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Suggestions for Service Environmental

Improvements Availability of Officers

Health and Building
The Council is always interested to The nature of the work is such that

receive suggestions as to how a service officers spend a large part of the working
Control Services
can be improved. The Environmental day away from the office.

Health and Building Control Services

Department carries out its own quality
Enforcement Policy
However, should you wish to contact an

checks and customer surveys but is officer, our Environmental Health Support

particularly interested to receive feedback Officers are available during the following

that may result in changes to the services times:

and improved efficiencies to the benefit of 8.30am to 5.30pm (Monday-Thursdays)

the consumer. 8.30am to 5pm (Fridays)

Complaints about the service Address of correspondence!

If you feel that we have failed to apply the Senior Environmental Health Manager
criteria as set out overleaf then you may Spelthorne Borough Council
have a valid cause for complaint. Should Council Offices
you have a complaint that cannot be Knowle Green
resolved with the Officer concerned then Staines TW18 1XB
you should write to the Senior
Environmental Health Manager. Your Tel: 01784 446291
complaint will normally be dealt with by Fax: 01784 446437
the manager of the appropriate section
who will endeavour to respond to your Website:
complaint within seven working days. If
the situation is complicated and likely to e-mail:
take some time to resolve then a detailed
reply will follow as soon as possible
afterwards. Full details of the Council’s
Complaints Procedure can be obtained
from the address overleaf or downloaded Advice to Businesses
from our website

Improvements to services
We would welcome any suggestions as to
how services may be improved.
Enforcement Policy Forms of Enforcement Action

Spelthorne Borough Council believes that There are generally four forms of gain an economic advantage over a
enforcement powers should be used enforcement action (for the full list see the law abiding competitor.
sympathetically and relative to the service’s Enforcement Policy):- • There have been repeated breaches
seriousness of the situation. Referring a of legal requirements despite
matter for prosecution is therefore the last 1) Verbal Advice - this is the simplest previous warnings.
option that is usually considered. form of action. Advice is given where • There has been a failure to comply
This leaflet is to provide businesses with there are areas which can be improved with the requirements of
basic information about our enforcement but the law is not necessarily being a formal or informal Notice.
policy, which sets out the approach we directly contravened. • The offence was foreseeable
shall follow when enforcing relevant laws. 2) “Informal Notice” - this tends to be a and inadequate precautions had
The full enforcement policy can be letter / form with a time limit for been taken.
obtained from Environmental Health and completion of the necessary work. It • The making of false or misleading
Building Control Services who can be can also be verbal. It is used where statements in respect of questions
contacted on telephone number 01784 there are minor contraventions of the that could lawfully be asked.
446291, or by writing to the address legislation but where there is minimal • The obstruction of an officer.
overleaf, or downloaded from our website or no immediate risk. It is only used • A similar offence has occurred in where officers believe that compliance the past.
will be achieved within a reasonable • Little or no effort being made to
General Approach timescale. meet agreed deadlines.
3) “Formal Notice” - this is a Notice If formal action is proposed the officer
served in accordance with the legal will write confirming this. You will also be
Officers will endeavour to explain not only
provisions that requires works to be given a brief resume of the evidence and
what is wrong, but why. Where
carried out within a specified time. It is details of the recommended course of
appropriate an action plan will be agreed
used where the officer is of the opinion action. If you disagree with the facts as
to improve/rectify matters in an
that the degree of risk warrants it, an presented or if you wish to present any
acceptable time scale, dependent on the
informal approach would not secure a mitigating arguments then you should do
problems and risks involved. However, the
lasting result, or there is some so in writing to the Senior Environmental
history of compliance will also be a
statutory obligation upon the officer to Health Manager at the address overleaf.
determining factor in deciding the form of
serve the Notice. You may wish to consult a solicitor before
enforcement action to be taken. If a
4) Formal Caution or Prosecution - this doing so.
situation is serious, interviews will be
form of action would be considered
conducted under caution and evidence
where any of the following Land Charges
may be taken with a view to taking legal
circumstances apply:
action. In some circumstances proprietors
may even be required to close their The Council is required to disclose
• There had been either gross neglect
business or cease carrying out an activity whether there are any formal or
or intentional defiance of a
in order to safeguard information Notices outstanding.
statutory requirement such as to
public health.
prejudice public health or in order to

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