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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 55 (2016) 729–738

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Review of ecological compensation in hydropower development

Bing Yu, Linyu Xu n
State Key Laboratory of Water Environment Simulation, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, No. 19, Xinjiekouwai Street, Haidian District,
Beijing 100875, China

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Ecological compensation could coordinate the development of energy, the economy, and the environ-
Received 14 November 2014 ment by internalizing environmental externalities and adjusting for the relationships with stakeholders'
Received in revised form benefits. Thus, because hydropower is a clean and renewable form of energy, it is urgent that an eco-
9 August 2015
logical compensation mechanism be established for hydropower to promote its sustainable develop-
Accepted 20 October 2015
ment. In this context, this paper has reviewed previous compensation research to explore the particular
Available online 5 December 2015
role that ecological compensation has had in the sustainable development of hydropower. The paper
Keywords: discusses and perfects the ecological compensation mechanism establishment in hydropower develop-
Habitat restoration ment, discussing its connotation, stakeholders, modes, and development of standards. We found that the
Hydropower resettlement
current ecological compensation mechanism in hydropower development was not complete; the accu-
Compensation mode
racy, applicability and reasonability of each mode of ecological compensation in hydropower develop-
Compensation standards development
ment required additional study. Based on these findings, in this review paper, a complete ecological
compensation mechanism framework was constructed to avoid the partial compensation on large
hydropower projects. With this new compensation mechanism framework, the displaced people, inun-
dated habitats, and regulated rivers were identified as the recipients, whereas the beneficiaries from the
hydropower development were identified as the payers. The findings also indicated that the market-led
and government-led compensation should be integrated when designing natural habitat restoration,
resettlement compensation, and payment for ecosystem services (PES) in hydropower development.
Additionally, a cascade ecological compensation development mode was proposed for hydropower
development according to the practical situation in China to illustrate the gradual perfection of the
ecological compensation mechanism establishment.
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730
2. Purpose of study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730
3. What is ecological compensation in hydropower development? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730
4. Stakeholders of ecological compensation in hydropower development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731
5. Modes of ecological compensation in hydropower development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731
5.1. Direct habitat ecological restoration and dam re-operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732
5.2. Indirect protection with PES for hydropower projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
5.3. Immigrant resettlement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
6. Standards development for ecological compensation in hydropower development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
6.1. Accuracy of ecological habitat restoration projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734
6.2. Applicability of paying for hydropower schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734
6.3. Reasonability of immigrant resettlements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
7. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
8. Future trend of the ecological compensation mechanism in hydropower development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
8.1. Completed ecological compensation mechanism of large hydropower projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735

Corresponding author. Tel./fax: þ 86 10 58800618.
E-mail address: (L. Xu).
1364-0321/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
730 B. Yu, L. Xu / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 55 (2016) 729–738

8.2. Integrated market-led and government-led ecological compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 736

8.3. Cascade ecological compensation mode for large hydropower projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 736
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 736
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 736

