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Group Members: Martha Barros, José Donado, Sebastián Castañeda, Oswaldo Ovalle and Michael



1- What do you think are the exporting skills of the company?

R/= The exporting skills of the company are:

- The company is financially healthy.

- Its growth has been stable, that is to say, its billing growth has been slow but sustained.
- Its capacity to respond to new orders, which is approximately 15%, that is, 25,000 T-shirts.

The direct control that the manager has with the commercial advisers is vital to start the export
process since this makes it easier for Fulwood's level of non-payments to be almost 0, which is
positive because this will mean that very few collection risks are assumed . The positioning of the
brand in a premium standard can be very striking for international markets such as the USA
because there are more customers looking for this type of product with enough resources to buy
it. The personal relationship that the manager has with a friend can be an important pillar at the
time of initiating the internationalization since he can take advantage of this contact to do
adequate market research in the areas with the highest sales projection.

2- What aspects would the company have to improve in order to undertake the path of

R/= The company has to improve some aspects, such as: their knowledge about the international
market, and their marketing strategy because they have to invest in their campaigns to capture
the attention of potential customers. Improve their public relationships, they can study their
target market and also this company must reward its current customers to retain them with the
brand. The communication in the company is bad so the manager must make a resounding change
in this aspect, the fashion trend is constantly changing therefore he must adapt himself by
advertising his product in all possible technological means in an aggressive way, instagram,
facebook, youtube can be vital platforms for foreign eyes to see the products in a striking way. A
modern multi-faceted and simple to use website where customers can easily access shopping
would also help fulwood. In the advertising aspect, they can also improve by relating the brand to
fashion events where large investors can see it and even advise it in the international market.

3- What are the possible scenarios for the internationalization of the company?

R/= The possible scenarios for the internationalization of the company would be creating new
departments in which the manager can delegate jobs to trained people to make the company
grow and its turnover growth rate is faster and more sustained, On the other hand we have to be
trained and gain experience with an export partner to manage the international transport of your
merchandise and have a structured department to carry out international collections, product
positioning and advice to see which countries are the best destinations to export your product.
4 - What will be your suggestions according to the market strategy and action plan in order to
develop the internationalization of the company?

R/= The suggestions that are made to Fulwood to internationalize its products is with the action
plan in which to improve and establish a sales structure made up of trained advisors in which you
can leverage to expand your brand to different countries and this same process monitor you
constantly. It is also suggested that you invest in advertising, product promotion and public
relations, this will help you give your brand expansion which will generate an economic benefit
that you are now wasting. Finally, it is recommended that you ally yourself internationally with
connoisseurs and experts so that your foreign sales is a higher percentage of total turnover.

5- Which organizations would you contact for help (at the advisory and financial level) to take
the first steps in exporting from Fulwood and what would you ask of each of them? Do some
analysis and research to document yourself about these aids.

For Fulwood to start an export process, the first thing you have to do is carry out a financial
evaluation, where you look at the current state of the company, the business model the company
is dedicated to and to finish this 1st part, ask what is it the exporting vocation (intention, vision
and commitment of the company to internationalization).

After doing the financial analysis, an international strategic plan is carried out; It consists of
carrying out a concrete action plan according to the reality of the company.

Then we proceed to do the logistics and foreign trade part; All types of documents and operations
(dispatches and forms of payment) are studied.

Finally, international management is carried out, which is basically the export of the product.

For this we found a company specialized in all these financial and export processes called, Anana
Gold, winner of the contest, similar capital, the city already has great support from many
companies including the government.

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