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Coaching of basketball in Masvingo urban zone B primary schools

Chapter 1

1.0 Introduction

In this Chapter, the researcher is going to articulate more on the problems ,background

information purpose of the research problem ,the research questions, significance of the study

,assumptions , delimitation, limitations and conceptual analysis .

1.1 Background and information

The writer would like to investigate on the coaching of basketball in Masvingo urban west

cluster. This came to light when the team lost the opportunity to qualify for the district

competitions.The team lost due to lack of coordination among the players .They were doing high

and over head passes of which their opponents were taller than them. The team lacked the

dodging skills that they ended up losing the ball to their opponents. The two shooters , the goal

attacker and the goal shooter failed to dodge in the ring for them to receive the ball. The goal

attack failed to aim the goal post that the team ended up losing the game .The centre and the

wing attack lacked the coordination and ended up doing blind passing . That’s why the school

team lost the competitions .

1.2 Purpose of the research (Aims and Objectives

In this section ,the researcher is going to elaborate more on the aims of this research in

investigating the effective ways of conducting passing and dodging skills in netball in a bid to

conduct accuracy shooting for the team at Mapaike Primary School .The researcher will find

ways of how the team will pass their ball during the game and how they execute the dodging
and passing skills in order to conduct accuracy shooting for the team to reach the Zonal

competitions .

1.3 The research problem/ Statement of the problem

The netball school team at Mapaike Primary School lost the competitions at Zonal level.

1.5 The Research Questions

1.Does the passing skills have the effect in the accuracy shooting in netball?

2. Does the dodging skills have the effect in the accuracy shooting in netball?

3. Does the size of the goal post contribute to the failure in shooting?

4. Does the height of the goal shooter contribute to the failure in shooting?

1.6 Assumptions

The team lost due to none provision of standard

goal posts .The diameter of the ring was a none standard one .The height of the goal post was a

none standard .Maybe the players lost the coordination during the match. Maybe the players

lack training somehow.

1.7 Importance of the study

During the study ,the researcher is willing to come up with effective ways of improving the

passing ,dodging and shooting in a bid to conduct accurate shooting in netball for the school

team at Mapaike Primary School to win the competitions.

1.8 Delimitations /Scope of the study

This study focuses on the fourteen netball players of Mapaike Primary School in Chivi District in

Masvingo Province .Mapaike Primary school is situated about eight kilometers from the Chivi

Growth Point in Mapaike village.

1.9 Limitations

The researcher may not find enough time to do the research due to some sporting activities .At

Mapaike there are few pupils that the two teams were not going to be get easily as some pupils

were involved in some activities .Lack of finance will contribute for the lack of proper

training .Lack of finance to buy food for the participants to be active during the training since

there was drought. The netball court was a non standard one.

1.10 Conceptual analysis

According to the free dictionary (2016) passing is the throwing of the ball to another player on

the same side .The writer supports the above assertion is defining passing as the movement of the

ball from one person to another ,from one player to another in a bid to achieve the goals.

Shooting is the throwing of the ball towards the objective according to the free dictionary (2016).

.From the above definitions, the writer will define shooting as a skill of which the player

especially in the case of netball ,the goal shooters aim is to score the goals in a metal circular

ring .


In this chapter, the researcher reflected on the background information, introduction, purpose of

the research, delimitations, limitations, significance of e study, research problems, research


Plotting some

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