Pedagogical Experience I TASK 3. To Write A Class Profile Creation of A Worksheet

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TASK 3. To write a class profile Creation of a worksheet.

Present by:
Aura Milena Rincon
Code: 22549093

Astrid Yanira Lemos



April 10, 2019
Part 1
First grade students are between seven and eight years old, it is a group of 24 high-energy students
and they are in a bilingual school where they are exposed to the second language most of the time because
there are some subjects in Spanish, But English is the predominant language of the school.
I can appreciate strengths and weaknesses among them:

 Attentive to the class or teacher explanation

 Great spatial ability
 Good vocabulary
 Good intonation
 Good accuracy
 Good content knowledge
 good pronunciation
 good word decoding
 Good reading skills
 good word recognition
 good at using graphic organizers
 good skill with rhymes
 Great social skills

 lack of illumination
 low vision
 Difficulty to understand the instruction
 Difficulty to express their ideas
 Limited vocabulary
 Difficulty finding information from the textbook
 difficulty to follow teacher´s instructions
 poor spelling
 poor handwriting
 fine motor difficulties
 poor memory

First grade is a group where you can observe different learning styles and a teacher will have the
opportunity to plan a variety of activities thinking about covering all learning styles.
Kinesthetic There are students that need to walk around the class,
stand up all the time, and they have the necessity to move
their body all the time.

Intrapersonal There are students that are very shy, and they do not feel
good participating during the classes even if the know the
Interpersonal There are students who wants to talk all the time, interrupt
classes with their comments, and these students enjoy
activities where they can interact with their classmates.

Linguistic There are students who prefer verbal style and they like to
involve both the written and spoken word. It is very easy
for them to express themselves, both in writing and
verbally. And they also love reading and writing. 

Logic There are students who show a special ability to recognize

patterns easily, as well as connections between seemingly
meaningless content.
Spatial  There are students that prefer using images, pictures,
colors, and maps to organize information and
communicate with others.
Music There are students who likes to work with music and
sounds, They love to sing during the class activities, They
also have a good sense of pitch and rhythm.

I must motivate students if I want them to achieve high levels of performance and overcome any
difficulty they may encounter during their learning process.
There are some amazing ideas to motivate students such as:

 Hands-on-activities
 Video games
 Work with graphics/images
 Singing
 Role plays
 Art
 Collaborative work
 pair work

These activities can help the students to achieve all the goals because they are pleased to do the
learning activities and they are more committed.

Part 2

First grade students have the ability to use language accurately and appropriately when interacting
with classmates and other teacher using basic classroom language which is mostly accurate, and respond
appropriately to learners’ output some of the time in planned situations.
They have basic errors that their learners make and the students Interact with other teachers in simple
and in classroom language contexts.

Strengths Weaknesses
Must of the students are persistent to speak There are students that are discouraged and they need extra
in English during the classes motivation
Optimistic There are students that are overconfident and they do not
study because they say that it is not necessary.
They are committed with their activities Low expectation to success
and homework
They are highly confident when they are They do not like to work in groups
working in class
I can observe leadership in the group and They are afraid to participate or to talk in front of teachers
they are classroom helpers or classmates
They are eager to seek new vocabulary or There are some students introverted.
There are independent workers in the first Difficulties to accept other students opinions
grade group ( domineering)
I can notice parent´s support in the There are some students that do not have support at home
homework or extra activities
The classroom environment is appropriate There are some students with problems outside the school
for an English class and for this reason affects their school process.
There are posters with English expressions
and classroom language.
They are immerse to the language Some students give up easily
They like to be participative during class There are some students with tendency to interrupt classes
activities. with their misbehavior
There are friendly competences among Some students have difficulties to work independently and
them. they feel that they cannot make it.
spelling bee - English Speaker
There are recognition awards to English Disinterest from students no matter how much you
Speakers motivate them.

First grade students are dedicated to learn the four Basic English language skills, but there are some
needs to keep working on.
The students develop these four skill during the classes. When they are reading or listening, they are
immerse to the language.
However, when they have to produce the language writing or speaking they need support from the

Specific Needs

Reading Listening Speaking Writing

They need to They have mastered They need to enrich They have good writing
improve reading this skill. their vocabulary and to skills, But they need to
comprehension and keep practicing the enlarge their vocabulary
they need to master already learned. in order to ease their
the ability to writing process and if
associate words to they have more
context. vocabulary, they can
express their ideas

Part 3
Reading comprehension Test

Not Now, Pep

By Guy Belleranti

Lily and Mom wanted to exercise.

Their dog Pep wanted to play.

Pep brought his ball.

“Not now, Pep,” Lily said. “Mom and

I need to run.”

Lily and Mom ran on the

grass. Pep brought his bone.

“Not now, Pep,” Lily said. “Mom and I need to

jump.” Lily and Mom jumped on the grass.

Pep brought his rope.

“Not now, Pep,” Lily said. “Mom and I need to

dance.” Lily and Mom danced on the grass.

Pep brought his leash.

Lily laughed. Mom laughed, too. “Yes now, Pep,” they both

said. Pep ran. Pep jumped. Pep danced.

Pep gave Lily and Mom wet kisses. Lily and Mom gave Pep big
hugs. Then Lily, Mom, and Pep exercised together with a fun walk!
Not Now, Pep
By Guy Belleranti

1. What does Pep want to do?


2. Pep brings Lily and Mom four things. What are they?
, ,

, and

3. Name three ways Lily and Mom exercise before they walk
Pep. They .
They .
They .

4. How is Pep feeling at the end of the

story? Circle the best answer.

