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Ecological Engineering 120 (2018) 585–594

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Marine ecosystem restoration and biodiversity offset T

a,⁎ b d c
Céline Jacob , Anaïs Buffard , Sylvain Pioch , Sébastien Thorin
CEFE UMR 5175, CNRS – Université de Montpellier – Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier – EPHE – Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier, Route de Mende 34 199,
Montpellier Cedex 5, France
CEFE UMR 5175, CNRS – Université de Montpellier – Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier – EPHE – Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier, Route de Mende 34 199,
Montpellier Cedex 5, France
Les Belvédères, Bâtiment B, 128, avenue de Fès, 34080 Montpellier, France
CEFE UMR 5175, CNRS – Université de Montpellier – Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier – EPHE – Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier, Route de Mende 34 199,
Montpellier Cedex 5, France


Keywords: The mitigation hierarchy is increasingly used in environmental policy as a way of reconciling economic de-
Restoration velopment and biodiversity conservation. The principle of the mitigation hierarchy is to avoid, reduce and offset
Marine ecosystems the environmental impacts arising from development projects by providing ecological gains through con-
Mitigation hierarchy servation or restoration measures. Most of the research on its implementation to date has focused on terrestrial
ecosystems. In this study, we investigated the relevance of marine ecosystem restoration in meeting offset re-
Environmental impact assessments
quirements. Stemming from a brief literature review on existing restoration techniques for marine ecosystems
(e.g. coral reefs, seagrass meadows, macroalgae beds, ‘green’ marine construction, and marine sediment re-
mediation) and our experience on Environmental Impact Assessments undertaken in mainland France and in its
oversea territories, we discuss the main criteria ensuring a suitable use of ‘restoration’ practice regarding offset
requirements. We then clarify the different levels of equivalence that should be met when designing offsets
relying on ‘restoration’ techniques. This study aims to clarify to what extent the environmental impacts of
economic activity on marine biodiversity can be offset through marine ecosystem restoration.

1. Introduction undertake on-site restoration, and lastly to offset residual impacts so

that no loss results (BBOP, 2012).
Currently, more than half of the world’s population lives within As very few studies have examined the implementation of offsets in
60 km of the coast (United Nations Environment Programme). This has the marine realm, in this paper, we rely on the observation made by
led to an increase in marine environmental damage due to a number of Jacob et al. (2016a) within the framework of French marine Environ-
causes: exploitation of renewable resources (fisheries), non-renewable mental Impact Assessments (EIAs). Indeed, they showed that offset
resources (mineral and energy extraction), coastal artificialization, and measures proposed in the studied EIAs fell into the following categories,
the discharge of pollutants and marine debris. According to Halpern in line with “Offset activities” as defined by the BBOP2:
et al. (2015), 66% of the ocean show increased human impact over 5
years (2008–2013). As stated by Dulvy et al. (2003), the second leading 1. Undertaking positive management interventions such as restoration
cause of marine extinction is habitat loss at 37% (the leading cause is of degraded habitat (referred to as “active restoration” thereafter)
exploitation at 55%). (e.g. restoration of coral reefs using larvae collected from colonies
In light of these important environmental stakes, numerous policies after spawning and grown in nurseries before transplantation,
could be regarded as tools aiming at halting marine biodiversity loss. creating artificial habitats with the same ecological function as the
One of these, based on the No Net Loss principle, that emerged at the one lost, planting seagrass from nurseries) or reducing/removing
end of the 1980s in the United States,1 consists of ensuring that the current threats or pressures (referred to as “passive restoration”
biodiversity impacts caused by a project are balanced or outweighed by thereafter)
measures taken firstly to avoid or minimize these impacts, secondly to 2. Averting risk (e.g. the creation of marine protected areas – MPAs)

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (C. Jacob), (A. Buffard), (S. Pioch), (S. Thorin).
Recommended at the National Wetland Policy Forum in 1987 and adopted by George H. W. Bush’s administration in 1989.
An international collaboration between companies, institutions and organizations, both private and public, that develops best practice in biodiversity offset.
Received 7 July 2016; Received in revised form 22 August 2017; Accepted 9 September 2017
Available online 19 September 2017
0925-8574/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C. Jacob et al. Ecological Engineering 120 (2018) 585–594

