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Finite Element Studies of Asphalt Concrete Pavement

Reinforced with Geogrid

Hoe I. Ling, M.ASCE,1 and Huabei Liu2

Abstract: Many geotechnical applications are becoming more sophisticated and solutions derived from simplistic procedure are no
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longer reasonable or solutions do not exist. This paper describes two-dimensional finite element studies that analyzed the behavior of
reinforced asphalt pavement under plane strain conditions and subject to monotonic loading. The asphalt material and soils were expressed
using triangular elements of elastoplastic behavior that obeys Mohr–Coulomb criteria with associated and nonassociated flow rules. The
geogrid was modeled using a one-dimensional linear elastic bar element. The finite element procedure was validated by comparing the
results of analysis with the results obtained from a series of model tests. The load–settlement relationships, settlement profile, and strains
in the geogrid were compared. The failure load obtained by assuming subgrade foundation with nonassociated flow rule was smaller than
that of associated flow rule. There was only minor difference between the results obtained from the associated and nonassociated plastic
models. The finite element procedure was capable of determining most measured quantities satisfactorily except the tensile strain in the
geogrid, which was assumed linear elastic. The effects of the stiffness of geogrid reinforcement, thickness of asphalt layer, and strength
of subgrade foundation were also investigated. The finite element procedure is a versatile tool for enhanced design of reinforced pavement
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9399共2003兲129:7共801兲
CE Database subject headings: Finite elements; Asphalt pavements; Geogrids; Bearing capacity; Settlement; Plasticity.

Introduction sons between the theory and field test results, and the theory now
forms a standard methodology for the design and analysis of
Pavements are classified as rigid or flexible depending on the pavement systems 共e.g., Huang 1993兲. An overview of the com-
surfacing layer, which can be asphalt or portland concrete. The puter codes that use elastic layer theory was given by Haas and
surface layer of asphalt or portland concrete helps to redistribute Rodway 共2001兲.
the wheel load to the base and subgrade. After the Second World Burmister’s theory was formulated under idealized conditions,
War, many highways were designed based on the California bear- especially with regard to the elastic material properties. It is well
ing ratio 共CBR兲, which is a semiempirical procedure. The settle-
known that soil and asphalt materials are inelastic such that the
ment could at best be estimated using Boussinesq’s solution,
approximation can be oversimplified. The theory under the semi-
which is valid for an elastic and homogeneous medium with an
infinite elastic half space is applicable to the simple boundary and
infinite width and depth. The theory is oversimplified for a
loading conditions that preclude complicated loading conditions
multilayer system. In the 1940s, theoretical developments had
of multi-wheel loads of trucks and aircrafts. Thus, the numerical
enabled elastic solution to be obtained for layered system such as
pavements 共Burmister 1943, 1945兲. The theory assumes continu- procedures, such as finite element methods, were attempted for
ity of vertical and shear stresses as well as displacements at the the pavement systems. Duncan et al. 共1968兲 was among the first
interfaces of two- and three-layer systems. The results were com- to apply finite element method to the pavement analysis. The
piled as design chart so that the influence values are obtained for material was modeled as nonlinear elastic that depended on the
the deflection and vertical stress. The solution indicated that an stress levels. Nonlinear properties of the base, subbase, and sub-
increase in the stiffness of the top layer may be interpreted as grade were obtained from the triaxial compression tests. The re-
equivalent to a reduction in the required thickness of the layer in sults of analysis compared favorably well with the measured field
design. Burmister 共1958, 1962兲 demonstrated successful compari- deflection. Note that the methodology proposed by Duncan et al.
共1968兲 is for prefailure analysis and was not suitable to detect
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Eng. and Eng. Mechanics, failure.
Columbia Univ., 500 West 120th Street, New York, NY 10027. E-mail: A failure analysis, such as bearing capacity for shallow foun- dation, may be captured by using elastoplastic models 共e.g., Grif-
Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil Engineering and fiths 1982; de Borst and Vermeer 1984兲. In the analysis by Grif-
Engineering Mechanics, Columbia Univ., New York, NY 10027. fiths 共1982兲, Mohr–Coulomb failure criteria was used with a
Note. Associate Editor: Victor N. Kaliakin. Discussion open until De- nonassociated flow rule. An initial strain solution technique using
cember 1, 2003. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual viscoplastic algorithm was used with iteration until convergence.
papers. To extend the closing date by one month, a written request must
The failure load was determined when the solution failed to con-
be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper
was submitted for review and possible publication on December 11, verge. The analysis used eight-node isoparametric elements with
2001; approved on December 4, 2002. This paper is part of the Journal reduced integration. Collapse load was well captured, but the con-
of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 129, No. 7, July 1, 2003. ©ASCE, ISSN vergence was affected by the increase in the angle of internal
0733-9399/2003/7-801– 811/$18.00. friction, with a limit of ␾⫽35%. de Borst and Vermeer 共1984兲


