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◦ Astrology Lesson 1 The Sixth House
◦ Astrology Lesson 2 In the life of a spiritual practitioner fifteen types of distractions are
normal. More often than not these take a person away from the desired
◦ Astrology Model spiritual path. To overcome such distractions, a malefic(nuksan dayek)
Exercise 1 in the sixth house is always good. As it is, a malefic in the sixth house
◦ Astrology Lesson 3 is good for ensuring sound health and the tenacity(dranata ya drayan
sankalp) to overcome obstacles(rukavat). In spiritual life this house
◦ Model Exercise 2 helps in developing one pointed concentration( एकाग्रता) (.
◦ Astrology Lesson 4
The Seventh House
◦ Astrology Lesson 5
This house of sex is also the house of sex-sublimination. It is when the
◦ Astrology Lesson 6 kundalini power rises high that sexual lust gets transformed into love
◦ Astrology Lesson 7 and a sadhak feel the spiritual vibrations of the rising kundalini.
◦ Astrology Lesson 8 The Eighth House
◦ Astrology Lesson 9 It should be noticed that the fourth house is the house of spirituality and
◦ Astrology Lesson salvation (मोक्ष ) in the trines given before. The eighth house is the
10 second of such house, but being a secret house (eighth house is a
hidden house) one practices one’s sadhana in secluded and cloistered
◦ Astrology Lesson
एकांत places. It is true that this house also represents agonies which
11 must include spiritual disappointments in the act attaining a blissful
◦ Astrology Lesson state of samadhi.
12 The Ninth House
◦ Astrology Lesson
Next to the fifth house, the house on which all astrologers lay दांव
greatest stress for spiritual development is the ninth house. Yet, there is
◦ Astrology Lesson a controversy among astrologers whether it is the ninth house or the
14 fifth house that is to be seen for the spiritual merit श्रेष्ठता of the past
◦ Dhan Yoga life. While majority of astrologers see the fifth house for the merit of
Illustrations the past life, it is also logical to see that after the eighth house of
◦ Astrology Lesson samadhi that the spiritual merit of this life blossoms out. The ninth
15 house therefore is to be examined for all acts of penance प्रायश्‍िचत्त ,
◦ Arishta Illustrations pilgrimage तीर्थयात्रा, worship of gods.
◦ Astrology Lesson It is the house which represented the last stage of full spiritual
16 development, after which one can become a guru or a spiritual guide.
This house also is for father, who is one of the early gurus of a child.
◦ Rajayoga
Illustrations Note – The fourth house which is the first house of the moksha
triangle represents mother which is why serving one’s mother is the
◦ Astrology Lesson service to adi-guru (the first guru).
17 The ninth house, the last of the dharma triangle, shows the importance
◦ Astrology Lesson of service to one’s father, as the key-note of religious progress.
18 It is for this reason that the Sanskrit saying, "Matri devo bhava" (let
mother be the goddess) and "Pitro devo bhava" (let father be the god) is
◦ Astrology Lesson
the eternal lesson children are taught to lay poper foundation of their
19 spiritual life.Inferentially, those who are cruel to their parents cannot
◦ Astrology Lesson hope to be spiritually successful in their practices. This is a harsh
21 spiritual reality which will not be palatable स्वादिष्ट to many modern
◦ Astrology Lesson young people. Yet an astrologer cannot afford to overlook this.
22 The Tenth House
◦ Astrology Lesson The tenth house is the house of those deeds which are noticed. A
23 person who has potentised a mantra and has become a guru, wins social
◦ Astrology Lesson recognition through his deeds क्रिया काम (even misdeeds). It is for this
24 reason that Jupiter, the greatest benefic is preferred most in this house
for holy deeds because the tenth house is the house of religious,
Course Contents spiritual and ritualistic deeds.
Contact Us Note – In the case of a guru the tenth house shows the quality of his
Privacy Policy deeds, along with the lord of the tenth house.
Shop Online The Eleventh House
Site Map In a spiritual sense, the eleventh house is a very enigmatic house.
Links Benefics in it will attract one to worship of many gods and great
Join our Vedic scriptural scholarship and authorship. साहित्यिक कार्य
Astrology Many planets in it will bring, as donations नज़र
Newsletter to a guru, lot of money as the eleventh house is the last of the kama
You will be kept triangle or desires. Such desires can be good and evil. The eleventh
informed about all house is thus the house of the last of the temptations प्रलोभन a religious
new astrology person has to face, which must be overcome to reach the final
lessons. We will destination मंज़िल, salvation.
add more material The Twelfth House
to this site The twelfth house, the condition of the twelfth lord and Ketu are the
salvation giving factors. A bad twelfth house can ruin नाश all the
First spiritual promises of an otherwise good horoscope.
Note – What has been given so far here is only a bare outline of the
Last spiritual promise inherent in a horoscope. These very promises are to
Name: be examined in greater details through many other finer analysis. The
E- use of Vimshamsha (one-twentieth division horoscope) will have to be
mail: brought into use.
Jaimini astrology should be used before any predictions about anyone’s
spiritual life is given otherwise, spiritual astrology more often than not
becomes a wild goose chase शिकार.
Note – A safe and sound method which an astrologer can adopt is to
make a proper use of the navamsha (one ninth) division of a horoscope
and examine the fifth and the ninth lords and houses of navamsha and
then the twelfth lord. Together with all this, the most important factor
in the spiritual evolution विकास of a person is to see what (dasha in
Vimshottari ) sequence one has got in life. The most favourable periods
are the periods of the fifth and the ninth lords.
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