1. Introduction compensation mechanisms. Although these measures mitigated

the negative consequences, this remediation was found to be
The potentially serious environmental and social impacts that costly and was not suitable in all cases. Given the growing
result from hydropower project development are attracting awareness of environmental protection as part of hydropower
greater attention. Although hydropower development has always development, trade-offs were negotiated between hydropower
been traditionally considered a green energy resource, some companies and the landowners in watersheds with regards to
reports have differentiated between “small hydro” as being environmental protection [15], which is referred to as ecological
renewable and sustainable, whereas “large hydro” is not [1]. Zhang compensation in environmental economics.
and Xu also illustrated that the low-carbon status of large hydro-
power projects was overestimated [2]. A recent wave of public
opposition to hydropower projects has emerged, particularly to 2. Purpose of study
schemes that involve reservoirs impounded by large dams. As
some evidence has shown, dams impair river ecosystems by Although various ecological compensation measures have been
altering their flow regimes both in terms of the hydrology and taken to provide environmental protection in past decades, an
geomorphology, such as the water temperature, flood extent and ecological compensation mechanism for hydropower develop-
nutrient loads, and thus degrade feeding and breeding habitats ment has not been formally established. Because there is no
along the river [3]. Other research has shown that stocks of definitive statement for the range and duty of hydropower sta-
Atlantic salmon on the Penobscot River declined dramatically keholders, the implemented compensation measures were not
following the construction of hydropower dams in the early 20th efficient enough. Moreover, the challenge in quantifying the var-
century [4]. Likewise, the migratory fish resource at risk from ious and extensive impacts from hydropower projects causes
mainstream dam development on the Mekong River was esti- development of an ecological compensation standard to be more
mated at 0.7–1.6 million tons per year [5]. Furthermore, the difficult. Thus, some queries will be raised in its development, such
socioeconomic impacts generated by dam construction are as does hydropower development need an ecological compensa-
numerous and outstanding, with respect to the displacement of a tion mechanism or not? What type of ecological compensation
large number of indigenous people from their homeland, the should be applied in this field? Who should participate in the
extensive destruction of agricultural and forest lands, damages to ecological compensation? How much should be compensated for
historical and mineral resources, and the loss of archeological, impacts to the ecological environment? How could ecological
scenic and tourist sites [6–8]. compensation be reasonably and effectively practiced?
Because of the increasing adverse impacts, ecological com- To solve these pending problems in ecological compensation
pensation was proposed as an effective management tool to alle- and provide guidance for policymakers, this paper focuses on the
viate the identified contradictions among energy, the environment following four aspects. It seeks answers to the issues concerning
and socio-economics. By constructing a model area with similar ecological compensation of hydropower development in terms of
ecological functions or qualities that are impaired by human connotation, stakeholders, modes, and standards development.
activities, the ecological compensation mechanism was designed Finally, this paper also proposes further trends and solutions to
to directly improve the ecologically damaged area [9]. It was also ecological compensation based on the above review.
applied to solve ecological problems in an indirect way through
the payment for ecosystem or environmental services (PES), which
was identified as being a market solution to adjust stakeholder 3. What is ecological compensation in hydropower
interests towards protecting the environment [10]. In the field of development?
ecological compensation for hydropower development, a broad
range of hydropower interests and stakeholders began decades The term ‘compensation’ has different definitions in different
ago to seek approaches to hydropower development and man- contexts. Compensation measures always appear in the last step of
agement from different perspectives. To maximize the benefits to an environmental impact assessment (EIA) and natural resource
society and minimize the environmental and social impacts to damage assessment (NRDA). It refers to the mitigation measures
local communities, many policies, projects and schemes were used to minimize environmental impacts during a project's con-
designed and thus a mechanism for ecological compensation in struction and operation, restoration of the site and to compensate
hydropower development began to gradually form. The World for residual impacts [16,17]. Many potential impacts including
Commission on Dams and the International Hydropower Asso- ecological, economic, and social among others may require com-
ciation produced policy principles and the hydropower industry pensation. Cuperus [18] defined ecological compensation as the
developed sustainability guidelines to minimize the negative substitution of ecological functions or qualities that are impaired
impacts [11,12]. Furthermore, several federal laws were designed by human development. Ecological compensation plays one of the
in the United States to impose environmental constraints on main sustainability roles within the overall compensation practice
hydropower operations, such as the Grand Canyon Protection Act, [19]. At present, ecological compensation has developed into an
the Central Valley Project Improvement Act and the Electric Con- effective measure to balance efficiency and equity during eco-
sumers Protection Act [13]. Concurrently, ecological compensation nomic development and environmental protection [20,21].
structures such as artificial gravel banks and different types of An eco-environmental externality is the theoretical basis of
manufactured habitats were installed along the banks of reservoirs ecological compensation [22]. Through ecological compensation,
[14], all of which could be ecologically defined as ecological the eco-environmental cost from resource development and the
B. Yu, L. Xu / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 55 (2016) 729–738 731

Table 1
Selected examples of stakeholder analysis in hydropower development.

Case study Stakeholders Source

The World Commission on Dams (WCD) Forum Private-sector; firms; river basin authorities; NGOs; indigenous' group; affected people's group. [34]
Swiss Association for Environmentally Sound Hydropower companies; electricity suppliers; environmental NGOs; consumer NGOs. [35]
Asian Development Bank (ADB) Forum Project-affected people; district, provincial, and national government officials; civil society and non- [36]
governmental organizations (NGOs); international NGOs; international organizations; other interest groups
Hydropower schemes in Ping River Basin, People who live nearby the sites; nongovernmental organizations; related governmental organizations [37]