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Fig. 2. Normalized load–settlement relationships of 共a兲 sand

foundation and 共b兲 pavement over sand foundation

Fig. 1. 共a兲 Laboratory loading test setup 共after Ling and Liu 2001兲 Zheng 共1993兲 employed elastoplastic models for the asphalt ma-
and 共b兲 finite element mesh terial and soils. The model developed by Weissman and Sousa
共1993兲 required a number of tests in obtaining the parameters for
asphalt materials. Wright and Zheng 共1993兲 indicated that the
used 15-node triangular elements, with full integration, and dem- plastic properties of asphalt materials are significant in determin-
onstrated the solution for associated and nonassociated flow rules ing the permanent deformation of the flexible pavements.
up to ␾⫽40°. In the U.S., the Federal Aviation Administration 共FAA兲 has
The use of finite element method for pavement analysis has concentrated on the three-dimensional 共3D兲 finite element analy-
gained increasing attention only in recent years. In the Science sis of airport pavement using NIKE3D 共Maker 1995兲. Full-scale
Program of the European Community–DG XII, Jouve and Gu- testings were also conducted so that the results of analysis and
ezouli 共1993a兲 compared several finite element programs for the measurements can be compared. The study was conducted by
analysis of pavements. The programs that were compared are assuming the materials to be linear elastic 共Brill 1998兲. It is ex-
FENLAP of the University of Nottingham, DIANA of the Delft pected that future design of airport pavement will be conducted
University of Technology, NOEL of the University of Nantes, and using linear 3D finite element procedures. However, little empha-
CESAR of the Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussees sis has been directed toward the nonlinearity of material proper-
共LCPC兲. Jouve and Guezouli 共1993b兲 also compared the effects of ties. It may be argued that the load levels in the pavement are very
using different soil models, including linear to complicated non- low, typically, in the elastic range, but failure of pavement due to
linear elastic models, and elastoplastic model. Jouve 共1993兲 com- overstressing are not uncommon. While three-dimensional finite
pared the test results of LCPC with the finite element analysis element analysis is costly, its success has been demonstrated by
conducted using four computer programs. In the analysis, the soil several studies, such as Hjelmstad et al. 共1997兲, Kuo et al. 共1995兲,
foundation was assumed linear elastic, whereas the granular ma- Uddin 共1998兲, and Zaghloul and White 共1993兲.
terial was assumed to be nonlinear, predominantly nonlinear elas- Geosynthetic material 共Koerner 1998兲 has been used to tensile
tic. The asphalt layer was assumed to be linear elastic. Chen et al. reinforce earth structures and unpaved roads 共e.g., Giroud and
共1995兲 assessed several computer programs for analysis of flex- Noiray 1981; Holtz and Sivakugan 1987; Love et al. 1987兲. Geo-
ible pavement system. Additional finite element simulations of synthetic has been used to inhibit reflective cracking by acting as
pavement systems were reported, for example, by Almedia an interlayer between the old pavement and the overlay 共e.g.,
共1993兲, Balay and Kabre 共1993兲, Cho et al. 共1996兲, Guezouli Rigo et al. 1993; Roschen 1997兲. Many highway engineers have
et al. 共1993兲, Schelt et al. 共1993兲, and Uddin 共1998兲. The analyses not realized possible tensile contributions of geosynthetic in in-
were incapable of capturing the failure and it was found that creasing the bearing capacity. The study has been initiated by
assumption of a linear elastic property for the asphalt materials Brown et al. 共1985兲 and Haas 共1985兲 to look at the possibility of
was oversimplified. Weissman and Sousa 共1993兲 and Wright and reinforcing asphalt concrete layer by comparing the behavior of