3. Knowledge acquisition measures (e.g. monitoring programs) or enables us to assess the effectiveness of such techniques in meeting
awareness-raising measures (e.g. exhibition on the ecological role of offset requirements (the definitions and standards used are widely ad-
Posidonia oceanica) mitted, mostly arising from the BBOP) and to present the main criteria
4. Compensation packages3 for local stakeholders affected by the de- that should be informed in order to ensure a suitable utilization of
velopment project (e.g. post-larvae capture and culture; the creation ‘restoration’. In this review, compliance with the equivalence criterion
of artificial reefs; beach reprofiling and nourishment for tourism; appears to be a crucial element for using ‘restoration’ solutions as off-
supporting a development program, communication initiatives or sets. Thus we clarify the different levels of equivalence that should be
product valorization for aquaculture; the eradication of invasive met when designing offsets relying on ‘restoration’ techniques. This
species) approach tend to better inform the numerous trade-offs practitioners
and policy-makers face when suggesting or monitoring current offset
Moreover, alternative measures, not encountered in these EIAs and practice.
still subject to debate and discussion, may prove effective in terms of
biodiversity offset. These deal with the enhancement of coastal infra- 2. The relevance of ‘restoration’ techniques for offsetting
structures aiming at improving “conditions for species through the
modification of development activities undertaken primarily for non- We performed a brief literature review on existing ‘restoration’
ecological reasons” to increase the ecological value of structures techniques (defined in broad terms) available in the marine realm
(Naylor et al., 2012). This could be undertaken through ecological (including marine coastal ecosystems) using the Web of Science (WoS)
engineering of coastal structure such as breakwaters, seawalls, jetties, (the search criteria is listed in Appendix 1 and topics addressed in ar-
pilings (Dafforn et al., 2015) or eco-design or ‘green’ marine con- ticles are in Appendix 2). In this study, we decided to analyze techni-
struction (Pioch et al., 2011). Other types of enhancements can be ques strictly related to marine systems. The following systems were not
found in the marine coastal realm such as “removing structures and included: mangroves (since these are interface ecosystems between
impediments to natural ecosystem processes that are most likely to fresh and salt water), estuaries and coastal wetlands (since these are
promote successful and sustainable ecology” (Elliott et al., 2016), not transitional water ecosystems and have been already widely discussed).
addressed in this paper and pollution removal via discharge controls, Among techniques used for pollution removal, only marine sediment
treatment and bioremediation. remediation was analyzed (eutrophication was out of the scope since
Thus offset measures proved to rely heavily on solutions based on mainly related to controlling telluric inputs: e.g. wastewater treatment
marine ecosystem restoration. plants and wetlands). As very few publications were available on deep-
Strictly speaking, ecological restoration refers to the process of as- sea ecosystems, they were not covered. As regards artificial reefs, we
sisting the recovery of a damaged ecosystem so that the latter can be examined these in the related category when they were used as a
self-supporting, resilient to perturbation without further assistance and substrate for restoring specific ecosystems or to replace the ecosystem
displays a historical continuity in terms of its structure, functioning and function of providing a habitat for particular species; otherwise, they
biological composition (Clewell et al., 2010; SER Primer, 2004). This is have not been addressed.
thus an intentional activity that initiates or accelerates an ecological Only 155 articles were found to be relevant to the subject of our
pathway—or trajectory through time—towards a reference state. In the study, representing 23% of the total results. These were then classified
case of ecological engineering, particular attention is paid to the ef- according to a typology based on the environmental issue targeted by
fectiveness of a solution in economic terms through “manipulation of the solution: coral reefs, seagrass meadows, invertebrates, artificial
natural materials, living organisms and the physico-chemical environ- habitats, ‘green’ marine construction, eutrophication, marine sediment
ment to achieve specific human goals and solve technical problems” remediation, mangroves, macroalgae beds, deep-sea ecosystems, or
(SER Primer, 2004). This discipline is related to ecological restoration, ichthyofaunal Fig. 1.
but differs in that it can also involve the creation of surrogate ecosys- The results of the literature review (monitoring parameters, dura-
tems, services supplied by an ecosystem take priority over biodiversity tion of monitoring and the effectiveness of the technique) are displayed
and historical continuity. Other terms are often found in the literature in Appendix 3 but Table 1 presents the principle of the technique and
(Abelson et al., 2016; Elliott et al., 2007) such as enhancement for “a the references. The objective was to get a representative (but not ex-
management approach which directly or indirectly increases the eco- haustive) overview of current available techniques applicable to marine
logical value, goods and services of the habitat” or rehabilitation for ecosystems and their relative degree of implementation.
“practices which lead to partial recovery” and reclamation for “prac- Although extensive literature on mitigation requirements is avail-
tices that improve either or both the ecosystem structure or function but able for wetlands (Ambrose, 2010; Ambrose et al., 2007; Gardiner,
not toward the original state”. Enhancement and reclamation are 2002), marine mitigation suffers from a lack of guidelines. Here we
usually related to ecological engineering. Here, we will use the term propose to assess the relevance of these ‘restoration’ techniques as offset
‘restoration’ in a broad meaning. solutions, comparing socio-economic, ecological, and technological
Adopting an environmental management perspective, we in- parameters related to restoration decision (Van Dover et al., 2014) to
vestigate to what extent ‘restoration’ can provide relevant offset solu- the issues commonly discussed in scientific literature on designing
tions, that is to say meeting offset requirements. To that end, we offset measures (Bull et al., 2013; Maron et al., 2012; Quétier and
compare the results of existing ‘restoration’ techniques with offset Lavorel, 2011) as well as to the recommendations of the BBOP.4 Of the
principles. We base our analysis on a brief literature review of available criteria used to define the feasibility of an offsetting technique, we
‘restoration’ techniques to get a representative (but not exhaustive) analyzed the following four, which we considered the most important:
overview of current techniques and their relative degree of im-
plementation and on the experience developed mainly in mainland • the standards used to define the ecological effectiveness of a ‘re-
France and in its oversea territories but also in California. This review storation’ technique, which enable offset gains to be assessed
• cause(s) of the failure of a technique, which leads to uncertain
Compensation is a recompense for some loss or service, and is something which
constitutes an equivalent to make good the lack or variation of something else. It can
involve something (such as money) given or received as payment or reparation (as for a
service or loss or injury) (BBOP, 2012). BBOP defines compensation as reparation of In the framework of biodiversity No Net Loss as defined by the BBOP (2012), eco-
biodiversity offset that falls short of achieving a No Net Loss conservation outcome (that logical equivalence can be assessed in terms of species diversity, functional diversity and
is No Net Loss of biodiversity). composition, ecological integrity or condition, landscape context, and ecosystem services.

