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Waste Management 104 (2020) 239–245

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Humic-like substances extracted from different digestates: First trials of

lettuce biostimulation in hydroponic culture
F. Guilayn b,⇑, M. Benbrahim c, M. Rouez b, M. Crest b, D. Patureau a, J. Jimenez a
LBE, Univ Montpellier, INRA, 102 avenue des Etangs, 11100 Narbonne, France
Suez, CIRSEE, 38 rue du Président Wilson, 78230 Le Pecq, France
RITTMO Agroenvironnement, ZA Biopôle, 37 rue de Herrlisheim, CS 80023, F-68025 Colmar, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Digestate valorization is a key challenge for the feasibility of Anaerobic Digestion plants. In this study,
Received 16 October 2019 humic-like substances (HLS) extracted from two digestates (sewage sludge and manure) were used for
Revised 15 January 2020 the biostimulation of hydroponic cultures of Lactuca sativa (lettuce) at different doses and compared to
Accepted 17 January 2020
a commercial reference of leonardite HLS. Aerial biomass increase averages ranged from 7 to 30 %, but
the results presented a high coefficient of variation (around 20 %). The commercial reference did not pre-
sent statistically significant biomass yield improvement. The application of manure digestate extract at
the higher fulvic-like acids dose (4.6 mg/L of dissolved organic carbon) presented the best and most sig-
Anaerobic digestion
Biogas effluent
nificant results compared to the blank (Hoagland’s solution only). However, this result cannot be strictly
Digestate valorization dissociated from the supplementary amounts of nutrients brought by the extracts. Additionally, all the
Humates products presented low heavy metal content compared to the recent EU regulation for biostimulants
Biostimulation (2019/1009). This preliminary study confirmed the interest of extracting HLS from two digestates for
Soilless culture application as biostimulants, shedding light on a new perspective for digestate valorization.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction include a large range of organic substances aiming to boost biolog-

ical process at both soil or plant level (Calvo et al., 2014). One kind
Valorization of organic residues by Anaerobic Digestion (AD) of the so-called biostimulants is those leading to indirect positive
has been considered as a standout option for bioenergy production effects on plant growth, such as germination rates, root growth
in terms of energy efficiency and environmental impact (The and architecture, plant biomass, number of flowers, among other
Commission of the European Communities, 2009). (Calvo et al., 2014). Those include humic-like substances (HLS) that
AD is still mostly seen as a biogas producing process, but the might be extracted from natural fossil sources such as leonardite
liquid to slurry/solid effluent called digestate is the principal pro- and peat or organic residues such as compost, vermicompost,
duct in terms of mass of any AD plant. Digestate management is anaerobic digestates and other anthropogenic materials (Atiyeh
a key concern and it is still a challenge for the full-development et al., 2002; Calvo et al., 2014; Eyheraguibel et al., 2008; Fascella
of AD. Digestate direct landspreading is a typical option, but it is et al., 2018, 2015). Nevertheless, the origin, the formation and
not always economically interesting. Especially in the case of cen- the structure of HLS are a matter of controversial scientific debate
tralized facilities with local nutrient surplus, transportation dis- over two centuries. This domain is still of a great interest pushed
tances limit direct landspreading feasibility (Möller et al., 2010). by the recognized importance of humic substances for understand-
Additionally, it usually relies on heavy procedures imposed by ing the fertility of natural soils but also due to its remarkable appli-
environmental authorities. Indeed, in some cases, it may raise con- cations on agriculture or horticulture as soil conditioners and
cerns on multiple environmental issues such as nutrient leaching biostimulants (Muscolo et al., 2013).
and greenhouse gas emissions (Nkoa, 2014). The application of digestates for hydroponics systems as a
In recent years, various products have been developed to source of nutrients and as a digestate treatment option have been
improve soil, plant development, and soil/plant interaction. Those successfully reported (Krishnasamy et al., 2012). Moreover, dis-
solved organic matter from digestate has already been demon-
⇑ Corresponding author at: Suez, CIRSEE, 38 rue du Président Wilson, 78230 Le
strated to present auxin-like effects in plants (Scaglia et al.,
Pecq, France.
2015). In parallel, digestates have already been used as substrates
E-mail address: (F. Guilayn). for the extraction of valuable soluble organic compounds referred
0956-053X/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
240 F. Guilayn et al. / Waste Management 104 (2020) 239–245

