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24 Adverbs and 66 word order Foxes rarely appear in the daytime. They usually look for food at night Adverbs before the verb We use adverbs of frequency to say how often we do something 100% HOW OFTEN 0% always normally usually frequently often sometimes occasionally rarely seldom hardly ever never We usually put these adverbs BEFORE the main verb: Foxes rarely appear in the daytime. They usually look for food at night. Do you always get up late on Sundays? But we put them AFTER be, auxiliary verbs and modal verbs: ‘My boss is never late for work. We are hardly ever in this part of town. Thave never watched a rugby match. You should always be polite to strangers We can also put the adverbs usually, normally, often, frequently, sometimes and occasionally at the beginning or end of the sentence: Tadmit we go to fast food places sometimes. Occasionally | like to eat really spicy food. We don’t put always, never, hardly ever, rarely and seldom immediately before the subject at the beginning of a sentence (> Unit 102.2): X Abways-we go-to-the beach in-August. / We always go to the beach in August. Adverbs after the verb We usually put adverbs of manner (e.g. well, badly, slowly, fast, easily, happily, carefully, fluently, perfectly) after the main verb: Lions move slowly and silently. Foxes run fast. Did the interview go well? When there is an object after the verb, we usually put the adverb after the object: X She-speaks-fluentiy-Russian. / She speaks Russian fluently. X Didd she drive fastthe-car? J Did she drive the car fast? When there is an object, adverbs of manner ending in -ly can sometimes go between an auxiliary or modal verb and a main verb: They have badly damaged your car. You can easily finish that project in a day Adverbs at the beginning or end of the sentence We usually put adverbs and adverbials of place and time (c.g. here, there, in London, yesterday, on Saturday, innmediately, every day, at night) at the end of the sentence: Foxes usually uint at night, Did you go to university here? I didn’t have lunch yesterday. If we want to give the adverb special emphasis, we can put it at the beginning: It’s quite a large house. Upstairs there are three bedrooms. ‘Do you drive to work on your own every day?’ ‘No. On Mondays a friend comes with me.’ We don’t put adverbs of place and time in front of the main verb: X Eedontheretive. x Foxes atnighttook for food. x Weto-Greece-went for-our holiday, Word order when there is more than one adverb > Unit 59.6 Practice ‘1 Write the words and phrases in the correct order. 0 always ashower doyou in themoming have ? Do, you. always have, a. shawer in, the. morning? dolphin ['ve seen never a goto rarely the theatre we goto work Christine this week didn’t speak I’dliketo fluently French live when there did you ? late is the bus frequently in London always bad the traffic is the questions carefully answer eM AHR ENe 2 ‘Complete the text with words and phrases from A-L below. There are three extra words or phrases. {ERIM Listen and check. Urban foxes (0) .H...... foxes were just a problem for farmers, They would attack chickens and sheep a They 2) .....0 into towns. But now they have become a serious problem for the residents of Britain's cities. (3)... lot of people live in houses with gardens. And many British cities have large parks. These are perfect places for foxes to live in The foxes (4)... serious diseases; and A at night E the foxes after dark B quickly F often carry C open easily G easily open D In Britain Hintheolddays, these can be passed on to cats and other pets. (5) raid rubbish bins. They can (6) Plastic bags and their strong teeth and claws can (7)... Cut holes in fences ‘They leave food and rubbish all over the street and this encourages rats. (8)......... foxes can be aggressive towards people and children, especially if a mother is protecting her cubs. I rarely came J Occasionally K came rarely L After dark the foxes 3 In each sentence one adverb is in the wrong position. Circle the word and mark the correct position. If there is more than one possible position, show them all. Listen and check. 0 In the wild foxes(farelyJarelaggress! re to people. She occasionally is on the same train as me. I don’t like in the evenings eating a heavy meal. Always we buy organic food. I this morning received an interesting email. Danny has often fruit for breakfast. My sister and I during the daytime watch TV. It’s snowing so everyone is slowly driving. You should wash your hands always before a meal. We here hardly ever have lunch. 10. Samantha well sang at the concert on Friday. wear aneene 67

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