ‘wants to analyze the genealogy of the subject is Westen ezaton” ore stot nto account the pets where the techalgis of domination individuals over one ances Have recouse to pocasses by whi he Individual acs upon mse And conversely, ast kei seen the points where the techniques of thes ae negated ito struts f eoertion or domination" Foucault goes ot le “eotact pie” between these tuo technologies fovemment™ Second, pli i the ‘en of techies ofthe a ean appl to sme nation ofthe Sls tutonony in the sera of capac for sl taaformation, a i evident ins defrition of tecigues ofthe el "techies which permit vival to fet, by their om means, a certain ramber of operons ‘on their om bois, on thro suo thi ne heute ‘wn conduct and his na manne so at transom therseves, medity themseves, and tain atlas of perfection ofhappines ofp ity of supernatural pone ad soo Inplichete too, thowgh perhaps mores, 4 netion of astanomy i the sense of erica reflection: he ‘apy treet erly spon the tte fens Sl and, on this as, to chat pets for fut trnsfertion. This sense of tony comes to the fre move exlcly in sre of Faves cer te rigs, for instance when he refersto the" ertclontaogy of cures, evened ram atte an eos pilsepcl fein which the etiqu of what tre aris atone the se tine the isto analysis ofthe its that tre imposed onus ard an experiment with the possi going Beye them" These tin notions of stonony understood asthe capactis| for crtcal reflection and sel tenfomaton underpin Foucault on fhe pits of eurveies, ‘weve this eds us toa elif, for these two sides of the pal tis ofthe sf ace often thought to be icompatible with each he. hat been sured thi thinking ofthe elf a5 pita nthe esses, 1 cnstuted by power makes pols ofthe self inte second Sense Impossible, because revels gency, autonomy, ad rique ober ing more than uso, powers ever ruse, This sumption motivates both those who che that Foucault te work on practices ofthe si oration to hisarchaclepal ad geneologieal wrtings and those ‘who argue that Feat acecurt of subjection i incompatible with ‘utonomy undertod as rts refx the capacty to tae pact Cl perspective onthe nots pctoes and ntti that structure ‘ut ve. The diy opting pa this ese as fred the Foucault Habermas debates feminist incarnation the debate between th lean SeylaBerfabiyae roe oneal debates abou the el ress of pestmdernism foe fers The cetrel aim ofthis book iso dew framework ht kites ‘bth sapect ofthe politics of the sel. My goa it fer an arly of power in all ts depth and complet, ring an ana of subjee~ thon that exleste how power wor the iserasubjective eve to shape fn constitute our very subject, oe a account of atonemy that ‘aptres the constituted subjects capacity for ctl refecton and sel mrt pay 0 el contig Delgo ‘re con pct fr etal ere SE ial cel hey te tw spect ney Bagre™ ee ntpaee tpn Une de mer er el ey 2 ein panded tl apron ohecnl s o ‘Eran sol pte ofthe ee ene te cond cts that nds sve the capacty fr deliberate ransfnatin ofthe technologies In ight of Foucault caller work on discourse ee pow rowers thi prestppaition of autonomy has truck any of Foweaul Haberman snd fit cats a prebleritic” Thee ceics malt that Raucous archaeolegial and genealogical works undemnie the ide Ua autonoy. by sowing Hit x Fase spt “the concepticn of freer atone 2 feu fr domination ew cut” McCarthy probes ths point fre, arguing hat ths undemining of the seal of [tency pont problems nt oly the eve ef Fecal desrpsion of evi practices tals a the metaleve of is genealogies metodo “ithe self flstngsbjet nein bit the effect of power relations| under he prea of ebserato, judgment contol ard dscipine how fe wef derstand the election at takes dhe form of genet ‘Meath acknowledge that Foucault’ te week les Indias as able of reli critically onthe uta ard istieainal str that fpanze the practices and, within Hints, transfor use system [Asoc ate work “corects the oli ie we found in ik week of the ops bomeves, McCarthy contin, "the question now i wheter tae fn gone too far the cpposte dietion and replaced it with an ‘nda The mation that Foucault cannot have both ‘wae if isan of power and sbjeton are mpeg, then auton ‘any icy ond getealogy sl epssbl) the sels atone ‘usin the ways Foust Inte work suggests, then ier arly of fowerand subjection ms be wrong ‘Carty pees Fuca this double bn in pst beetse ems cts the rations Between power and bjt in Fossa esses tht Feucalts midle-period works ange tht the sje ‘smal rweshing more than an fet of owe! this were te, then the presuppeston ofan avtonmeus subject ns ate werk woul in eed be conadictery to ar reject a subj hats merely cr neshing ‘mote than an eft of poner would chvcuy be incapable of electing ‘talon eatons of owe and acting deliberately 0 8 to transfer ter, However, a I have aged deer, ees whe iterpret Fe ‘ult chim tha the sbject an efecto power in sch tong tem have vetectd 0 hat he actully di ay Im what fellows fer 2 ‘more fall ad rl reading of Foals anaes owe and sb Jeon. Although ts doubt te tat ome way of eames of a lonomy would conadit Fecal aaa of power and subjection, 1 tne thatthe conception of atonomy presented infiste work does nok oso. The main reason eth tat Foul conve auton — beth nthe serse ofthe capacity fo eral reflection and inthe see of ‘he capacity for delierate slétransormation—as aways Bed up with ower the eat may bea seme ss robust and rote amber ‘@eeepton ef autonomy than some of Foucault eres woud ree but *scompauie with his analyses of power and sujecton 48 THe runey or eeacrieaL REASON In xd to make this cast beg by revlewing Fuca ahs of power and subjection. Next, focu onthe conerpt of governmental, Ivhichserve thet ridge Btwn Fouls als of power ed hister work on thes When I turn tthe ter work myaim sto reconstruct the ips eneeption of autonomy in Foucault te werk si arg, contra his eins ard Habermasin cris, tht this concep ton not only compatible sith bua extend in ttresting adi portant way anaes of power and ubjecion However, ths dest zea that Foucault conception ofastonory and thes ily sais: tory the end argu Ca what msing frm