In Company 3.0 Elementary in Action Video Worksheet - Scenario A

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In Company in action: Scenario A

Before you watch
1 What can you do to help a new employee on their first day? Match the sentence beginnings (a–e)
to the endings (1–5).
a Give them login details 1
the building.
b Introduce them 2 their tasks to them.
c Show them around 3 to their new colleagues.
d Show them to 4 for their computer.
e Explain 5 their new desk.

While you watch

Video A1
2 Watch the video. Match the people (a–e) to the job titles (1–5).
a Hannah 1
Sales Manager
b Henry 2 Admin Assistant
c Jackie 3
Finance Manager
d Sonali 4
Customer Relations Manager
e Alan 5 Web Manager

3 Watch the video again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
a Bob will arrive at 10 o’clock. T/F
b Jackie is ill today. T/F
c The Admin Assistant is on holiday today. T/F
d Hannah can’t use her PC yet. T/F
e Hannah doesn’t want a coffee. T/F

Video A2
4 Watch the video and number the phrases in the correct order.
a Can I introduce Jackie Skelly?  
b If you have any questions, you can always ask me.  
c I’ll show you to your desk.  
d It can be difficult at first.  
e Let me show you around.  
f I’ll be looking after you today.  
g It’s good to see you again.  

5 Watch the video again. Decide who says each of the phrases in 4. Write Bob (B) or Jackie (J).

In Company 3.0 Elementary © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015 scenario A 1


After you watch

6 Work with a partner. Look at 4 again and decide which phrase(s) you can use to help a new employee
in each situation.
1 They don’t know where to sit.
2 They don’t know their new colleagues.
3 They need help because they don’t understand something.
4 They want to feel welcome.
5 They don’t know where things are in the office.

7 With your partner, roleplay a conversation between a new employee in a company and their buddy.
New employee: Make a list of questions you want to ask your buddy.
Buddy: Look again at 1 and 4 and decide what you can say to help the new employee.

8 Listen to another pair roleplay their conversation. As you listen, decide how the new employee will
feel after their first day. Choose from 1 to 5.

1    2     3     4     5 

In Company 3.0 Elementary © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015 scenario A 2

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