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Fig. 3. Settlement profile of asphalt concrete surface: 共a兲 Associated Fig. 4. Normalized load–settlement relationships of geogrid-
flow rule and 共b兲 nonassociated flow rule reinforced pavement: 共a兲 Associated flow rule and 共b兲 nonassociated
flow rule

unreinforced and reinforced pavements. Perkins et al. 共1998兲 and

Ling and Liu 共2001兲 also looked at the reinforcement effects of
rectangular steel plate 5.6 cm wide. The tests were controlled by
the geosynthetic material under dynamic loading conditions.
displacement at a rate of 1.2 mm/min. Plane strain condition,
There has been no design procedure provided for such new appli-
which differed from wheel loading, was selected to ease the in-
In this paper, elastoplastic analyses were attempted for terpretation of test results. The analyses presented in this paper
geogrid-reinforced pavement system using a general-purpose were focused on the monotonic loading tests.
two-dimensional finite element program called PLAXIS The asphalt concrete layer with the geogrid reinforcement was
共Brinkgreve and Vermeer 1998兲, which has demonstrated its suc- prepared separately on a piece of plywood, densified with a hand
cess in the limit analysis of geotechnical problems. The effects of compactor as in the field to a unit weight ␥⫽21 kN/m3, and cured
using associated and nonassociated plastic flow rules for the soils for 6 months before being transferred to the sand box for testing.
and asphalt material were investigated. The strains in the geosyn- The asphalt concrete layer was placed on the subgrade of Ottawa
thetic layer were also compared with the experimental results. sand (D 50⫽0.25 mm, C u ⫽1.65, ␥⫽17.9 kN/m3兲. The width of
Parametric studies were conducted to investigate other design pa- the asphalt concrete layer was slightly less than the width of the
rameters, such as the stiffness of geosynthetic, thickness of as- sand box so that it did induce side friction by touching the sides
phalt layer, and strength of subgrade foundation on the behavior of the box. The sides of the wall were transparent and lubricated
of geogrid-reinforced pavement system under monotonic loading. with grid markers so that the deformation could be observed. In
one of the tests, a biaxial polypropylene geogrid was used. The
geogrid had a mass of 550 g/m2 and a tensile strength of 46 kN/m.
Brief Description of Laboratory Model Test The behavior of this geogrid has been studied by Ling et al.
共1998兲. The strains along the geogrid were measured using five
The results obtained from a series of well-controlled laboratory strain gages at different locations, including one below the center
model tests were used to validate the finite element procedure. of loading area, and the others were about 6 cm apart from each
The testing program and experimental results were described in other, away from the center of loading. The settlement of the
detail by Ling and Liu 共2001兲. Only the salient features of the test asphalt concrete layer was measured at three locations using dis-
setup are herewith summarized. Fig. 1共a兲 shows the experimental placement transducers 共LVDT兲: one at the loading plate and the
setup where loading tests were conducted inside a sand box 60 cm others at distances of 10 and 20 cm, respectively, from the center.
long, 20 cm wide, and 50 cm high. The tests were conducted The material properties of asphalt concrete, sand, and geogrid
under plane strain conditions with the load applied through a related to the analysis are elaborated subsequently.