Foucault cco an appreciation forthe le played by nonstate rations with ethers inthe conatittion of eters saves, ugh coment ead Foucault ox denying every possibilty of ecipeocty argue ht this rt the cise. Neverthe thi en ery underdeveloped in Foucault ter ths nordr to deep ally stefctory acount of power a toc. and the le we wave og Beyond Four ‘Technologies of Domination Fase n erin article on Foucault conception of ower secs Fesscol of alin] to many lifer sorts of hings power ars lef Wt at that er andoubedy tre at Foucault doesnot sin tush na cael or consistent manner between power abd such relate! ‘eton domination, fre, and vcence. deeds be as as mh | "te ltervew when ess tat“ these conept sve een Ihde eth one hardly we what ones tailing abot Lanne ven sure ‘made nye dato wed the night words, when Ist became interested inthe problem of power" Foucault tendency tbe emprdse with is terminology poses wie probes forthe commentator For example | trary of is dacusons of powet, including the Dartmouth etre, Fo ‘Gl se the terms power” and domination” nerchangeab” How ‘ver, one of hs te interviews, be aks are to distinguish betwee [power and domination, using the ters “power” to refer to unstable, ‘ere mrleel force rebatons ad “orator” orf to bose, ‘ete, rmacrolvelesymmetrics of powee™ When Foucault seas of “ecnlegie of domination’ he sees tobe understanding domination Inthe wile sense ofthe term the sense wh ti interchangeable ‘oth power” Ths, for se [wl flow Foucault inthis sage The best way to approach Focal: nation of techno of dom ration, hen veugh hs conception of powee he fst tig to m8 pst ts conception that Foust undetnds power nto wt sans ato ing g trecot See tBo euch ove cenry Fecha eet re nr with singh He cit Bln sar sc pl hat mgt be ald he toad rater aa Botan ata peed di sm Fee pe sve amg ere than asi that eran ee a nyo lokng me tp tee ee af Tettaashp lite Arendt, Foca ti tro patna ahat exo act Soper eto ft wht Kind elton nay, one nek owe os en of eon nich ne nial Sr gear of dre hers rcs eee ree nae tnd rp finns Foce by ca ps hee Siegen ate freon cone ve nae sre sttbemechanss nde ef owe cot dee the Foca ‘ksh senda nse el Te ty ofl, whee he estab crear ret of scan coceing {ty darn the inten nd tert cette reve ey of thee sean cotengurary Ween sects cy eames repese. Ard ye sect por ant seule lien i sch sc mat Be he Gee hat th pct 1 sey, per cnet fe elated yo sen iar tee feo Foca ve seni ged salen power ce nis nancy more hah any ere «ft ann pb tha he debt esive ings ith pct oe weg compl sto ear or ‘wy of ring wet one tnd lan ‘sri. Tower Far an of ped he ps ese ened ral ser hcl ponent termes repens Wace as it, os produces t produces ety pode ais ob ‘eh ta omy eg the epson pte sal ce then oman ha et per nee fans ‘reshehe conlt th ede ssh Sa een thes or enh pay tt oo hr anne ca ines "as tree clas hence ea ght met epi beveled tos the stele model of power When Fal deine ‘stems fst rts ore thine est pt re |n mins st, at power retions vole confrontation ee rug be tween opposiag forces second, tha there i an instru lagi to these cenffontatins or srg, such that each arty to the sre concerned with geting the eer todo wot hese wants. The site |e nature af power x evident in Foros definition of tchnolgies ot omiration aI noted above, tenuis of demination “pet ene to determine the conduct of tials, to inpoe certain wll er there andto submit them to certain ends or bjectives” Tis rps st x force, and sree ab evident inthe defnkono"poner elton” {tat Foucault oles in yume of Tie Hit of Sexuality. Power must be understood in he ist instance as he ality of ce ‘eatin Imeanet inthe sper in which they operate ar which cn stu the ov onizatios atthe pce whe, though cesses ‘tres a contortion, trenknre strengthen: eee there the suppet whic thee ee toe fn none ant hs eg a chain ora gate, onthe cota the dso enter ‘which late the rr ene anther nd, he ate in whch they tae eft whoe general des or nsttteal esto i bred intestate pyres in he ort of he a the ai Despite the other shin emphasis nd approach betwen the mide andthe late Foucault the deiition of power in temo strategie el Uns eles constant Far tance in an interes conducted ‘ay 196, lust ew mos before his Jat, Foucault fines poet "the stele by which inva try to ect nd contol the conduct athe In Society Must Be Defended, Foucault ecules Ws strategie model of pomer by contesting i withthe jldeal medelof power the pee orinae conception of power in tradtoal pola philosophy In is conception. powers urdestod in tems of aw, and the main gustion Is whether an exercise af power by the severe einat ole inate. cording to Foucatl,thejrdcleoneption presents pow 2g which can be posed in the way one poseees a cod nd which en therefore be trarferred o anaes cher completely nly, thph fri actor an at tat und a ight ds rater which forthe momen—thanks to the surrender of somhing thanks toa contact" Foucault rexets the jure eonception of powe fon concept normative, snd histor grounds He concep pol ‘ssp that ia mistake to conerve of ower somthing ht an ranted or witb, His notmstive pont is that alk of ‘imate ard iltirate uses of power by the sovereign ebscurs the ‘Sicors of domination that underwete and make pssble sovereignty. she psi 1 have Been eying. to ts the fc of donation i al is bratty nis rey and then (0 sow ot oly Bath a nent of ttt omen tht eleven Bulls ho to what ete, ae inh frm Hi (and when rh, Lam nt ng of he in tur all the apprtic, ntos and ret py serve 3 tebe rand mplemets eltons that are nt rations sovereign tat eitions of derma Foucault ott her nt the crow one hat sovereign sie pore din the eve frat edb king tonal dtm that sve alt tony the rand the rata tht piace ka channel Sort Te {onal plice px with i scours ight and overt tnd erence tothe ial model of poner cece hs Fates tien forse ence and noma cis conmcted to he Hse angie, which eters i crtrton thr ahh th uta conception may ave bee a appetite way ofconcingot power atone n peter, tl oti ‘et erator cece th poe eons ht recent ‘owed soit Toucan tan npn penaenon cecuredin theta th cenit