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The A.N.S.F-party was formed on 26th of March 2010 in Galka’ayo Town of
Mudug Province. Its formation was necessitated by among other key issues
the need to attain peace and stability within Somalia. This has been a long
standing and critical situation in Somalia that has been orchestrated by the
extremist fanatics who are mercilessly killing Somalis in great numbers.
Somali has been deprived of very resourceful people through these heinous
killings. Intellectuals, ex-military officers, civil group leaders and other
professionals, religious leaders have been systematically and extra judicially
slaughtered. The extremist fanatics who have illegally and unlawfully taken
over Somalia have entrenched grassroots’ basic education that impacts on the
young Somalia children extremist ideologies and as a result they have ended
up being suicide killers. After seeing the country’s economic gains being
wasted by the extremist groups and applying the proceeds of such gains to
terrorist and pirate-related activities. The Transitional National Unity
Government of Sheikh Sharif cannot defend itself, let alone defend its people
(currently TNUG is protected by African Mission in Somalia-AMISOM) even
with the reality that Somalia is thinly populated, was formed. The people
comprising of the Ahlu-Sunah Sheiks, intellectuals, civil societies, ex-military
officers and other professionals decided that there was an urgent need to
form a political party that will serve the urgent needs of the Somali people and
their country at large. And after they saw the Fanatic Extremism did not only
affect Somalia alone but has spread beyond our borders and a genuine threat
to the entire World, It is against this backdrop therefore that Ahlu-Sunah
National Salvation Forces was formed and Abdishukri Ali Hersi was elected as
its Chairman.

A.N.S.F is founded on these major principles:

i. Equality
ii. Justice
iii. Liberty
iv. Transparency
v. Unity
vi. Fighting terrorism and piracy

The party has a national outlook with representation cutting across all
communities and regions, gender and all ages.


A.N.S.F is dedicated to restoring peace and stability in Somalia and serving its
people with great dedication and humility. The major task A.N.S.F intends to
accomplish is to fight and eradicate terrorism and piracy from our country.
A.N.S.F has a national outlook with strong belief in peace and stability, justice
and equality, good governance and democracy and transparency and
accountability. Our goal is to establish a prosperous Somalia for the overall
benefit of our people.
A.N.S.F’s mission on the other hand is to recreate a new Somalia where good
governance and democracy. We aim to establishing a stable government
which is both consultative and participatory.

A.N.S.F is committed to undertake among other things the following;
i. Ensure that all Somali’s including children, women and all other
vulnerable groups are involved in the affairs of the country.
ii. Promoting democratic leadership through good governance of the
iii. Eradicate terrorism, piracy, nepotism, tribalism, corruption and all
other forms of discrimination
iv. Promote peace, good neighborliness, justice and equity
v. Establishing a stable government that will unify the Somali people from
all the regions of our country and preserve sovereignty and territorial
integrity of Somalia.
vi. Promote socio-economic, political development.
vii.Respect, observe and promote fundamental human rights, human
freedoms, security of persons, gender equality, rights of women, and
freedom of press, liberty, property rights and persons with disabilities.

A.N.S.F stands for a Somali where:

i. All Somali’s are empowered both politically and economically

ii. Every Somali has access to better health services and food.
iii. We are guided by justice and fairness as the core pillars of our
iv. Promote internal stability and peace throughout
v. Every Somali enjoys his/her fundamental freedoms including
security of person and property.
vi. Every Somali enjoys decent housing.
vii.Access to basic education and increased opportunities for
academic progression and training.
viii. Empowering Somali’s to engage in meaningful (formal or
informal) employment.
ix. Cater for the needs of people living with physical and mental
challenges and to encourage their Participation in the affairs of
the party and our country at large.

A.N.S.F commits itself to do the following:


The current situation in Somalia is characterized by an extrapolated civil war
crisis. The Al-Shabaab and Hizbul Islam militias and dissident groups are
mercilessly killing thousands of people within and beyond our country. They
are spreading terror daily to innocent people. The Transitional National Unity
Government of Sheikh Sharif is either unwilling or unable to curb crime,
insecurity, piracy and terrorism generally. The proliferation of firearms in
Somali is a great cause of the insecurity and the crime wave. We believe that
each and every citizen has a right to be protected by his/her government. The
government of A.N.S.F will be tough on criminals, terrorists and pirates. We
shall establish strong and reliable security agencies / organs and police units
that will assist fight crime and insecurity and also counter piracy, extra
judicial killings and terrorism within and beyond our borders.

We shall improve the budgetary allocation and spending on security matters.

We shall educate, train and equip the police force. We shall promote
community policing and allow citizens to participate actively in fighting crime.
We shall also make the police force answerable and accountable to a higher
authority while discharging their duty of maintaining law and order by
arresting, trying and sentencing offenders. We pledge to provide the

necessary resources for the purchase of modern facilities, training and also
bolster the criminal justice system to work expeditiously. We also pledge to
legislate strict laws on firearms and ammunitions.

On education, the government of A.N.S.F pledges to provide free
education from primary through secondary up to tertiary level.
The A.N.S.F government will endeavor to do away with the
extremist fanatic teachings and advance quality and meaningful
education which are a key tool in human development and the
empowering of vulnerable groups. A.N.S.F beliefs that education is
a birthright of every child in Somalia. In secondary education the
government of A.N.S.F will ensure that there is enough funding so
as to reduce the overall burden placed on parents. The
government of A.N.S.F will ensure that a meaningful curriculum is
developed and the training of teachers is significantly improved.
In tertiary education we will endeavor to invest heavily in science,
information and communication technologies. A.N.S.F will ensure
access to formal education and especially to the marginalized and
will also promote adult literacy levels.

