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Neurotoxicity of Immunosuppressive Drugs

Eelco F.M. Wijdicks

The clinical profile of neurotoxicity caused by immuno- minor side effects are reported. For example, tremor devel-
suppression has changed. When toxic levels are reached, ops in approximately 40% of patients on cyclosporine and
both cyclosporine and tacrolimus may produce a clinical
spectrum that varies from tremor and acute confusional
tacrolimus therapy, which currently may not be consid-
state to status epilepticus and major speech or language ered serious and tabulated as a side effect. Yesterday’s side
abnormalities. Coma has become an unusual manifesta- effects may be today’s accepted nuisance. The prevalence
tion. Magnetic resonance imaging has been better defined, of neurological complications and neurotoxicity remains
and abnormalities may be more widespread than those in an approximation unless a neurologist performs rounds
the posterior lobes. These white matter lesions are caused
by vasogenic edema, but may lead to apoptosis and cyto-
with the transplantation team. All studies that have
toxic edema if exposure is prolonged. Recent evidence reported cyclosporine and tacrolimus neurotoxicity are
suggests inhibition of a drug-efflux pump and dysfunction retrospective. Immunosuppression neurotoxicity from
of the blood-brain barrier by enhanced nitric oxide cyclosporine or tacrolimus seems to occur in 25% of
production. (Liver Transpl 2001;7:937-942.) patients after lung or liver transplantation.6-9 Some studies
included postoperative confusion, a condition that may
have multifactorial triggers.
R egimens of immunosuppression have been reshaped
since the discovery of cyclosporine. The elucidation
of cyclosporine’s pharmacological properties has been very
It is uncertain whether the incidence of neurotoxic-
ity and its severity have decreased with the intravenous
relevant to the field of transplantation, and its impact on formula of cyclosporine, but one may expect that a
survival has been most pronounced in liver and heart learning curve existed. However, the initial experience
transplantation. The discovery of immunosuppressive with Neoral (Novartis, East Hanover, NJ) suggests that
metabolites of Trichoderma polysporum refai in a Norwe- severity is much less than with the intravenous form of
gian soil sample led to cyclosporine.1 Years later, a similar cyclosporine. This microemulsion may result in less
discovery was made in Tsukuba, Japan, and cultured erratic absorption.7,10 What may be a fairly constant
broths of soil samples detected a strain designated Strep- clinical observation is that immunosuppressive neuro-
tomyces tsukubaensis, which led to tacrolimus.2,3 toxicity, which occurs in most patients during the intra-
Despite these revolutionary finds, neurotoxicity venous loading of tacrolimus or cyclosporine, is much
became one of the earliest concerns in the management less common and often much less severe after the post-
of transplant recipients. Many of the dramatic presen- operative phase has subsided and the patient is stable.
tations of patients rapidly lapsing into coma and status Cyclosporine neurotoxicity occurs in less than 5% of
epilepticus now can be explained largely by unfamiliar- patients after renal and bone marrow transplantation.
ity and erroneous titration of the drug in earlier days. Reasons remain unknown.
However, neurotoxicity associated with the introduc-
tion of immunosuppressive agents has remained a sig-
nificant postoperative complication. Neurotoxicity is Clinical Features of Neurotoxicity
particularly prevalent in agents active through the Neurotoxicity from calcineurin inhibitors can be subtle
mechanism of calcineurin inhibition.4,5 The spectrum in its presentation, but fortunately, the first signs now
of neurotoxicity has changed over the years, and differ- are easily recognized. An overwhelming proportion
ences in severity of manifestation are apparent. This of patients with immunosuppression neurotoxicity
review focuses on the current understanding of patho- develop a tremor. This fine tremor in the upper extrem-
physiological characteristics, clinical recognition, neu-
roimaging, and management of certain unique manifes-
tations in immunosuppression neurotoxicity. From the Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.
Address reprint requests to Eelco F.M. Wijdicks, MD, Department of
Neurology, W8A, Mayo Clinic, 200 First St, Rochester, MN 55905. Tele-
Prevalence of Neurotoxicity in phone: 507-538-1032; FAX: 507-266-4419; E-mail:
Transplantation Copyright © 2001 by the American Association for the Study of
Liver Diseases
The incidence of neurotoxicity varies according to the 1527-6465/01/0711-0101$35.00/0
organ transplanted and is markedly dependent on whether doi:10.1053/jlts.2001.27475