apperenee one sed the ivenon~of new mechantan ef poner hh had ey Spee Drees compel er struments and very rer pen ‘vas televe shaft vith elton foe eae this ne mechan “clay poe? an he man in trate desert ox od tro the tty ‘evry isda betrogencots nd shoal tae edo thecal dapper the get heal eee hwy ef severity Cat, however teem cnn) poet ‘as ota hs res ted nthe der sve beh ‘rcimposed en dscipinary power Acting to Foul seen al ser, sorter water ty wee theres ode love the davocaseaton of sere and the extant begat’ with cline seit ste vr ie whether ad tense the decane "3 vy blasted bythe mchansne et dacipinrycoretn™ Simply put inthe modesn ere, sovereignty and discipline “ces otogether™ et what exactly the elton between sovereignty ab dipinary power In what ye the democratization f sovereignty tabled ant Sipported by echanisms of acipinary coercion? Why nether werd, oessoverign'y ne scpinary power inorder to furetion in themed crm ert Foucalts answer that piney power provides the soci Cehesion necestry for sovereignty to function. Ashe puts "we have then in modem societies, onthe oe aid, legion a dcoure re fn organization of public ight acute around the pincipl fsx tsegnty of the sec ody andthe delegation of ivi sovereignty tothe Ste ard we sho hove» tight geld of lcipinary coco thst ‘tually gunrantesthe cohesion ofthat socal body Without sip Sy pes Foueaule suggets, there would ben ebesive social body that ould eer delegate tights to sel gprerance Co 8 soveg, si Habbesian soil contract nor, or nage the practice of elective ‘il formation and ef goerrance, sn Rouseauan theres of poplar Sovereignty In bth ese, Focal altars ‘the general sii fer ht guaranteed asst fights hat were galanin principle was sipped by thse tn. eer. pea tnecanisms allot stars ere power that reser na tealieran ad esymetial that we alte dep. The dies provide a the se, usa of bron of forces and bods. Te Fea corotl dpe contd he foundation of the oral caliber” Despite this syerayofscipinaty power and sovereign power inthe ‘modern er, Foust sista te jrdal conception of power ste les fr iursnatingdsipinary power inasmuch ase“ incom {ructs with the new methods of power whose operation snot ensured bright Duty ecnaue ot yaw bt by normalation, ty pis trent bt control thods tha are employed onal eves adn os that go beyond the state and Rs ppartue I we are to understand and trie cplinary power eats, we rast break ee ofthe cone ‘oma power as severe, we mista Focal aneusly put co ‘he ad ofthe hing ‘Ot hese thee ctcsms of the juridical eanexpton of powes the Bi torial pots the next dese, for oth the canecpua aed mertive lrguments rst upon it Foucals norms cetlsm makes sense oY Imeonjnetion with bi historic cli, since te plasty of hi 0 eee a ee atch ee cee ee eae tee a ce tna seperate ees tee eas a emeanaecriate Fl ear ere Se eee ease cee pcre er eres etree open ee ee es Mee resets en eeneemaees eT yraei nc aneunpenet gyn Soe een Se ee ee Soe eee Sar ec eerhon Seen Sees Se ae Se eee ne Se ere So ee eea eee See eeeeaee eee hae ieee Je yaad an tae Seen eee aoe Seteenete ccna eeamenes Troma nena es oer cna rae eee eee onan seater cng ar SSeS gare remeron ed ee Segre crop neu art paan ct ten emer wenn iene in anand bonge the socal ody" Thus, when we study power, we sould not ew itt least not intl “sphenomenen of ras and homogeneous dom tino “binary and all encrngassing postion between rl dnd led" Fount doesnot dey tat wide ranging yteatc wee tons of demiaton ext" indo, the ore rested wee the tag "domination that | decussed above an step to cpr such bea structural esymmeties af power However be docs in hat thse ae best understood wot the cause buts the sus ofthe poet tains | that ace speed thoughout the soci body th, our aha of power shouldbe ascending ether than descending Fal, power atone ne “tntentional and non subjetve™ By “intentional Foucault meas at power rations fave point a im, tht they’ a ect Toward ertain ene, by ron sbjecte" that they are nether peste nor cn walled by Individual subjects Thus, rather than sterptng to dicey the inetions of the one who “has” power, an ate that would kad 5 “nto labyrinth rors which there no way cut” We Should vet {te “the mall periphural bed, the beds that are costed 2s subjects by powerlects™ In other words, athe than viewing power 2 sbjective—as possessed by a subject—ve should view the subj sx ‘titted by power “This st pst rings us to Foucault secount of subjection (ae tiem). Whereas the urd conception of power presuppose “at invival who I naturally endowed wih ss, capitis, apd So ore and then ks under what circumstances sega for sich a subject tobe subjugated by the state, Foucault, by contrast, pepe 10 “begin with the power rstionship tel, with the atl oreletve |aoship of derination ar ace how tha elationship sl deters the cements to whic it applied We shoud no, thereto, be asking subjects how why and by wat ght they an agree to being bse ‘bt showing how stalin of ubpgtion manta jets Foucault aim sto uncover the mens Ibor wo which the West has submited generations inorder wo produce. mers subjection thei on sttucon a suets in bth seses ofthe word ‘As I dscussed inthe neoduction ths chapter, any of Fou cies ave interpreted the eli hat subjects ae contd by of a ‘lcs of poner as implying hat toner a mere din. Thus nee ‘han ay eer, i thie cli that rae the specter ofa conradiction between Foucault alas of power and his er accout of echnoloe sth sl Bt consider the following passage, which oes on of hee lest and most rane of Fouctls dessons of subjection hsv ofthikamistake to hink ofthe indus sot of dementary van apmtve ster Sore rule ee mater to whch power cape rete or wich ie sbuck by a power tat sorts o etoy> pra tn aca ft one feat fet of power tha alts ‘rae pesures decors, an dese oe Mere and consid ecg dvd. The idl si other words, ower op ‘ee unr the India Sone of power estes The ind iin «power and at he same ne othe extent that hes ¢ owe fc the nvidia power estes thogh the invifaals has conseuted™ ‘onthe ui conception of power the individual isl is unsuled power elation, an ‘lerentary nucleds" or “primitive ato” on or Sin which power applied Fuca by contat ans wo lluminate ow power shapes our very individual, However, he nalts hat hi does net mean tat individuals are merely or nothing more than elec “power excreta thi tes when he sasha nda ae fut "net” On the ceitay the nsion that heii aly he "ey oer sgt that ind ply an active roenthe main seranc and repodction ef power eaten. They convey the power re lesa tht make ther who dey ae tee very individuality cond foe power retin. Fecal i ot, then arging forte obliteration of subject and inal, a many of his cries ave ssumed, What bets sugusting is nonethelesspsertily tubing power is (a east ‘pat what nvduntes us ths, our individuality provides the pete canduit for power elation, But even thi disturbing coelision does ot rede the existence of sl tha it some see autonomous, po ‘ide tha elfed and autonoay ate propely understood. Ths, | ‘hl sess in more deal blow, i eed not contradiehis account of ‘ecologies of the ele. Unfortu, however, Foucault aid not provide an exc and de tale acount of how his work on the sll tobe integrated with His ‘ais of subjection The closest he comes to ing sich a account| __li lt work onthe nation of government, which he describes the “ona pin” between tech of dination and technologies ‘hese Fosauls account of goverment ia Unoxeticl bre betwcen his aalses of power an his work onthe el. Asa est owes important cue as to how hs analyse of power sn suecion {Risk cep of ueremy ingen Ms wer on the smi Governmentality and Governmentalization, Uptwnow: have dscused only one of the ro poles of modern power iinary power The eson for this that Foucault rally resen ‘iscipinary power as the unique orm of power invented by moder 5 Gites Later, however Foveaule tenes two dtr but inerelateg poles of modern power dilplinary power and biopower™ Understand Ingthese two poles ae how they are related crc fo understanding Frucal’s anc of goveranetlty Disciplinary power ees et, Inthe sevententh and esl elgtecrth centrist erates atthe ‘rope level and targets vial bodes. iopower emerges ner, Inthe ater half fhe eghtecnts century targets no india but population ox inthe etre the species a2 whole, Feuault notes that ths new technology of omer “does not exlde epinary technology, but it does dovetail int i Intgrate , mod 110 some extent, and seve al se by sort ineratingt ebedaing sdf in existing ds pliary techniques" Theitertvning ofthese two technologies resus Ii muade of power character of moder siete, a mode tha S| siuitancousytnividlinng and wulaing tis precy the point eat modern power is simultaneously in ‘iuolzing and toaiing—that Foveault returns to agin and again in his studies of goesnmentalty, According to Focal the problematic tf governments which he sees as = question of "how tobe ruled, how trey, by whos to what end by what wathods, ad soon? seems falede tn the svceth century" The arta government ha emer fhe scent century involves the botoet up and top down inte faton of three lees of government: nif goverment the science of ‘oi is ocaly: goverment of fay, the science ef which sco mics aed goveenmet of the ste, the scence of whlch k poles These level re inert fom the Bottom up in thei that ey the individual who governs Hilf well to govern his fay and Fisstae and fem the top down inthe kes that 2 wel run state tee snl governed fans sa india. Since both lines of contin yun though the family, the econemi aphere, Foucault sug tha ‘theese ise inthe elablehment ofthe eof goveenmnt isthe “intoduction of economy nto political practice’ The result that He Sete forthe fst time takes an inteest in “econo” andthe economic welt being ofits cites. Thess sinter cenuty development sts the stage fr moder” biopomer which concer uf ith questions of welfare arate sca fpccnlrcentury developments chs the emergence ofthe news aco deogas eoable bipave fours From tht po ner ss purpose ac vere al be eer aite potion the Ingrovenet as onde, the cee "evel pty lth and wo er Daipinay power ps 3 i epee finer wih sad che ‘Tp vidal bodied power makes ose opow tecrpenert of pps As Focal pus acpi was never ‘Secor roel thar a he maret when bese Tiernan populate maragigts poplton ocly {Chee lle ma ef heramens the ot ape ices but tao te maroeen of poplin nde ne that The moda sate bth diate thee of ecplarytciqusond tlze—Usough tbe mansgement snd toto pests Focal eesto the seal poet ‘chsh state emer a roe of governmental. tcl Tanner etree ins sie of lop eck ote scent anf pst! pera st Ro ts far of poe came to be ner nn rn cei sa The prs of pastor power the shi wh ap Selo cing rn prving es ech an eye Histod: he tke paul power "Uo corti eau sista inprove tele ofeach and every ne Fouts ar rovers totsin ance Hac toch es hist ps Span aly transforms the ere ll it nse tn One the trrafrmai sands ot parle The Chie spa ston he sper aig noe ofeach nde xt hry ft en eo shocfth stn anti ole, Chin le oer ardtrulone voters pctv he mascara thane of sci Fr th Se pcr a yh ‘ening stokes daly cen ‘waltesringcesomn progesterone suing pte of rein ne alt ceo {sf nthe Chitin str by ent enamine ‘stig dvr icy thedeptsel Besteessodto sheer, STIRS ii panne itera one he sa erat scr t Fost, be ean ‘fener tl cece href ones and con acl Foc adnontedges that pst pver ata ects ston has ee sty weblion che faction of pastel power as not fc it as speed ard mip ‘sie the ecclesstic! istuton nthe modern sae which Fouca ‘characters at madern rts oftnvidalization, or ne for pastoral power Wh thi change in Wstitutonal conte, pester po 1 hs one agin ben transfered. Whereas the objective of Caan stra power isto led the Dock to its ation in the next work md. fn pastoral power has more mundane objectives ts golf 10 erare “health, wellbeing at sufiient wea, standard of Ing), seer, protection agit acidets forthe cere! Pastoral power ho teaafrmed by beiicorpratd it the lobe and Une power othe sate cere cine; seventeen elghtcent-centry thn. Fes the police (Poliinencha) provide an example of thi proces, ‘Wheres we might think ofthe police aan institution or recheiem