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Fig. 5. Settlement profile of reinforced asphalt concrete layer with Fig. 6. Settlement profile of reinforced asphalt concrete layer with
geogrid stiffness J⫽1160 kN/m: 共a兲 associated flow rule and 共b兲 non- geogrid stiffness J⫽400 kN/m: 共a兲 associated flow rule and 共b兲 non-
associated flow rule associated flow rule

Finite Element Analysis

analyzed to ensure robustness of the algorithms before using it for
PLAXIS 共Brinkgreve and Vermeer 1998兲 was used in this study more sophisticated pavement systems. In all analyses, the associ-
because of its success in analyzing some geotechnical problems ated and nonassociated plastic flow rules were used for the sub-
up to the limit state, that is failure 共e.g., de Borst and Vermeer grade foundation.
1984兲. The arc-length control algorithm allows a precise predic- Fig. 1共b兲 shows the two-dimensional finite element mesh used
tion of collapse load, whereas conventional load-control algo- for the analysis of unreinforced pavement and geogrid-reinforced
rithm with iterative procedure usually fails to converge as failure pavement system, where the difference lies in the presence of
is approached. A brief summary of the main features pertaining to geogrid elements. Because of symmetrical geometry, only half of
the analysis of geogrid-reinforced asphalt pavement is given the pavement system was considered. The two sides of the mesh
below. were fixed horizontally but allowed to displace vertically, whereas
PLAXIS allows automatic mesh generation with options for the bottom was assumed rough by restraining horizontally and
global and local mesh refinement. The six- and 15-node triangular vertical displacements. Vertical displacement was prescribed at
elements are available for the analysis, but six-node elements the nodes for the width of loading plate. Failure load was ob-
were used for the sand and asphalt layers. Full integration was tained for the analysis when the solution failed to converge. The
used in the analysis. The analyses were performed under two- mesh of sand foundation alone consisted of 1578 elements and
dimensional plane strain conditions. Several advanced soil mod- 3253 nodes. The mesh was constructed so that fine elements were
els are available, but the simple elastoplastic model employing used under the footing to enable a more reasonable prediction of
Mohr–Coulomb criteria was used in the analysis so that selection failure load.
of parameters is straightforward. Geosynthetic was simulated The asphalt pavement was 4 cm thick. The mesh for unrein-
using three-node noncompression bar elements having linear elas- forced pavement consisted of 1365 elements for the soil and 619
tic properties. elements for the asphalt layer. The mesh had a total of 4089
nodes. The asphalt layer was not fixed at the side boundary so that
it resembled the test conditions.
Finite Element Modeling
As shown in Fig. 1共b兲, a geogrid layer was included for the
Three types of analysis were conducted simulating loading tests reinforced pavement at the asphalt concrete–sand interface. The
of sand foundation alone, pavement over sand foundation 共unre- thickness of asphalt layer was 4.7 cm, which resembled the test.
inforced pavement兲, and geosynthetic-reinforced pavement over The total number of elements in the sand was the same as unre-
sand foundation 共reinforced pavement兲. The sand foundation was inforced pavement, but the total number of elements in the asphalt


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Fig. 7. Strain distribution of geogrid in asphalt concrete layer with Fig. 8. Strain distribution of geogrid in asphalt concrete layer with
geogrid stiffness J⫽1,160 kN/m: 共a兲 associated flow rule and 共b兲 geogrid stiffness J⫽400 kN/m: 共a兲 associated flow rule and 共b兲 non-
nonassociated flow rule associated flow rule