eco-environmental benefit from environmental protection may be As a powerful tool for policy analysis and formulation, stake-
included in a traditional economic cost-benefit analysis. Accord- holder analysis has been widely used in natural resource policy
ingly, the principles of ecological compensation are expressed two and program development [30]. Grimble and Wellard [31] defined
ways: “polluter-pays” and “beneficiary-pays”. The former principle stakeholders as ‘any group of people, organized or unorganized,
is generally used in compensation for damages to nature and has who share a common interest or stake in a particular issue or
been widely applied in America [23] and Europe [24,25], in cases system’, which varies from global, national and regional concerns
such as oil spills or other hazardous releases that require reme- to the household or intra-household level. They also divided sta-
diation and habitat protection. The polluter-pays principle keholders into active stakeholders, who affected a decision or
demands environmental polluters or natural ecosystem destroyers action, and passive stakeholders, who were affected by this deci-
restore the natural resource and compensate the victims of that sion or action. Most studies adopt a systematic approach to
damage. The later principle primarily applies in cases where there identifying stakeholders groups, eliciting their objectives, and
is a Payment for Environmental Service. It is a type of voluntary estimating preference weights through an analytic hierarchy pro-
agreement between industry and public authorities to protect the cess or multi-criteria analysis [32,33]. The relevant studies of sta-
ecological environment. It aims to facilitate more environmentally keholders in hydropower development are listed in Table 1.
friendly actions by paying people to deliver environmental ser- We conclude that there is still a lack of extensive participation
vices, which are also referred to as the provision of positive among stakeholders and no specific and uniform regulated docu-
externalities [26]. ment in the current policy-making process that treats ecological
Similarly, in the context of hydropower development, the eco- compensation. However, one point remains certain: the stake-
environmental externality is primarily reflected in two aspects: holders of ecological compensation depend on the actual impacts
the first is the direct external cost of natural ecosystems damaged from hydropower development. Thus, in this paper, from the
by water resource development and utilization; the second is the perspective of ecosystem services, the stakeholders may be sys-
adverse external effects on humans indirectly caused by damages tematically analyzed.
to the ecological environment [22]. And both positive and negative According to the benefiting parties, the ecosystem services
were divided into two categories, ecological services and human
externalities would be primarily caused by reservoir impound-
used services. Ecological services are the benefits that the natural
ment and occupation [27]. Thus, the ecological compensation of
ecosystem provides all creatures, and human used services are the
hydropower development may be summarized as a managed way
benefits that are only enjoyed or consumed by human beings [38].
to offset natural ecosystem damages and compensate the dis-
Thus, following this perspective, we identified the ecological
placed individual's benefit loss as a result of hydropower devel-
compensation objects and subjects of large hydropower develop-
opment, thereby protecting the local natural environment and
ment projects, the process of which is shown in Fig. 1.
promoting social justice. The principles of ecological compensation
Beginning with the terrestrial and fluvial impacts caused by
in hydropower development would otherwise include both “pol-
large hydropower projects, the related ecosystem services were
luter-pays” and “beneficiary-pays”; however, it demands the
identified, as were the corresponding influenced parties. Thus,
hydropower explorer and users pay compensation for natural
those parties who were negatively impacted by the hydropower
ecosystem restoration and hydropower resettlement.
development would be the ecological compensation objects and,
conversely, those who benefited would be the subjects. Thus, for a
large hydropower project, its ecological compensation receivers/
4. Stakeholders of ecological compensation in hydropower objects would include the resettlements, inundated habitats, and
development the regulated river; whereas the payers/subjects would consist of
the hydropower company along with other beneficiaries including
Who should be the payers and the recipients is the funda- electric power users, water users, shipping beneficiaries, flood
mental question in ecological compensation. Li [28] stated that the control benefit areas, and tourism beneficiaries.
essence of ecological compensation of hydropower development is
a balanced redistribution mechanism of rights, duties and
responsibilities between many interest-subjects, such as govern- 5. Modes of ecological compensation in hydropower
ment, development protectors, beneficiaries, and saboteurs. And development
Richter and Thomas [29] also agreed that the collective desire of
stakeholders, resource managers, and dam managers for the out- According to the compensation approaches, the compensation
come of dam re-operation should be expressed as a set of goals. mode was divided into two types: ‘in-kind’ compensation is
Therefore, stakeholder analysis is necessary during the establish- expressed in terms of the selected species, and ‘out-of-kind’ com-
ment of ecological compensation to clear all respective interests in pensation admits the creation of other types of values than those
hydropower development. Accordingly, the payers, recipients, and lost [18,39]. In-kind compensation is more applicable to the sim-
trade-offs in ecological compensation could be subsequently plest impacts and stakeholder relationships, and thus ecological
accounted for. compensation is difficult to conduct in hydropower development.
732 B. Yu, L. Xu / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 55 (2016) 729–738

