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- ART-'-tn~~~~~~ii~


Copyrighted, 1921, by the AMERICAN SOCIETY 0, C .;\/b;Mr\ ,UGKAPHERS.

Too Much Johnston!

The Passing of a Genius Educational Pictures The Black? "We do not want a protec-
The motion picture industry By H. Lyman Broening Card Controversy tive tariff on foreign pictures."
and all picture enthusiasts From the mind of man there So writes Mr. William A,
mourn the loss of George Loane has been no greater invention By Charles H. Thimme J ohnston, editor of Motion Pic-
Tucker, particularly known as than the motion picture. As a It has come to the attention ture News.
the producer of "The Miracle medium of entertainment it has of the undersigned, in numerous WE? Now just whom does
Man." This picture was photo- advanced to a position of unlim- instances, that there has been, the writer mean by we? Pre-
graphed by Philip E. Rosen, ited value. As an instrument of and still is, a decided difference sumably he means Mr. John-
who gave a brief account of his real educational value its pos- of opinion prevalent among ston, the Motion Picture News,
association with Mr. Tucker. sibilities are yet to be more many connected in one capacity and such other interests as he
He said: fully realized. or another with the title indus- may represent.
"It was ten .weeks of very The recent incorporation in try, as to the value or advisabil- NOT the great mass of fair
pleasant relations. The out- New York of the "National Non- ity ofa highly glossed black thinking public spirited Amer-
standing feature which en- Theatrical Motion Picture Com- card for lettered ti ties, as ican citizens.
deared the staff to Mr. Tucker pany" is a move worthy of note against the ordinary dull black NOT the vast membership of
was his enduring patience. As -to those for whom it has been in common use. It is my pur- the American Legion.
a director he was artistic in created - it is worthy of sup- pose in this article to describe NOT the majority of Amer-
every sense of the word, He port. The purpose of this com- as clearly as possible, in plain ican producers, directors and
paid great attention to detail. pany is to organize a system of terms, the actual advantages affiliated workers, and
As an example of his painstak- and use of this particular meth- NOT US.
exchanges catering to the needs
ing methods, he spent two of societies, schools, churches, od, as against that most fa- We, the American Society of
months on the continuity of this colleges, etc. This mayor may miliar in general USe. Cinematographers, consisting of
picture and three months on the not be the first time such a It is no easy task to combat a majority of representative
cutting." scheme has been attempted- (Contiued on Page Three) American cameramen, as well
------ but it is certainly time it were as the others we have men-
picture. would naturally be high, tioned, DO want a protective
Right and Religion made a solid institution. - but the burden could be divided tariff.
In the mad rush of the mete- among the states, each contrib-
"It is better to be right than oric advance of the photoplay, As an excuse for his state-
uting according to its size or ment against protection of
religious. I prefer to dwell with millions of dollars have been population. The life of a picture American industry, Mr. J ohn-
the wordling and be true to my spent in placing the motion pic- of this sort would be indefinite ston resorts to criticism of the
inner self than to live with the ture upon a theatrical basis. and could be preserved for a Actors' Equity Association.
saint and betray it." The recent slackening up of this permanent reference.
So declares the Rev. D. He class of production may give a We know little about that or-
Scientific pictures offer an un- ganization but we do know the
Jones in commenting upon his few serious minds an opportu- limited field to draw upon, es- aims and ideals of our own. We
withdrawal as pastor of the nity of devoting a bit of atten- pecially with the methods of are not attempting organization
Huntington Park Baptist tion to the furtherance of the "stop-motion" iluustrations so or a dues paying campaign, nor
Church during the present J3lue educational film. well developed. Geography are we a band of agitators in-
Sunday law fight which is being The theatrical and non-theat- would be a day's outing with dulging in so-called bunk.
waged in the town. For be it rical picture is as different as the aid of the cinema camera So much for that.
known that Mr. Jones has come day is to night, and to mix them, and scenes and customs of the
out frankly and openly in behalf Like ancient Gaul, the motion
as is being done, with the pres- "four corners" of the universe picture industry seems to be
of good, clean motion pictures. ent order of things, can hardly are easily accessible with travel divided into two parts.
He believes that such pictures The
be called a successful effort. films. Then there are Biblical part which Mr. Johnston repre-
should be shown any time and The mind of the grown-up does and industrial pictures which sents and which cannot be taken
anywhere and it is this belief not care to be burdened with occupy important places upon seriously by the thinking Amer-
that causes his congregation to "dramatic-educationals." the curriculum. Of course, pic- ican public, is quoted above.
take offense. Educational pictures will have tures cannot be applied to all The other part consists of the
In taking the stand he does, their greatest value upon the studies, but it helps the monot- American producer, the Amer-
this minister is sacrificing minds of the young in the insti- ony of book-learning.
.much. He has lost many friend- ican director, the American
tutions established for that pur- To make the motion picture actor and the thousands of
ships and perhaps some would pose, such as colleges and truly successful as an educator, other allied American workers
say, failed professionally. That schools. It has been demon- a national move must be made----- in the motion picture industry
may be so but when Mr. Jones strated that the child's mind is the instructors themselves which can and will be consid-
puts character before profes- quick to remember by sight. would have to study the value of ered by that self-same public.
sion, manhood before hypocrisy, Much pondering can be done pictures and just how to apply
who can say he is a loser? He Mr. Johnston says that a
away with by a mere animated them to advantage. The few tariff will be a monopoly for the
sums up the entire blue law illustration which would other- schools and colleges equipped American producer, but he does
situation when he says:

