CCL With Miss Amraoui

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Civilization and culture of language

Lesson 1

The new world

In the 15 th century ,European countries started to explore the world , so as to find a western sea
rout to Asia with which they were trading .in addition they wanted to require wealth from the
discovered land and to spread Christianity .Portugal was the first country start the exploration .Spain
was the second to sponsor the exploration .

The explorers:

1- Christopher Colombes :(Italian explorer sponsored by the king of Spain ) reached the new
world , and landed in the Bahamas in 1492 thinking that he reached Asia not America .he
never his discovery
2- Amrigo vecpucei : in 1499 vecpucei landed in south coast of America during a voyage for
Spanish crown that is 7 years after Christopher Colombes ; the name America was used in
geographic books referring to the new world .

The English in the new world :

The English watched the Spanish and Portuguese in envyspecially that they brought wealth from the
new world .After the defied of the Spanish armada by the English resulted in great Britain replacing
Spain as a dominant world ,power and led to a gradual duchies influence in the new world and the
wilding of English imperial interest .the first lasting English settlement was James town in Virginia in
1607 .

The pilgrim fathers:

The Plymouth colony was founded in 1620 by the pilgrim fathers , who were escaping from religious
persecutions and who wished to separate themselves from the church of England and to find
religious freedom , before this embarking from their ships the mayflower 41 mail passengers signed
the mayflower compact ; an agreement establishing a form of local government in which the
colonists agreed to make just and equal lows to obey these rules , and to cooperate for the general
good of the colony “one of the first important documents in the history of democratic government in
America “.
Lesson 2:

The birth of the new nation

The roots of the American revolution (war of independence ):

1-royal proclamation :

The French and Italian war 1763:

France was a strong relationship with the native American tribes in Canada .it controlled the
Mississippi river and other large places which threatened both Britain and the American colonies
, Britain won the war ;yet it coast it tones of money and damages so the king announced series of
acts and taxes .

-sugar act 1764: pay taxes on sugar and coffee

-Butting act 1765: they made-forced- colonies to provide food and houses to British troops who
were there to defend the colonists .

-Stamp act 1765: taxed all legal papers licenses , newspaper and other documents .

The colonists had 3 fears :

1-threating trades

2-expencive living conditions

3-the use of soldiers against theme

Colonists reaction: they created “secret society” to save rights of colonists and to fight taxation

They adopted new slogan “ no taxation without representation “ .

New york stamp congress :

-by cutting British products especially tea

-stopped paying taxes

-using violent

British reaction :

-stamp act repealed

-declaratory act

-Townshend act 1767

Colonists reaction:


-Stopped drinking tea

-Rejecting acts

Boston massacre1773:

-Colonists fought soldiers and 4 citizens got killed

-Britain canceled all taxes except for tea tax

-They gave the monopoly east Indian company so it hurt the American trade because it was illegal

Boston tea port:

In 1773,a group of colonists disguised by wearing as Indian and sneaked on 3 Britain ships in Boston
harbor and threw the cargo of tea over board ,The British pediment punished by closing the Boston
port till the tea price paid and imposed the coercive act .

Coercive acts:

-closed the part till the tea was paid

-increase the power of governor

-decrease the power of colonists “effected official”.

-Banning people gathering –more then 3-

=> denounced British operation

-Contained congress

-Declared to disobey the acts

-Wrote declaration of rights a

-They were loyal to the king , so they wanted the Britishsympathize

= > Britain refused and sent more soldiers in order to control colonists
Lesson 3