Large hydropower projects

Terrestrial impacts Fluvial Impacts

Farmland Forestland Grassland Reservoir Downstream

Ecological services Human used services Ecological services Human used services
- - - +

Regulated river Hydropower companies, power/

Inundated habitats Immigrants
ecosystem water users and other beneficiaries

Ecological compensation Ecological compensation

objects subjects

Fig. 1. The ecological compensation framework including object–subject identification of large hydropower projects. Note: “þ ” means positive impact; “ ” means negative

Alternatively, out-of-kind compensation can be used for the mul-

tiple impacts of hydropower development, and can be conducted in Assess dam-induced hydrologic alteration
various modes according to the stakeholder analysis as follows.

5.1. Direct habitat ecological restoration and dam re-operation Describe ecological and social consequences

To make hydropower development and operation more envir-

onmentally and socially sustainable some habitat restoration
projects were performed by stakeholders, including artificial eco- Specify goals for dam re-operation
logical habitat construction and dam re-operation. In Canada,
artificial ecological habitat compensation has been used to ame-
liorate the impacts of flooding and dewatering from hydroelectric
development on the Rose Blanche River. The compensation Design dam re-operation strategies to attain goals
involved improving fish passages in the system and the con-
struction of a spawning and rearing channel to replace lost habitat.
Additionally, in Austria, the near-bank compensation habitats
constructed in the Freudenau reservoir created habitats for aquatic Implement dam re-operation strategies
macrophytes, which were different from the natural floodplain
water bodies and provided many ecosystem services [14].
Fish passages can mitigate the disruption of longitudinal con-
tinuity, but the disturbance of water velocity requires another Assess results against goals
solution. One of the most promising strategies for maintaining a
river's ecological sustainability is the provision of an environ- Fig. 2. Framework for planning and implementing a dam re-operation project
(cited from [29]).
mental flow that if left in rivers, or restored in developed rivers,
will sustain the key ecological and societal values [40]. Environ-
mental flows can help balance an ecosystem and people's need for
water, both when constructing new dams and in the relicensing of between the Corps of Engineers and The Nature Conservancy. It
existing dams [41]. Environmental flows can be regulated through allowed water levels in the reservoir to rise slightly to approxi-
dam re-operation projects, restoring natural flow regimes and the mately 0.5 m above their normal target level to benefit fish
associated ecosystem health and services, as shown in Fig. 2 [29]. spawning and access to low-lying floodplain areas, flush oxbow
The environmental goals in reservoir optimization schemes are lakes, and disperse the seeds of floodplain trees [29]. Recently, an
often conducted in three approaches, namely as flow releases integrated hydro-environmental-habitat model estimating sui-
satisfying legal requirements, meeting water quality constraints
table environmental flows was specifically developed for Lijiang
for dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature and nutrients, and timed
River, China, in which an indigenous cyprinid fish Spinibarbus
to improve the health of fish populations [42].
hollandi (S. hollandi) is a target species for conservation [44]. In
An environmental flow restoration program on the Bill Wil-
Sweden, the Swedish Environmental Code, motivated by gains in
liams River in Arizona, United States, was studied, including its
conceptual flow-ecological response models, and hydrologic– ecological values, mandated owners of power stations to set aside
hydraulic and biotic response models, which illustrated how flows minimum flows corresponding to no less than 5% and no more
affect biota and the development of quantitative relationships than 20% of production value without offering compensation. In
between specific features of flow regimes and ecosystems [43]. A some cases, if higher environmental flows were required to
dam re-operation project of Thurmond Dam on the Savannah improve fish habitats and fish migration, compensation was pro-
River, United States, was initiated under a partnership in 2002 vided by government funding [41].
B. Yu, L. Xu / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 55 (2016) 729–738 733

disruption to the affected individuals and local communities [46].