Liver Transplantation, Vol 7, No 11 (November), 2001: pp 937-942 937

938 Eelco F.M. Wijdicks

ities becomes more evident when holding hands in pos- episodes, asterixes, and seizures is now uncommon.21 A
ture. It can become extremely severe and prevent pa- more recently developed humanized anti-CD3 anti-
tients from using their signatures for writing checks or body had a threefold lower incidence of headaches.22
signing contracts.11 If unrecognized, patients may lapse
into a psychotic stage. This may vary from extreme
restlessness, insomnia, and marked disorientation to an
acute manic syndrome.12 Visual hallucinations consist- Both cyclosporine and tacrolimus are highly lipophilic
ing of bright colors are part of this acute confusional drugs and contain many aliphatic groups. Their chemical
state. Spontaneous hallucinations of kaleidoscopic con- structure is totally different, but these groups reduce polar
figurations and increased sensitivity to bright colors charges and make them virtually insoluble in water. Thus,
punctuate the picture.6 Delusions are common, and the these drugs need to be dissolved in oils or alcohols.
patient may develop rambling speech.13 The lipophilic nature of both substances does not
Articulation of speech may become less precise, and imply that they rapidly enter brain tissue. Several bar-
vowel distortions, as if a patient suddenly spoke with a riers have to be overcome. The most important is the
foreign accent, seem rather characteristic for this type of blood-brain barrier, created by an anatomic barrier
toxicity. In some patients, action myoclonus speech is and transport system that extrude drugs. One possible
more evident. These patients stutter when speaking at a mechanism of entry is at the capillary level. Injury to
normal pace, but when instructed to speak very slowly, brain capillary endothelial cells may inhibit the expres-
they are able to speak without interruptions. Mutism sion of a p-glycoprotein, which has been recognized
may occur, but it is often a speech apraxia in which the as a drug-efflux pump (Fig. 1).23-25 Cyclosporine also
patient is unable to protrude the tongue, blow a kiss, or appears to enhance nitric oxide production, which also
whistle.14,15 Sometimes only sounds are produced, and may cause dysfunction of the blood-brain barrier.
swallowing may become involved. A purely extrapyra- The earliest abnormality in cyclosporine or tacroli-
midal syndrome with pseudobulbar dysarthria may mus neurotoxicity appears to be fluid extravasation
occur, and opisthotonus and severe rigidity have been (vasogenic edema), not cell destruction (cytotoxic
found in the most severe cases.16 edema). A recent magnetic resonance (MR) study of a
More severe involvement includes cortical blind- patient with cyclosporine neurotoxicity using diffusion
ness, in which the patient confabulates his environ- mapping showed increased diffusion on the apparent
ment.17,18 In most cases with worsening neurotoxicity, diffusion coefficient (ADC) map that was highly sug-
seizures have emerged. It appears, at least in the liver gestive of vasogenic edema.26 Cytotoxicty and cytotoxic
transplant population, that generalized tonic-clonic sei- edema may occur after prolonged drug exposure.27-29
zures occur most commonly in patients who have When this occurs, severe vasoconstriction, caused by a
immunosuppressive neurotoxicity. However, other disturbance in endothelial control of the vascular tone
possible causes, particularly an acute structural lesion, involving endothelium, leads to ischemia.
such as intracranial hematoma or lymphoma, should be Similarities between hypertensive encephalopathy
considered.19 Status epilepticus may evolve if all these and immunosuppression neurotoxicity that cause pos-
warning symptoms are not recognized, and patients terior reversible leukoencephalopathy are striking, lead-
may remain postictally in a deep unresponsive coma. ing some investigators to propose that hypertension is
All these severe manifestations are reversible in most the main common pathway in this entity.30 However,
instances. Neurotoxicity is mainly characterized by many patients with cyclosporine neurotoxicity do not
patients who rage and ramble, shiver and shake. have severe hypertension, and a significant increase in
Muromonab (CD3; OKT3) has a role as a rescue mean arterial blood pressure is a feature that typically
agent for failing grafts and may be a primary agent, occurs 1 month after transplantation, far beyond the
particularly in heart and lung transplantation. Apart interval of maximal risk for neurotoxicity.31
from the well-known acute adverse effects (cytokine Another attractive early hypothesis has been the effects
release syndrome) noted within 1 hour of the dose of hypocholesterolemia on the transport of cyclosporine.12
(fever, chills, diarrhea, and myalgias), headache associ- This typically applies to patients who develop neurotoxic-
ated with low-grade fever and meningism may occur. ity after liver transplantation, and this mechanism is not
Cerebrospinal fluid samples remain aseptic, and exam- operative in other types of transplantation. Hypocholes-
ination shows polymorphic or mononuclear cells. It is terolemia is expected in patients with significant liver fail-
apparent in less than 2% of cases and is rapidly revers- ure before transplantation, and this condition facilitates
ible.20 Toxic leukoencephalopathy with wild psychotic the alternative route of cyclosporine binding to low-den-
Neurotoxicity of Immunosuppression 939

Figure 1. Proposed mechanism of cyclosporine neurotoxicity. Disturbance of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) may lead to
vasogenic edema, but prolonged exposure may trigger apoptosis. Nitric oxide and possibly anoxic injury may facilitate
opening of the blood-brain barrier.

