Name: Doni Setiawan Sinaga Nim: 2191121001 Subject: Contextual Written Language Skills

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Name: Doni Setiawan Sinaga

Nim: 2191121001

Subject: Contextual Written Language skills

High School and College

(Introduction paragraph)

(Topic sentence) High school students are usually eager to graduate and
continue their study in college. (Supporting Sentences ) However, most of the
time college students dream of being a high school student back again. “If I could
just go back to high school again” is a common expression heard especially in
the first semesters of college. What makes both high school students and college
students think. What are the differences between learning in high school and
learning in college? Some of the many aspects of differences in learning in high
school and learning in college are: the responsibility, the teachers, and the tests.
( Thesis Statement)

(Body paragraph)

The first different aspect in high school and college is the responsibility(Main
Idea/topic sentence). (supporting sentence) In high school, your time is
structured by the school. We  just need to proceed from one class to another of
hours of learning in classes, and the classes are arranged for you. We will be
guided and reminded of our responsibilities in learning – taking the tests, doing
homework and tasks, etc. There is not much we need to worry besides getting
good scores. Meanwhile, in college, we manage your own time. We  often have
time between classes; class times vary throughout the day and evening. We
arrange your own schedule in consultation with your adviser. (concluding
sentence) We are expected to take responsibility for what we do and don’t do,
as well as for the consequences of your decisions. In short words, there is no
one taking care of your responsibilities except yourself. ( Argument 1)

(Topic Sentence) The second different aspect in high school and college is the
teachers (main idea). (Supporting Sentences) Teachers in high school will
usually take care of us, remind we of our tasks and homework, provide you with
information and learning material, and are often available for conversation
before, during, or after the class. Meanwhile, lecturers or professors in college
are different. They don’t remind you of our tasks and homework, because it is our
responsibility to do so. They will reference the learning material, but it is not their
responsibility to provide us with information, instead, we are the one who need to
collect information we need. (Concluding sentence) Lecturers in college are
usually hardly available for conversations out of class except you make an
appointment with them beforehand. (Argument 2)

(Topic Sentence) The third different aspect in high school and college is the
tests ( main idea) .(Supporting Sentence) In high school, tests are frequent and
cover small amount of material. Make up tests are available, and if you get low
score at a test, we can have a remedial test. Meanwhile in college, tests are
infrequent and they cover big amount of material. There will only be two to three
tests for one subject in one semester, and our scores matter a lot. There will not
be any make up tests unless we need to request one. (Concluding sentece)
Furthermore, there will not be a remedial test if we get low score. Instead, you
will need to fight for the upcoming test or exam to better the score (Argument 3).

(Concluding paragraph)

(Topic sentence) Provided by the differences in learning in high school and

learning in college, it can be concluded that learning in college requires more
attention and responsibility of the student. Not that learning in high school does
not require them, it does, but in a more flexible way.(Conclusion sentences)
Both high school students and college students need to focus on their study and
follow the way of the institution they are in, in order to succeed in their study.

Analyze the Essay:

After read this essay, the writer conclude the type of this essay is Compare and
contrast essay. The writer looked the transition word from this essay that
compare and contrast about aspect differences of learning in high school and in
college. In the first paragraph that main idea discuss about aspect differences of
learning in high school and college. And thesis statement in first paragraph is
Some of the many aspects of differences in learning in high school and learning
in college are: the responsibility, the teachers, and the tests and that is a main
idea too in first paragraph of essay. And in main idea in all argument or body
paragraph that in body paragraph one is different aspect from the responsibility
and in body paragraph two talking is aspect different from the teachers and in
body paragraph 3 is aspect different from test. and for all the arguments
explained in the essay, the use of clear and dense arguments for differences in
learning of high school and in college. and the use of appropriate word words so
that they can understand the contrast and contrast of the essay. And after all that
essay have a concluding paragraph that tell Both high school students and
college students need to focus on their study and follow the way of the institution
they are in, in order to succeed in their study.

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