Land use change projection
Different from the negative effects previously mentioned, invo-
luntary resettlement is a socio-cultural/economic process that
Forest management No management happens first to people, rather than to their physical environment.
According to the affected people's demands, different compensa-
tion modes are also needed. For example, there are two basic
strategies in the guidelines and procedures of the World Bank that
Watershed Erosion Modelling are formulated for resettlement in its financed projects. Specifi-
cally, land-based strategies (e.g., new housing plots, farming or
Land cover relatio n sh ip Watershed gardening land) are for rural settings and non land-based strate-
change sediment yield gies (e.g., involving the service sector, industrial employment, self-
employment) are for urban settings [47]. In Indonesia, the devel-
opment of fish cage aquaculture in a reservoir was used in popu-
lation resettlement; the expansion of aquatic food production was
Reservoir sedimentation estimation meant to assist in mitigating local food and population crises [48].
In China, the State Council [49] promulgated the Regulations on
Land Acquisition Compensation and Resettlement for the Con-
struction of Large- and Medium-sized Water Resources and
Power value loss estimation Hydropower Projects. It required that if arable land is requisi-
tioned for a large- or medium-sized water resource and hydro-
power project, the sum of the land compensation and resettle-
ment subsidies shall be 16 times the annual average output value
PES scheme design in the three years before requisition. In Thailand, in addition to the
direct compensation for resettlement, three further modes were
Hydropower p ay m en t Forest adopted to help offset the affected residents within hydropower
operator management watersheds: corporate social responsibility, community develop-
ment funds, and PES schemes [50]. In Vietnam, some benefit-
Fig. 3. Framework (FOR-POWER) of paying the forest for electricity (cited from sharing mechanisms have been recently implemented for com-
[15]). pensating the resettled populations, such as electrification of
affected communities, providing access to reservoir fisheries and
5.2. Indirect protection with PES for hydropower projects PES schemes [51]. The experiences in Thailand and Vietnam also
indicate that the ecological protection in hydropower resettlement
As a conflict-resolution instrument, PES projects have been is very important and should be highlighted.
applied to provide environmental protection during hydropower The previous practices show that various forms of compensa-
development, especially in the conservation of adjacent forests. tion in money or in kind were applied for hydropower resettle-
The earliest PES efforts occurred in Costa Rica, which are also ment. Because demand varies with each individual, monetary
possibly the most well known PES projects in Latin America compensation is not appropriate for everyone; the displaced
involved with hydropower development. The PES was negotiated people occasionally preferred "land for land" compensation [47].
between the La Esperanza Hydropower operator and the upper Furthermore, if large numbers of people were to be relocated, the
forest landholders in 1997. The four forest ecosystem services difficult arrangement between those being resettled and the host
chosen in this scheme were the mitigation of greenhouse gas population adds another challenge in resettlement. Especially
emissions, watershed protection, biodiversity protection, and the when it comes to international hydropower projects, the sharing
preservation of natural scenic beauty. A base line payment of US of hydropower benefits among co-riparian states would become
$10/ha/yr for each service, adjusted annually in response to more implicit and uncertain [52].
inflation and energy demand, was established based on Costa Considering the above analysis, it can be concluded that the
Rica's national PES policy [45]. compensation approaches in hydropower development are
Elsewhere, a FOR-POWER framework (Fig. 3) was proposed and becoming increasingly more comprehensive, with an increased
applied to a proposed dam in Cambodia to compensate a forest for understanding regarding the project's impacts. The objects of
electricity production. This scheme was created acknowledging compensation have begun to contain many aspects, covering the
that forest conservation can reduce soil erosion, and efforts to damaged terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem, as well as displaced
maintain the upstream forest cover would contribute to the eco- people. However, the key issue of standards development for
nomic life span of a hydropower facility. The power value loss was compensating the different objects is critical to this process, which
calculated using watershed erosion modeling and reservoir sedi- is the next component to be discussed.
ment trapping, and thus the annual payments were estimated to
be US$4.26–5.78 per ha [15].
Although there are only a few PES programs applied to 6. Standards development for ecological compensation in
hydropower development, the above pilot programs have pro- hydropower development
vided successful experiences for further ecological compensation
in this field. How much ecological compensation is suitable for hydropower
projects? This can be the most central and difficult problem of
5.3. Immigrant resettlement ecological compensation in hydropower development. The multi-
ple impacts, various compensation demands, and different com-
Hydropower development projects sometimes require people pensation modes greatly contribute to standards development in
involuntarily resettle from an area where they live and work to each compensation situation. Thus, the accuracy, applicability, and
other locations, thus causing profound economic and cultural reasonability of standards development for each type of ecological
734 B. Yu, L. Xu / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 55 (2016) 729–738

Table 2
Selected examples of payment for ecosystem services projects.