funtonng within the statin this deere, the pice vewed sovermentl technology pelt to the sate Like the shepherd he Pb sid wo concern ts with the welfare the cizns ofthe ae reign, heath, rads, publ sf, and tae al al within ts puvie: The eject ofthe ple then, ie KSC “Tat people survive, be, sn vendo ete han jus thats what the pice fast ensure In bo doing, the plice fosters the happnes ofthe eens ad ths he ‘ity and strength ofthe ae, Despite an apparent tension beines he imo impoving the ves of vial and tht of otring the ny the eat "the sm of the meder a of goer” "to develop thse slements consti onda lives nach way ta the devo ‘ment lo fosters the strength ofthe sat™ Acordng to Foucault analysis shows that “right fom the sat the tat bath indivi ‘nd totalitarian Ard the leon tobe lene by anyone wh wists © ‘rligueor oppor the modern sae thet “oppng the indeed his recess to ie jst as hazardous as oppsing it wth the commun ants reuieriers.. Liberation con cote oly rom tacking met tone of thee te effets ut pli ratonaliy’s very rots"? ItFoucals gross of herding and ollaing logit en state power is comping thes every deta fo state recogaton ot ‘ur indivi on invites the tte to extends reac even fue Ueto curves whe siulaneoxay consolidating strength and pow Butifiberaton nat to Be wen teeagh an appl tthe indivi ae is interests, ham) fo be wor? What would anata onthe ve roots of modern pel ratonality look ike? And given what Foucal ‘Sy about the indvidullang side ofthe lope. (how) s such an atc ‘ven pole Foucault provides some answers tothe ist two question inthe enay “The Sabet and Power” whee he describes corpo? ecil movements 3 “rues aginst subjection” and dress rena fens religious or tic domination and ecncmae aon, Although be acknowl tht struggles agains dina sete eplataton hve ot speared Fuca msintin that nthe tea ear wl struggles aaa subjection ave ake center stage ‘Freon fr ti thatthe incorporation of pastoral power into the ‘gam Western states as ested in 3 “onernment of india hen forme power that "apbcssloimmedt every fe whieh (Stogize heidi marks him by his own ida, tc fi to ht ow tent, imposes law of wath on hime which he mast rreognie and whic rs ave to reugnze nha form of power (chi kes india subjects rugs agai subjection “ae nat ‘oy fr or guns the vidal” ested, they ae tuples apie thelogie fsibeton andthe government of inition al But ow re rch srg aint subjection theses poi ily in igi of Foc account ofthe Indialiing ie of mod. ‘power In ther words, modem power furctions the the very stapingt individuality then hows esstance to such power possible al give that his esistance ilo necesiy be cared ot by inv ak whoavebeen constituted by power is the ey“ What x Cru? Foca provides the beginnings ofan awe thie question and the same te. antipatsthe deci of is Iter werk on technologie of ‘hea Altugh the modern er sone of progressive goverment ‘en.itisa the prof the sje bt inverse etlonofeiigus de spte—Inced because ofthe expleson of douse concerning heat sf aovernment in the moder period there also emer ctr that sshs how not to be poered a azcours of eri. As Faeaul psi vere eal hi ovenetconcered with bjaatng Indus nthe very rat of axa price by mechani omer the palo truth Fl th ctu the moveren Ueuh bid the subject hes to height to gusto rath once ower lets andio ust powe sou cre ott ite ete art flutist orc nc. The ert ttn frique would be that of eet inthe pe wat ‘old ln wee the ii ath Seton (asuttisemen oe ofthe principal mechani through (eh aden power operates then to strug fo eration wl reuie (Ett what we are to efse to capulateto the lpia sbjecton, "ena crcl desbjectifaton™ ‘Does Foucaul’ cl fr a rita desubjectiation ply a wholete rejection ofthe concept of aubjectivity? se then gully of rbraing| the deth of the subjet aftr all” The answer to bath of these que tons, think, eno, "Desubjetifcation’ for Foveult, des net imply 4 woes ejection ofthe concept of subjectivity. Indeed the word that i ranslsted“desubjectfestion” ia the passage quoted above desasjettserent «nore consistent tasltion of which might be “Besubjection” With this notion Fovcaul call instead fr bretking thelink between subject and subjection, dsconneting “the growth ‘of eae” from “the intensfiatlon of power rentions™ In othr Swords, he cil fora radial reconceptalzation of individually and fubjetiviy. As he pute “we have to promote new forms of sje thy through the refs of thie Hin of individual whch has bee Jimpoed on for several centri” Foucaul’s work on practices | technologies the af constutes is tempt to reconceptualiz, nt radiate, subject As Fuca sys in response to an interviewer tho ass, ut you have always Trbiddr’ people talk to you about {he subject in genera oI fine not fren them. Peps ot explln yf cay, What eect wa the ie of starting ut with a ther fhe ‘nbjct—i done, or amp in pheernendlgy and esters nd on the a ie thr, aking ho iene of owe Was sl adore pro there ofthe abject i crestor the raceship that ay ext betwen he contain he subject. ‘and yes of rath, pacts of power and oon.” Inthe sceeth century scours that inspired Foucault nton of mernmentali, government not ee onl to plitialstrutures forthe management of tates: rather designated the way in which he ‘conduct of rials might be dred: the goverment of hire, of Souls of connate, of aes, ofthe ih... To gover i this est Isto dructre the posible fel of action of others" Goverment inthis broad see thas ponds «way of understanding power—whleh Inte determining the cunduct of ethers —while preserving sce fee redo sinc inthe kes oftechnoloies ofthe sl AS Foucault puts those who try tconta deters, and lint the fe om af others are themscves le individ who have ac their eapsal ‘evan instruments hey can ue to govern eters. Thus, the bess forall ths eedrn, the rations ofthe self otf and the elatonsiP tothe other ‘Technologies ofthe Self ewcats sirin developing hisacount of echrooges fhe sell which Fee of dealed explorations ofthe notion of practices and cre he “rin ncent Grek and Greco-Roman chia texts, to provide ame atures for changing the goverment