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◦ Astrology Lesson 1 The Spirituality Associated With
◦ Astrology Lesson 2
◦ Astrology Model
In delineating the effects of each house, the start should again be made
Exercise 1 with the spiritual promise of each house. By each house from the Lagna
◦ Astrology Lesson 3 which is always the first house. Thus, for a person born with Meena
◦ Model Exercise 2 lagna the first house is Meena, the second house Mesha and the twelfth
house Kumbha etc.
◦ Astrology Lesson 4
Since spiritual astrology is generally kept a secret and astrologers do not
◦ Astrology Lesson 5 pay attention to it, emphasis should be laid on this aspect both for the
◦ Astrology Lesson 6 spiritual guidance of the person concerned and for preparation for a fine
◦ Astrology Lesson 7 spiritual era into which mankind will enter after 2002 A.D.
◦ Astrology Lesson 8 The First House
◦ Astrology Lesson 9 The first house representing oneself, shows the beginning of awareness
of spiritual side of human life. If three or more planets are in the first
◦ Astrology Lesson
house, such persons, inspite of all distractions बेपरवाह, can practice
self-control with determination, and successfully.
◦ Astrology Lesson From the first house springs the desire to enjoy peace generally and the
11 tendency to renounce because the first stage of renunciation is physical.
◦ Astrology Lesson To understand it, the Four Purusharthas of classical Indian tradition
12 should be understood. The first one is Dharma (religious conduct), the
second is Artha (the desire to earn money), the third is the karma to
◦ Astrology Lesson enjoy life physically and the last is Moksha to make efforts to get
13 salvation.
◦ Astrology Lesson In Hindu astrology therefore starting from the lagna there are four trines
14 for each the purusharthas which are:
◦ Dhan Yoga Dharm  Arth Kaam  Moksh
Illustrations a a a a
◦ Astrology Lesson Lagna  Secon  Third Fourth
15 d house house
◦ Arishta house
Illustrations Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth
◦ Astrology Lesson house house house house
16 Ninth Tenth Elevent Twelfth
house house h hosue house
◦ Rajayoga
There is anther set of four trines which depends on the division of
Illustrations human life into four parts, Brahmacharya (life of celibacy) Grihastha
◦ Astrology Lesson (the life of a householder) Vanaprastha (detaching oneself) from house-
17 holder’s duties) and Sanyas (life of renunciation). The scheme of
division is the same as in the earlier trines.
◦ Astrology Lesson
18 Brahma Griha Vanapr  San
◦ Astrology Lesson charya stha astha yas
19 The first Secon Third Four
◦ Astrology Lesson house d house th
21 house hous
◦ Astrology Lesson e
22 Fifthe Sixth Seventh Eigh
◦ Astrology Lesson house house house th
23 hous
◦ Astrology Lesson
24 Ninth Tenth Elevent Twe
house house h house lfth
Course Contents
Contact Us e
Privacy Policy In judging the spiritual importance of each of these houses, these trines
Shop Online should be kept in the mind.
Site Map It is always important to remember that the lagna and lord must not be
ill-placed (in the eighth house, the sixth house or the twelfth house) and
must not be afflicted by Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu particularly through
Join our Vedic conjunction or aspect. In such a case the health may be bad. It is sound
Astrology health that alone ensures any type of achievement in anyone’s life,
Newsletter including spiritual achievements. It is in rare cases that a person with ill
health but strong sense of renunciation can be spiritually exalted. But
You will be kept
we must proceed on the premise that it is sound health that is the
informed about all foundation of even good spiritual life.
new astrology
The Second House
lessons. We will
The family environment gives to one some spiritual tendencies, which
add more material is what the second house represents, being the house of Kutumba (or the
to this site family one is brought up in). Faith in religious and spiritual traditions
periodcially. are inherited and also acquired generally from parents. The second
First house represents it, besides, also being the house of speech. See the
planets (particularly Jupiter, Venus, Mercury) without affliction to
examine whether one has the tendency to speak truth or falsehood. The
Last second also being the house of earnings, monetary धन-संबंधी gains
Name: etc., the charity one does with money and gifts are also to be seen from
E- the second house.
mail: Note – In this respect the role of the twelfth house is more important.
The Third House
The third house known as the house of valour बहादरु ी and courage
साहस becomes favorable if there is a malefic हानिकर like Rahu,
Saturn, Mars, Ketu in it. It shows a determination to apply oneself to
spiritual practices with strong will.
Note – The third house, according to Maharshi Parashara, is the house
of upadesha or religious preaching उपदे श.
The third house also is to be seen for short and quick pilgrimages.
According to the Uttrta-kalamrita, the third house represents the part of
the palm which is between the thumb and the index finger with which
many rituals are performed.
The Fourth House
The fourth house representing buildings, represents the religious-
philanthropic institutions one builds and also the trusts one creates or
religious, philanthropic and other good trusts with the money one has.
In the life of an individual the fourth house represents his desire to
pursue his spiritual life in the quiet surroundings of a place, house or
ashram with rhythmic regularity. In the case of a yogi it can represent
pranayama or breath-control. But if such a house is disturbed, such
persons find that by moving from one place to another only they can
follow their spiritual pursuits.
The Fifth House
An important principle of Hindu astrology is that if a planet aspects its

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