C. Jacob et al. Ecological Engineering 120 (2018) 585–594

Fig. 1. WoS publications related to marine ecosystem

restoration, categorized by the targeted issue.

• the costs,which affect a technique’s economic feasibility offset gains (see Section 3.1).
• the resilience of the ecosystem, which influences the choice of the
relevant ‘restoration’ technique and the time of monitoring 2.2. Causes of failure

2.1. Ecological effectiveness The projects described in the reviewed articles often faced similar
problems (e.g. failure of attachment to structures, predation, storms,
According to a primer produced by the Society of Ecological pollution, etc.). Although some of them are unpredictable and outside
Restoration in 2004, nine attributes of measuring restoration success of the control of the scientists or managers, others could have been
are given.5 More specifically, Ruiz-Jaen and Mitchell Aide (2005) link prevented.
the restoration success of terrestrial ecosystems to diversity, vegetation This is the case of poor site selection which was often mentioned as
structure and ecological processes. For estuarine, coastal and marine a reason for project failure (see the guidelines produced by the US
ecosystems, Elliott et al. (2007) link restoration success to physico- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for seagrass re-
chemical attributes and ecological structure and functioning. storation, Fonseca et al., 2002). This encompasses different issues, such
In the literature reviewed in our study, the definition of restoration as insufficient diagnosis pre-restoration to determine the environmental
objectives, enabling the effectiveness of a technique to be assessed, is conditions of a site (e.g. sedimentation, current), its connectivity to
not clearly stated. Indeed, the poor definition of restoration goals as existing highly functional zones, and other anthropic pressures present
well as the criteria used to verify their attainment is described as a (e.g. water pollution, turbidity, illegal trawling). Preliminary tests are
common limitation by scientists working on the subject (Borja et al., infrequently carried out to verify the tolerance of a species to trans-
2010; Simenstad et al., 2006; Wortley et al., 2013). This includes both plantation and the conditions of the site to be restored. Ensuring that
structural species6 and functional aspects (Borja et al., 2010). Our lit- conditions are favorable on a restoration site before undertaking any
erature review revealed that the most reported parameter for describing measures is essential to reduce uncertainty in its success.
restoration success is survival rate, a conclusion also drawn by Moreover, an observation made within the framework of EIAs car-
Bayraktarov et al. (2016) in their study on marine coastal restoration. ried out in the Australia’s Great Barrier Reef but that could easily
Higher survival rates following restoration were observed for coral reefs transferred to other contexts, is the lack of independent peer review
(Kolinski and Helton, 2006; Rinkevich, 2014), seagrass (Bastyan and (Bos et al., 2014; Sheaves et al., 2016), potentially increasing the risk of
Cambridge, 2008; Lee and Park, 2008) and macroalgae (Falace et al., failure. Indeed, peer review ensures that studies align with scientific
2006), but survival is highly dependent on the species studied and is requirements encompassing details regarding their goal and hypothesis
strongly influenced by the transplantation technique. Growth rate was formulation, survey design, data quality and statistical power (Legg and
also often mentioned as a parameter for assessing restoration success, Nagy, 2006).
but species richness, species abundance and cover were seldom used.
Equally, the provision of ecosystem functions and services was hardly 2.3. Costs
ever addressed. Thus, a better definition of performance standards is
needed that relies not only on ‘item-based success’ but on an ecosys- As costs were rarely given in the reviewed articles, we were not able
tem’s functions and services to allow a more complete assessment of to conduct any cost analyses. However, it is known that the restoration
of marine ecosystems is more expensive than for other types of eco-
systems (Bayraktarov et al., 2016), representing costs 10–400 times
The SER Primer states that a restored ecosystem should have the following attributes:
higher than the maximum cost documented for the restoration of ter-
(1) similar diversity and community structure compared to reference sites; (2) presence of
indigenous species; (3) presence of functional groups necessary for long-term stability; (4) restrial ecosystems (see Groot et al., 2013). According to Bayraktarov
capacity of the physical environment to sustain reproducing populations; (5) normal et al. (2016), for all marine ecosystems (coral, seagrass, mangroves,
functioning; (6) integration with the landscape; (7) elimination of potential threats; (8) saltmarshes and oyster reefs) the median cost has been estimated at
resilience to natural disturbances; and (9) self-sustainability (Ruiz-Jaen and Mitchell
around US$80,000 ha−1 and the average cost at around US
Aide, 2005).
Structural species are species that create or provide the physical structure of the
$1,600,000 ha−1. They have also demonstrated that the survival of
environment (Huston and Huston, 1994), they can be considered as a type of ecosystem restored organisms is not related to cost, but is rather linked to the
engineers. Structural or structuring can be equally used. dynamic nature of marine ecosystems and to the nature of the

C. Jacob et al. Ecological Engineering 120 (2018) 585–594

Table 1
Description of the marine ecosystem ‘restoration’ techniques currently available in the literature.

