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Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH

I. Objectives At the end of the lesson 100% of the students must be at least 75% level
of proficiency to;

A. describe the musical traditions of cordillera highlands and the Aetas;

B. identify the musical instruments from the cordillera highlands and the Aetas;

C. give the functions of  its instruments they used.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Cordillera Highlands and the Aeta Tribal Music: The Pennacle of Music

Reference: "Exploring with Mapeh" ;Jocelyn V. Bautista

                     "MAPEH for Better you; Josefino N. Carlos

Materials: Projector, laptop, pictures of musical instruments

Skills: Cooperation

Value: Awareness of the musical tradition and instrument of the Cordilleran

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Good Morning Class...” “Good Morning Ma’am!”

“Let us pray first...” (One Student will lead the Prayer)

(Checking of Attendance) (Students will tell who’s absent for the day)

“So how’s your day?” “It was great Ma’am!”

“That’s good to know. So, are you ready to

discuss our new topic today?’’ “Yes Ma’am!”

But before that, can you give some of the

suggestions in the household safety Yes Ma’am
checklist that we have discussed last

Ok Anna, what are those? 1. Kitchen - never leave a hot flat iron
unattended. 2. Bedroom - keep house
keys on your bedside table or in any easy
to reach familiar place.
3. Entrance and stairway - every stairway
Very good! should have sturdy railing.

B. Motivation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Before we proceed to our new lesson, we
will have an activity called toss info.
I have here candies, some of these
contains situation written on a piece of
paper. I’ll toss these candies and you need
to catch only one candy per students. At
the count of three open the candies that
you got and read the situation written Yes Ma’am.
inside. Do I make myself clear?

Ok, let’s start.

(teacher will toss the candies)
Who among you got the candies with
situational questions inside? Will you read 1. You and your friends went for an outing
the situation and answer the question in a beach resort, while having a swim;
below? you noticed that one of your friends is
drowning. You quickly swim towards him
and brought him to the shore. The victim is
unconscious and she needs to be given
first aid as soon as possible. Question:
What do you think are the first aid
commonly applied on that kind of
Very Good!
(student will answer)

2. While on the street you noticed a boy

biking then suddenly his bike was out of
control and the boy fell on a rough floor.
His knees bleed. Question: What do you
think are the first aid commonly applied on
That’s great! that kind of situation?
(student will answer)

3. Together with your family, you went on

a hiking, while walking, your sister got
bitten by a snake. Question: What do you
think are the first aid commonly applied on
that kind of situation?
Very Nice! (student will answer)
Base on the activity that we did what do
you think our lesson for today? Ma’am first aid.

C. Lesson Proper

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Ok, first aid is exactly what the word
means, first aid or help given. It is both
immediate and temporary and is often the
difference between life and death. First aid
is the immediate care given and generally
needed by anyone who is injured or gets
suddenly ill. Actually, there are two main
points to remember when applying first
aid. First, attend at once to the most
seriously injured. Second, always Yes Ma’am
remember that speed is necessary. It can
spell out life and death. So now, I will
group you into three groups, I will give you
the script and you were going to act this. Is (the students will act)
that clear?

(the teacher will gave the script)

Values of first aid

1. Self help -as a first aider, you should not
only be prepared to help others, in case
you encounter such emergencies and your
condition keeps you from caring for
yourself, you can direct others in carrying
out correct procedures to follow on your
behalf. For example, one day a nurse was
walking down the stairs then suddenly her
feet aches and she wasn’t able to walk,
she thinks that maybe because the blood
on her veins cannot circulate. She saw a
man walking then she called the man and
said. I can’t walk and I can’t reach my foot
will you please turn my foot to the left and
turn it, until blood circulates?´ then the
man did what the nurse said. Then the
blood circulates.

. 2. Help for others -as a first aider your

are trained to give instructions to promote
a reasonable safety attitude and to assist
others wisely if they are spoken. There is
always this obligation on a humanitarian
basis to assist the helpless. There is no
greater satisfaction than relieving one’s
life. For example, a medics was passing
on a pedestrian lane then suddenly she
saw a man riding on a motorcycle and the
motorcycle was out of control then the
man fell down the ground, she came into
the man to check what kind of injuries he
had. The man’s arm is aching and maybe
he fractured his arm, the woman ask
someone to have hard carton to support
man’s arm and a cloth for it to be stable.

3. Preparation for disaster -first aid training

is important in case of catastrophes when
medical and hospital services are limited
or delayed, catastrophes may take the
form of a hurricane, flood, tornado, fire,
earthquake or explosion. For example, a
doctor was standing on their balcony, then
suddenly flush flood was coming and their
house was in the middle of the subdivision
and they can’t come out easily, and they
might be stranded. The flood comes inside
their house and his son was standing on
the door when the water comes inside, his
son tell his father ³Father, my head! It
seems like everything goes round, as a
doctor he gave first aid because he don’t
have any apparatus on their house, he
check the pulse and then he tell his son
not to sleep, because maybe he will be on
a coma, because of blood clothing.
D. Generalization

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Let’s have some review, if you really
understand our lesson for today. What are Ma’am
the values of first aid?

Yes, Joshua? Self help, Help others and Preparation for

a disaster.
Very Good!

What are the two main points to remember Ma’am!

when applying first aid?

Your turn Jane. First, attend once to the most seriously

injured. Second, speed is necessary it can
spell out life and death.
Very Good!

So class, do I make myself clear? Yes Ma’am.

Are there any questions? None Ma’am.

5. Application

How can you relate first aid in your studies? (answers vary)

IV. Evaluation

Complete the I learned statement: I learned that _______________, I was surprised

that _____________, and I realized that_______.

V. Assignment

Read pp. 353 on MAPEH I by Wilma V. Perez.

Prepared by:

Merlinda S. Bautista


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