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Wrong answer summary

CES version: CES 5.2.7

Test date: 12.03.2016
Test type: STCW
Department: Engine
Level: Support
Vessel type/Propulsion:

Question asked (9):
What type of heat exchanger is shown in the illustration?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Question asked (1502):

What would you do if you are told to operate a piece of mechanical equipment which you
are not familiar with?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Seek advice from your superior before attempting to operate it.

Question asked (1625):


On a fire patrol at night you see smoke coming from a closed cabin door. What action
should you take first?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know

Correct answer:
Activate the nearest fire alarm button and advise bridge of the location of the fire.

Question asked (1630):

What class of fire is a smoldering fire of wood, textiles, paper and other carbonaceous

Selected answer (score 0):

Don't know
Correct answer:
Class A

Question asked (1734):

Why is it important that the combustion chamber of a boiler is properly ventilated prior to
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
To avoid an explosion in case any oil vapours are present from oil leakage into the

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Wrong answer summary

Question asked (2129):

Which of the following statements regarding a centrifugal pump is correct?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

It is important that the rotation direction is correct to avoid dry running.

Question asked (2132):

While trying to deballast a double bottom tank problems are encountered getting suction
on the ballast pump, a centrifugal pump mounted above the tank top. What action can be
taken to solve the problem?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Prime the pump with seawater from the main inlet valve.

Question asked (2135):

Why is it important that all the system valves are closed after completing bilge or ballast
pumping operations?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
To avoid accidental intake of water into the engine room in case of valve or pipeline


Question asked (2817):

When the boiler safety valves operate due to the boiler pressure being too high the
excess steam is discharged to _______
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know

Correct answer:
the atmosphere via the atmospheric line

Question asked (2820):

What action should be taken before carrying out a bottom blowdown on a steam boiler?

Selected answer (score 0):

Don't know
Correct answer:
Raise the water level a few centimeters above normal working level.

Question asked (2822):

Which of the following could cause a blowback from a steam boiler oil fired furnace?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Trying to ignite burner from hot brickwork

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Question asked (3138):

What would be the likely cause if the shaft of a centrifugal pump shows excessive wear in
way of the stuffing box?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Over tightening of the gland packing.

Question asked (3548):
What will happen when the ship arrives in Rotterdam?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
The ship will receive fuel and diesel oil bunkers

Question asked (3560):

What is the correct name of the part highlighted in the illustration?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Connecting rod

Question asked (3562):

What is the correct name of the part highlighted in the illustration?

Selected answer (score 0):

Don't know
Correct answer:

Question asked (3566):

What is the correct name of the tool shown in the illustration?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know

Correct answer:
Adjustable wrench

Question asked (3682):

Mention some important thoughts for what you have to do when you recognise that fire
break out onboard.
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the fire alarm, call the persons around the fire and
join the fire squad

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Question asked (3703):

What is the meaning of this symbol ?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Fasten seat belts

Question asked (3713):

What is a hydrostatic release unit?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
A unit which automatically releases the liferaft/lifeboat at a depth of approx 4 metres.

Question asked (3813):

In the event of the water level disappearing out of the boiler water level gauge glass; what
should be the first action to be taken?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Secure all of the burners

Question asked (10257):

*What is the minimum capacity of the portable tank of a portable foam applicator ?

Selected answer (score 0):

Don't know
Correct answer:
1 litre

Question asked (10271):

Which of the following is a combustion reaction?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know

Correct answer:
All the answers are good

Question asked (10274):

You are leading a team fighting an interior fire. If you see the colour of the smoke
changing from dark black to grey, what is the most probable reason for that change?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
The team is applying water and the temperature is decreasing

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Question asked (10446):

You are carrying out a search in a smoke filled room, wearing a breathing apparatus.
How would you conduct this search?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Carry out a right or left hand search and proceed carefully, feeling the area in front with
the foot and using the back of the free hand to check the area around.

Question asked (10515):
Give the meaning of the following symbol
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Area protected by halon

Question asked (20182):

A 6-men inflatable liferaft shall be carried as far forward as is reasonable and practicable.
Where is the best stowing position?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Aft of the forecastle

Question asked (20196):


If conditions permit, which is the best way to board a liferaft which is floating close to the
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know

Correct answer:
Use a rope ladder close to the raft to climb down and board

Question asked (20222):

Give the meaning of the following symbol:

Selected answer (score 0):

Don't know
Correct answer:
muster station

Question asked (20233):

A lifejacket must not sustain burning or continue melting after being totally enveloped in a
fire for a period of:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
2 sec

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Question asked (20439):

The minimum number of lifebuoys required for a passenger ship cannot be less than:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:


Question asked (31328):

When must personal protective equipment be worn
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
At all times when identified as a control method with risk assessment

Question asked (31487):

What method shall be used when hauling survivors out of the sea (state of survivors is
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Using nets

Question asked (31541):

What kind of warning signs should be placed on manholes into void spaces?

Selected answer (score 0):

Don't know
Correct answer:
Warning signs that indicate lack of oxygen inside

Question asked (32115):

Which of these types of information is considered sensitive?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know

Correct answer:
Voyage itinerary and departure and arrival times.

Question asked (32128):

Which type of equipment can be used to detect explosives?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Particulate detector

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Question asked (32163):

Hot work is to be carried out close to a smoke detector in the engine room. What
precautions should be taken?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Notify Deck Officer and Engineer Officer in charge. The loop for the smoke detector
should be isolated while work is done and normal precautions for hot work taken including
permit to work.

Question asked (32355):
Why should boiler sootblowers normally only be operated in the correct sequence?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
To ensure soot is cleared progressively from the bottom tubes to the top and toward the boiler uptakes.

