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Isabela Fabretti

Julia Gesuato da Silva

Marina Carvalho Sousa

• Introduction
o Map location
o Rainbow nation
• Languages
o Official languages
o Apartheid
• Historical context of English language in South Africa
o English was imposed as the official language
o Afrikaans vs English
• Words and expressions
o Words borrowed in the 18th century
o Words borrowed from African languages
o Words with a different meaning from English
o Expressions
• Accents
o Similar to British accent
• Variations
o White South African English
▪ Cultivated
▪ General
▪ Broad
o Black South African English
o Indian South African English
o Cape Flats English or Coloured English
• Phonetics
• Videos
o Nelson Mandela's speech
o Die Antwoord - Fatty Boom Boom and Enter the Ninja
o American versus African English accent
o Accent challenge from Cape Town speaker

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