to as HLS, soluble biopolymers, biobased organic substances, bio- 2.3. Analytical methods
waste derived soluble substances and other variants (Fascella
et al., 2015; Montoneri, 2017; Prevot et al., 2015; Salati et al., Dry matter and volatile solids were measured according to the
2011). standard method of the American Public Health Association
The biostimulation of hydroponics systems by HLS has been (APHA, 2005). The analysis of macro and micro-elements was per-
demonstrated either by the application of HLS from fossil sources formed by the external laboratory Aurea Agrosciences Ó (Ardon,
(Conselvan et al., 2017) and organic materials (Morard et al., France). The total elements P, K, Mg, Ca, Na, B, Cu, Fe, Mn were ana-
2011; Palumbo et al., 2018). However, there are currently very lyzed according to the standard NF EN ISO 11885. Total Kjeldahl
few studies testing digestate-extracted HLS for biostimulation Nitrogen (TKN) and Total Ammoniacal Nitrogen (TAN), were mea-
(Fascella et al., 2015; Massa et al., 2018, both in ornamental sured following the standard NF EN 13342.
plants). Moreover, despite the great diversity of digestates types Fractionation of the HLS extracts was performed as described in
(Guilayn et al., 2019), no study could be found testing HLS detail by Baccot et al. (2017). In brief, the humic-like acids (HLA)
extracted from different digestates for plant growth biostimula- fraction was precipitated after filtration at 45 nm with cellulose
tion. Adding to that, developing biostimulants from digestates is nitrate filters and precipitation at pH 2 with HCl 37 %. The super-
now a concrete short-term valorization pathway with the recent natant after HLA precipitation was again filtered at 45 nm. The fil-
approval of a new European Union regulation on fertilizers (EC trate was then passed through a DAX-8 resin column followed by a
2019/1009) that includes a product category of biostimulants. XAD-4 resin column. The hydrophobic-like (HPO) molecules were
Recommended doses of HLS and biostimulants, in general, are considered those retained by the DAX-8 resin. The transphilic-
still controversial (Lyons and Genc, 2016) and are usually based like (TPH) molecules were considered those retained by the XAD-
on quantities per crop surface. The objective of this study was to 4 resin. The fractioning mass balance was evaluated in terms of
screen the dose-effect of HLS on root and aerial growth of lettuce dissolved organic carbon (DOC) measured with a Shimadzu carbon
(Lactuca sativa var. Tourbillon) in a hydroponic (soilless) system. analyzer model TOC-L. The permeating fraction after the two col-
These HLS were extracted from two different digestates and com- umns were considered Hydrophilic-like compounds (HPI). The
pared to a commercial humic substance solution (extracted from HPO quantification is very similar to the procedure recommended
leonardite). Besides, the extraction method is performed in condi- by the International Humic Substances Society for isolating fulvic-
tions that are considered industrially scalable in the short-term. like acids (FLA). The HPO fraction is hereafter identified simply as
3D Fluorescence spectra were obtained with a Perkin Elmer
2. Material and methods
LS55 after filtration at 45 nm and dilution of liquid extracts. The
range of both excitation and emission wavelengths varied from
2.1. Samples
200 to 600 nm. With excitation wavelengths increments of
10 nm, the fluorescence values were recorded every 0.5 nm. As
Two digestates were used for HLS extraction, both from full-
described by Muller et al. (2014) and Jimenez et al. (2015), which
scale facilities: the first was a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP)
were based on Chen et al. (2003) and He et al. (2011). The fluores-
sludge digestate. It was originated from a Continuous Stirred Tank
cence spectra were divided into 7 zones that can be associated
Reactor (CSTR) digester treating a thickened mixture of primary
with different kinds of fluorescent organic matter. The total vol-
and secondary sludge. It was operated with a retention time
ume of intensity on each zone was calculated with double trape-
25 days and under mesophilic conditions. The second was an agri-
zoidal integration in R language version 4.4 with the function
cultural digestate originated from a dry-AD plug-flow digester
‘‘trapz” from R package ‘‘pracma” version 1.99 (Borchers, 2018).
treating a mixture of cattle manure, chicken manure and a minor
The own developed R package used for the regional integration
amount of straw. It was operated under mesophilic conditions
analysis is publicly available (Guilayn, 2018). A complexity ratio
and for a retention time of about 60 days. The HLS used as a refer-
was then calculated by dividing the total fluorescence intensity
ence consists of a commercial solution of humates produced from
volume of zones 4 to 7 (highly complex organic matter) by the vol-
an alkaline extraction of leonardite. This product is available in the
ume of zones 1 to 3 (less complex protein-like organic matter).
European market and it is indicated by the furnisher for agriculture
Peaks associated with HLS are often reported in Zone 4 and 7
and horticulture biostimulation.
(Muller et al., 2014).
Macro and microelements of the commercial humates solution
and the digestate HLS-extracts are presented in Table 1.
2.4. Hydroponics