On health and health facilities we pledge that every pregnant
woman will receive free ante-natal check-ups, free and safe
maternity delivery in all the government health facilities.
Children under the age of 6 years and those with special needs
will be attended to free of charge. To the general Somalia
populace we shall ensure that very affordable treatment is
available to everyone.

On religion we shall protect and endeavor to safeguard Islam and
the Islamic teachings generally since this is the stable foundation
upon which our country is founded. We shall continue to educate
and inculcate into our children the True Islamic teachings from a
tender age. The government will safeguard the real and true
Islamic teachings by fighting the current fanatic ideological
syllabus that is being taught to our current generation, so as to
safe guard our next generation from extremism ideology. Islam is
a Religion of Peace, respect to all Mankind regardless of their
faith and living with them in Harmony. Islam is not a Terrorist
Religion as purported by the Extremists who believe in killing all
Non Muslims or Non Extremists who are not from their sect.


In the agricultural and farming sector the government of A.N.S.F
will invest in infrastructure. It will invest in roads, railways and
airports. All with the sole aim of ensuring that goods, natural
resources and agricultural produce can be transported within
and outside Somalia easily. The government of A.N.S.F will
provide incentives to farmers, fishermen and pastoralists so as to
promote the export of their products and livestock generally.


In regard to peace and security/stability the government of
A.N.S.F will commit itself to restoring long term peace and
stability within Somalia and its neighboring regions. This will be
achieved through putting in place measures that will curb
terrorism and piracy. For instance the budget will cater for the
funds necessary to promoting internal security and curbing
banditry. We shall endeavor to work with like-minded states so
as to achieve cohesion and social integration.

In relation to infrastructure, the government of A.N.S.F pledges to
invest heavily on road networks, construct railway lines, increase
the number of airports and enhance and boost power
communication and water supply. All these will be measures
aimed at creating a competitive Somalia in the world market in
terms of encouraging investments. With improved infrastructure
we believe that Somalia will be able to boost of its manufacturing,
livestock production, fisheries, mineral resources, agriculture,
communication, technology and tourism.

A.N.S.F believes in the special position and crucial role of women
in our society. We commit that we shall ensure that we fight for
their rights and freedoms; we shall ensure that they are protected.
Women shall also be assisted in attaining their education and
work related goals by giving them incentives so as they can make
progress. We shall set up a special micro-financing project so as to
achieve this. All pregnant women will receive free and safe
maternity delivery and shall be offered free ante-natal health care.
Our government pledges that women will form and shall be part
of our government and that they shall not be discriminated on the
ground of gender when it comes to public appointments. We shall
be in the fore front in championing the fight of all forms of
violence against women and ensure the judiciary is tough on
perpetrators of gender based violence.


The government of A.N.S.F will recognize, safeguard and promote the
diverse cultures of our people. Through promoting our culture and
heritage we will strive to ensure that our people live in harmony and
mutual respect with each other. We shall promote cohesion and so as to
make every Somalia citizen feel valued and respected. We intend to set
up museums so as to preserve our historical heritage and culture.

In Somalia the services sector only represents a small sector in our country.
For our country to have a meaningful socio-economic development the
services sector must be harnessed. A.N.S.F promises to boost the services
sector to foster a superior economy. A.N.S.F will promote strategies aimed at
ensuring we export not only our goods but also the available services. A.N.S.F
will initially work on identifying and examining in detail the available services
which can be enhanced. The identified services will then be marketed and
promoted so as to make them profitable to our country in terms of creating
employment opportunities and to help our country earn foreign exchange.


At the moment our country is faced with a number of challenges all
of which make the promotion and development of trade so hard. As
A.N.S.F’s we shall ensure that we create a conducive environment for
trade within Somalia. Among the thing we pledge to do include but
are not limited to;
 Ensure the infrastructure is well developed;
 Create modern best taxation and trade policies and practices;
 Introduce price control measures to certain commodities;
 Address the question of commodity and product shortages;
 Provide incentives to farmers.
 To reverse the Economic power from the Extremists to be
invested back to the normal Somali Entrepreneurs.

The problem of unemployment in Somali has been compounded by the many
years of political instability and the civil war, under development and
underfunding of our small and medium size enterprises. The problem has
further been worsened by the poor infrastructure, poor employment policies.
The overall effect of unemployment and the lack of employment opportunities
is that a great number of our people are dependant.

A.N.S.F intends to tackle unemployment by encouraging innovation, providing
venture capital, promoting and encouraging self employment and
entrepreneurship, empowering our youth and women
economically/financially for they form a major part of the Somalia
population. We shall also ensure that we increase literacy levels amongst the
populace, grant loans and general financing to women and other special
groups. We shall also come up with low costs related to running business e.g.
trade licenses, government levies etc

What A.N.S.F will do to counter unemployment

 Empower youths and adults through employing them;

 Forge partnerships with Small and Medium Enterprises with the

purpose of creating sustainable jobs;

 Provide basic employability training for jobless people;

 Foster active labor market policies;

 Transform activities in the informal sector into decent mainstream

economic activities;

 Ensure fair tax regimes govern both the employed and unemployed in
the informal and the formal sector;

 Provide venture capital that will encourage innovation in Small and

Medium Enterprises;

 Encourage fiscal and employment policies focused mainly on interest

rates, inflation and taxation;

 Make entrepreneurship more attractive by reducing the red tape

involved in terms of policy and legal requirement that are a pre
requisite before forming a business;

 Foster and encourage an enterprise culture which rewards and
recognizes personal initiatives, enterprise creation, productivity,
innovation etc;

 Promote apprenticeship.


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