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Theoretical and Computational Analysis

of Airport Flexible Pavements Reinforced

with Geogrids

Michele Buonsanti, Giovanni Leonardi, and Francesco Scopelliti

Department of Mechanics and Materials MECMAT, Mediterranean University

of Reggio Calabria, Italy

Abstract. In recent years the need to increase pavement service life and guarantee
high performance has turned a greater attention on the use of pavement
reinforcements. In this paper the effectiveness of geogrids as reinforcement of
HMA layers in an airport flexible pavement was investigated.
The study proposes a numerical investigation by using the Finite Element
Method (FEM) analysing the importance of the geogrids in the pavement
behaviour under hard aircraft impact load. The aim of this investigation is to
evaluate the stress concentration over the geogrids under impulsive load
propagation. The non-homogeneous action is able to develop stress concentration,
local damage and fracture with localized weakening. The results show that
geogrids can provide a significant contribution to the stress resistance.

1 Introduction
Geosynthetic materials are frequently used to rehabilitate and/or improve
pavement mechanical performances [1-7]. Geogrids are the Geosynthetic
materials with widespread use for pavement applications, which, depending on the
grid constituent material, the mesh shape and size and the stiffness and position in
the pavement structure, are able to increase fatigue resistance, reduce rutting and
limit reflective cracking. The application of geosynthetics in roads and airfields
has become popular in recent years due their high mechanical performances and
ability to relieve stresses by reinforcing pavements. Several researches have
studied the application of geosynthetics for improving roads and airport pavement
performance [5, 6, 8].
Previous studies [2, 5, 6, 9] show that geotextiles provided less resistance
against lateral movements than that provided by glass fiber grids. The stiffness of
the fabric material reinforcing the hot mix asphalt (HMA) layer needs to be
greater than that of the surrounding HMA. High tensile strength and elastic
stiffness of glass fiber grids has made them an attractive choice for reinforcing
pavement systems. Different studies state that there is a significant benefit in using
asphalt geogrids reinforcement: Herbst et al. [10] illustrated an interesting set of
data from an experimental site in Austria, where the comparative benefits of
geogrids and geotextiles could be directly assessed. Elsing & Sobolewski [11]

A. Scarpas et al. (Eds.), 7th RILEM International Conference on Cracking in Pavements, pp. 1219–1227.
© RILEM 2012
1220 M. Buonsanti, G. Leonardi, and F. Scopelliti

proposed, in their experience, a factor of 4 on the life of a pavement as a result of

the inclusion of a polyester geogrid. The same geogrid was used by Kassner [12]
in his experience, he demonstrated the effectiveness of reinforcement at a depth of
100mm over jointed concrete subject to severe temperature variations. Huhnholz
[13] presented direct evidence that a polymer geogrid gave a life enhancement
factor of at least 3. Penman & Hook [14] described how glass-fiber based geogrids
had successfully used as interlayers to extend the design life of asphalt pavements
on airport runways, taxiways and aprons. The results obtained by Palacios et al.
[15] revealed a partial improvement in reflective cracking resistance due to the
incorporation of fiber-reinforced interlayer. It is clear from these studies that many
practitioners see significant benefit in using asphalt geogrid reinforcement.
Designing a flexible pavement reinforced with glass fiber grid and evaluating the
effectiveness of reinforced pavement performance is a complex problem requiring
considerable research and study. In this paper, the use of glass-based geogrids as
reinforcement materials was analysed by FEM analysis. Use of glass grids in
pavement sections is expected to improve pavement performance because of its
excellent bonding characteristics with the asphalt and also due to low creep
In the simulation, glass grids were placed within the asphalt layer (HMA).
Computer analyses were to investigate the response of the reinforced pavement
section under a high impacting load.

2 Mechanical and Constitutive Aspects

Here, we will develop an adequate behaviour mechanical model to perform,
subsequently, a computational linear analysis by FEM procedure. For this, we
focused our attention over the superficial layer of the pavement section, composed
by asphalt mixture (HMA) with the embedded glass grids. The first layer can be
modelled as well as a heterogeneous fibres reinforced solid, where the asphalt
mixture is the matrix and the geo-grids have the reinforcement role. Under the
hypothesis of orthotropic linear elastic behaviour and plane stress, we considered a
composite plane solid having strengthening as cross-ply type with, respectively, 0°
and 90° fixed way. According to previous theoretical studies [16, 17], let us:

 El ν tl El 0
D = ν tl Et Et 0  (1)
 0 0 Glt 

The stiffness matrix of the reinforcement mesh where E, ν, G respectively are: the
elastic modulus (l = longitudinal and t = transversal), the Poisson coefficient and
the shear modulus. To make clear, there are two D matrixes, specifically D° and
D90 since the grids elements can have different thickness. Let us h the total
thickness and s the grid element thickness then putting:
l1 = s°/h l2 = s90/h (2)
Theoretical and Computational Analysis of Airport Flexible Pavements Reinforced 1221