2.2. Extraction of humic-like substances from digestates For the hydroponic cultures, seeds of Lactuca sativa (var. Tour-
billon, Voltz, France) were left to germinate on peat (Klassmann
For the extraction of HLS, digestates underwent an alkaline Deilmann, TS3, Germany) for 28 days in growth chamber with
reaction at pH 12 for 24 h at 150 RPM and 35 °C. pH was adjusted 16 h of light per day, air temperature between 25 °C, relative
with Sigma-Aldrich KOH dry pellets (85 % purity). The manure humidity of 70 % and photon flux density of 150 mmolm 2s 1.
digestate was previously diluted with distilled water for achieving The dark period was at 20 °C and relative humidity of 70 %. Seed-
10 % TS. The reaction was followed by laboratory centrifuge at lings were transplanted to the hydroponic systems at BBCH 14 (4
4,000 g, 5 min and 20 °C. These conditions were optimized in pre- full foliar). The system consisted of 21 trays of 20 L beakers con-
viously unpublished studies. Slow centrifugation conditions were taining an aerated diluted (1/10) Hoagland’s solution (Hoagland
preferred to simulate industrial conditions based on SUEZ exper- et al., 1950) with a density of 3 plants per beaker. For each product
tise. The supernatant containing a pool of various soluble organic and dose tested (modality), the hydroponic cultures were realized
compounds was used as the HLS extract for hydroponics tests. in triplicates (3 trays) containing 3 plants of lettuce each (total of 9
The extraction procedure is proposedly simple compared to several plants per modality). The plants were grown in a greenhouse with
HLS valorization articles usually including different kinds of purifi- a daily air temperature between 21 and 28 °C and relative humid-
cation steps (Baccot et al., 2020; Massa et al., 2018; Palumbo et al., ity from 43 to 68 %. The air temperature of the dark period was
2018). Based on internal expertise, the above conditions are con- maintained at 20 °C and the relative humidity of the dark period
sidered industrially scalable in the short-term. was maintained between 43 and 68 %. The nutrient solution had
F. Guilayn et al. / Waste Management 104 (2020) 239–245 241

Table 1
Characterization of the digestate HLS-extracts and the commercial reference.

Charact. parameter Unit Sludge raw digestate Sludge HLS Manure raw digestate Manure HLS Commercial reference EU regulation limita
pH – 8.1 >12 8.6 >12 9.7 –
TS % 2.84 3.5 21.6 8.2 26.4 –
OM % 1.93 0.8 15.6 3.7 15.8 –
OM % TS 68.0 23 72.4 45 27 –
TAN gkgTS 1 36.3 27.4 17.9 14.4 <0.45 –
Organic N gkgTS 1 28.2 38.3 41.8 32.3 <8.0 –
TKN gkgTS 1 64.4 65.7 59.7 46.7 8.0 –
P gkgTS 1 35.3 14.9 9.72 5.5 2.9 –
K gkgTS 1 12.6 250 66.7 249 181 –
Mg gkgTS 1 4.93 <0.15 6.23 0.49 5.49 –
Ca gkgTS 1 19.7 1.1 24.6 1.7 6.9 –
Na gkgTS 1 2.89 4.00 5.28 5.00 1.67 –
S gkgTS 1 NP 3.14 5.51 4.39 n.m. –
Cd mgkgTS 2.30 <10 0.37 <0.067 0.23 1.5
Cr mgkgTS 37.7 2.5 8.73 3.66 5.85 2 (CrVI)
Cu mgkgTS 341 19 41.3 13.0 17.6 600
Hg mgkgTS 2.50 0.2 <0.03 0.06 <0.03 1
Ni mgkgTS 29.8 10 6.43 4.66 16.1 50
Pb mgkgTS 64.6 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 120
Zn mgkgTS 766 52 227 107 115 1500

