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Learn Astrology What is to seen from which House
◦ Astrology Lesson 1 So far what has been given is the spiritual aspects
◦ Astrology Lesson 2 associated with each house from the lagna. These days
◦ Astrology Model more and more people have generally two additional
Exercise 1 questions to ask, the first about their spiritual life and the
◦ Astrology Lesson 3 other about their ailments बीमारी .
◦ Model Exercise 2 The other traditionally associated significations with the
◦ Astrology Lesson 4 houses have been given in detail in many books,
◦ Astrology Lesson 5 fortunately now available in translation in English, But it is
◦ Astrology Lesson 6 necessary to sound a warning here, do not take any of the
◦ Astrology Lesson 7 interpretations given in them as being dogmatic and
◦ Astrology Lesson 8 unalterable. This mistake is committed by some Indians
◦ Astrology Lesson 9 who do not make an in-depth study of astrology and study
other techniques. What are given in these classics are aids
◦ Astrology Lesson
to predictions, not predictions themselves.Keeping this
forewarning in the mind it will be useful to know what
◦ Astrology Lesson each house represents.
The Lagna
◦ Astrology Lesson
One is born in a particular sign, which is his lagna and therefore the
12 first house. His personality will partake of the characteristics of those
◦ Astrology Lesson signs, which will be discussed later.
13 The First House
◦ Astrology Lesson The first house represents the physical body, good or ill-health, the
14 early part of life, the personal development of the child and the
◦ Dhan Yoga character as a whole तमाम .
Illustrations The Second House
◦ Astrology Lesson It is known as kutumba or the family of one’s parents and is to be seen
15 for speech, the food one eats, the money one gets and also death.
◦ Arishta Illustrations The Third House
◦ Astrology Lesson Traditionally, this house is to be seen for brothers and sisters, short
16 journeys, letters and quick writing. But these days it is necessary to
examine it for sports, artistic talents, and business agencies also.
◦ Rajayoga
Illustrations The Fourth House
◦ Astrology Lesson Mother, land, conveyances वाहन , happiness are the traditional
17 subject to be seen from the fourth house. Extending फैलाव it, a
◦ Astrology Lesson doctor’s clinic, an artist’s studio, a philanthropist’s समाज-सेवी trust
18 and an industrialist’s factories are the modern additions.
◦ Astrology Lesson The Fifth House
19 It is the house of education (though some take the fourth house as
◦ Astrology Lesson education) intelligence, children and the power of discrimination
21 विवेक.
◦ Astrology Lesson The Sixth House
22 Diseases, opposition, debts ऋण, injuries हानिकारक are the negative
◦ Astrology Lesson factors associated with this house. On the positive side, accumulation
23 संचय of wealth (it being the second of the artha trine), sports,
◦ Astrology Lesson
adventures साहसिक कार्य and father’s profession are seen from this
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The Seventh House
Contact Us Traditionally, marriage but these days living together, therefore wife,
Privacy Policy lover, sex life are associated with this house.
Shop Online These days, it should be seen for business and business partnership,
Site Map foreign countries, and even settlement बसने की क्रिया abroad विदे श
Links में and death.
Join our Vedic The Eighth House
Legacies वसीयत , inheritance वरासत, sudden अचानक financial
gains, wills are the positive side of this house while the negative side is
You will be kept
long illnesses, cause of death, sexual and conjugal वैवाहिक life.
informed about all
new astrology The Ninth House
lessons. We will The father (though हलांकि the tenth house should also be seen)
add more material spiritual tendencies, devotion वफ़ादारी, learning, pilgrimages तीर्थयात्रा,
to this site
association संग with legal and religious personalities are the
First commonest सामान्य जन factors seen from this house. It being the
Name: house of luck, a good ninth house improves a horoscope.
Last The Tenth House
Name: One’s profession (the sixth house is also employment नौकरी ) fame
E- यश, honors संमान, respect, dignity महिमा and one’s achievements are
mail: seen from this house.
The Eleventh House
All types of gains लाभ , titles पदवी, honors संमान, elder brothers and
sisters, business profits are to be seen.
The Twelfth House
Loss, expenditure, waste etc. are the traditional factors associated with
this house. These days, foreign journeys, getting settled in a foreign
country, trade धंधा with a foreign country, jail, imprisonment are
necessary and inevitable events to be gleaned from this house.
For spiritual practitioners this is the most important house for the
promise of spiritual life and salvation.
As has been stated, a long list of events and things to be seen from
each of the house can be compiled in hundreds of pages. What has
been given here is for day to day use only.
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