PES project Payment basis (ecosystem service) Payment determination Source

Payment for Hydropower Project in Costa Rica 4 Forest ecosystem services (mentioned above) Period of payment US$/ha/yr [45]
During construction 3
1st Year of operations 8
2nd Year of operations 9
3rd & 4th Year of 10
5th Year & onwards US$10*(Gr/Gf) *
Payment for watershed ecological protection in San Water provision and sanitation US$26/ha/yr for landowners, charged by Local Water [26]
Pedro del Norte, Nicaragua Committee
Payment for watershed ecological protection Jesus de 3 Watershed ecosystem services : wood, soil US$0.06/month, 3.6% of water users' willingness to [26]
Otora in Honduras protection, climate regulation pay
Payment for forests in Mexico Hydrological services of forest US$18.2/ha determined by negotiation [69]

compensation in hydropower development require further dis- ecosystem health [42]. Therefore, seeking environmentally feasible
cussion. alternatives for hydropower development would be promising
[60]. And the process such as trade-offs between hydropower and
6.1. Accuracy of ecological habitat restoration projects ecological objectives, and hydropower contract load determina-
tion, are required at the hydropower planning stage [61,62].
For ecological compensation of the natural ecosystem in Apart from flow regime operation and aquatic restoration, the
hydropower development, standards development is difficult remediation of inundated ecosystems caused by hydropower
because compensation is nearly impossible to completely esti- development is equally important but still lacks sufficient atten-
mate. The negative impacts include local and landscape environ- tion at present. Recently, we set up a “service-to-service” ecolo-
mental effects and vary with the attributes of dam–reservoir sys- gical compensation framework for inundated habitats through
tems, especially dam size and operations [53]. Li et al. [54] eval- measures of restoring degraded grasslands upstream. It showed
uated the ecological losses from hydropower development at three that the compensatory area can be decided by the carbon stock
spatial scales, including the plant scale, river scale, and watershed balance at the watershed scale [63].
scale. Rosenberg et al. [55] reviewed four impacts that occurred at
different spatial and temporal scales during hydropower devel- 6.2. Applicability of paying for hydropower schemes
opment. They indicated that methyl mercury bioaccumulation in
the food web occurred at the smallest scales; the emission of Payment for ecosystem services (PES) aimed to facilitate more
greenhouse gases from reservoirs and downstream effects occur- environmentally friendly actions by paying those people who
red at the largest scales; the emission of greenhouse gases from deliver the environmental services [26]. The practical implement
reservoirs were relatively short term but eventually had global- of this market-based instrument for managing natural resources
scale consequences; and biodiversity limitations were at the has been conducted for watershed management, reservoir con-
intermediate spatial and temporal scales. Therefore, the restora- servation, and biodiversity protection by some hydropower com-
tion of damaged ecosystems could begin with some aspect and panies, landowners and government as shown in Table 2.
principle. Although PES schemes could be a win–win mechanism for both
In practice, Canada developed its ecological compensation parties involved through the provision of positive externalities, its
standard based on no net loss (NNL) of productive capacity pro- application is limited. There are five necessary conditions for the
visions, and the habitat compensation amount was determined implementation of a PES: (a) a voluntary transaction, (b) a well-
using baseline surveys of habitat distribution and fish population defined ES (or a land use likely to secure that service), (c) the
(density, biomass) production [56]. However, during the devel- purchase must be by an ES buyer, (d) the service must come from
opment process, research determined that 63% of the projects an ES provider, and (e) the ES provider must secure the ES pro-
across Canada resulted in a loss of habitat productive capacity, vision [64]. The requirement of a ‘well-defined ES’ is the hardest
which indicates the knowledge and ability to replicate ecosystem condition to satisfy because of the issue of ecosystem services
function was severely limited [57]. The Canadian Manuscript selection and its non-market valuation. In previous studies, many
Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences listed knowledge gaps in market value methods and non-market value methods (e.g., mar-
the research on the productive capacity of fish habitat, such as ket price, shadow price, substitute cost, opportunity cost, travel
“how does dam removal affect fish and fish habitat both up- and cost, and hedonic price) were used for valuing the ecosystem
down-stream?” and “how do we incorporate the impacts of dams, services [65–67]. However, the high estimation results could not
hydroelectric facilities into cumulative impact assessments for be directly used as the compensation standard because the sta-
other projects on the same system?” [58]. keholders' willingness, the institution arrangement, the opportu-
In theoretical research, dam re-operation through flow regime nity costs of upstream land use, and the local economic develop-
manipulation is often considered able to offer ideal opportunities ment all required greater consideration in PES practice [26]. Thus,
for conducting large-scale, hypothesis-driven ecosystem experi- in many PES cases, the payments were made in advance instead of
ments [42]. However, although at least 200 environmental flows being continuous and were made in good faith rather than being
methods had been used for quantifying the water requirements of truly contingent on service provision [68].
species, communities or river ecosystems, there still remains a From Table 2, it also can be deduced that only some key eco-
critical need for a greater understanding of the relationship system services were selected for payment and the payment
between flow and ecological response to support river flow amount was determined by negotiation rather than the ecosystem
management [40,59]. Thus, the reservoir optimization schemes service value estimation. Moreover, the current payment standard
used in practice may not seek flow regimes that maximize aquatic does not consider the difference in space, which would affect the
B. Yu, L. Xu / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 55 (2016) 729–738 735