layer was increased to 755 because of a different thickness com-

pared to the case of unreinforced pavement. The geogrid con- where ␴ 1 , ␴ 2 , and ␴ 3 ⫽three principal stresses; c, ␾, and
sisted of 43 three-node bar elements. A full bonding was assumed ␺⫽cohesion, angle of internal friction, and angle of dilation, re-
between the asphalt and geogrid, since the biaxial geogrid was spectively. ␺ is required in modeling positive plastic volumetric
interlocked in the asphalt concrete. The end of the geogrid layer strain increments. In addition, the Young’s modulus E and Pois-
was not fixed to the side wall. son ratio ␯ are required to define the elastic components of the
Note that associated flow rule is based on normality 共Hill
Constitutive Models and Soil Parameters 1950兲 and it satisfies Drucker’s postulates 共Drucker 1950a,b兲,
The analyses presented herewith for the soil and asphalt materials whereas nonassociated flow rule does not. Recently, considerable
were based on elastic perfectly plastic models. The soil model efforts have been directed to develop advanced elasto-plastic
followed Mohr–Coulomb failure criteria with an associated or models of nonassociated flow conditions 共e.g., Vermeer 1998兲, but
nonassociated flow rule. Three yield functions f 1 , f 2 , and f 3 are associated flow still dominates the analysis. The numerical details
used to define fully Mohr–Coulomb yield conditions in terms of of the models are available in Brinkgreve and Vermeer 共1998兲.
principal stresses. They together represent a hexagonal cone in the
principal stress space. In addition, three plastic potential functions Ottawa Sand
g 1 , g 2 , and g 3 are defined. The yield and potential functions are For Ottawa sand, the angle of internal friction was obtained from
given in Eqs. 共1兲 and 共2兲, respectively: the triaxial compression tests as ␾⫽41° 共Ling and Liu 2001兲.
Under plane strain compression, the angle of friction is a few
f 1 ⫽ 21 兩 ␴ 2 ⫺␴ 3 兩 ⫹ 21 共 ␴ 2 ⫹␴ 3 兲 sin ␾⫺c cos ␾⭐0 (1a) degrees higher than that obtained from triaxial compression test
f 2 ⫽ 12 兩 ␴ 3 ⫺␴ 1 兩 ⫹ 21 共 ␴ 3 ⫹␴ 1 兲 sin ␾⫺c cos ␾⭐0 (1b) 共for example, Tatsuoka et al. 1986兲. Therefore, the plane strain
angle of internal friction was selected as 45° in the analysis. The
f 3 ⫽ 12 兩 ␴ 1 ⫺␴ 2 兩 ⫹ 21 共 ␴ 1 ⫹␴ 2 兲 sin ␾⫺c cos ␾⭐0 (1c) elastic properties for the sand were E⫽5,000 kPa and ␯⫽0.35.
Note, however, that because of low confining pressure in the
g 1 ⫽ 21 兩 ␴ 2 ⫺␴ 3 兩 ⫹ 21 共 ␴ 2 ⫹␴ 3 兲 sin ␺ (2a) model test, a small cohesion c⫽0.01 kPa was used to improve the
g 2 ⫽ 21 兩 ␴ 3 ⫺␴ 1 兩 ⫹ 21 共 ␴ 3 ⫹␴ 1 兲 sin ␺ (2b) stability of solution.
For nonassociated flow, the angle of dilation was estimated
g 3 ⫽ 21 兩 ␴ 1 ⫺␴ 2 兩 ⫹ 21 共 ␴ 1 ⫹␴ 2 兲 sin ␺ (2c) following Bolton’s relationships 共1986兲:


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Fig. 10. Relationships between geogrid strain and applied stress at

Fig. 9. Relationships between geogrid strain and applied stress at
different locations with geogrid stiffness J⫽400 kN/m: 共a兲 associated
different locations with geogrid stiffness J⫽1,160 kN/m: 共a兲 associ-
flow rule and 共b兲 nonassociated flow rule
ated flow rule and 共b兲 nonassociated flow rule

feature to allow for users’ models. Therefore, for the polypropyl-

␾⫽␾ cri⫹0.8␺ (3) ene geogrid, the initial stiffness, stiffness corresponding to 5%
where ␾ and ␾ cri⫽peak and critical values, respectively, for the axial strain and stiffness at peak strength were used for the analy-
angle of internal friction, and ␺ is the angle of dilation. ␾ and sis (J⫽1,160, 600, and 400 kN/m兲. Note that in design, most
␾ cri⫽45° and 33°, respectively, thus ␺ was determined as 15°. geosynthetics are reported for the strength at 5% axial strain level.
For associated flow, ␾⫽␺⫽45°.