The American war of independence

 The American revolution and the war of independence from Britainbegan with a small
fight between Britishtrooped and colonists on April 19 th ,1775 .the colonists collected
some suppliers and they were hidden ,so the British wanted to raid these supplies ,but
the colonists knew about the plan , so they surrounded the soldiers .during the fight one
of the two shoot first , so it was the sign of a big war
 Colonial representative hurried to Philadelphia for the second continental congress ,
more than half voted to go to war against Britain , they decided to form on army from
the colonial forces , George Washington of Virginia because the commander in chief .
 The desire of independence increased in the next few months ,Thomas Paine a
radicalpolitician thinker , argued for independence and against here desire monocracy in
his pamphlet “ commonsense “ he describes two possible conditions for America the
people could remain unequal citizens under a king ,on they could live in an independent
country with hopes of liberty and happiness
 In the second continental congress , they created a committee to write a document that
outies the colonies .
 The declaration of independence told the world of a new nation and its beliefs about
human freedom it agreed that political rights are basic human rights and are universal .
 The second continual congress accepted the documents on July 4th,1776 “the fourth of
July became independence day of the U.S.A “
 In 1778 France recognized the united states or an independence country and signed a
treaty of alliance , France helped the united states as a way to weaken Britain ,its long
time envy .
Lesson 4

Declaration of independence

<<We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed
by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the
pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men,
deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of
Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish
it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its
powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.>>

Factors why colonists won the war :

-they had a great leader “George Washington”.

-they knew the land

-British were paid, colonists fought with passion and they had a goal

-the pamphlet commonsense

Forming a new nation :

=>part2: the formation of a national government

1-problems of the new nation:

a-the articles of confederation and pretrial union 1776 john Dickson =>weakness=>

b-economic problems :

economic difficulties =>e.g. tariff policies =>strong government =>implement a uniform policy

c- agricultural problems :

supply of form production vs.demand

farmer debtors =>remedies =>foreclosure


d-interstate problems:

Maryland vs. Virginia ( navigation commerce )=>Potomac river



=>constitutional convention :

A-conventions :

1-first convention=>Maryland 1786 alexander Hamilton

Commerce=>political problems=>inefficacity of the central government

2-second convention :

-Philadelphia 1787

-George Washington =>army

-Benjamin franklin => politics and science

-James madison=> politics

-alexander Hamilton =>economy and finance

B- aims :

-reconcile two powers –national government and states –

-real power to the national government

-3 equal and coordinate branches ( legislative ,executor ,judicial )

C-results of the convention:

1-the convention =>full power of government to solve problems

2-writing a new constitution 1787 and in 1789 it became effective

3-the constitution =>federal system of government to the U.S.A –the power is shared-

4-the constitution =>all the authorities ( collect taxes .international)

5- a balance of powers between the three branches ( government different powers ,each had
ways of stopping wrongful actions by the other two )

D- problems with the new constitution :

-federalists wanted a strong government , attracted the rich people because the government
would protect their properties => alexander Hamilton

-anti federalists : attracted the less wealthy people , they were afraid =>Patrick henry
The federalist era

Part one:

The presidency of George Washington, began on April 30, 1789, when George Washington was
inaugurated as President of the United States, and ended on March 4, 1797. Washington, the
first United States president, took office after the 1788–89 presidential election, the nation's first
quadrennial presidential election, in which he was elected unanimously.

*federalist era because two federalist president’sroles “George Washington “and “john Adams “

A- problems George Washington faced:

1- New constitution: -no tradition

-No support of an organized public opinion

2- no government machinery (Machinery of government refers to the structures of government

and how they work. It includes the changing set of organizations within government, their functions
and governance arrangements, and how they work together to deliver results for Ministers and the

3-no system of taxation

4-no judiciary system

5-army and navy are small and weak

Actions of the congress :

The congress created :

Department Secretary
Dep of states Ministry of foreign affairs Thomas Jefferson
Dep of treasury Alexander Hamilton
3.Ministry of finance
Dep of war Ministry of defiance Henry nox
Dep of justice
The American presidential
The federal judiciary The supreme court with its John jay
chief justice

The country’s development and growth :

1- Social changes : - immigration

-westward movement

2-economic changes : - cheap land

-job availability
-development in agriculture and industry

c- Washington actions to regulate :

-national government

-politics for settlement of territories

-stabilized north –western frontiers

-admission of three states : Vermont 19791,Kentucky 1972, Tennessee 1792

Jefferson vs Hamilton :