enthusiasm of protectors [70]. Vatn [10] also indicated that many inundated habitats, the regulated river, and the displaced people.
PES cases depend strongly on state and community engagement, While on the basis of the principle that beneficiaries pay and
and therefore cannot be considered to be voluntary market polluters make compensation, the payers/subjects are consist of
transactions. Considering the complexity of the ecosystem service the hydropower developers, electric power users, water users,
payment determination, the agreement on trade-offs between shipping beneficiaries, flood control and tourism beneficiaries. The
both parties is not easily accomplished and thus limits the current ecological compensation in hydropower development is
applicability of the PES implementation. implemented with multiple modes ranging from artificial habitat
construction, dam re-operation, PES schemes, to resettlement.
6.3. Reasonability of immigrant resettlements Meanwhile, the compensation criteria vary in different modes due
to local regulations, trade-offs, and agreements. Hence, these
Hydropower resettlement is the most important part of eco- ecological compensation approaches with different object-
logical compensation in hydropower development, but it is also oriented compensation types, would inevitably demonstrate
probably the most unsatisfactory component associated with dam their limitations respectively. Though each hydropower develop-
construction [47]. This difficulty is ascribed to the underestimation ment might differ from others to certain extent, there should be
impacts on the displaced people and some difficulties in coordi- some common approaches and principles in designing ecological
nating hydropower development and local development, includ- compensation mechanism for minimizing environmental impacts
ing the gaps in national polices, clear separation between enter- and community sufferings. Therefore, a comprehensive compen-
prise and local communities, and problems with local manage- sation framework is urgently needed to be established in the
ment and the local economy [71]. future to avoid the above limitations.
The social effects of large dams range from rural economics,
infrastructure, transportation, and housing, to culture, health, and
even gender [6]. Wang et al. classified the wealth loss of affected 8. Future trend of the ecological compensation mechanism in
people into three dimensions [8]. According to their research, hydropower development
material wealth can be measured in monetary units; embodied
wealth, which refers to various skills that are used to make a liv- From the above discussion, future studies of ecological com-
ing, and relational wealth, which includes social and physical pensation in hydropower development should be initiated
infrastructure, were difficult to measure. Thus, the actual com- according to the following aspects.
pensation provided might be sufficient to cover the cost of
building houses, but little is available for the latter two types of 8.1. Completed ecological compensation mechanism of large hydro-
losses. power projects
Moreover, the compensation demands vary with each indivi-
dual; thus, effective hydropower resettlement requires careful A sound ecological compensation mechanism should include at
consideration of immigrant preferences. The stated preference least four aspects, namely eco-compensation objects, subjects, an
methods, contingent valuation method (CVM) and choice experi- eco-compensation operational system and its management sys-
ments (CE) were developed to reveal the willingness of stake- tem. Each aspect is interconnected. The relationships are pre-
holders expressed in terms of willingness to pay (WTP) or will- sented in Fig. 4.
ingness to accept (WTA), as shown in Table 3.
From Table 3, the WTP is used for revealing a payer's will-  As mentioned above, the compensation objects and subjects are
ingness while the WTA is used for obtaining the receivers' will- the basis for an ecological compensation mechanism, which
ingness. The gap between the WTP and WTA was significant should be validated in advance. Especially for large hydropower
because of the differences in individual attitudes to gains and projects with multiple stakeholders (as shown in Fig. 1), the
losses [78]. In this context, a reasonable compensation standard of ecological compensation of validated payers and recipient
immigrant resettlements is to seek a balance between the will- should be completely designed.
ingness of payers and receivers.  Considering the different demands of damaged natural ecosys-
tems and projects that affect humans, the operational system of
ecological compensation is needed to determine the manner,
7. Conclusion mode and standards of compensation.
 Finally, to effectively and steadily insure ecological compensa-
The ecological compensation and its mechanism are not only tion implementation, a management system is necessary. Reg-
imperative in hydropower development for incorporating ecolo- ulations and policies can adjust the relationship between sub-
gical conservation into development but also indispensable to jects and objects and supplement the operational system.
ensure the community harmony. To internalize the multiple eco-
environmental externalities resulted from hydropower develop- The framework of the ecological compensation mechanism
ment, the ecological compensation receivers/objects can include should initially be established to provide an overall design for

Table 3
Selected examples of stakeholders' willingness elicitation.