The stiffness matrix terms can be split as membrane and flexural types. Under a
symmetric geometric composition we found as membrane type the follow:

( El + Et ) / 2 ν tl Et 0

D = h  ν tl Et
( Et + El ) / 2 0  (3)
 0 0 Glt 

Under a normal biaxial stresses N, the strain field follows as in the form:

ε x  1  D11 − D12  (1 − ξ ) N x 

ε  = 2 
 y  h(D11 − D12 ) − D12 D11   ξN x 

furnishing the principal stresses in the form:

σl = Et(εl + νtlet)
σt = Et(et + νltel)
Likewise the flexural matrix in the form:

( Et − El ) β + El ν tl El 0
h3 
D =
ν tl El ( El + Et ) β + Et 0  (6)
12 
 0 0 Glt 

Finally, applying Tsai-Hill criterion for all fibres:

σ l2 σ t2 σ l σ t
+ − 2 =1 (7)
σ lR2 σ tR2 σ lR
We find that maximum values of the Nx/h relationship depend on the ξ parameter.
Rational methods have been developed to analyse the mechanical behaviour of
heterogeneous composite solids under various kinds of loading.
Materials properties are derived by methods of micromechanics, whereas
structural properties are derived by macro mechanics methods. The mechanical
aspects of these heterogeneous solids, has two ways to be analysed. The first one
is the micro mechanics approach deals with the resulting materials properties in
terms of the constituent materials. Here the most important aspects are local
stiffness and basic failure mechanics of the material. Macro mechanics is the
latter, deals with the resulting structural properties and structural configuration.
Here the most important questions are the stiffness and strength of the entire
composite pavement package.

2.1 Micromechanics Approach

There is various methods to treat the constitutive properties of reinforced
composite but it’s our opinion to apply the more accurate thisWith the
micromechanics approach, the use of the mixture theory [18] allows to find the
1222 M. Buonsanti, G. Leonardi, and F. Scopelliti

percentage relations among matrix and reinforcement fibres. We will to use the
following notation: V(f) is the volume fraction of the fibres, V(m) the volume
fraction of the matrix and ρ (f), ρ(m) the respective mass density. Then the mass
density of the complete solids:
ρ = ρ(f) V(f) + ρ(m) V(m) (8)
Assuming a perfect heterogeneous package, namely no voids, perfect bonding
between exactly aligned equally distributed fibres and a homogeneous matrix and
considering the strength predictions of mono axial tensile loads. Here should be
done two possible characterizations about the failure modes. If the fibres volume
fraction is sufficiently large (ξ > ξmin) the asphalt matrix will not able to support
the entire load after the failure of the fibres which is assumed to take place if the
solid is strained to the fibres fracture strain ε(f)(u). Then the ultimate tensile strength
σ*, when ξ > ξmin, assumes the form:
σ* = σ(f)*ξ + σ (m)*(1−ξ) (9)
Otherwise, for rather small fibres volume fraction, ξ < ξmin, the matrix will be able
to support the entire load when the fibres are broken. Then the ultimate strength is:
σ* = σ (m)*(1−ξ) (10)
It’s very easy to compare Eqn. (9) to (10) and finding the ξmin value.

2.2 Behaviour under Impact Load Conditions

Focusing the general question that we will to treat us, here we consider the contact
conditions among the aircraft wheel and the heterogeneous composite solids
(asphalt/fibre-reinforced). Without loss generality we suppose a contact without
friction, complete bonding and rigid punch as aircraft wheel impact. So, the
contact is modelled as rigid over an orthotropic half-plane (0≤ x ≤ L) and, the
governing equations relating the loads to the stress fields, follows:

cosh(πη )  2 
p(x) =  cosψ ( x) + σ * κ [x sin ψ ( x) − 2η cosψ ( x)] (11)
1 − x π

cosh(πη ) 2 
q ( x) = ρ  sinψ ( x) − σ * κ [ x cosψ ( x) + 2η sinψ ( x)] (12)
1− x 2 π 

where η, κ and ρ are material parameters. Here p(x) and q(x) represent the contact
pressure distribution respectively as contact pressure and contact shear stress. In
the equation (11) and (12) the function ψ having the form:

1+ x 
ψ ( x) =η ln  (13)
 1− x 
Theoretical and Computational Analysis of Airport Flexible Pavements Reinforced 1223

While for the material parameters the follow relationship appears:

1  π + νν '  1 / αβ
η= ln k= ρ = αβ (14)
2π  π − νν '  α+β

Whereas ν and ν′ are the Poisson coefficients in the governing equations of the
half-plane depending on the orthotropic properties of the half-plane. Again, α and
β are deduced by the elastic constants in the generalised constitutive law for an
orthotropic solid. It’s easy to see that the contact stress functions approach infinite
values and their oscillating behaviour grows stronger as x approaches unity.