of nidualzton that bas opi eontemporary Wester socks But we must ad lily Bere Fat sot suggeting that these engaged i contemporry segs [fon subjection shoul Tether ves by or nie their sil mee ‘ois and the precepts of arcent Grek ets. As Foucault empha es nate inert, Tam pot ooking for an erative; you cari ind the olution of prabler inthe solution af another problem ised a rather moment by other peopl However as Veyne expla, Faucet “Lenin one of [Greek ee elements, aay the en of work these on thes tobe capable of eacting a cotemporry meaning Inthemanserofone of those page tempeclurnathat one orasonlly ses ssn in more recent tructres™ Greek ethics apart pps Foucault because une contemporary morality, itis ot bound {pvt normalization. The emphass in Gre this ison Ising beau ‘i noble and memorable ie 2 result Greck ethics des not, deed ‘anat serve a noemalzing faction As Foucault puts "he Kes ef the bios mate for an este plece of ats seg hat se ‘ates me The esl ht eis can be ver song sructre of exis ‘eve, without any tet with he jd perse, with an authortaran system, witha sips structure Al at very interesting Feucault begs hs study of ancient ethics by diingushing betwen sv eaves, or rules for ght action, and ethical ors of subjection hie conce"the manera which one otto form one eh ‘al jet ating in eeterenc othe presrpive cements tt nae up ‘he eae Foucault maintains that every moray tn the bred Sense of that tere) cons of these two elements eter one of which ight take precedence ina particular culture, Wheres rd expesence in on ‘exporaty Westen sockets tends tobe nor jude or code crete, ‘worl experienc in arent Grek a Rote endo be ered more {itt es fete ajectaton patie othe sal Alo ‘tne npr fal os at nen ti ca ers that thee rking conti nde content of thoes codes, He ents tee ral ces elated to sent caren to Grech a ‘Gteco-Ronian nig. the Chistian Mie Ap and moder Western ‘echt: probs apt exeie sera expend trata tl resins, and homeseual ats. Despite the contin ofthese moral ces, however, there ae sgnicat sits fem arti raugh Chast upto the presen inthe forse ehica sabecatien. Vek canes 2 and of The Hist of Sera chart these shits, focusing on the Yih and complex i of hitory nthe wey Cini sm rroned to ecogn hima an chil wie of etal eandaes™ aca enties our agpees af these forms of ial ubectvanen, “Te it thee sbstanes othe parte curseies cr of eu bei. Joe. which erent for teal dg During Greck 2nd Greco Reman anit the ethical subareee apbeedsia, te a hed wih pessce an deste"? tus dal udgrent concerns what one dees. "Thaenpectefeesundergocsa signcat shift nthe Cheatin ea rom sedis to Gere ties! udgmert come to fomus aceon wt ene oc ut on wat wher one deste, The econ sec theme ‘subjection, or "the wry in which the nal establies Ms eatin te the [nal] rue and ecopeas Hise as ole to putt prac {eo Fe the Gres, the rode of subjection bth aesthetic and po Tia: ne obliged t llew toe eral codes epcdng soxaly ene worst ve a Bsus if wher lig 2 Beat fe eeesary for ‘hese who want to ule oer others. During the Hellstic peg, the rhode of subjection sis the Stoic for earpe appa! tocatonally {ste source af mora obligation, And nthe Carsten perio he rede tsbjetion dif raioney to ine lave The hed asp the ase practi practices of te self atone prec asl rot onlin order toring ones conduct ito compan waive le tuttoatterp totransorm one x the aie sabe cee bb ft Foe the Gres this sete practice sound wp mith he pene fab of elcotol and slmetery Geeco-Reman amity nreducs Specie techniques uch ar se-ommination and earsciece pod at eae tale up inthe Chvstien era rnsbrod i el ecg ing techniques tat alrergthen pastoral powes The fal asec the tos ot cace the kind of beg to whch we ase wher: we eta in = Inova wy? For Grek an Greco-Roman ati the ees a this = setae though fo the Grek hiss esecated wi estar oft ‘rs whereas or ne aig t sass wth recprciy er Cs fan the tose thcs emer purty and moral ‘What dxsthis cout of the trarsferations of fort fee sb setvtiomin he anc wold athe ide Ages have to do wit Fe Coulks anaya of contempuary power elations? Foca notes tat eophass ir ancient ether on crestor the alfa ewok fare rakes the rete ecncepin ofthe self ry erent ra our own Chast ‘replace -creaton with ssl renunciation designed to enable ne apt psy dior: Tha. polo ees 2san sein tefesere corr’ ory pres cpr, Tt st sd be estan xd bens the were 1Seeeterpecmer ed dese te dy Fe hat ner ee aa eee smetig nb rebut orth totter at Sguento™ afethe nighnrent dpe te ae sce n 1 tins o stn he es fe ence adh lagen do et Sapper ed they creed the lr tal ed dairy srr ote Honan sce sed ‘nimodr nar stte Aras cr own pce ee ear “tee dre: mancet setts fence "nce pcos ae doen Indeed Foca docs sth at" Cael eof el dapper cs eos be. nd any ens hanes er, fic sein Chita nar hy he pte {coor claro thw rd ps tower eps poe, ih “tear thecrcttes Sry. ai dacs above te Che FPhordsopseriges sean snd emcees gang Irn he cs, Euan sl Eyigreans and ease ee ‘ot ges fit dein he lo eck a esng ‘dence Sorirg sin tote carat cme es Se own contin pray ale eaten po shenp™Thesetgusor cts setts ey oops “rin haces wt teeth ea oe end ‘hts ofertas. Th hey ean bere ens ec ‘ie pis tannin mayest Fseek as ~-svsracunne ores hectare hn tae fen ng Fe tig nates pve dso tensor vey A euch pect jmp on Se i od ere ‘eps vere oar eo per dats, Byrn sas Faber. Blo trsing ta 3 consideration of Haber, bawee, “fst consider Baler’ recent arly of abjection ewe sal ae in = met chapel ths anal extends Fuca ct in tant and productive wy. lia ues rm sins lack ofan “count the iesijecive dimension of ube 4 ‘Dependency, Subordination, and Recognition as afors of power kth Butler writes inthe opening of ex book ‘Te Prychc Lie of Power, "aijection ie paredacal”"Sebecton® refers to the obialnt pcr whereby oe sconituted as a sbjet in Sha thoughthe proces ofbeing subjected to disciplinary nor. Risone ‘hing to think power an external ace that rinses us: as pial tr rean bet be subjected to owe inthis sere, there nothing partic: Uy paraxial out "But following Foucault? Baler comin “we undestand power