Willingness type Research purpose Method Source

WTP Estimated Swedish households' willingness to pay for environmental improvements in hydropower regulated rivers CE [72]
WTP Receive payment for the loss of a scenic view of river because of a power station CVM [73]
WTP Investigate the preferences of households for a variety of different sources of electricity generation such as fossil fuels and large CVM [74]
hydropower in Chile
WTP Reveal public preferences for urban and rural hydropower projects in Austria CE [75]
WTA Investigate forest owners' preferences and willingness to accept compensation to participate voluntarily in forest conservation CE [76]
WTA Reveal farmers' willingness to accept compensation for a reservoir's ecological protection in China CVM [77]
736 B. Yu, L. Xu / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 55 (2016) 729–738

8.3. Cascade ecological compensation mode for large hydropower

Operational system
Mode Standard
Guidance Implement The complex impacts of large hydropower projects mean that
ecological compensation is impossible to implement completely,
especially in developing countries. Therefore, we propose a cas-
Eco-compensation cade mode be developed based on the current ecological com-
subjects objects pensation status of hydropower projects in China, where the
hydropower development could be one of options to increase the
proportion of clean energy in total energy consumption in the
Management system Assessment coming years [81]. The cascade mode is shown in Fig. 5.
As shown in Fig. 5, the ecological compensation of large
Regulations Policies hydropower projects could be established at three levels as in this
paper. Level I eco-compensation refers to the compensation for
Fig. 4. A framework of the ecological compensation mechanism. resettlement, or ‘a’; level II eco-compensation refers to the com-
pensation for resettlement and inundated habitats, or ‘aþ b’; level
III eco-compensation refers to complete compensation, including
for resettlement, inundated habitats, and regulated rivers, or
‘a þb þc’.
A legal provision for the resettlement of project-affected
farmers has been in place in China since 2006; in contrast, the
compensation for damaged natural ecosystems is limited. We
believe that the inundated land could be compensated through
off-site compensation, according to the ecological restoration
schemes. It is better to design restoration in terms of maximizing
Fig. 5. A sketch of the cascade eco-compensation mode for large hydropower mutual ecological benefits, e.g., restoration may promote vegeta-
tion or control erosion following reservoir impoundment. Draw-
down zones may cause erosion and sedimentation problems,
ecological compensation in hydropower development, thereby which may impact aquatic, riparian or terrestrial habitats. Another
perfecting current uncompleted compensation. Furthermore, the aspect, a well water energy resource development plan should be
manner in which to integrate and coordinate ecological compen- developed in advance, in which the environmentally feasible
sation in hydropower development with the existing compensa- potential for hydropower development should be determined. The
tion capacity should be provided more attention. government should explicitly indicate the suitable developed
channel segment and process the water use property right for each
hydropower project by establishing ecological flows. It is only a
8.2. Integrated market-led and government-led ecological clear property right that can determine the externality, and the
compensation compensation mechanism can then be realized. Through a cascade
mode of compensation development, an ecological compensation
From the discussion above, it can be concluded that river establishment will gradually be perfected.
restoration/rehabilitation and immigrant resettlement are con-
sidered to be government-led ecological compensation, whereas
the PES projects are considered market-led ecological compensa- Acknowledgments
tion. Nevertheless, compensation should not be conducted sepa-
rately, but should combine market regulation with government This work was funded by the National Science and Technology
management. Pillar Program, China (No. 2012BAC05B02), the Fund for Innovative
Market-led compensation with voluntary negotiation would be Research Group of the National Natural Science Foundation of
China (Grant no. 51121003), and the Program for New Century
the most effective way to internalize externalities according to
Excellent Talents in University (NCET-13-0064).
Coase economics. However, the lack of relevant laws and regula-
tions may make the compensation of PES short-term or unrealiz-
able [79,80]. In the meantime, a cost-benefit analysis and a sta-
keholder's willingness analysis conducted using market methods References
should be considered for developing the standards of government-
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