AD: Anaerobic digestion. HLS: Humic-like substances extract. OM: Organic matter. TAN: Total ammoniacal nitrogen. TKN: Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen. TS: Total solids. WWTP:
wastewater treatment plant. Obs.: Sludge and Manure refer to digestate HLS-extracts.
EU regulation 2019/1009 for the product category PFC 6(B), which also includes requirements on pathogens and arsenic.

the following composition (mgL 1): KNO3: 50.5; KH2PO4: 13.6; Ca 3.6 mL per tray. The products were applied two times: at the very
(NO3)24H2O: 118; MgSO47H2O: 49.2; H3BO3: 0.169; MnSO4H2O: beginning of the test and after 15 days following the nutritive solu-
0.168; ZnSO47H2O: 0.0088; (NH4)6Mo7O244H2O: 0.0036; CuSO4- tion renewing. Results were evaluated in terms of weighted wet
5H2O: 0.0078; Fe-EDDHA (6 % Fe): 18.6644. This composition (fresh) and dried aerial and root biomass. After weighting for wet
results in the following concentrations: 20.1 mg NL 1, 3.10 mg mass, biomass drying was performed at 40 °C until a constant
PL 1, 23.4 mg KL 1, 4.85 mg MgL 1, 20.0 mg CaL 1, 1.12 mg weight was observed.
FeL 1, 54.6 mg MnL 1, 29.5 mg BL 1, 2.00 mg ZnL 1, 1.99 mg CuL 1,
1.96 mg MoL 1. The solution was renewed 15 days after the trans- 2.5. Statistical tests
plantation along with a second addition of biostimulants in the
same previous doses. The total duration of hydroponic culture Statistics were performed by pooling results on the 9 plants for
was 27 days, when the plants were in the development stage each modality (3 replicate trails with 3 plants each) and consider-
41–43 as defined by Jenni and Bourgeois (2008) (adapted from ing them as independent replicates. Root and aerial biomasses
the BBCH scale). were treated separately and the different hydroponic modalities
The tested modalities consisted of a blank (no biostimulant), the were considered as groups for non-parametric analysis of variance.
commercial reference at a recommended dose and the extracted A Kruskal-Wallis H test was performed to assess the significance of
HLS from the two different digestates at different equivalents in different groups’ medians and the Conover-Iman test with
terms of dissolved organic carbon to the commercial reference: Benjamini-Hochberg p-value correction was used as post hoc anal-
WWTP sludge HLS-extract in total DOC equivalent and FLA equiv- ysis to identify the stochastic dominances. Statistics were per-
alent, manure digestate HLS extract in total DOC equivalent, FLA formed in R language version 3.5.1.
equivalent, and HLA equivalent. Sludge digestate HLS-extract in
HLA equivalent was not performed because the low content of
3. Results and discussion
HLA would imply an excessive dose of the extract. The experimen-
tal design with the applied doses for each modality is presented in
3.1. General characterization
Table 2.
The dose for the commercial reference was stipulated consider-
Macro and microelements of the HLS extracts and the commer-
ing a supplier recommended dose of 72 L/ha for a lettuce field with
cial reference are presented in Table 1, where they are compared to
an average of 60,000 plants/ha, which results in 1.2 mL by plant or
the heavy metal limits of the recently approved European Union

Table 2
Experimental design for screening HLS doses.