Technique Principle References

Coral reefs
Transplantation Most common restoration technique, involving the transplantation of coral Abelson (2006), Gomez et al. (2011), Kolinski and Helton
colonies, juveniles or fragments to a natural or artificial substrate. Usually, (2006), Omori and Iwao (2014) and Tortolero-Langarica
epoxy is used to attach the coral to natural or artificial (e.g. concrete, steel rods) et al. (2014)
hard substrates.
Transplantation of nursery- Breeding of coral larvae or fragments before transplantation. Larvae, ova and Amar and Rinkevich (2007), Mbije et al. (2013), Rinkevich
raised corals embryos are directly collected with a funnel net or by the installation of artificial (2014) and Schopmeyer et al. (2012)
substrate near the colonies. Fragments are removed from natural colonies or
retrieved from the seafloor. Nurseries can be raised on artificial substrates such
as concrete, slate or nets.
Electro-stimulation Mineral accretion by electrolysis to improve the growth of transplanted juveniles Sabater and Yap (2002) and Schuhmacher et al. (2002)
or the colonization by larvae. A low continuous current encourages the deposit
of minerals present in seawater.
Artificial reefs Increasing the available hard substrate for natural colonization of coral larvae Al-Horani and Khalaf (2013) and Thanner et al. (2006)
(must be located close to a healthy and productive coral reef).

Seagrass meadows
Transplantation Removing the rhizome or entire plant from a seagrass donor and transplanting it Bastyan and Cambridge (2008), Bell et al. (2008), Lee and
to a natural or artificial substrate (e.g. cement base or grid) by attaching it with Park (2008), Paling et al. (2001) and Zarranz et al. (2010)
various methods (e.g. epoxy glue, props, hooks, staples, elastic bands or shells)
manually or using a machine. Posidonia oceanica (Neptune grass), Posidonia
australis, Posidonia coriacea, Amphibolis griffithi, Posidonia sinuosa, Zostera marina
(eelgrass), Halodule wrightii (shoalgrass), Thalassia testudinum (turtlegrass),
Syringodium filiforme (manatee grass)
Sowing Seeding using seeds from a donor seagrass meadow (harvested from the seafloor Bell et al. (2008), Marion and Orth (2010) and Zarranz et al.
by divers or by an underwater mower). These can be seeded directly on the site (2010)
manually or mechanically, diffused (through ‘buoys’), or cultivated in a
laboratory until germination and then planting the young seedlings directly in
the sediment on webs or on a prop. Cymodocea nodosa (slender seagrass), Z.
marina, T. testudinum.
Electro-stimulation Mineral accretion by electrolysis to improve the growth of transplanted shoots. Vaccarella and Goreau (2012)
A low continuous current encourages the deposit of minerals present in
Micro-propagation Cloning plants axenically from terminal buds to produce a large number of Ailstock and Shafer (2006)
clonal offspring. Ruppia maritima (beaked tasselweed), H. wrihhtii, T. testudinum,
S. filiforme

Macroalgae beds
Transplantation Most common restoration technique. It involves attaching adult or juvenile thalli Carney et al. (2005), Falace et al. (2006) and Perkol-Finkel
using epoxy glue, polyurethane foam or hooks on a natural or artificial substrate. et al. (2012)
Transplantation can be undertaken on coastal structures when populations are
too remote for natural colonization (e.g. Cystoseira barbata, Cystoseira
Sowing Sowing of sori directly after harvesting them or the outplanting of spores or Carney et al. (2005) and Terawaki et al. (2003)
microscopic sporophytes grown in laboratory cultures on a substrate. It is also
possible to induce the fertility of male or female gametophytes to produce
microscopic sporophytes.
Artificial reef Increasing the available hard substrate for natural macroalgae colonization. Reed et al. (2006)

Postlarval Capture and Culture Restocking ecosystems to boost biodiversity and fish density for fishing Gerard et al. (2008)
(PCC) purposes.
Artificial reef Creating an artificial reef to replace some of the degraded functions (e.g. as a Brickhill et al. (2005), Jordan et al. (2005), Pastor (2008)
habitat or feeding zone) or ecosystem services (e.g. fish provision) or to increase and Seaman (2007)
connectivity (e.g. to improve recruitment of species with limited dispersal).
Artificial algae Imitating the size, shape and density of natural macroalgae (e.g. Cystoseira spp. Fernández et al. (2009)
or Sargassum spp.). Artificial algae can be made out of polypropylene,
polyethylene or nylon and attached to an artificial reef with a steel and epoxy
anchor to replace the habitat function of macroalgae in zones where
environmental conditions prevent natural recovery.

Invertebrates: bivalves (oyster, scallop, abalone, mussel, giant clam), crustaceans (lobster), sea fans
Transplantation Transplanting adults from another site. It is used for some bivalve mollusks Katsanevakis (2009) and Linares et al. (2008)
(Pinna nobilis, noble pen shell and Tridacna spp., giant clam).
Planting hatchery-raised Releasing cultured larvae to rebuild stocks. Arnold (2008), Dinnel et al. (2009), Gerard et al. (2008),
juveniles Hansen and Gosselin (2013) and Tettelbach et al. (2013)
Artificial reef Creating an artificial reef to replace some of the degraded functions (e.g. as a Behringer and Butler (2006) and Chapman (2012)
habitat or feeding zone) or ecosystem services (e.g. crustacean provision) or to
increase connectivity (e.g. to improve recruitment of species with limited

‘Green’ marine construction

Modification of concrete surface: This facilitates species colonization by targeting ‘ecosystem engineers’, which influence other species by altering environmental conditions and by
providing habitats and other resources (Jones et al., 1994; Jones et al., 1997 In: Harley, 2006) (e.g. barnacles in intertidal zones).
Surface texture Modifying the texture of a construction by methods such as making grooves in Coombes et al. (2015) and Omori and Fujiwara (2004)
the surface of the concrete or by including shells, fiberglass, natural fibers or
(continued on next page)

