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1) Lucy is on vacations with her family. Look, read and write the names.

He is playing football with his brother.__________ She is eating. __________________________

She is drinking water.________________________ He is drinking water.____________________

2) Lucy went on vacations with his school. Write questions about him and the answers.

1) Go to the mountain 2) see animals in the museum? 3) visit the police station?
Did they go to the mountain? _______________________ _______________________
No, they didn’t. _______________________ _______________________

4) Go to the zoo? 5) have dinner? 6) walk around the park?

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________ _______________________
3) Lucy was ill after her school trip. Look at the photographs and circle the problems. Then match and
draw lines.

Well/ill earache/ headache ill/ headache stomachache headache/ sore throat

a) Lucy didn’t eat her lunch.. 4) She had an earache.
b) Lucy didn’t talk to her friends. 5) She had a sore throat.
c) Lucy couldn’t hear to her friends. 6) She had a stomachache.
d) Lucy went to sleep. Her head hurt a lot. 7) She had a headache.

4) Lucy writes about her school trip. Look, choose and write sentences.
Last week Finally Afterwards First Then
School trip ___________________________________________________________________
Morning: visit the museum ___________________________________________________________________
Eleven o´clock: have breakfast ___________________________________________________________________
Afternoon: visit the castle ___________________________________________________________________
Five o’clock: go home ___________________________________________________________________

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