Tested product Equivalency to commercial ref. Applied volume (mL/tray) Total DOCa HLAa FLAa (=HPO) TPHa HPIa
Blank NA NA – – – – –
Comm. ref. NA 3.6 20.0 13.7 2.0 0.9 3.4
Sludge Total DOC 96.8 20.0 0.8 3.3 3.3 12.6
Sludge DOC as FLA 59.4 12.3 0.5 2.0 2.0 7.7
Manure Total DOC 31.2 20.0 9.7 3.3 1.8 5.1
Manure DOC as FLA 19.1 12.2 6.0 2.0 1.1 3.1
Manure DOC as HLA 43.7 28.0 13.7 4.6 2.6 7.2

DOC: dissolved organic carbon. FLA: fulvic-like acids. HLA: humic-like acids. HLS: humic-like substances. HPI: hydrophilic compounds. HPO: hydrophobic-like compounds,
considered as FLA. NA: not applicable. Obs.: Sludge and Manure refer to digestate HLS-extracts. TPH: transphilic-like compounds.
Concentrations expressed in mg DOC.L 1.
242 F. Guilayn et al. / Waste Management 104 (2020) 239–245

(EU) regulation (2019/1009) including a product function category trum is very similar of the sludge DOM 3D fluorescence spectra
of non-microbial plant biostimulants (PFC 6 - B). presented by Muller et al. (2014). The HLS from manure digestate
The first glaring difference between the obtained products and presented high content of HLA (about 50 % of DOC) and a similar
the commercial one is the product overall concentration. Indeed, content of FLA to the sludge digestate extract (17 %). It presented
the HLS extracts produced from digestates present about 3 to 7 a quite similar spectrum to a compost DOM sample analyzed by
times inferior TS concentration (3,5 – 8,2 versus 26,4 % w/w), He et al. (2013). The commercial reference (HLS from leonardite)
which reflects the low initial TS of digestates. However, on a TS presented a much higher content of HLA (68 %), lower content of
basis, the digestate products present similar to superior OM con- FLA (10 %) but also a relevant content of HPI (about 17 %). Globally,
tent, 6 to 8 times more nitrogen, 2 to 5 times more phosphorus, the content of HLA was highly linearly correlated to the sum of
and about 1.5 times more K. fluorescence in Zones IV, V, VI and VII and to the complexity
Regarding the latest EU regulation (2019/1009), all the three ratio from 3D fluorescence (R2 > 95 % in both cases), but the signif-
samples were conforming to the heavy metal limits, except possi- icance level of the regression slope is low (p-value < 0.10) due to a
bly for a sewage sludge HLS-extract Cd concentration of small number of samples (3). The total content of fluorescence in
<10 mgkgTS 1 that can be higher than the limit of 1.5 mgkgTS 1. zones IV, V, VI and VII is better linearly correlated to the total
It must be noticed that the regulation also includes limits of As content of HLSs considering it as the sum of HLA, HPO and TPH
(40 mgkgTS 1), Cr hexavalent (2 mgkgTS 1) and pathogens, fractions (R2 > 99.9 % and p-value < 0.05). These results strongly
which were not determined. Cr hexavalent should be conforming affirm the presence of both FLA and HLA in the three samples of
since total Cr is next to the limit (about 2.5 and 3.7 mgkgTS 1) this study.
and ionic Cr tends to be readily converted to Cr trivalent in anaer-
obic conditions (Horst and Suthersan, 2004). Additionally, it must
be considered that sewage sludge digestates are not authorized 3.3. Hydroponic systems and plant biomass growth
as component materials for this regulation, meaning that the
innocuity parameters are taken simply as a quality reference for By pooling biomasses from the 9 plants of each tested
the sludge digestate HLS product. modality (3 replicates with 3 plants each), a significant effect
of biostimulation is observed in roots biomass (p-value < 0.05
for wet and dry mass) and less significant for aerial biomass
3.2. HLS extracts organic matter characterization (p-value < 0.05 and <0.10 for wet and dry mass, respectively).
Fig. 3 presents the results in terms of root and aerial biomasses
Polarity fractionation and 3D fluorescence spectroscopy were for both wet and dry weights. Differences in medians with 95 %
performed on the samples to confirm the presence and the quality confidence interval are identified above the boxplots by the let-
of HLS in the digestate extracts. First of all, both digestate extracts ters ‘‘a”, ‘‘b” and ‘‘c”.
present peaks and fluorescence regions that are typically observed Regarding root biomass, the application of manure digestate
in anthropogenic organic waste materials containing HLS and aro- HLS-extract at the highest dose (HLA equivalent) resulted in posi-
matic soluble proteins (He et al., 2013; Huang et al., 2019). In the tive significant results for wet and dry masses compared to the
HLS extract from sewage sludge, the high content of non-humic blank and the commercial reference (p-value < 0.05, except wet
hydrophilic substances (about 60 % of DOC, Fig. 1) hinders the root biomass compared to the reference with p-value < 0.10).
observation of HLA in its excitation–emission-matrix fluorescence The application of sewage sludge digestate HLS-extract at FLA
(EEM) (Fig. 2a). Indeed, in this extract, most of the DOC was present equivalent was also significantly positive compared to the
as HPI. HLS were mainly present as FLA (16 %). The observed spec- blank and the commercial reference (p-value < 0.05). The effects

