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Generic Name
Dosage, Timing and Classification Enumerate and Mechanism of Action
(Brand Name) Side Effects Nursing Considerations
Route General Class and Family underscore specific Illustrate
& Date Ordered
Digoxin 0.75-1.5 mg Digitalis Glycosides Heart Failure Digoxin has a positive Cardiac disorders: Arrhythmias,
PO (Cardiac Drugs) inotropic activity that PR prolongation, sinus 1. Assess for allergy
OD increases the force of bradycardia. to digitalis
myocardial contraction. Eye disorders: Blurred or preparations
It also reduces the yellow vision 2. Assess vital signs
heart’s conductivity Gastrointestinal 3. Hold drug and
through the AV node. disorders: Diarrhea, nausea, inform physician if
Finally it affects the vomiting apical pulse is <60
autonomic nervous Nervous system
4. Do not administer
system by having a disorders: Cerebral
with meals
direct action on the impairment, dizziness
vascular smooth muscle Skin and subcutaneous tissue 5. Instruct patient to
and increases vagal disorders: Rashes, urticaria. report if side
activity. Potentially Fatal: Digoxin effects occur
toxicity. 6. Inform patients not
to stop intake

Simvastatin 20-40 mg Dyslipidaemic Agents Hyperlypidemia Simvastatin, is a Blood disorders: Anemia

OD Evening competitive inhibitor of Gastrointestinal 1. Obtain diet history
PO HMG-CoA reductase, disorders: Constipation, 2. Medication can be
the enzyme that abdominal pain, flatulence, taken with or
catalyses the diarrhea, nausea, vomiting without meals
conversion of HMG-CoA Hepatobiliary 3. Take in the
to produce mevalonate. disorders: Hepatitis, jaundice evening. 
This results to a Immune system 4. Avoid excessive
reduction in total disorders: Hypersensitivity consumption (>1
cholesterol, LDL- reactions L/day) of grapefruit
cholesterol and Metabolism juice.
triglycerides, and also disorders: Hyperglycemia. 5. Evaluate serum
an increase HDL- Musculoskeletal cholesterol and
cholesterol levels. disorders: Myalgia, arthralgia, triglyceride levels
muscle cramps 6. Instruct patient to
Nervous system report any signs of
disorders: Headache, dizziness muscle tenderness
disorders: Insomnia,
Respiratory disorders: Upper
respiratory infection, bronchitis
Reproductive system
disorders: Erectile dysfunction
Skin disorders: Rash, pruritus,
Potentially Fatal: Myopathy,
rhabdomyolysis, hepatic failure.
Amlodipine 5 mg Calcium Antagonists Hypertension Amlodipine inhibits Ca Significant: Edema, 1. Monitor BP for
OD ion transmembrane hypotension, angina/MI. therapeutic
PO influx into cardiac and Blood disorders: Leucopenia, effectiveness.
vascular smooth thrombocytopenia. 2. Monitor BP with
muscles thus reducing Cardiac disorders: Bradycardia, postural changes.
peripheral vascular ventricular tachycardia, chest 3. Monitor heart rate
resistance and Blood pain, palpitation. 4. Report significant
Pressure. Ear disorders: Tinnitus swelling of face or
Eye disorders: Visual extremities.
disturbance, diplopia, 5. Take care to have
conjunctivitis support when
Gastrointestinal standing & walking
disorders: Nausea, dyspepsia, 6. Report shortness of
diarrhea, constipation, breath,
abdominal pain. palpitations,
General disorders: Fatigue, irregular heartbeat,
asthenia nausea, or
Investigations: Weight gain, constipation to
elevated hepatic enzymes. physician
disorders: Muscle cramps,
arthralgia, back pain.
Nervous system
disorders: Headache,
somnolence, dizziness
disorders: Insomnia, anxiety,
Renal disorders: Micturition
disorder, nocturia
Reproductive system
disorders: Sexual dysfunction,
disorders: Pulmonary edema,
dyspnea, cough, rhinitis
Skin disorders: Rash, skin
discoloration, pruritus
Vascular disorders: Flushing
Furosemide 40 mg Diuretics Increased Blood Furosemide inhibits the Blood system 1. Administer with
PO Pressure/Hypertension reabsorption of Na and disorders: Haemoconcentration meals to reduce GI
OD chloride in the Eye disorders: Blurred vision disturbance
ascending loop of Henle Gastrointestinal 2. Assess fluid status.
and in both the disorders: Nausea, vomiting,
3. Monitor daily
proximal and the distal diarrhea, constipation
weight, lung
renal tubules. It also General disorders: Fatigue
sounds, skin turgor,
causes a natriuretic Immune system
and mucous
effect by interfering disorders: Severe anaphylactic
with the chloride- reactions
4. Notify health care
binding cotransport Metabolism
professional if
system. disorders: Dehydration,
thirst, dry mouth,
hyponatraemia, hypokalaemia,
hypochloraemia, metabolic
alkalosis, hypocalcaemia,
hypotension, or
oliguria occurs.
hypovolaemia, gout.
5. Monitor BP and
pulse before and
disorders: Muscle spasms.
Nervous system
disorders: Headache, dizziness,
hepatic encephalopathy,
Skin disorders: Rash, pruritus,
Vascular disorders: Orthostatic
Potassium Chloride 20 mEq Anti-convulsants Hypokalemia Potassium Chloride is a Gastrointestinal 1. Administer with
OD major cation of disorders: Nausea, vomiting, meals
PO intracellular fluid. It is flatulence, abdominal pain or 2. Instruct patient to
essential in discomfort, diarrhoea
report dark, tarry,
physiological processes Metabolism
or bloody stools,
such as conduction of disorders: Hypervolemia
nerve impulses in heart, Injury, poisoning and weakness, unusual
brain, and skeletal procedural complications: Inj fatigue, or tingling
muscle; muscle site reactions (pain, phlebitis, of extremities.
contraction; renal venous thrombosis)
3. Notify health care
function, carbohydrate Potentially
professional if
metabolism, acid-base Fatal: Hyperkalaemia
nausea, vomiting,
balance, and gastric
diarrhea, or
discomfort persists.