C. Jacob et al. Ecological Engineering 120 (2018) 585–594

Table 1 (continued)

Technique Principle References

porous granulates in the cement, or by attaching small structures to artificial

constructions to improve colonization.
Artificial cavities Creation of cavities of different sizes at different heights in a dike. These cavities Browne and Chapman (2014), Chapman and Blockley
can be integrated in the design of a dike or added to pre-existing dikes. (2009) and Firth et al. (2014)
Creation of specific structures: This technique exists mainly in pilot projects (e.g. micro-habitats to restore habitat or nursery functions and semi-floating dikes to minimize physical

Marine sediment remediation

Bioaugmentation Addition of exogenous bacteria or inputs that stimulate microbial activity by Haines et al. (2003) and Prince (1997)
(ex situ and in situ) providing oxygen, nutrients or chemical products (e.g. gaseous hydrogen,
acetate, lactate or alcohol). This technique can be used to degrade organic or
inorganic oxidized pollutants or to reduce accumulated sediments in ports (bio-
dredging). It does not require sediment excavation.
Electro-oxidation (ex situ) Using electro-osmosis to cause pollutants to migrate and to precipitate through a Virkutyte et al. (2002)
membrane via the action of an electric field generated by electrodes (pollutant
recovery is required after migration as the pollutants are not degraded).
Electro-biostimulation (ex situ) Using an electrical current to stimulate microbial activity, allowing organic Li and Yu (2015) and Lu et al. (2014)
pollutants to be degraded by bacteria more quickly than in natural conditions.
Electrodes placed in contaminated sediment act as electron donors to cause
degradation through a reduction reaction (for chlorinated chemical products) or
act as electron acceptors to cause degradation through oxidation reaction (for
hydrocarbons). It does not require sediment excavation.

organisms themselves. As Van Dover et al. (2014) observe concerning engineers: species that substantially modify the physical structure of the
parameters contributing to decisions to undertake ecological restora- abiotic or biotic materials forming the habitat, and thus directly or
tion, the control of restoration costs informed by previous projects is indirectly change the availability of resources to other species (a type of
crucial. The determination of the socio-economic “outcomes” of such keystone species), increasing the structural complexity of the habitat,
restorations could also help justify the costs of intervention (Aronson the local biomass, and the local biodiversity (Coleman and Williams,
et al., 2010; Cooper et al., 2013; Groot et al., 2013). 2002). They are mostly located within the subtidal zone. This can be
explained by the fact that current feedback on coastal, estuarine and
2.4. Resilience of marine ecosystems marine restoration has involved small-scale schemes (Perrow and Davy,
2002) in which keystone species and ecosystem engineers (such as kelp,
To better inform decisions concerning opportunities to implement a coral and biogenic reefs) play a central role in effecting restoration
‘restoration’ technique, it is useful to investigate the data available on (Fonseca et al., 2002; Hawkins, 2004). Usually “structuring species, in
the natural resilience of marine ecosystems. sufficient quantities, allow [an ecosystem] to regain its overall nature
and thus restore [its] ecological functioning” (Elliott et al., 2007). This
2.4.1. Relatively short recovery time of marine ecosystems analysis corroborates the review of French EIAs related to marine de-
In their study on the rapid recovery of damaged ecosystems, Jones velopment projects, in which offset measures were found only for
and Schmitz (2009) compare the average recovery times of different keystone species (Jacob et al., 2016a). So for coastal marine ecosys-
types of ecosystem after both experimental and natural perturbations tems, active restoration should continue to be encouraged where eco-
and both passive and active recovery projects.7 The study shows that system engineers are present, but measures relating to passive recovery
marine benthic ecosystems have the shortest recovery time (less than 5 could also be proposed to complement these in order to ensure optimal
years) of all the studied ecosystems (freshwater, brackish, forest, ter- environmental conditions and the absence of anthropic pressures
restrial), and marine pelagic ecosystems have a recovery time similar to (Duarte et al., 2013).
freshwater ecosystems (between 10 and 15 years); the types of per- In contrast, as firstly stated by Hawkins et al. (1999) and empha-
turbation in this study were limited to overfishing, eutrophication, in- sized by Borja et al. (2010), in an open marine system, the best ap-
vasive species, hurricanes, oil spills, trawling and power plants. A study proach would be to stop the cause of the impact and allow recovery. So
by Borja et al. (2010) is in line with this finding, but gives a qualifi- for offshore ecosystems, passive recovery may be the most suitable.
cation regarding full recovery: “Although in some cases recovery can Even in the absence of disturbance, as mentioned by Elliott et al.
take less than 5 years, the full recovery of many coastal marine and (2007), the “gradual changing of conditions (e.g. nutrient loading, cli-
estuarine ecosystems can take a minimum of 15–25 years from over a mate change and habitat fragmentation) may exceed threshold levels,
century of degradation and attainment of the original biotic composi- resulting in an abrupt system response (Kaiser and Attrill, 2011; The
tion and diversity and complete functioning may lag far beyond that.” Resilience Alliance, 2002)”. Indeed, marine ecosystems display various
Indeed, as marine ecosystems are highly connected communities with degrees of hysteresis8 and can change to the point that they no longer
large numbers of opportunist and generalist feeders, they tend to have converge at the original assemblage (Hughes et al., 2005). Although
greater structural robustness (Dunne et al., 2004). Yet differences re- this applies to both coastal marine and open water ecosystems (through
main between high-energy regime systems and more stable areas the “treatment” stage as identified in Westwood et al., 2014), in the
(Collie et al., 2000): highly variable ecosystems such as estuaries are absence of active restoration solutions for open marine systems, it is
more resilient (Elliott and Quintino, 2007). crucial to ensure that changes in environmental parameters are avoided
or reduced to maintain these ecosystems’ resilience. Special attention
2.4.2. Active and passive restoration measures should thus be paid to physico-chemical parameters, overexploitation
Most of the restoration literature we reviewed concerns ecosystem of biota, and habitat (Elliott et al., 2007). This could be undertaken

