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Student Details

Primary Ministry Designation (s): ​“G” Autism

Student Name: ​John Doe
Spectrum Disorder
Grade: ​10 Additional Ministry Designation (s):​ n/a
PEN: IEP Date:​ October 8th
Date of Birth: Case Manager: ​Mallory
Student Support Team: Role:
J.D Learning Support Teacher
F.G SD Occupational Therapist
Parent/Guardian consulted on: (​ Mom+Dad, consulted on September 31st)

My Personal Profile
My Interests: Location of Evidence:
-performing (theatre)
-video games

My Learning Preferences: Location of Evidence:

-group work (prefer to not work independently)
-1:1 with an adult
-visuals (learning and demonstration of learning)
-verbal opportunities to discuss learning
-computer as a support for note taking and research

What you need to know about me: Location of Evidence:

I work well with others, and like to be the person presenting the information rather than gathering and organizing it. I
do not like to work on my own, and depend on an EA for note taking. I get distracted easily, and will often need to
be reminded to stay on task. I like to do well on assignments, and will often need some extra time to complete them.

My Learning Profile
Personal Social
Thoughts from my team. What I am able to do What I am able to do
How I think.
on my own. with others.

-I can get to class on

-I can work in a group -I can memorize
-I can support my important
-I like singing and
friends information
-I can communicate my -I can come up
- I can show that I am
My Strengths ideas to my EA with interesting
passionate about
-I can give ideas
things that interest me
compliments -I am good at
(drama/theatre, art,
-I am thoughtful, participating in PE
caring, and kind and Theatre
-I need to work on
-I struggle with
getting my materials -I am working on
organized to start my working independently
- I struggle with
work -I need to work on
-I am learning to pick contributing to a group
connections to
appropriate times to in a way that my peers
what I am learning
share would deem “equal” or
- I am working on
-I have a hard time “fair”
getting better at
My Stretches paying attention in -I am continuing to
organizing my
certain subjects that i focus improving on
ideas in a logical
don’t like (english and communicating my
math) ideas without my EA
-I am struggling
-I need to work on -I am working
with advanced
planning my writing, interacting with female
concepts in math
rather than freewriting peers in an appropriate
and loosing track of the way
assignment goals

My focus Area This Year

Core competency
Core competency connections connections
Core competency connections
These learning domains can inform the IEP development in
Positive Personal + Communication Creative thinking
these core competency areas.
Personal awareness +
Social responsibility
Critical thinking

Support and Plans

Universal Classroom Supports: Essential Supports:
-extra time on assignments, visual cues (“Get ready, do,
done,”), Computer to complete assignments, graphic
organizers, daily checklists, use of calculator/talking
calculator, extra review of difficult math concepts, EA Support in Academic Subjects
frontloading vocabulary/concepts where possible, breaks
when needed, visual daily schedule, consistent reminders
to stay on task

Core Competency-Based Goals

Goal:​ ​ I can pick appropriate times to share in class
Core Competency: ​Personal Awareness

Instructional Strategies:
-”how not to” strategy, show students how not to raise
their hand
-limit the #of times a student can share, make sure this
Objective: ​I will raise my hand when I would like to share
number is clear and consistent (ex. 3 times per class)
an idea
-small group instruction/practice
-encouragement/acknowledgement of positive
-think pair share (collaborative opportunities)
-correcting unwanted behaviour (privately)
-popsicle sticks
-talking stick for class discussions
Instructional Strategies:
-conversation/question starters
Objective: ​I will keep my comments on track with the
-gentle prompting/reminders
-visual cues/reminders on board during class
discussions (topic)
-scribe/note taking to stay engaged

Core Competency-Based Goals

Goal:​ ​I can communicate my ideas without the
Core Competency: ​Communication support of my EA

Instructional Strategies:
-visual structure/graphic organizers
-simplified questions (simple language)
-reduce #of questions, length of assignments
-provide simple choice/appeal to student interest
-concrete tasks
-chunk assignments into manageable steps
-”Get Ready, Do, Done”
Objective: ​I will work on completing my assignments -provide opportunity for verbal/visual representation of
independently learning
-reduce distractions
-opportunities for collaboration/peer/group learning
-consistent reminders to stay on task
-small group, 1:1 support opportunities
-review of expectations
-gradual release of responsibilities
-check-ins daily
Instructional Strategies:
-direct instruction
-review of assignment outline and goals (repeat when
-have student read directions back to you
-Visual reminders “Get Ready, Do, Done” post this in
Objective: ​I will work on reading instructions, and making the class
sure that my work meets the criteria of the assignment -teacher-lead modeling of what the assignment should
(asking for clarification when needed) look like
-Gradual release of responsibility
-consistent check-ins
-opportunity for peer share/review
-chunk assignment into manageable steps
-simplify assignment language
Curricular Competency-Based Goals
Area of Learning: Workplace Math 10
Teacher: / Support Staff: ​Mr. T, EA

Big Idea: ​Algebra allows us to generalize relationships through abstract thinking.

Learning Standard: ​Solve problems with persistence and a positive disposition
Instructional Strategies​:
-consistent reminders to stay on task
-monitored breaks when needed
-Goal setting : break down tasks/work periods into
smaller completion goals
Objective: ​I can continue to focus on solving algebra -project/assignment benchmarks
problems, even when I find them boring/difficult -positive reinforcement of desired behaviour
-reducing questions
-countdown timer
-printable checklist
-small group work opportunities, 1:1 teacher work

Instructional Strategies:
-EA support
-1:1 teacher support
-daily check ins, multiple times a block (check for
-time to review difficult concepts with teacher support
Objective:​ I will ask the teacher for extra support with
-extra time
algebra problems that I do not understand
-reducing questions
-visual supports
-practice conversation starters (when to ask for help,
how to ask for help)

Curricular Competency-Based Goals

Area of Learning: Composition 10
Teacher: / Support Staff: ​Mr. B, EA

Big Idea:​ E
​ ngagement with writing processes can support creativity and enhance clarity of expression.
Learning Standard: ​ Use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create engaging and meaningful texts
for a variety of purposes and audiences
Instructional Strategies:
-direct instruction
-review of assignment outline and goals (repeat when
-have student read directions back to you
Objective: ​I can review the goal of the assignment, to
-Visual reminders “Get Ready, Do, Done” post this in
make sure that my writing is on task
the class
-teacher-lead modeling of what the assignment should
look like
-Gradual release of responsibility
-consistent check-ins
-opportunity for peer share/review
Instructional Strategies:
-class discussions, 1:1 teacher discussion to share
and brainstorm ideas ahead of time
-scribe for transferring ideas
-collaboratively write as practice
-writing warm-ups
Objective: ​I can use graphic organizers to plan out my
-sentence starters
writing effectively, rather than free-writing without purpose
-use of SnapType, computer where needed
-teacher-lead modeling
-guided writing
-ongoing check-ins
-reminders to stay on task

Additional Comments

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