wise require lengthy descrip- for the purpose are insufficient not give any .of the following
"It is a wonder to me how tion. To the average child a to make it worth while-a more facts and figures:
many bad things good people school book is the most uninter- concerted and unanimous effort
see in the movies; fortunately, "Passion," the first foreign,
esting thing imaginable, but must be instituted.
if you are so disposed, you need made picture shown in this
like bitter medicine-it must be The problem is a big one and country since the war, cost
never be disappointed. To con- endured. The motion picture, require- big men to handle it,
demn movies because some about $20,000. In two weeks at
however, may help to "sugar- but success cannot be attained the Capitol Theatre in New
things are objectionable is like coat" the same medicine. if commercialism and graft are York City it earned in excess of
refusing to eat fish because it Let us suppose, for instance, tolerated A greater use of the $100,000. This represents the
contains bones." that the government would pro- cinema for education and there earning power in but one the-
Despite the evidence to the duce an historical picture of the will be less condemnation of pic- atre in but one city.
contrary, it is possible to be re- History of the United States. tures as an "inspiration of
ligious and still remain right Will American producers
Can you imagine the value of crirno and evil."
even though some provincial spend half a million dollars to
such a picture, if carefully pro- Children want to see "movies," make a feature here when it
congregations can't see it that duced, upon the mind of every so we hope the school systems can be purchased for $20,000
.way and there are many of us child for generations to come? of America will give them the from the Germans?
who would like to be in a congre- Propaganda should commence kind that will do them the most
gation over which presided the In a very short time the pic-
at home and it's never too soon good - Educational Motion Pic- ture market of this country will
Rev. D. H. Jones. to begin. The cost of such it tures! (Continued on Pag-e 'I'wo)