Federalists Republicans –democratics _

Urban commercial and industrial interests of the I am not a friend to a very energetic
north government." Hamilton feared anarchy and
thought in terms of order; Jefferson feared
tyranny and thought in terms of freedom.
- Rural, agricultural values and interests of
the south
Power of a strong national government Power of the states , decentralized agrarian
Full payment of depts. Distrusted bankers , cared a little for commercial
and industry
Setting up of tariffs A strong central government =>
National bank , organization and central Freedom => (tyranny against democracy )
national mint
Britain as an example => conservation France as an example ( enlightenment )
France = > anarchy

Conflict :

The first clash :

-the interpolations of the USA constitution

-Hamilton wanted to establish a national bank (bill)

- Jefferson opposed

Hamilton : “ to make all the laws that shall be necessary and proper “

- Since the central government can collect taxes and pay debts ; it is necessary to create a
nationalbank to make it easier

The second clash :

1- Problems with France :

- France at war = > Britain , Holland , Spain (1793)
- the France – American treaty of alliance => “ perpetual allies “
USA => weak in both military and economy

Washington’sforeign policy : peace , time for the country to recover

So =>April 1793 _ Washington abrogated unilaterally the treaty o alliance
- Genet incident : Edmond Charles genet => a French envoy => to negotiate he alliance =>
infuriated => to raise popular support illegally => expelled =>France was offended .
2- Problems with Britain :
1- Britain troops => west
2- Held property without compensation
3- British navy seized American ships
4- Paid natives to kill white settlers in frontiers area

John jay =>sent as special envoy

 The treaty of jay : pay damages for ships + cargoes , but no commitment on future seizures

Part two: the presidency of john Adams ( 1797-1801 )

Problems john Adams faced :
a) Domestic problems : division inside the ………
b) International problems :
France => offended
1- Treaty of alliance cancel
2- Genet incident
3- Jay’s treaty France seizing American ships going to Britain
By 1797 : 300 Americans ships seized France broke its diplomatic relations with us
 3 envoys ( x,y,z ) => loan of 12 million $
Results :

feeling of nationalism + patriotism

 Americans joined the us navy

 A series of sea battles 1799 , but , Adams => peace 0_0

 Reopened negotiations ( Napoleon )

the convention of 1800:

realizing us from its defense
alliance + no payment (20 million $)
 The alien and sedition acts :
- Limiting American civil liberties
1- Naturalization act :citizenship from 5 to 14 years
2- The alien act : president => expel or imprison aliens in time of war ( 2 year only )
3- Sedition act : action , speech or public how against congress or president was banned

Reaction of Jefferson and madison :

Kentucky and Virginia resolution => to notify and act limiting their freedom
Lesson 5

The republican era

Part one : the presidency o Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809

Republican era : four successive republican presidents –Jefferson , Madison , Monroe , Adams –

Collapse o the federalist party :

- No honor , no respond to people will

- Policies that estranged people : eg , 1798 tax alien and sensation acts => more support for

The election of Thomas Jefferson :

-people : ready for change

- support of people

- extraordinary favor : American idealism

- American dream : building an agrarian paradise

The stages of development of the American dream :

- Stage one : 17th century ad ( the original dream )

_ north east ( purely religious )
_ new Jerusalem ( city upon a hill ) : - hard work and god’s word

-stage two :18th c and beginning of 19th c ad :

_ south ( pure but idealistic )

_ agrarian paradise ( garden of Eden )

_ agriculture : - land ( power , independence )

- identity ( farmer = sacred men )

_ democracy : equality ( melting pot)

 Influence of the age of enlightenment :

Contradiction => slavery + industry

-stage three : the second half of 19th c ad :

_ west (coruupt )

_ garden of eden in the west => menifist dstiny

- Stage four : 20th c ad :

_ east and mid west (purely corrupt )

_ modern metropolis ( industry _ capitalism _ commerce _ consumerism )