Question asked (32428):

One of the two water level gauge glasses on the high pressure boiler steam drum has
started leaking quite heavily. What action, from the options given, should the boiler watch
rating take?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know

Correct answer:
Inform the Officer of the watch immediately so that arrangements can be made to replace
the leaking glass.

Question asked (32516):

As part of the routine duties a rating on boiler watch is requested to assist with the daily
chemical treatment for the boiler and feed water systems. Where will the rating find the

information relating to the hazards associated with the chemicals involved in this task?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
The material safety data sheets supplied with the chemicals.

Question asked (32519):

While on watch, an engine room rating notices a leak from the gland of a running
seawater pump. What action should be taken?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Inform the engineer officer of the watch so that the pump can be changed over and the
gland can be repacked.

Question asked (32520):

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After cleaning some machinery components at sea, the engine watch rating is instructed
to dispose the small amount of dirty diesel oil which is left. How should the dirty oil be
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Put it straight into the dirty oil tank for incineration at the next opportunity.

Question asked (32522):
The engine rating on watch finds the level of the diesel engine jacket water header tank

well below normal. After topping up the tank and checking around the engine, a leak is
found. What action should be taken?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:


Question asked (32523):

Try and quickly stop the leak and then inform the engineer on watch of what has

The engine room rating has been assisting with ballast operations during a period of
engine room watch duty. Ballast operations have stopped for a couple of hours while
stores are being taken. What action should the rating take during this break in
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Stop all of the ballast pumps and close all of the ballast valves as soon as operations are
stopped. Ballast lines should always be closed except when they are being used.

Question asked (32570):

When working at height onboard ships what is the most important safety precaution that
should be taken?

Selected answer (score 0):

Don't know
Correct answer:
Wear a safety harness securely attached to ship's structure.

Question asked (32572):

What is the most suitable type of packing for a shaft gland of a pump used for seawater
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Greasy cotton packing.

Question asked (32575):

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Wrong answer summary
During maintenance work at sea an engine room rating is moving a heavy component to
the workshop using a chain block attached to an overhead trolley on a rail. Part way
through the operation the rating is asked by the engineer to go immediately to the store
for some equipment. What should the rating do?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Continue with the moving operation until the component is properly secured in the

workshop before going to the store for the equipment.

Question asked (32608):
An engine room rating notices that the guard on a running pump is hanging loose due to
a missing bolt on the support bracket and it is catching the shaft coupling. What is the
best action to take as a repair method?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Inform the watchkeeper so that the pump can be stopped and a new bolt can be fitted to
permanently fix the guard in place.

Question asked (32612):

Following repair and refitting of the seawater pipe for the fresh water generator feed line
the rating notices that one of the flange joints is leaking. What action should be taken?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Check the bolts are correctly tightened before informing the engineer so that the flange
faces can be cleaned and re-jointed if necessary.

Question asked (32614):

An engine room rating is assisting in the maintenance of some of the valves on the low
pressure steam range. Which packing material, from the options given, would be the best

choice for repacking the gland of a low pressure steam valve?

Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Graphite fibre packing.

Question asked (32620):

The threads on the drain plug for the bronze end cover of a sea water cooled heat
exchanger have been badly damaged during maintenance. There is no spare brass plug
available. What is the best solution for repairing the heat exchanger?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Make a new brass plug on the lathe to fit the drain hole.

Question asked (32623):

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Most maintenance and repair tasks carried out onboard ship require a permit to work
which will include a full risk assessment. Where would an engine room rating find out
about the precautions that are required for a particular task?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Ships Safety Management Manual (ISM Code procedures)

Question asked (32624):
A bilge strainer is blocking up during bilge pumping operations which is causing delays as

the pump frequently loses suction and has to be primed. What action should be taken to
remedy the situation?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Question asked (33063):

Which tool would be best suited for cutting a piece of angle iron?
Clean the strainer more frequently and clean out the bilge well at the first opportunity.

Selected answer (score 0):

Don't know
Correct answer:

Question asked (33069):

A centrifugal pump gland has been repacked following overhaul of the pump. What is the
correct method to ensure the pump shaft does not overheat when the pump is operating?

Selected answer (score 0):

Don't know
Correct answer:
Gradually tighten the gland follower with the pump running until leakage at the gland


Question asked (33071):

Which of the options given is most likely to result in overheating of a ball bearing fitted to
a pump shaft?

Selected answer (score 0):

Don't know
Correct answer:
Completely filling the bearing with grease.

Question asked (33728):

What is the objective of the merchant navy?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
To safely transport goods by sea

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Question asked (33753):

How would you alert others onboard if you saw a person falling overboard?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

If I saw a person falling overboard I would shout repeatedly, "Man overboard"

Question asked (33757):

What are the lists called that give the position and task during a lifeboat drill for all
persons on board the ship?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
The Muster List

Question asked (33759):

What do you understand by: Rig the accommodation ladder in combination with the pilot
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Rig the accommodation ladder in combination with the pilot ladder means: lower the
accommodation ladder and rig the pilot ladder right next to it

Question asked (33871):


An unconscious casualty who is breathing, should be placed

Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

In the recovery position

Question asked (33878):

If a casualty has no pulse, the first aider must immediately:
Selected answer (score 0):

Don't know
Correct answer:
Start heart compression and artificial respiration

Question asked (33885):

Which statement about the garbage record book is true?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
It is used to record all operational and accidental garbage discharges

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Question asked (33888):

The emergency oil pollution equipment locker must be:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Prominently marked and easily accessible


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