325-331 Markham Building Announcing the return to the

6372 Hollywood 'Blvd.
Los Angeles, California fold of Fred Jackman, Great
Hollywood 4404 Mogul of the A. S. C. Jack re-
turned this week from Florida,
MARY B. HOWE, Editor where he has been locationing
Associate Editors for Mack Sennett. His recol-
ALVIN WYCKOFF lections of Pensacola are slightly
hazy, a kind of gauze-like ef-
PHILIP H. WHITMAN fect you might say. We are
glad to get him back.
A Semi-Monthly Newspaper Devoted
to the Cameramen. An Educational and
Instructive Publication Espousing Pro- It's a cruel, cruel world, ac-
and Art in Motion Picture
while Fostering
the Industry.
cording to Ben H. Kline, cine-
matographer for Tom Mix. It
Published by all happened this way.
Tom, while making prepara-
tions to journey to New York
Subscription Price; for the big fight, suddenly real-
$2.50 a Year, in Advance
ized that he would miss the
We Cordially
Along Instructive
News Articles
handsome face of Bennie. He
Lines of Motion Picture Photography immediately secured an addi-
from Our Members and Directors Ac-
tive in the Mo t io n Picture Industry. tional ticket and invited the
All Articles for Publication Must be cinematog to go along. Invita-
Signed by Name of 'w rt ter ,
tion accepted - all in readiness
Meetings of the Amer-Ican Society to leave when it is decided that
of Cinematographers are held every Bennie must stay and photo-
Monday evening. in their rooms in
the Markham .tsuildtng, No. 325. On graph another William Fox pro-
the first and third Monday the open duction for a new director. Now
meeting is held, and on the second Kline wishes he wasn't so pop-
and fourth is the meeting of the ular as a cameraman. -
Board of Governors.

Reggie Lyons emerges from

TOO MUCH JOHNSTON out of a bullet proof cellar hack
(Continued from Pag'c One)
in Tulsa, Okla. ,long enough to
have to compete, not only with assure us that he survives the
the German film, but with the recent race riots. In fact he
output of Italy, France, Eng-
land and other foreign coun- "M an, 'Woman, M·"
arrlage says he didn't mind his enforced
sojourn a bit. Yes, Reggie, we
tries. All of these competitive used to have a cellar like that in
pictures, because of the low for- A wonderful subject - A Big past we find the subtlety of the old days.
eign exchange rate, can be made Idea, which has been uppermost Woman the ruling greatness of
at from one-twentieth to one- in the minds of Men and Wom- the time; thru her influence Roy Klaffki is still searching
third the cost of similar produc- en thru all the ages. No mat- only has Man been successful, around town for a projecting
tions in the United States. If ter what historical work we are and then - the same influence machine lamp, but alas, when
an unrestrained influx of for- prompted to refer to we find has been dropped by him into Roy says, "Let there be light,"
eign pictures is in full posses- that as far back into the dim oblivion. there is no light.
sion of the American market past as it is possible for us to There are moments when this
who will suffer? penetrate, Woman has fought picture is entertaining, but not Wanted-One ten-gallon bar-
First, the American picture for her place beside the Man. convincing. The photography rel in good condition. Nobody's
loving public, who will suffer She fought for the life she has is very good, and Messrs. Ly- business for what purpose I
from the display of cheaply pro- brot into being, she has fought man Broening and William Mc- want it. Apply to Hugh Me-
duced inferior foreign films for all that was rightfully hers, Gann are to be complimented on . Clung.
(and we believe that even Mr. and her battle still rages, peace-the finish of their efforts and co-
Johnston will admit the supe- fully or furiously, according to operation. The technical de- Victor Milner, Esq., hasn't
riority of the American product her enlightenment, environment partment is deserving of praise been seen around since the last
both morally and artistically). or government under which she for some beautiful sets and session of the Casino Club. It
Second, the American exhibitor, lives. Man has fought equally is rumored that he is on an ex-
who will be forced to carry a hard to be the dominant sex, properties. The work of Miss
tensive shopping expedition in
I load of bookings of these impor-
tations which he will find un-
and again if we study the his-
tory of the great nations of the
Dorothy Phillips is very good, the city.
which is just what is expected.
productive of permanent finan- Homer Scott was recently let-
cial gain, So if, as Mr. J ohn- "Chats on Composition" by J. Another New Member ting the boys in on a good recipe
ston says, the box-office sup- A. Dubray and "Motion Pic-
ports the motion picture indus- tures and Censorship" by Lewis We are glad to welcome to for a hot weather drink.
our membership, Mr. Virgil E. "All you need," he said, "is a
try and every single concern W. Physioc will be continued in Miller of the Universal Film half dozen lemons, three dozen
and individual engaged in it,
what is to happen to the Amer-
the next issue. Company. Mr. Miller's first oranges and a gallon of water."
studio experience was in the "That's pretty soft," observed
ican producer, the director, the Harry Gerstad has finished electrical department of this one 0 fhis listeners.
actor and the other mass of photographing Wm. Desmond company, from which he moved "Yes," replied Scott, "but the
workers? Will even the great in "Fightin' Mad" on the Brun- to the camera shop. After two other ingredient is HARD-to
-.hmerican Trade J ournals es- ton lot. The next picture will years he was given a camera, get. "
cape? start in a short time.
The motion picture in vest- which position he has filled for
three years and a half. He has King Gray has just returned
ment in this country is largely posed legislation in Washing- been associated with such direc- from Big Bear, at which loca-
of a permanent nature, consist-