somite subjects wel as pring ve cedtion oft exten... then power isn simp what We pose but alone trong eee hat we depend on for aur existence and what we havo and preserve in the beings at we are Foucault analas of “jection bla eptues the ways which power conte arms ‘tidenty tat bt coratrin subordinated subjects by compeling there te take up seberdinatng norms practices, and so on while simtane ‘aly enabling ter tobe sje thee capt to act. Tis as ‘atpeened enorme fr fein thors raping the wy ‘vhch pander scborinten x ratsned and produced ia compen TMherence to dacpinery oom eminnin? "And yet a ler arf Faucets arly of subjection isco pet: Athugh he say may tes that power const the subject he dos not elaborate onthe specific mechani af hw he sje esnedinaubrision® Spica and here his eorpiated relationship qe puychoanaels rn doubt to Blame e does not addres the suc of| (puch fn that power takes A Butler shaws ery inher eae Tee the nation af sabjection docs nt deny agency t the cantar rcuowes apeney, fo the dscipnary ners to which we are subjet Pest repre theses they must be cited or performed by in ‘tals! However this aes the gueton of why indus subject hurmeles to these norms what metiates them Lo ke up disciplinary forme in the Gt place ArT sgeted fm chape ,allwing Brown, ‘aur might be thought to gves os Nita to power in the sil Bsr aa of sbjection, by contrast, explores the complicated ‘ehtiorshipe Between wl ds, and power Drawing on both Fucauit td prychoanalyi Bulers account in The Pec Lif of Per expands the nto ofsbjection by aalyzing the ways in which subordinated in dvds become pastorate tached to, aed ts cme a dei, hee ‘oem subordination The eulting account of the passionate and stubborn attachment to sbjction offs compelling gross ofan cherie quite posing phenomenon, one that Fas been particu pug to fein theo ‘etn all ncorman fr those wh are subordinated to rain tached to pericios and opprasive ners, paces, o stitutions en ater they have been “aoally dete” to repeat the phase from Fraser at I quoted in chapter 7 For eampe, Sandra Bary, a her recent book, tells he story af a tadent who coplimented here teaching # controversial lan the moral an poliial pcan of serfs “without serif [her lenny Barty who ha wets lnckive and tut ferns ertques formative enn Wak Alsmayed not Inca the stent had misterpieted he, Bo Bese she eed tha ths atudent was ight She writes So ty am 1 wring polemic spit esi, et competing el ‘nays tht a more tothe “erin? than thease sl? Nom, nthe fc ft yi carers creer my varies, hardly Sf genera irene. ithe perhaps an eet theoreti prebl lakh somber? The ernie fran aspect of "Nai te emis” sane fhe gai of Seen Wave Faint ad "amhapy to havemade soe sl contin oT questn tht ‘may wel Be king bhi he centrations ny cen ie hi ve feninss produced 3 theery here a etiquette hich dr reasons et yt arcuate thre enn ete patie” In othe words, arly wonders how and ty does an altace | pernkiousand subordnting norms of fein for earple— pert ongsde ational rig of hose very norma in one and the sre se ‘And oes this persistence means arthy suggest ernst hers hive proce a theory fr wich thee is mo efective practice? What fan sich persistence el about what a fern pace of resance Cdividual ad elective t end transformation of subjection oft sot shorld look be? Whitsorsofsocia and polite conditions wed mae Such esstance and transformation pose, let alone eee? Tn wat fellows argue that Balers theory of subjection provides ell starting point fr thinking trough thee questions ter’ py ‘chanalytic extension of Fouaulsaceount of subjection fers a erp ling gnosis ofthe sor of phenomenon hat Bary desea ad thas hg to tuinate te pecubarrecalrance of earn modes of pnder| subordination to Ferit equ. With zespect te the lak of elif the nectar conditions for anefctive feinit practice of individual snd cllectve reastancet subjection however Baers account is mor Tinted inte ufone Her account of stance in The Pc Li of ‘Power plagued both by fain problems concerning notmtive ch ters and the motivation fo reistance tht emerge ne and arpishly ror intractable forrs andy new concerns about ber conceptions of eperdeney subordination, and reopation. Buber fl to dsigush adequately between dependency and subordination. and she emai Dialer about he psy a tal cognition a some ines mpl ‘ly avoking the poi, acer ines dnmowing er acauntof resstance—spciicaly he abit to diferente rial aed subestve eiscriptions of subordiating ne rom hl nes afr 810 tal of his arbialence [My oneal sm, then, to assess the strengths and weainesus of ‘ute acount of subjection both for dggresing subjection to nor tive eminnty and for thinking about how ican be eectiey reed ‘nd warsorned atthe dvd and collective levels My ist tak wi beto reconstruct Butler account ofthe psychic grounds for subjection Although her accour provides a provocative et ase to the gue tion af why and how subjects become peel stacked to thet om sberdiaton ital generates oe rele aes on wo sch pb lens is the concept ad noetiedificalesthat res fom et consti of dependency and subordination, and second, be ick fa ccunt othe role tht muta recognition payin abjecthaton nse ‘rl ecent esp, Bsr haben te expend her account the en Ship between poner and region Lane tht ters sent work nate by 2 undentl abivalene about recognition; ber eigue of ‘Bian imply depends en the possibilty af mutual recognition ‘may that se hs exlcly dene and dbsvawed cance hat att of mul recognition ang the lines ofthe neon fered ‘Up yoice Beran needed Bute sto bridge the gap between ber ewes erique of subjection and the poliieal paces of resistance toad wnsormiten of mibjection Subjection “Te genenl question that motte Buller account of sbjection this awe dora power that at ist appears eteral, presed upon the sb fet presing he sje no subordination, serum pei fer tht ‘tates the suerte"? The ital answer this question ‘Stat the subordinated sbject formed by power tring back on ts {sate pus "he subject the elect of owe in eal This rans that the very deity ofthe uborlnated subject dependent upon