Asphalt Concrete Comparison of Results

The effect of confining pressure acting in the asphalt layer is,
typically, negligible because of the small thickness. Thus, the The results obtained from the analyses were compared with the
strength of asphalt material may be assigned through the cohe- experimental results. The load–settlement curve of the loading
sion, c, while assumed independent of the angle of friction. The plate, the settlement profile of the asphalt layer, and the strain
ultimate strength was obtained from the unconfined compression distributions in the geogrid reinforcement are compared. The
tests as 540 kPa 共Ling and Liu 2001兲 or c⫽270 kPa. The angle of comparison gives insight into the behavior and failure mechanism
internal friction and angle of dilation were both taken as zero such under excessive loading, although the information may not be
that the model resembled von Mises yield criteria. The Young’s used for routine design of pavement system.
modulus was obtained from three-point bending tests as E
⫽8,000 kPa 共Ling and Liu 2001兲. The Poisson ratio was ␯⫽0.35.
Sand Foundation
Note that time and temperature dependent behavior of asphalt
concrete, though not simulated in this study, would be an issue Fig. 2共a兲 shows the load–displacement relationships of the sand
considering long-term performance. foundation. The stress q was normalized by the unit weight of soil
␥ and width of footing B, while the footing settlement ␦ was
Geogrid normalized by its width. The results are shown as normalized
In PLAXIS, the only model relevant for geogrid was a bar ele- form so that it is not related to any unit and also consistent with
ment having linear elastic properties. It is strongly felt that a the bearing capacity equation. The analysis slightly overpredicted
nonlinear elastic model such as that proposed by Ling et al. the bearing capacity in the case of associated flow rule. The bear-
共1995, 2000兲 should be incorporated into PLAXIS. However, the ing capacity determined by Terzaghi’s equation or that obtained
developer did not accommodate the change 共private communica- experimentally was 169 kPa, whereas that of the analysis was 176
tion 1999兲 and the existing version of program does not have the kPa. The nonassociated flow rule gave 101 kPa, which was an


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Fig. 11. Effect of geogrid thickness on normalized load–settlement Fig. 12. Effect of asphalt concrete stiffness on normalized load–
relationships: 共a兲 associated flow rule and 共b兲 nonassociated flow rule settlement relationships: 共a兲 associated flow rule and 共b兲 nonassoci-
ated flow rule