Passive recovery describes the recovery of an ecosystem once stressors have been
removed and according to its resilience, whereas active recovery is based on human- Hysteresis is the difference between the trajectories observed during decline and
mediated actions to enhance recovery (Elliott et al., 2007). recovery.

C. Jacob et al. Ecological Engineering 120 (2018) 585–594

through the use of passive restoration measures limiting certain impacts methodology assessing losses and gains within the framework of marine
of activities such as fisheries, shipping, aggregate extractions, etc. biodiversity offset, two kinds of scaling methods can be differentiated,
the ones using a single-metric such as Habitat Equivalency Analysis
2.4.3. Time of monitoring (HEA), created by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-
Monitoring duration ranged from 3 months to 5 years, but was ty- istration (NOAA) in 1995 (Dunford et al., 2004) and the ones using a
pically less than 1 year, as observed in the study by Bayraktarov et al. multi-criteria analysis, such as the Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method
(2016), in which 47% of the studied projects dealing with the re- (UMAM), a Floridian type of Wetland Rapid Assessment Method (RAM)
storation of coastal ecosystems were assessed for less than 1 year. They that appeared in the United States in accordance with the Clean Water
also noted that 11% of the studied projects did not provide information Act (Fennessy et al., 2007). While HEA is based on an indicator that can
on project duration, which we also observed in our literature review. be one species or a group of species, representative of the state of im-
This time frame does not extend to the full duration of the operation pacted habitats, UMAM relies upon 37 indicators divided into three
phase of the development project being offset, but rather is limited only groups corresponding to “Location and Landscape Support”, “Water
to the construction phase (see Jacob et al., 2016a). As it stands, the Environment” and “Community Structure”, thus assessing both struc-
duration of monitoring time is currently far below the time required (as ture and functions.
described by Borja et al., 2010) to determine whether a targeted en- The services’ approach should be used in complement to and not in
vironmental feature has recovered. A 5-year monitoring period should place of current systemic and functional approaches as mentioned by
be a prerequisite, which could then be adapted to a particular ecosys- Jacob et al. (2016b) in their paper investigating the inclusion of an
tem’s recovery time. ecosystem services’ approach in biodiversity offsetting. They argue that
Informing these four parameters (effectiveness, causes of failure, “integrating ES in the current approaches in a complementary way that
costs and resilience) ensures that adapted responses in terms of offset respects their different objectives and rationales is crucial for better
design are provided according to the type of marine ecosystem at stake. biodiversity outcomes. A solely ES-based approach cannot replace
current approaches based on habitat/species/function assessment, an
3. How to ensure biodiversity gains that respect the equivalency observation also made by the BBOP (2012)”. They also proposed a
principle? conceptual framework where the measures that are suggested to offset
biodiversity losses “should equally be chosen to minimize residual
3.1. A more relevant approach for defining equivalence in marine offsetting losses of ecosystem services” besides achieving ecological performance
standards. Then, different types of complementary offsets can be de-
Equivalence can be defined in different ways. Quétier and Lavorel veloped to address these residual losses of ecosystem services: measures
(2011) explore the target components of biodiversity and ecosystems based on ecological restoration or other actions that restore nature,
that can be used as metrics to measure losses and gains. Indeed, as human-based measures substituting natural capital with human-made
mentioned by Jacob et al. (2016b), “The principle of offsetting ac- capital or financial measures compensating populations that have lost
cording to the goal of No Net Loss can be applied differently depending ecosystem services. Techniques targeting ecosystem services can thus
on what is at stake – habitat/species, ecosystem functions or ecosystem be used to complement the ones targeting habitats/species/functions in
services (Calvet et al., 2015; Levrel et al., 2012). Currently, most offset order to reach equivalence in terms of ecosystem services, if not at-
practices focus on habitats and species, but are increasingly integrating tained by ordinary biodiversity offsets. For instance, oyster reef im-
a functional approach.” Social and cultural aspects of ecosystems are plementation can provide several ecosystem services (Grabowski et al.,
seldom considered in biodiversity offset implementation constituting a 2007) such as water filtration and concentration of pseudofeces. As the
potential source of injustice and inequalities (Apostolopoulou and only hard substrate in a predominately soft-sediment environment
Adams, 2015; Gobert, 2010). One way to connect human activities and (Lenihan and Peterson, 1998; Lenihan, 1999), they can provide habitats
amenities to degraded or restored ecosystems could be the integration for epibenthic invertebrates as well as stabilize the adjacent habitats
of the concept of ecosystem services within biodiversity offset (Jax and shoreline.
et al., 2013; Baker et al., 2013 In: Jacob et al., 2016b). This aims at Given the limitations described above of attaining environmental
strengthening the consideration of social equity and result in better equivalency in marine ecosystems, other types of offsets are currently
acceptance of projects and proposed offsets. implemented for these ecosystems: out-of-kind offsets, preservation
In our literature review, we observed that restoration objectives can measures, passive restoration measures and enhancement.
differ greatly according to the issue targeted and the technique used.
Some techniques were able to restore a functional ecosystem similar to 3.2. Other types of offset measures
the damaged ecosystem, but others were only able to restore certain
functions or services provided by the ecosystem (see reclamation con- 3.2.1. Out-of-kind offsets
cept). For instance, some species have very low survival rates when When the biodiversity conserved through the offset differs in kind
transplanted such as Posidonia oceanica, and thus they cannot be re- from the biodiversity impacted by the project, this is called out-of-kind
stored then degraded, thus offsetting currently draws upon surrogate offset (BBOP, 2012). As observed by Bull et al. (2013), “The fact that
ecosystems delivering similar ecosystem functions or services. Using the biodiversity is not fungible calls into question the use of out-of-kind
example of the destruction of a Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadow by offsets (Godden and Vernon, 2003; Salzman and Ruhl, 2000). The au-
the construction of port infrastructure, we classify the different practice thors “see a compelling argument for out-of-kind trades”when “trading
that can be currently encountered in EIAs according to the levels of up is possible; i.e. trading losses in habitat of low conservation sig-
compliance with the equivalence criteria (Table 2). nificance for gains in threatened habitats (Quétier and Lavorel, 2011)”,
Thus ‘restoration’ techniques can reach different levels of com- but this must be justified through a consensus on conservation prio-
pliance concerning the equivalence criteria from a systemic approach rities. This is seldom clarified in the selection of out-of-kind offset
relying on biodiversity dynamics, ecological interactions and processes measures, which are generally required to be adequate in nature and
to a services’ approach based on the provision of services by species and scale to offset the impact (BBOP, 2012). For example, in California,
ecosystems (Fig. 2). some impacts of development projects on marine ecosystems were
Systemic and functional approaches should be favored as biodi- offset by the restoration of coastal wetlands (see the San Onofre Nuclear
versity components are the basis of ecosystem services’ supply – in fact, Generating Station or the Port of Los Angeles) since this was identified
current regulations require a No Net Loss of biodiversity. As discussed as a priority in a State where 90% of wetlands of high conservation
by Bas et al. (2016), in their paper on the development of an hybrid significance have disappeared within a century (USFWS).

