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Write the contribution and relevance of the following readings in

understanding the grand narrative of Philippine History:

a. Kartilla ng Katipunan by Emilio Jacinto (enumerate 5 and
A Kartilya of Katipunan made by Emilio Jacinto is the ideas about
ethical codes, important values, and oath, that must embody by every
katipunero who is willing to join the Katipunan for the revolution, and
anyone who disobeys will be punished based on their violations. It is
containing code of conduct made by our heroes who fought for the
independency of the Philippines against the Spanish colonization.
The things we need to consider in the contribution and the relevance
of kartilya of katipunans are the following
1. Ever since we Filipinos, always incorporates our moral and
values in every institution. We create it in-order to have peace
and guidelines for the members and also to fire-up their
righteousness. In kartilya of Katipunan, the relevancy of it is to
shaped the mind of Filipinos to love their country and evaluate
their self. We can see in that document that it is full of values,
but also it touches self-reflection of anyone who read it. This
value will lead the katipuneros in the right path.
2. This document, share the history how Filipinos united to create
a group or community to fought the Spaniards, the things is,
Filipino is united, they stand still against the colonizer to liberate
their land, even though the price is high, but for the sake of
everyone they will fight for independency and also for the
people who sacrifice their life in our nation to have freedom.
3. This tells us, Filipinos back then are intellectual revolutionaries
and have a sense of morality fighting for just and good service.
Without them we cannot inherit the braveness and courage of
being true Filipino.
4. The Kartilya of Katipunan shows self-reflection and virtues that
every katipunero must embodied. This tells us the we should
live on a right path. Living on a right path affects the people by
being a role model.
5. This implied that whether you have a light skin or copper skin
we are all equal. Nowadays, people tend to praise light skin
because they are appealing but one thing, we should learn
about the Kartilya of Katipunan. We shouldn’t put our self by
physical appearance or adopt the customs of western, instead
we work on ourselves to be better and love ourselves. We
should stand up and show action that resembles love for
b. The Declaration of Philippine Independence by Ambrosio
Rianzares Bautista (enumerate 5 and explain)

1. Without Ambrosio Bautista we don’t have the act of declaration of

the Philippines. Ambrosio Bautista wrote it for the independency of
the Filipino. This declaration gives Filipino freedom against
Spaniards because From Lapu-Lapu to Gomburza to Dr. Jose
Rizal who fight against the Spaniard. Filipinos are done with all the
vile things Spanish government did.
2. This give the fact that it is not Emilio Aguinaldo who waved the
Philippine flag but Ambrosio Bautista. It is really a good deal,
because we often thought, the one who waved the Philippine flag
is Emilio Aguinaldo. This fact is correcting the mindset of the youth
and the history written in old books.
3. The Philippine flag was presented. It is very important contribution
in our nation because it mirrored the history of the Filipino who
fought against the Spaniards. It is a symbol and emblem for the
freedom. The flag symbolize patriotism, love of country and sense
of nationhood and the sentiment of all Filipino heroes that sacrifice
their life to set us free. The component of it is the white triangle
that show the emblem of Katipunan, the three star that symbolize
the principal island of the Philippines, the sunrays that symbolize
the 8 active provinces in the revolution and the color red, blue and
white that symbolize the gratitude to the flag of United States
4. One of the main contributions is the National anthem of the
Philippines. Emilio Aguinaldo met Juan Felipe to ask him to make
National hymn. It is originally called “Marcha Filipina Magdalo”,
Together with the Philippine flag they were presented during the
proclamation of the Independence Day in June 12, 1898, in Cavite.
This national anthem symbolizes the country history, tradition,
nation and the Filipino people. This is reminder that we have our
own identity as a Filipino. This helps us to remember all the heroic
deeds of our hero who fought for our freedom and independency.
5. It re-stated the Spanish colonization and their vile works. This is to
remind us the vile actions from Ferdinand Magellan to Guardia
Civil and to Spanish heads who constantly bully and harassed the
Filipino people. This is important for Filipino because they are the
one who change and mold their customs they took the gift of our
precolonial ancestor.

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