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*whole corona crap is a BIG hoax.

* I am not saying that there is no some toxic or

biological shit that some countries or regions were exposed to, something that
makes people sick -- only, that *there is NO PANDEMIC but there is PLANDEMIC as
cover for implementation on New World Control System.* That is WHY they are
destroying OLD (existing) pre-covid system. It was all planned many decades ago and
presented in 2012:
VIDEO: 2012 Olympics Predicted Covid-19 Pandemic

So, how is it possible that so many people believe in this corona covid pandemic
deadly virus crap?

well, lets look into it a bit;

there are lots of people that are scarred shitles because of constant propaganda
via the MSM and social media criminal networks.
some people are simply paralyzed in fear, unable to think. Many of them are
chemically neutered when it comes to their cognitive abilities.
for example, *thimerosal in vaccines (diluted mercury) has to be one of primary
methods that is used to lover the intelligence of the people!*
this explains why vaccinated people cannot use the logic and reason defending their
vaccine safety arguments because, no matter what evidence you provide of toxic, DNA
changing and often deadly vaccines they still believe that vaccines save lives and
by their own admission *they will take another vaccine even if they know the risks
are considerable.* Such level of cognitive dissonance is not normal, humans never
accepted both or multiple of contradictory opinions as valid.

Often, their pro-vaxx stance is like bunch of religious cult followers defending
their demented cult leader, to their own death. You try to point out the dangers,
you provide the documentation and they never even consider it, they always come up
with circular arguments that only show that their beliefs are like of cult
followers. So, that is not rational at all because a rational, sane person would
not even consider the vaccine if they knew that the risks to own health are

I am POSITIVE that what Dr. Blaylock is saying about toxicity that people are
exposed to applies to majority of the people but this is especially obvious with
the people that are vaccinated with multiple "maintenace" shots as they receive the
highest dose of injected toxins. There is a lots of evidence that people's brain
centers for logic and reason are purposely targeted via the vaccines.:

*Vaccines Damage Developing Brains* By Dr. Blaylock

During the first two years of life, a child�s brain undergoes extensive
development, especially of pathways used in higher functions such as thinking,
learning, attention, memory, social control, and language. While 80 percent of
brain growth is complete by age 4, the frontal lobes continue to develop until
around age 26.
I am convinced that the vaccine schedule interferes with this development. The
results are antisocial behaviors, poor judgment, and learning difficulties. To
learn more about the dangers of vaccines, read my special report "Vaccines and
Brain Injuries � Are You At Risk?"
This explains why mental illness peaks during adolescence. Studies also show that
serious mental disorders begin very early in life, even during infancy or in the
womb. It also explains why adolescents take risks and often exercise poor judgment
� those parts of the brain are still poorly developed.
we have seen what thimerosal does to the brain cells, it damages the normal neural
connections and attacks the brain cells.
This also explains what happens with vaccine-induced autism -- toxins damage the
synopses in certain parts of the brain and then new synopses are formed in other
parts of the brain to compensate, hence some heightened abilities in one area are
manifested and completely destroyed abilities in other area are manifested. some
children have very high level vaccine induced mercury poisoning that their living
brain tissue is in constant pain, sometimes those children have to wear the helmets
as the pain due to this toxin in their brains drives them to hit their head to the
wall. I believe that this push for mandatory vaccines is to make the people very
dumb, obedient, unable to resist the tyranny, in other words - perfect slaves.

Dr. Russell Blaylock explains why the masses are becoming cognitively retarded and
incapable of rational thought.
Is society getting dumber by the day? It may not just be your imagination: As Dr.
Russell Blaylock, a retired neurosurgeon, posits, the *stupidity of the masses may
be by design.*
Through a barrage of toxic chemicals and compounds, Blaylock says the government is
purposely trying to dumb-down the masses.
A dumber society is more easily controlled, after all.

Dr. Blaylock explained in a video lecture that we are bombarded with a stream of
toxins that are known to disrupt normal brain function.
*�We�re seeing a society that not only has a lot more people of lower IQ, but a lot
fewer people of higher IQ.
In other words, a dumbing down, a chemical dumbing down of society,� he stated.*

Blaylock contends that this trend has made people more dependent on the government.

�We have these people of lower IQ, who are totally dependent.
Then we have this mass of people who are going to believe anything they are told
because they can�t really think clearly � and very few people of a very high IQ
have good cognitive function who can figure this all out,� he explained.

�That�s what they want,� Blaylock said.

There are a bevy of toxins that people are exposed to everyday here in the states.
Whether its toxic food additives, mercury-laden vaccines, pesticides and herbicides
or fluoride, the sad truth is that toxicity has become a part of daily life for
many people.

Fluoride is a known neurotoxin, yet it is added to our water supplies in the name
of �public health.� Fluoride is not an essential nutrient; it�s not a nutrient at
all, actually. Almost 67 percent of public water in the U.S. is fluoridated, under
the erroneous notion that it will protect teeth against tooth decay. Many of our
�peer� nations have rejected the idea of water fluoridation, such as Denmark,
Finland, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, China and Japan. Multiple studies have
shown that fluoridated water lowers IQ in children � so it�s really best to avoid

But it�s not just what they�re adding to food and water and vaccines that�s making
America stupid: Even the education system is complicit in the plan to dumb down the
country. A study by NASA scientists recently confirmed that many people are born
�creative geniuses� but their intelligence is ultimately hampered by the U.S.
education system. Perhaps calling it the �re-education� system would be more

The end-goal of the government is not to have a free and intelligent society; the
globalists would rather turn us into a sea of malleable drones that do as they�re

So, are you going to get your multi-dose DNA/RNA modifying experimental covid

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