Fig. 1. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), 3D Fluorescence (3DF) zones, and polarity fractionation (POL. FR.) of digestate humic-like substances (HLS) and the leonardite
commercial reference. FLA: Fulvic-like acids. HLA: humic-like acids. HPI: hydrophilic compounds. HPO: hydrophobic-like compounds. Obs.: Sludge and Manure refer to
digestate HLS-extracts. TPH: transphilic like compounds.
F. Guilayn et al. / Waste Management 104 (2020) 239–245 243

The best result of manure HLS-extract in HLA equivalent could

be associated with a higher concentration of FLA. In this modality,
the HLA dose was equivalent to the commercial reference, which
has not presented significant results. Better biostimulation of HLS
from digestates and composts compared to HLS from leonardite
have already been observed elsewhere (Fascella et al., 2018,
2015). In this modality, in order to ensure the same quantity of
HLA than the reference, the highest amount of FLA was added to
the system. FLA present smaller molecular weight allowing a better
absorption by roots and also a higher number of functional groups.
Thus FLA are usually more associated with the biostimulation of
plant/root growth than HLA. However, this trend might vary
depending on HLS structure and concentration (Muscolo et al.,
2013). For the biostimulation of plant growth, different results
have been reported in the scientific literature. Scaglia et al.
(2015) associated the auxin-like biostimulant effect of digestate
water extracts to the ‘‘neutral hydrophobic” fraction. Given the
fractionation procedure, this fraction would be close to the FLA
fraction in the current study. The authors have associated the hor-
mone effect to the presence of Indole-3 acetic acid, which is origi-
nated from a well-documented degradation of tryptophan under
anaerobic conditions (Scaglia et al., 2015). Similarly, Morard et al.
(2011) observed biostimulation of root growth in hydroponic sys-
tems associated with low molecular weight fractions of HLS
extracted from poplar sawdust. Tahiri et al. (2015) tested in vitro
biostimulation with HLS from landfill leachate and leonardite
and reported effective biostimulation when HLA were applied at
low concentrations but an inhibition of root growth associated
with FLA.
The Hoagland’s nutrient composition is considered optimal for
plant growth, meaning that the plants have grown under no nutri-
tional limitation. It must be considered, however, that in the pre-
sent study the effects of biostimulants cannot be strictly
dissociated from the supplementary addition of macro and trace
nutrients caused by the addition of the commercial solution or
by the digestate extracts. Table 3 summarizes the macronutrient
quantities for each modality (a) and the respective relative supple-
ments in comparison to the Hoagland’s solution only (b), caused by
the addition of biostimulants.
The additional quantities of N, P and K were less important
when adding the commercial reference (Table 3). The additional
quantities of N ranged from 17 to 50 %, K from 83 to 190 % and P
from 14 to 81 % when digestate extracts were added (Table 3). Any-
way, it must be considered, as previously stated, that Hoagland’s
solution composition is considered ideal for hydroponics. More-
over, even with greater nutrient supplementation than the best
modality, other modalities presented no significant results when
compared to the blank and the reference. It has been demonstrated
Fig. 2. Excitation - Emission Matrices of the HLS-extracts from WWTP sludge that HLS biostimulants can enhance plant nutrient uptake (Calvo
digestate (a), manure digestate (b) and leonardite commercial reference (c).
et al., 2014; Conselvan et al., 2017; Massa et al., 2018; Palumbo
et al., 2018), so a synergic effect of nutrient supplementation with
biostimulation can also explain positive results.
were less apparent in the aerial parts. Only the manure digestate
HLS-extract at HLA equivalent presented a significant positive 4. Conclusion
result in terms of aerial biomass (p-value < 0.05, compared to the
blank). A pool of dissolved organic matter containing humic-like sub-
The results are globally positive. Indeed, average biomass gains stances was extracted from two different digestates and compared
range from 7 % (commercial reference) to 30 % (manure digestate to a commercial product. The products presented low heavy metal
HLS-extract). However, there is in many cases a lack of significance content compared to the latest EU regulation (2019/1009) for bios-
that can be explained by the overall high variability in results. Even timulants. Biostimulation of Lactuca sativa hydroponics was tested
in the blank test, the aerial and root masses presented a coefficient by adding the digestate products at different equivalency strate-
of variation exceeding 20 %. This high variability can be associated gies to the commercial reference under no nutrient limitation.
with the short period of this preliminary test (3 weeks). Moreover, Depending on the dose, both digestate presented significant results
only the root and aerial masses were measured. A full hydroponic compared to the blank (from 20 up to 60 % mean root/aerial mass
test is being carried out including measurements of root architec- increase), while the commercial product did not present significant
ture, chlorophyll index and a longer duration. results.
244 F. Guilayn et al. / Waste Management 104 (2020) 239–245