Lisinopril 20-40 mg ACE Inhibitors Hypertension Lisinopril is an ACE Cardiac disorders: Tachycardia, 1. Keep epinephrine
OD inhibitor which palpitations readily available in
PO prevents conversion of Ear disorders: Tinnitus case of
angiotensin I to Gastrointestinal angioedema of the
angiotensin II, causing disorders: Nausea, diarrhoea, face or neck region
an increased plasma vomiting, abdominal pain, dry or if breathing
renin activity and mouth, constipation problem occurs
decreased aldosterone General disorders: Fatigue, 2. Mark on patient’s
secretion. asthenia chart that lisinopril
Immune system is being taken
disorders: Intestinal 3. Monitor for
angioedema excessive
Investigations: Elevated serum hypotension
creatinine, BUN increased 4. Administer drug
Metabolism with meals.
disorders: Electrolyte 5. Instruct patient not
imbalance to stop taking
Musculoskeletal without consulting
disorders: Arthralgia, myalgia your health care
Nervous system provider.
disorders: Headache, vertigo, 6. Instruct patients to
paresthesia, taste disturbance, report if diarrhea,
dizziness sweating, vomiting,
Psychiatric dehydration,
disorders: Hallucinations, mood dizziness, mouth
alterations, sleep disturbance, sores, sore throat,
drowsiness fever, chills
Renal and urinary
disorders: Renal dysfunction,
oliguria, anuria
Reproductive system
disorders: Impotence,
Respiratory disorders: Rhinitis,
sinusitis, dyspnoea.
Skin disorders: Pruritus, rash,
Vascular disorders: Raynaud’s
phenomenon, flushing
Fatal: Anaphylactoid reactions,
arrhythmia, severe hypotension

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