Scared happy sad tired mad

Not Now, Pep
By Guy Belleranti

5. Draw lines to match the words from

the story with their meanings.

1. exercise a. move around to music

2. leash b. when you wrap your

arms around

3. dance c. doing things to

be healthy and

4. bone d. a cord you use to

Take a dog for a walk

5. grass e. dog toy

6. hugs f. short green plants

that cover a yard
6. Draw your favorite part of the story

1. What does Pep want to do?

Pep wants to play.

2. Pep brings Lily and Mom four things. What are they?
ball , bone , rope , and leash

3. Name three ways Lily and Mom exercise before they walk
Pep. They run.
They jump.

4. How is Pep feeling at the end of the

story? Circle the best answer.
5. Draw lines to match the words from the story with their

1. exercise a. move around to the music

2. leash b. when you wrap your arms around


3. dance c. doing things to be healthy and fit

4. bone d. a cord use to take a dog for a walk

5. grass e. dog toy

6. hugs f. short green plants that cover a yard

6. Draw your favorite part of the story


The activity carried out in the classroom, culminated in a successful way and was
very satisfactory for the children's learning as well as for me.

The activity for the children was very fun, dynamic and enjoyable, because the
activity was very clear, it had many drawings, it was a playful activity, there were no
difficulties to understand it, it was explained clearly and concisely. I made the reading in a
way that was entertaining and understandable, clarification of doubts and questions,
contextualized the activity, besides that it was very fun for them and for me.

I believe there will be aspects to improve and I am in favor of continuing to learn

and grow personally, professionally and as a future mentor for all these children.

Part 4

Reading and listening skills have been postponed in English classes for the last ten
or fifteen years, largely because of the enormous influence that structural linguistics has
had on the teaching methods of modern languages,

The Listening Skill

Starting from the fact that a language is, above all, a system of communication
through the word, ("Language is speech, not writing"), (and that every act of
communication requires, at least, the participation of two people, one who speaks and
another who listens the sender and the receiver, it is necessary that students get used to the
sounds, intonation, accent and rhythm of the English language as soon as possible.

To achieve this, the teacher can use their own voice, or the different technical means
that may be available, such as tapes, records, and so on. The material chosen to practice this
skill must be easy to understand and have a certain quality in terms of rhythm, intonation
and accentuation, since it is convenient that the student, from the beginning, associate
together the phonic representation and the global meaning of each expression.

The student who learns a second language goes through different stages in
understanding what he hears. At the beginning, the oral expressions of that language hit his
ears like an indifferent stream of sounds, and the student confuses the sounds. Thus, the
teacher must, in the first place, teach the student to distinguish some sounds from others;
much of whose work can be done by the isolated explanation of those sounds that offer a
special difficulty

To improve the ability to listen, it is very convenient to perform a series of exercises

specially prepared and graduated in terms of difficulty, so that students improve and
sharpen their ability to hear effectively. In these exercises, students should pay more
attention to the meaning than words and get to grasp the essentials of what they have heard.
The Reading Skill

Listening and speaking skills seem to precede, in some way, those of reading and
writing. Which has made the practice of reading have been postponed in English classes for
some time.

Currently, there does not seem to be a valid reason why reading skills should not be
exercised since the beginning of the learning / teaching process of English. Professor
Finocchiaro writes about this topic: «I also believe that the reading of the skill should be
developed, and that this should be done much earlier in the language program than has been
thought possible».

In any case, this will depend on the particular circumstances of the students: their
age, their culture, their education, the relationship between the graphic systems of their
native language and English, etc., and the approach that each teacher gives to their classes.
Regarding the practice of this skill, it is important that the teacher first read aloud any text
that will be read later to the students, especially when dealing with English, in which the
difference between the spoken language and the written one is so big, so that the students
do not learn incorrect pronunciations that then would cost a lot to amend, and so that they
go associating what they hear with what they see, when they continue reading through the

Through the reading of the teacher the students have to discover where the pauses
should go in the spoken discourse, which words or syllables are to be accentuated and
where the intonation goes up or down. Great care must be taken in the choice of the texts
which will be read in class, on the first levels. These texts can be read by the students, in
groups and individually, after they have been presented orally by the teacher.

Progressively, more difficult material will be offered, but always try to direct the
reading, to explain the pronunciation and the meaning both things are intimately linked - of
the new words. The student must learn to easily distinguish the different groups of words
and their relationships with other groups. You should try to anticipate what is likely to
come in the text, while storing in your memory what you have just read; and all these
reactions have to come to occur automatically, which will make reading something really
"active", although it is sometimes considered a passive skill.

The practice of reading has to be improved little by little, until reaching the reading
of newspapers, magazines, novels and all kinds of books for the mere pleasure of reading,
or to use it as a vehicle for the acquisition of all kinds of knowledge and information. But to
achieve this, the student has to perfect this skill by reading various types of texts with a
progressive understanding during the first years of learning English.

Reading can and should provide interesting contributions to English classes and,
although the methodological tendencies of a few years ago disdained the use of this "skill"
in modern language courses, today it seems that it is becoming very important in the
teaching of English language.


Bell, J., & Waters, S. (2014). Doing Your Research Project:

A Guide for First-Time Researchers (Vol. 6th ed). Maidenhead:
Education. Retrieved  from
Loughran, J. J. (1999). Researching Teaching:
Methodologies and Practices for Understanding Pedagogy.
Routledge. Retrieved from

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