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Part IV


Part III of this book has concentrated almost But besides this obvious vertical fragmentation of
exclusively on British central government – the policy making process, there is secondly also a
government and politics around the world of horizontal fragmentation which cuts across each
Whitehall and Westminster. As far as older books layer of this new multi-level governance.
on British government were concerned, this was Government at each level no longer appears
almost all that mattered. After all, the United singular and monolithic (Whitehall or the
Kingdom was a unitary state, and the council) but diverse and fragmented, with a mass
Westminster Parliament was deemed sovereign. of departments, quangos, executive agencies
Although there was local government, this was competing and cooperating. Increasingly the label
clearly subordinate, constitutionally and in reality, ‘governance’ is preferred because it encompasses,
to central government. In terms of the not just government institutions, but the whole
constitution, and it appeared in terms of real political process which surrounds decision
power, there was little below Whitehall and making. Much of this process requires cooperation
Westminster and nothing above. between various government departments and
agencies, the private sector, voluntary bodies and
However today British government and community interests. Sometimes it involves
politics appear far more fragmented, multi- formal public–private partnerships or elaborate
layered and complex. Fragmentation in policy networks. Moreover these levels of
government and policy making has taken place governance are overlapping and interdependent. It
across two dimensions, vertical and horizontal. is generally impossible to divide up neatly services
First, there is now a substantial and increasing and policy areas and assign them exclusively to a
input into British government and politics particular level of government.
from both above and below Westminster and
Whitehall – most conspicuously from the Today a new British state seems to be in the
European Union (Chapter 15) on the one hand process of emerging, yet its final shape is far from
and from devolved national and regional clear. Nor has it altogether yet displaced the
governance (Chapter 16) and local governance traditional framework of British government
(Chapter 17) on the other. Policies that affect outlined in Part III. In Chapter 19 we explore the
the people of Britain are now made at a complexity that is modern British governance,
number of levels, even if the UK level remains and examine various ways in which this new
much the most important. emerging state might be characterised.

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