the stone of power tat shape i The disasing of those tlaions of wer then. dneatens the subjects Wenity and sense of sl. Because {he ellos of per bath asain the subjet erty and subord ‘le her~and asain he identity by sbordinatng her~she develops an achat to them, dept the darage done by ordination. Faced with cole beeen an ey based on mornin ann ent {al he subordinated sbjet chooses the forme. “This way of understanding subjection rings ute back to a poblrn that she has pape wth throeghout er works namely subordination ‘sundersod as the condition of post fr the sujet, then how ate gency ad restance to subordination posible? In an alterpe to address {hs problem, Buler makes diction between Go seo dale f power: onthe one hand, power the cndtion a possibly for the ‘ery exten of the suet: onthe other hand power ai wilde ‘vag the subjects own ston. Asa subject of omer (whee oC ois bot ‘belonging an ‘wing, the sabes elipes the cond Sons fitsow emergence it eis power with power This elipsing ‘owes with power the ste faery adh estance to poet tomeve, sina this agency te made possible by subjection to power in theft pac. tis 2 aay condoned” and inereny ambivalent Gr of apuncy® Thus, Ble endersand the subject a “ether fly {ermine by power nor fly determining of poser (Bit snc nd partly both ‘Wheres Butlers aie werk tended to focus exosively on the sca noes practice, al dco hatin re compelled to ite retratetheogh ther own perforate uteranes, in he Psyche Life op Power she draws on Hegel Nietche, Fre, Alas and cal trae "the pecular tiring of subject sais sl hat takes place inact of slreproach, conscience, and telnchai that week la tnder wt such process soll regulon On Bale’ seca, prohiiton turns the subject hack onl, creating the very nterinyof the suet This turing back on lf the onion forthe efit of thes ject moreover ntrch the apa fer refer o self conscn res is ten to be ene ofthe hallmarks of eject, Baces the enation of possi for subject asl Fling Fouen,Bither| Understands this tuning of subject afist isl at generates fle Igy “a incrcerating moveren® The subject i founded when i ‘ura (hat wll came to Beseen san eternal” prohibition back pst ital, when ipo teins oen peste fs epoch ofall beratement ht espn town consrience Butler traces the roots this ken back to the seton on “The Utapey Consiousesin Hepes Phenomenol). a ths dscusion, which i etntely follows the famous “Lerdstup and Bondage” section that har ‘beens influent othe French recepio af Heel the a phere ergs defense reaction to consciousne fea f eth ths by ‘eterio, feat of the bay, which i ite in character Withost ng {nw the dts of Baers vente reaing of Heget the eel ight ‘hat energes frm tis this If wretchedess, agony and pan ae ses | smodes of stornnes, ways of attaching to ones eatively ate lated modes frees then thats becase they ae gen by regular repimes asthe sites avalable or tact nd subject wl ata pun rater tan nt tah tall” According wo Ble, hs insight 1 merges in Freud clas hat the inf ca for an atachvent oa) faction, even a pail oe traumatic one, and im Niasches fren feline the will rather el nodes ant wl Hep ‘nce, and Tred ler ead ther al point othe ovens fest n the abject repetive if bersemetasrctre that cares to be called “conse forall thre thinkers there no frmation of ‘hesubjet without passionate attachment subjection" ‘According to Bute, regulatory regimes explo the subjects win estat to pin ter than not attach by conpeling mbes = tach tostructures ef shordination he reculing"cpinary cation fan atachert wo subjection” posse because regulatory regres sre constued in sch 2 wey that “the tems by which we ainsi cogntion for ourselves ae thas by which wear regulated ad gn reenter Ts," afm ones existence ocala to ones Sarcnation® Ite abject woul ater atch to pin and bord ‘Bun than not tach, den even ifthe tr four social xen in ‘Re learporating inte ar ene of ourselves norms or social categories {utauhedate swe wl tl preer this te ning any soc exsterce ‘Mhesaeve The structures by which social recogation are conferred thus ur nari lacie eur on contin enstence "ahugh thie might sce to pit a eather dark pct of the pos: ties for apency and retance, Bue malas that "he atachent that repltory veime requires proves to be both is constitute {ature ad the pote se of resitance”” Repustory regres cannot iran and reproduce temicves Instead they ena be mained nd pel bythe individuals whom they regulate Te extetion ofan ‘achinent 1 those regimes an exten eflective and economic tool far geting inde oman and uphold such repos: n tat ‘Sens, the rine needs the atachment of te indus le eultes in ‘drt persist 1 this nay ofthe eultony eit determine ‘urpetly the behair ofits subjects its dependence en the continued “Sepience of thse who adhere ofthat accounts fr the consiutve fale of such regimes. Becatse repulatory regimes ely pon not en theconpliaace athe india whom they regulate ls the die tocmply tht dese self becomes the eof posible esstanc oad subversion of such egines. As Buller puts it "if desrehas ast al iy the eartinuation ef self. then the caps af dese tobe withdrawn fd to ettach wl conste somthing ike the vlneray of evry strategy of section In coerast ith some interpretations of peychosnals that would locate resistance in an etradacursive pychic dain, Butler flowing cau understands reine a internal tthe very power tht op ses Subjects are the Kins of restores who actively tke up and erat ther own posen ar suet, who article and reer the nest ich they are subjected tus, wun dcp regimes produce ub ists they thereby also produce the pss of thei own subversion The ly to sucessful esstance, te suring aut haw to "work the Dower rations by which we ae worked andi wht dlction™ As was ‘he cae for Foucault however the ec queton for Ber thi" eject theocticlly the source of esistance in pychc dana thats ‘wilt precede or exceed the soil swe must, can We efor py tic estan tn tome ofthe sca without tat eforlaton becoming * derssticaion or noraiation?™ In ober words, reste ay

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