underprediction. In fact, the analysis could not converge for larger

displacement in the case of nonassociated flow rule. Note that the Reinforced Pavement
confining pressure acting on this kind of small model test is ex-
tremely low such that it could have affected the convergence. Figs. 4共a and b兲 show the relationships between normalized stress
Also, the traditional formulation of finite element is incapable of and settlement for the associated and nonassociated flow condi-
conducting postpeak analysis into the strain-softening region tions. In both cases, the effects of selected stiffness of reinforce-
共e.g., Tanaka and Kawamoto 1989兲, so the study is focused on the ment were negligibly small. It seems that the associated flow rule
peak strength. was capable of simulating the load-settlement relationships better
than the non-associated flow rule 关Fig. 4共a兲兴.
The settlement profiles of asphalt layer that were obtained
Unreinforced Pavement from the analysis are compared with the experimental results at
several different stress levels for the associated and non-
The results of analysis for the unreinforced pavement are shown associated flow conditions 共Figs. 5 and 6兲. Figs. 5共a and b兲 show
in Fig. 2共b兲. The relationships between normalized stress and dis- the results with the initial stiffness (J⫽1160 kN/m) of reinforce-
placement indicated that both associated and nonassociated flow ment, whereas Figs. 6共a and b兲 show that of the stiffness at peak
rules compared favorably with the test results, though a better strength (J⫽400 kN/m). Using the initial stiffness, very little dif-
agreement was obtained for the nonassociated flow rule. The ference in results is seen between the settlement profiles obtained
model with associated flow rule slightly overpredicted the bearing from the associated and non-associated flow rules. Using the stiff-
capacity. The convergence could have been improved by the con- ness at failure, the results of comparison at large stress level were
fining stress acting in the sand because of the dead weight of less satisfactory than that of the initial stiffness.
asphalt layer. The strain distributions in the reinforcement layer are com-
The settlement profile for the asphalt surface is shown in Fig. pared in Figs. 7共a and b兲 for the associated and nonassociated
3. It is seen that the agreement was very good up to a normalized flow rules, respectively, using the initial stiffness of the geogrid.
stress level q/␥B⫽300. The results obtained for the analysis with The results obtained for the associated and nonassociated flow
associated flow rule deviated from the experiment at q/␥B rules using the stiffness at failure are shown in Figs. 8共a and b兲,
⫽600. For the nonassociated flow rule, the overall agreement was respectively. It is seen that the assumption of linear elastic geo-
better, especially the agreement at q/␥B⫽600 was better than grid was incapable of simulating the experimental results satisfac-
that of associated flow rule. The uplifting of the asphalt end was torily as the stress level increased. The use of initial stiffness gave
detected in the analyses. a too stiff response in the geogrid, whereas the stiffness at failure


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Fig. 13. Effect of strength of subgrade foundation on normalized Fig. 14. Effect of strength of subgrade foundation on normalized
load–settlement relationships with associated flow rule: 共a兲 re- load–settlement relationships with nonassociated flow rule: 共a兲 re-
inforced pavement and 共b兲 unreinforced pavement inforced pavement and 共b兲 unreinforced pavement

gave a better prediction of strain distribution. The same trend of ness is 4 cm. Note that for thickness greater than 4 cm, the bear-
results is seen for the strain versus displacement relationships ing capacity of the pavement system was determined by the as-
throughout the loading test for the associated and nonassociated phalt layer. Yielding occurred in the asphalt concrete before the
flow rules 共Figs. 9 and 10兲. sand foundation.
The results of simulation for the reinforced pavement seem Fig. 12 shows the effects of geogrid stiffness on the response
satisfactory for both associated and nonassociated flow rules, but of the pavement. It is seen that the bearing capacity of the pave-
the nonassociated case seems produced slightly better agreement. ment improved as the stiffness of geogrid is increased. There is
The strains predicted in the geogrid were less satisfactory when also an upper limit of stiffness that may render improvement in
the stress level increased. The results were due to the limitation of the bearing capacity. The stiffness affected displacement up to
a linear elastic model in expressing the nonlinear behavior of about 20% the footing width. For presented parametric studies,
geogrid. J⫽1,000 kN/m gave practically the same results as that of J
⫽400 kN/m.
Figs. 13 and 14 show the normalized load and settlement re-
Parametric Studies lationships of reinforced and unreinforced asphalt pavement as-
suming associated and nonassociated flow rules for the subgrade
The analytical procedures had been validated with well-controlled foundation, respectively. The angle of internal friction of sub-
tests of sand foundation, unreinforced and reinforced pavements. grade foundation was investigated for the range of values ␾⫽25–
Therefore, the effects of several design parameters, such as the 45° for associated flow rule and ␾⫽33– 45° for nonassociated
thickness of asphalt layer, stiffness of geogrid, and strength of flow rule. Note that Griffiths 共1982兲 and de Borst and Vermeer
foundation were investigated. The input parameters and geom- 共1984兲 had indicated that the Young’s modulus does not affect the
etries used for reinforced pavement, as presented earlier, were failure load. In using nonassociated flow rule, the angle of dila-
used. tion was decided following Eq. 共2兲. The analyses resembled the
Fig. 11 shows the effects of the thickness of asphalt layer on cases where the foundation was prepared with the same sand at
the load–displacement relationship where the stiffness of geogrid different densities, and thus different friction angles are obtained.
was selected as 400 kN/m. The analysis indicated that as the The results of analysis show that the unreinforced pavement gave
thickness of asphalt layer increases, the bearing capacity of as- lower failure load than the reinforced case. The failure load ob-
phalt pavement is also increased. However, there exists an upper tained from nonassociated flow rule was smaller than correspond-
limit related to the thickness of asphalt layer, upon which no ing results of associated flow rule. The results from nonassociated
improvement in bearing capacity was observed. The ideal thick- flow rule were less stable than those of associated flow rule.