C. Jacob et al. Ecological Engineering 120 (2018) 585–594

Table 2
Different ‘restoration’ solutions proposed for the destruction of a P. oceanica meadow.

Type of approach Technique used Examples of performance criteria (indicating gain)

Systematic approach Restoration of a functional P. oceanica seagrass meadow through Survival rate, leaves’ length, density, cover and associated species equivalent to the
transplantation destroyed seagrass
Functional approach Restoration of the ecological function as a habitat for fish through Development of physical properties of a habitat, organic matter production, trophic
the implementation of artificial reefs relationships equivalent to habitat function of the destroyed seagrass
Services approach Restoration of carbon storage (regulation service) through the Avoided CO2 production of the new buildings equivalent to carbon storage of the
construction of ‘zero carbon’ buildings in the port destroyed meadow
Implementation of artificial reefs (provisioning service – fish) Exploited fish biomass equivalent to that provided by the destroyed meadow
Restoration of wave attenuation (regulation service) through the Attenuation equivalent to that provided by the destroyed meadow
implementation of a swell attenuation system

The most striking example in the marine realm is the replacement of an important point, even if it would have been more meaningful to
soft substrate by hard substrate. The creation of new artificial habitats compare the costs of marine restoration with costs related to Marine
improve overall biodiversity, but the restored communities are often Protected Areas.
different than those impacted. Emu Ltd. (2004) considers that artificial In the case of preservation, the concept of additionality is crucial;
reef implementation is habitat enhancement, whereas Elliott et al. this means that offsets should deliver conservation gains over and
(2007) argue that this “implies a quality judgement by presuming that a above planned or predicted conservation measures taken by other
three-dimensional reef structure is preferable to the two-dimensional parties (BBOP, 2012). Otherwise, it can lead to the financing of mea-
seabed previously in the area”. According to these authors, artificial sures already covered by commitments made in the framework of other
reefs should be regarded as the creation of a new habitat, augmenting environmental policies (Maron et al., 2015).
the biodiversity of an area, rather than a replacement of a lost habitat.
Debate continues regarding whether or not this represents an en-
3.2.3. Passive restoration measures
hancement of the overall system. We stress out that this could be
These measures reduce other anthropic pressures jeopardizing the
considered as a good example of an offset for the provisioning service of
survival of species or the success of restoration projects. For instance, as
fisheries. In an example borrowed from Levrel et al. (2012) in Florida
mentioned by Orth et al. (2006), seagrass meadows are threatened by
where artificial reefs were implemented to limit social conflicts be-
sediment and nutrient runoff, physical runoff, physical disturbance,
tween divers and fishermen, Jacob et al. (2016b) highlight that boulder
invasive species, disease, commercial fishing practices, aquaculture,
reefs (a type of artificial reefs) “favor an abundance of big fish (pro-
overgrazing, algal blooms and global warming. Implementation of
viding cultural services), but do not compensate for the ecological im-
ecological moorings, eradication of invasive species and creation of no-
pacts of projects or accidents (for instance, by providing regulation
trawling zones by introduction of anti-trawling reefs can also be sug-
services such as playing the role of a nursery)”. This illustrates the case
gested. Nevertheless, demonstration of gains should be made explicit as
where the ecosystem services’ approach is used without ensuring a No
displayed in Bas et al. (2016) in the case of offset sizing related to the
Net Loss of biodiversity in the first place but providing surrogate eco-
impact of the creation of a no-trawling zone through anti-trawling reefs
systems delivering ecosystem services falling into the “Compensation
on Posidonia meadows.
packages for local stakeholders” category. Thus, if artificial reefs are
This approach should be favored in particular for offshore ecosys-
considered as a mean to enhance ecosystems’ value (See 3.2.4), gains
tems, where ‘restoration’ techniques are rare, and the focus should be
should be appropriately demonstrated.
on the maintenance or improvement of the ecosystem’s resilience (see
2.4) and on reducing the impacts of human activities.
3.2.2. Preservation measures
In the context of marine ecosystems, the temptation is great to 3.2.4. Enhancement
propose the implementation of preservation measures as offsets. This is Pollution removal can be regarded as a type of ecosystem en-
particularly true since, as reported by Bayraktarov et al. (2016), “The hancement through limitation of contaminant discharge, reduction of