3 Computer Analysis
In this study several 3D FEM analysis were performed to analyse non-reinforced
and reinforced airport flexible pavement. These simulations were used to
investigate the efficiency of glass fiber gird inside asphalt layer on pavement
response under a heavy impact caused by aircraft landing gear wheels.
The pavement section is comprised of asphalt concrete and crushed aggregate,
as shown in Figure 1. The pavement structure in the application is based on the
structure as found for the runway of the Reggio Calabria airport. All pavement
layers except the glass grid were modelled by using 3D deformable solid
homogeneous elements.
Table 1 shows the elastic properties used in finite element analysis (modulus of
elasticity and Poisson’s ratio), obtained by conducting laboratory testing on HMA
materials and field non-destructive evaluation of granular and subgrade materials.
Glass grid was modelled by using membrane elements.

100 mm glass gird
150 mm

210 mm

infinite subgrade

Fig. 1. Pavement section

Table 2 show the glass grid mechanical and dimensional characteristics, it was
considered as a linear elastic material since it has very low creep characteristics.
1224 M. Buonsanti, G. Leonardi, and F. Scopelliti

Table 1. Layers thickness and elastic material properties

Thickness Modulus of elasticity

Layer Poisson’s ratio
[mm] [MPa]
Surface 100 7000 0.30
Base 150 2000 0.35
Subbase 210 400 0.35
Subgrade infinite 70 0.33

Table 2. Typical specification for paving fiber glass grids

Mass Nominal [g/m2] 185

Length [kN/m] 50
Tensile Elongation at Break [%] <5
Strength Width [kN/m] 50
2.5 mm
Elongation at Break [%] <5

2.5 mm
Melting Point Min. [°C] >218
Warp [N] 700
Grab Strength
Weft [N] 425
Grid Size [mm] 25x25
Dimensions Roll Length [m] 150
Roll Width [m] 1.5

The tyre contact areas considered in the model were Airbus 321 tyre [19]. The
most common way of applying wheel loads in a finite element analysis is to apply
pressure loads to a circular or rectangular equivalent contact area with uniform
tyre pressure [20]. For the finite element model, the contact area, Ac was
represented as a rectangle having a length L and a width L’ = 0.7⋅L. To evaluate
the pavement load in exceptional condition, the dynamic parameters of a “hard”
landing, that caused the broken of some gear components, were considered [21].
Starting from this, considering the damping effect of the gear system, it is
possible to calculate the acceleration graph during the hard landing [22]. This
value of acceleration was used to calculate the maximum wheel load. Under this
load the contact area is:
Ac = = 291930 (mm2 ) (15)
Form Eqn. (15) the footprint dimensions are: L = 648 mm and L’ = 453 mm. The
finite element mesh developed has the following dimensions: 5 m in x and y
directions and 2.5 m in the z- direction.
The model presented has 50713 elements and 76586 nodes. Eight-noded linear
brick elements C3D8R were used to mesh all the layers of the pavement and four-
noded quadrilateral elements M3D4R were used to mesh the glass gird [7].
The loads (vertical and horizontal) were uniformly applied on the surfaces,
which were created to be the same size as the wheel imprint of an airbus A321.
Theoretical and Computation
nal Analysis of Airport Flexible Pavements Reinforced 12225

Since the boundary con nditions have a significant influence in predicting thhe
response of the model, th he model was constrained at the bottom (encastre: U1 =
U2 = U3 = UR1 = UR2 = UR3 = 0); X-Symm (U1 = UR2 = UR3 = 0) on the sidees
parallel to y-axis; and Y-SSymm (U2 = UR1 = UR3 = 0) on the sides parallel to xx-
axis. All layers were conssidered perfectly bonded to one another so that the nodees
at the interface of two laayers had the same displacements in all three (x, y, zz)
Assuming perfect bon nd at the layer interfaces implies that there will be nno
slippage at the interface.
This assumption is morem applicable to hot mix asphalt layers, since thhe
possibility of slippage is greater
g at the subbase/subgrade interface [23]. Glass girrd
was considered embeddeed in “host” pavement elements using the embeddeed
element technique [24]. Figure
F 2 shows the deformed shape of the glass fiber girrd
at impacting instant.
Figure 3 and 4 shows the Mises stress distribution and the deformations in thhe
pavement section.
The results do not shows a significant influence of grid on displacements. Thhe
computed displacements underu the impacting loads show that the reduction due tto
grid was about 1%. The reduction of peak stresses in the base layer instead waas
significant, about the 6% as shown in Figure 5.

Fig. 2. Deformed glass fiber gird

Fig. 3. Misses stress distribution for reinforced pavement

1226 M. Buonsanti, G. Leonardi, and F. Scopelliti

Fig. 4. Defformations in the reinforced pavement section

Fig. 5. Mises stress in base layer along the transversal direction of the pavement

4 Discussion and Conclusions

In this paper computational studies were performed to analyse the influence oof
synthetic fiber glass grids in the HMA layer on the performance of airpoort
pavements. In particular the
t behaviour of the pavement structure was investigateed
what it is subjected to the action of a hard landing of an Airbus 321.
The results show ho ow the reinforcement in the asphalt layer causes aan
interesting reduction in th
he base vertical stress.

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