J. Eng. Mech. 2003.129:801-811.

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Fig. 16. Reinforcement effect due to strength of subgrade foundation

Fig. 15. Reinforcement effect due to strength of subgrade foundation with nonassociated flow rule: 共a兲 at different settlement and 共b兲 at
with associated flow rule: 共a兲 at different settlement and 共b兲 at failure failure load ratio

While the failure load was attained in 20% the displacement ratio
or less in unreinforced pavement, the reinforced pavement
reached much larger displacement up to 60% before failure load of sand foundation, unreinforced and reinforced pavement sys-
was reached. Figs. 15 and 16 show the ratio of strength mobilized tems. The procedures were able to simulate the improved per-
for the reinforced and unreinforced pavements at a displacement formance of geogrid-reinforced asphalt pavement over unrein-
ratio of 5%, 10%, and 20% of footing width. It is natural to forced pavement system.
anticipate that as the strength of subgrade foundation increases, • The difference in results of using nonassociated and associated
the reinforcement effect reduces. The reinforcement effect in- flow rules were small for the pavement systems. The settle-
creases with increasing displacement, that is, when the strain in ment profiles were well predicted. The failure load obtained
the reinforcement was mobilized. The ratio of ultimate load was from nonassociated flow rules was slightly smaller than that of
in the range of 1.9–2.5 for the values of soil strength investigated. associated flow rule. The results showed that nonassociated
It is of interest to note that in the associated flow, when the angle flow rule is more relevant for the simple elastoplastic analysis
of internal friction exceeded 40°, the reinforcement ratio started of asphalt pavements that are reinforced with geogrid.
to reduce. The result was due to the failure of the asphalt concrete • An increased thickness of asphaltic concrete layer improved
layer instead of the subgrade foundation. The strength ratio was the performance of asphalt pavement system. However, when
greater for nonassociated flow and the ratio also increased with an upper limit of thickness is attained, the failure occurred in
the increase in the strength of subgrade foundation. the asphalt layer that determined the failure load of the pave-
ment system.
• The stiffness of geogrid affected the load–settlement relation-
Summary and Conclusions ships. There is an upper limit of stiffness that led to the im-
provement. However, different values of stiffness gave rise to
This paper outlined a two-dimensional finite element procedure different strain distributions in the geogrid. A linear elastic
for analyzing geogrid-reinforced pavement system. The proce- model of geogrid predicted poorly the strain distributions in
dures were validated with several well-controlled laboratory load- the geogrid layer. Thus, PLAXIS should be incorporated with
ing tests and then extended for a series of parametric studies. The a nonlinear geogrid model for future analysis of reinforced
procedure proved very useful for designing unconventional geo- pavement system.
technical system where solutions do not exist. The following con- • The reinforcement effect was more pronounced for weaker
clusions were drawn from this study: subgrade foundation. The reinforcement effect increased as the
• The finite element procedures employed were able to predict strain level was increased. These effects were related to the
with reasonable accuracy the load–displacement relationships tensile strain mobilized in the geogrid reinforcement.


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