CISC504A Vatsal Patel Assignment2 O.ipynb

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"cells": [
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"text": [
"Hello, World!\n",
"('money grown after 3 years is', 1157.6250000000002)\n",
"Enter the Weight(KG) : 72\n",
"Enter the Height(Inch) : 74\n",
"('The BMI is : ', 20.379880058518335)\n",
"source": [
"# Youtube link for Assignment 2 =\n",
"#Assignment 2\n",
"#Vatsal Patel (186383)\n",
"#CISC 504-90- O-2020/Late Summer - Principles of Programming Langu\n",
"#Instructor: Muazzam Ali\n",
"#Write a Python program that stores the result of the computation 1+1 in a
variable and then\n",
"#prints the value of this variable.\n",
"#Execrise 1.1 \n",
"#Code: \n",
"#we need to do 1+1 and we can do it different way\n",
"A = 1 #Assigning Vlaue 1 to A\n",
"B = 1 #Assigning Vlaue 1 to B\n",
"Sum = A + B #now conduction simple formula for addition\n",
"print Sum #Prinitig valuew of Y which will be claulated from above
"#another methond \n",
" \n",
"#Exercise 1.2. Write a “Hello, World!” program.\n",
"print(\"Hello, World!\") #Simple command to Print Hello ,World\n",
"#Exercise 1.6. Compute the growth of money in a bank.\n",
"#Let p be a bank’s interest rate in percent per year. An initial amount A has
then grown to\n",
"#after n years. Make a program for computing how much money 1000 euros have
grown to after three years with 5% interest rate.\n",
"#Code: \n",
"A = 1000 # initial amount\n",
"P = 5.0 # interest rate in percent\n",
"n = 3 # years\n",
"final_amount = A * (1 + P / 100) ** n # Formula for Calculating FInal ammount
with interns after particular years\n",
"print(\"money grown after 3 years is\", final_amount) # Printing the Result of
Final AMount\n",
"#New Excercise\n",
"# Code\n",
"W = float(input(\"Enter the Weight(KG) : \")) #take weight in kg as input from
"H = float(input(\"Enter the Height(Inch) : \"))#take height in inch as input
from user\n",
"height_in_meters = H * 0.0254 #converting inch to metre ; 1 inch = 0.0254
"BMI = W / height_in_meters**2 #calculating BMI by using given formula\n",
"print(\"The BMI is : \",BMI) # Printing Calculated BMI from Above Formula\n",
"# When BMI levels are below 16 it will print Below Statement\n",
"if (BMI < 16):\n",
" print(\"severely underweight\")\n",
"# When BMI levels are below 16 it will print Below Statement\n",
" \n",
"elif (BMI >= 16 and BMI < 18.5):\n",
" print(\"underweight\")\n",
"# When BMI levels are 18.5 to 25 it will print Below Statement\n",
"elif (BMI >= 18.5 and BMI < 25):\n",
" print(\"Healthy\")\n",
"# When BMI levels are between 25 to 30 it will print Below Statement\n",
"elif (BMI >= 25 and BMI < 30):\n",
" print(\"overweight\")\n",
"# When BMI levels are above 30 it will print Below Statement\n",
"elif (BMI >=30):\n",
" print(\"severely overweight\")\n",
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"source": []
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
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