sity lipoprotein particles. Hypocholesterolemia may also This implies a sudden high exposure to cyclosporine,
upregulate low-density lipoprotein receptors in the brain, which may cause endothelial damage and vasogenic
increasing the chance of entry into the brain.12 However, edema. The severity of neurotoxicity has been dramat-
again, the major stumbling block in this hypothesis is the ically reduced with the use of Neoral, which reduces
need for this complex particle to overcome the blood-brain erratic absorption because of its microemulsion prepa-
barrier.32 Previous studies have found that cyclosporine ration.7,34 If endothelin has an important role in immu-
does not cross the blood-brain barrier. However, in a nosuppressive agent neurotoxicity, trials of endothelin
recent unconfirmed study, 4 of 14 patients had metabo- inhibitors may be considered; they have shown some
lites in cerebrospinal fluid without measurable levels of the effect in experiments with nephrotoxicity. Prolonged
parent drug. These patients had significantly greater blood exposure leads eventually to apoptosis, and oligoden-
urea nitrogen levels and liver function test results than droglial cells are more susceptible than astrocytes.29
patients without these traces. None of these patients had This fits nicely with the white matter abnormalities on
cyclosporine neurotoxicity, which makes the relevance of MR imaging (MRI). A few biopsy results have been
this finding uncertain.33 Also, previous injury to the reported and varied from edema to overt demyelination
blood-brain barrier, e.g., caused by significant hypoten- and one exceptional case of vasculitis.32,35-37
sion, is not a common feature in patients with neurotox-
Whatever mechanism has a role, several observations
are important. Neurotoxicity is much more common Neuroimaging abnormalities with cyclosporine and
during the intravenous administration of cyclosporine. tacrolimus immunosuppressive toxicity have been well
940 Eelco F.M. Wijdicks

Figure 2. Symmetric hypodense, partly hemorrhagic, lesions in the occipital lobes and basal ganglia on computed
tomography scan associated with cyclosporine neurotoxicity (A) and resolution on follow up study (B).

described, but remain uncommon, including patients and 3. Single-photon emission computed tomography
who have significant psychiatric and neurological man- may become a useful diagnostic test in uncertain cases
ifestations.38-43 The most characteristic feature is poste- because asymptomatic patients treated with cyclosporine
rior leukoencephalopathy on computed tomographic have normal perfusion parameters.39
scan or MRI. Cortical hyperintensity has been reported
in liver transplant recipients with cyclosporine neuro-
toxicity. This unusual feature, predominantly localized
in the cingulate gyrus and occipital lobe, has been The diagnosis remains tentative in many patients. Con-
explained by blood-flow reduction in pial vessels and sulting neurologists are challenged to consider the diag-
supports the vasoconstriction hypothesis. The true nosis in patients with a confusional state, no evidence of
prevalence of MRI abnormalities in patients with cyclo- abnormalities on neuroimaging, and increasing cyclo-
sporine or tacrolimus neurotoxicity is not known. In sporine or tacrolimus levels, which are deliberately
our series of patients with tacrolimus neurotoxicity, increased by the transplant team to postoperatively load
which included patients with speech abnormalities and the patient. Moreover, a well-recognized phenomenon
seizures, no MRI abnormalities could be detected. is the poor correlation with tacrolimus and cyclosporine
Several later case reports showed similar MRI findings trough levels. (Peak levels have not been studied system-
as with cyclosporine. These MRI abnormalities involved atically, but may prove more useful.) Thus, the most
white matter abnormalities, but also may involve the cor- severe reversible manifestations may appear in patients
tex, cerebellum, and such deeper structures as the basal with subtherapeutic trough levels.
ganglia.38 These abnormalities are quickly reversible after It is important first to consider discontinuation of
discontinuation of the drug, again supporting vasogenic cyclosporine or tacrolimus therapy. It can be briefly
edema. Examples of CT and MRI are shown in Figures 2 replaced by mycophenolate mofetil and restarted with
Neurotoxicity of Immunosuppression 941

Headache is a common symptom, but poorly char-

acterized.47,48 It has many features of a vascular-type
headache and may increase in frequency after pro-
longed exposure. Switching to another immunosup-
pressive agent can result in dramatic relief.49 High-dose
aspirin (1,300 mg) may suffice in other patients if head-
aches are not particularly severe. Verapamil, a drug
commonly used for migraine, should be discouraged
because it may increase cyclosporine levels and paradox-
ically worsen headaches. Grapefruit juice consumption
may also enhance absorption and should be eliminated.
Propranolol (20 mg every 6 to 8 hours) has been very
effective in these patients, who eventually may ask for
narcotics for pain control.50

The clinical features of immunosuppression neurotox-
icity have become well understood, but not its mecha-
nism, predictive factors, and best management. Its true
relevance becomes clear when seizures, cortical blind-
ness, mutism, and coma occur. Failure to recognize its
Figure 3. MRI in a patient with tacrolimus neurotoxicity.
heralding symptoms may potentially increase morbid-
Note that diffuse white matter hyperintensities with no ity and length of stay in the transplant intensive care
specific predilection to the posterior lobes. unit.

adjustment to a lower target level. It is important to iden- References

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