upper range of total costs reported for marine coastal restorations … are nutrient and organic matter enrichment and eutrophication. Marine
up to 8 times higher than the maximum costs estimated by conservation sediment remediation (for ex situ experiments, see Virkutyte et al., 2002
organizations for acquisition and management of terrestrial protected on heavy metals and Li and Yu, 2015 on PCB and hydrocarbons) is a
areas of 10,000–50,000 US$ ha−1 (2012) Armsworth (2014).” This is possible alternative for port sites, where issues relative to pollutants are

Fig. 2. Trade-offs between the degrees of equivalence

and the degrees of ecological complexity.
source: Calvet et al. (2015).

C. Jacob et al. Ecological Engineering 120 (2018) 585–594

frequent (many marine development projects involve port infra- extensive feedbacks. For example, the Southern California Coastal
structure, where poor sediment quality is often encountered). Before Water Research Project – SCWRP, consists in a broad-based partnership
designing measures aimed at increasing biodiversity, it is crucial to of 18 state and federal agencies working in concert with scientists, local
ensure good environmental quality. governments, environmental organizations, business leaders, and edu-
Ecological engineering of coastal structure could be considered as cators. This project provides innovative ways to develop environmental
measures to increase the ecological value of structures providing that monitoring methods, to communicate among scientists, methods de-
ecological gains are properly assessed. The modification of concrete velopers and water quality managers. This kind of partnership will also
surface such as grooved surface increases colonization, cover and spe- help defining restoration targets that better align with the priorities of
cies richness (Coombes et al., 2015) or the addition of rock pools im- conservation policies.
proves species richness on pre-existing dikes compared to smooth walls Our review found that studies are increasingly being carried out by
(Browne and Chapman, 2014; Firth et al., 2014). environmental consultancy firms, but these results are not always
shared through publications. This has also been observed in the context
3.3. Misuse of ‘restoration’ techniques as offsets of EIAs conducted in the Great Barrier Reef where development projects
“generate a voluminous “gray” literature, with limited distribution
The transplantation of species that would otherwise be destroyed by making them difficult to obtain, and short time-frames available for
a development project is often presented as an offset measure, although review limiting scrutiny by the scientific community” (Sheaves et al.,
strictly speaking this constitutes a reduction measure. Depending on the 2015). One way to overcome this limitation would be to encourage
success of transplantation and potential temporal loss (the time be- centralized compilation of metadata (Sheaves et al., 2015) and even to
tween the beginning of the impact and successful restoration), off- request them through permits issued by regulatory authorities as
setting may be required. One of the ecological-equivalence scaling mentioned in the case of French EIAs (Jacob et al., 2015, 2016a).
method mentioned earlier, HEA, takes into account the temporal di- Although knowledge gaps remain, it is possible to improve offset
mension: timeline of the injury, the service reduction, the shape of the practice in the marine realm, building on the existing data. It is crucial
recovery curve, the percent services provided by the restored habitat, to counteract current approaches that justify poorly designed offset
and the duration of restored services (Strange et al., 2002). In addition, solutions by claiming lack of knowledge.
as emphasized by Bas et al. (2016), the amount of loss or gain per acre
for a specific year is corrected by a ratio (discounted) to take into ac- Acknowledgements
count human and societal preferences for present offset projects rather
than delayed ecological restoration. Adeline Bas provided commentary and advice in the preparation of
Although artificial reefs are often suggested as biodiversity offsets, this manuscript. We gratefully acknowledge the efforts of the anon-
they should be regarded as reduction measures in some cases (e.g. by ymous reviewers; these contributed significantly to improving this ar-
reducing habitat fragmentation) or as ‘accompanying measures’.9 or ticle. This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
‘community benefits’10; These measures aim at providing compensation agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
of some kind to the people affected by the negative environmental
impacts of a project and/or to improve its social acceptance Appendix A. Supplementary data
(Kermagoret et al., 2015). In fact, measures based on ecological en-
gineering of coastal structures but where ecological gains cannot be Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the
properly assessed could be considered as such measures. online version, at

4. Conclusion

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