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••The combustion limit of Venus is within 10degree of Sun, AND 8 Degree when retrograde.

••Whenever Venus is either way(left or right of Sun) 10degree away from Sun we will call it
combust Venus.
••A very close Venus- Sun conjunction will create combustion, which will effect eh natural
signification of Venus, it will behave in a sharp manner rather in a 100% negative way.
•• Venus, the planet of luxury and comfort, is also the significator of artistic pursuits and is feminine
by nature. She makes our life comfortable by providing us materialistic pleasure and other objects of
comforts. Thus, combustion of planet Venus is not considered as an assertive phenomenon.
•• Venusian qualities or the natural expression of Venus will be minimized when it is combust.
Venus has the natural tendency of leading comfortable life, being rich, liking in arts,
being romantic etc.
••So these above said natural expression of Venus will be altered due to the proximity
to Sun.
••Here the integrity of the Venus will be compromised, hence Venus being the planet of love,
romance, spouse and creativity will not have much smoothness or consistency in these areas.
••Combustion can happen in two ways- Venus behind Sun or Venus ahead of Sun degreecially.
••When Venus is ahead of Sun in degrees(higher degree than Sun) which is also called separating aspect
by Venus, your love karma will challenge you every now and then. You may have to sacrifice or
go away from many other things in life to find out passion, love or excitement of life.
••Reduction of smoothness in day to day life is indicated in such positioning of Venus & Sun.
••Venus combust in airy sign may give lack of sex drive, such native may get turned on by
mental stimulation; so a good conversation may be stimulating and good turn on.
••When Sun is ahead of Venus in conjunction which is applying aspect by Venus on Sun, where
Venus having lower degree, much better result of such combustion can be observed.
••Combust Venus indicates poor diplomatic abilities, the result of vulnerable pride.
••When Venus in Cazimi, you always need to evaluate how much price you need to
pay for your love and happiness.
••Maximum time Venus combust people goes vulnerable or in frustration cause they
are never getting the love and affection they give in return.
••Lack of appreciation and affection in life the native will always experience.
••If Venus is combust in malefic house where Venus or Sun is having the rulership of malefic
houses, it may give too much interference of father or father figure in life.
••Combust Venus in malefic house may indicate heavy delays in fructifications of desires and
marriage or partnership issues of the native after all Venus is the significator of spouse or
••When Sun and combust Venus are functional benefic planets, the significations of the houses
they rule will flourish. 
•• Those who are related with artistic pursuits, entertainment industry and service industry may
experience suffering of some type to feel less fortunate and uncomfortable.
••Venus and Sun combust specially the Cazimi result is usually good for
philosophical wisdom but not that good for personal life .
••If Venus is combust then it means money and resources will be wasted on relationship issues,
sexual desires or fun games entertainment etc.
••Venus combust native has the tendency to choose the sort of partner who is inattentive,
emotionally unavailable, disrespectful, so obviously the affection will not be reciprocated same
way from the partner.
••With combust Venus native will always face the situation whether they want to choose career or
relationship in life. Many a times it gives separation from the partner.
••Sometimes the combust planets, when
they are functional benefics, do bless temporarily the significations
ruled by them to cause sufferings on a later date by snatching it away.
••Whenever Venus becomes combust in transit, marriage, house warming ceremony, buying new
vehicle all are prohibited.

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#sun #venus #spouse #relatipnship #blogger #youtuber #horoscope #ego #shiva #moon
#decodeyourlife #spiritual #affection #partner

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