_ American success myth ( power , money , success )

_ new god => money

His principles and achievement :

1- Principles : Thomas Jefferson “ a wise and a frugal government ……otherwise free to regulate
their own pursuits of industry and improvement .”
Wise = preserve order , frugal = national reserve
The role of the national .
2- Achievement :
- Democratic producers importance to common men ( he is not despotic , he can settle be fore
he take a decision )
- West ward expansion
- Liberalnaturalization law “ hover of the oppressed “
- Reduction of the national debt
- abolished property qualification for the vote
- More humane laws : debtors , criminals
Luisina purchase :
-after the seven years war , france ceded west of the missisipi river + part of new Orleans to
- napolean forced spain to cede the “ luisiana territory “
=> threat to USA :
1- ettelement

2- american trade

3- the development of the USA

Jefferson “ from that moment we must marry ourselves to the Britain heed and nation “

- Napoleon soon lost interest and decide to sell it

They were expelled from Haiti
Problems :
A constitutional dilemma => no power to buy territories
Solutions :
The power to purchase was in in the power to make territories .
 In 1803 , the Louisiana purchase => 15.7$
 Anti-constitutional => it was necessary
- Rich land
- Develop agriculture + trade
- Pursue the American dream
- Double its size
A-The second ten in office 1805-1809 :

Problems with Britain :

Britain +France at war : neutrality

Britain + France : to restrict neutral shipping + British control more worst

British searched ships , sized them + cargos + impressed soldiers

Jefferson reaction : issued a proclamation

B- the embargo act 1807: he order war ship forbidding foreign commerce to leave the amerteritory


1- the increase of the control government

2- export fell to UK

3- agriculture interested suffered

The presidency of James madison
More problems with Britain:

- Impressment of American seaman

- seizures of cargos
- Northwestern American settlers => attacks by Indians
 Many Americans _ conquest of Canada

_ elimination of British influenced in north America

+ vengeance _ impressment
_ commercial repression
 On June 1st ,1812 => declare war
The war of 1812:
a) The us at the era of the war:
- Not prepared to fight => military (weak) – army (fewsoldiers)
- States militaries => poorly trained + undisciplined
- A bitter division in the us concerning the war south + west
(New York +new England + federalists)
b) The war of 1812:
Americans forces took serve trouncing
But, some navy + military victories => convinced the American => victorines
c) The treaty of Ghent:

British + Americas met in Ghent

British envoys decided to concede:

A deceive victory on Lake Champlain

The Napoleon wars

 The treaty of Ghent was signed on December 24th, 1814

- Ending the war
- Conquered territories were to returned
- Establishing commission to settle the boundary of USA + Canada

_ Andrew Jackson’sgreetedAmerican victory at the battle of New Orleans,Louisiana: => a

restatement of confidence +shared

Reaction of the federalists:

- They were against the war

- Harford convention “secret meeting “
- Deposited: commerce + progress of the war +they hated that the war gave power to the
south side <republicans >
The final report:

Its timing => ill fated: - victory of Andrew – treaty of Ghent

The secrecy of the convention => discrediting the convention + stamping of the federalist with a
stigma of disability

_ unpopularity of the convention

_ rumors about succession remise of the federalist’s party

_ why the federalists didn’t want the war:

- North / wester shipping => greatly hurt

- All the US industry suffered => new England suffered more
- Economic sacrifices of the war: the result maintained the status quo.
But, new England benefited:

War stopped British products => new England received protection

 New England factories stung up + northwestern industry boomed

 The war boosted the American industrial revolution => new England a vital site of American

The after math of 1812 war: many difficulties disappeared:

1- The war was a confirmation of the break with Britain

2- Demise of the federalist’s party
3- National union => balance between liberty + order
4- Commerce stringed national union => privation of the war => the project of American
5- They recognized equal importance of political and economic independence => policy of
a- Unposition of restriction
b- Tranpodten of duties
6- Boosted national self-confidence + encourage the growing spirit of American expansionism

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