Fig. 3. Doses and results of hydroponic cultures. DOC: Dissolved organic carbon. FLA: fulvic-like acids. HLA: humic-like acids. Obs.: Sludge and Manure refer to digestate HLS-

Table 3
Nutrient quantities in the hydroponic systems (a) and relative supplementary quantities compared to the blank (Hoagland’s solution only) (b).

(a) Nutrients quantities (g)

Tested product Equivalency to commercial ref. N P K Ca Mg
Blank NA 0.42 0.06 0.47 0.40 0.10
Comm. ref. NA 0.43 0.06 0.64 0.41 0.10
Sludge Total DOC 0.64 0.11 1.31 0.40 0.10
Sludge DOC as FLA 0.54 0.08 1.10 0.40 0.10
Manure Total DOC 0.56 0.09 0.99 0.40 0.10
Manure DOC as FLA 0.49 0.07 0.86 0.40 0.10
Manure DOC as HLA 0.59 0.08 1.36 0.41 0.10
(b) Supplementary quantities compared to blank (%)
Tested product Equivalency to commercial ref. N P K Ca Mg
Comm. ref. NA 1.8 4.5 36.6 1.6 0.6
Sludge Total DOC 52.5 80.5 180 0.5 0.1
Sludge DOC as FLA 28.3 22.7 136 0.9 1.2
Manure Total DOC 32.2 49.4 111 0.3 0.1
Manure DOC as FLA 17.3 13.9 83.1 0.6 0.7
Manure DOC as HLA 39.6 31.8 190 1.3 1.6

DOC: dissolved organic carbon. HLS: humic-like substances. NA: not applicable. HLA: humic-like acids. FLA: fulvic-like acids. Obs.: Sludge and Manure refer to digestate HLS-

Acknowledgements Baccot, C., Pallier, V., Feuillade-Cathalifaud, G., 2017. Biochemical methane potential
of fractions of organic matter extracted from a municipal solid waste leachate:
Impact of their hydrophobic character. Waste Manag. 63, 257–266. https://doi.
This work was supported by SUEZ, the French National Institute org/10.1016/j.wasman.2016.11.025.
for Agricultural Research (INRA) and the French National Associa- Baccot, C., Pallier, V., Thom, M.T., Thuret-Benoist, H., Feuillade-Cathalifaud, G.,
2020.. Valorization of extracted organic matter from municipal solid waste
tion for Research and Technology (ANRT) under the CIFRE grant leachate: Application to soils from France and Togo. Waste Manage. 102, 161–
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