ton. In one group are the men tors as Elmer Clifton, Thomas tion he has been shooting the
ing of studios, lighting, con- who profit from such business Heffron, Douglas Gerrard, J. P. latest Ben Wilson production
struction and transportation as was done with the German McGowan, Reeves Eason and under the direction of Roy
equipment; the principal pro- film "Passion"; in the other, King Baggot. Clements. In telling of his trip
ducing centres being California, those of us who are endeavoring King says:
New York and New Jersey. to keep America for Americans. "We experienced the worst
George Schneiderman has be-
Surely this investment and the If the former wins in the gun a picture with Howard possible kind of weather. One
livelihood of the workers are struggle our extensive invest- Mitchell ,on the Fox lot, starring minute rain, another snow and
entitled to reasonable protec- ments and the hosts of trained Shirley Mason, then came both together. After
tion. It is unfair that tens of specialists supported by this ten days of trying work, we
millions of dollars of invested great industry will be valueless. R. J. Bergquist has just com- managed to steal the scenes be-
capital be placed in jeopardy. This would give the opportunity pleted "The Hunch" in which tween clouds. What makes me
The proposed ad valorem duty so generously desired by Mr. Gareth Hughes is starred under terribly mad about iXJ.e whole
upon the imported exposed film, Johnston to have pictures made the direction of George D. .affair is the fact that upon our
based upon the replacement cost in Rome, Capetown, Bombay, Baker. The same combination return to Los Angeles, the sun
in the United States, would London, Berlin, Paris and has started the second comedy shone so brightly that it almost
place the foreign and domestic Shanghai shown thruout the of the series. "Garments of blinded me. I feel like saying
products upon an equal financial country, while the American Truth" from the pen of Free- Da--"
footing. film remains on the shelf. man Tilden. Miss Ethel Gran- Easy there, King old boy, re-
Two elements in the industry But believe us, Mr. Johnston, din will appear in this picture member you are among gentle-
are now trying to control pro- IT SHALL NOT BE. also. men.
his crowd followed him up and THE BLACK CARD
just naturally snowed the poor CONTROVERSY
Membership Note~
old Trust under, Henry Cronjagor writes from
If the Trust had squenched (Continued (rom Page One)
New York that he expects soon
these here upstarts, where prejudice and stupidity, in de- to be back in sunny Southern
would we be now? Pretty hard fending a new idea or method, California. They all seem to be
to tell, but the chances are we especially when it conflicts with coming this way now. Next?
would be just experimenting the self-interest or set standards
with the idea of just showing of the majority, I have been Arthur Edeson is a busy cam-
one five reeler at a time instead forcibly impressed with that bit- eraman these days, photograph-
of two or three short subjects. ter fact in the course of over ing "The Three Musketeers" on
Maybe not, tho. It's a cinch two years of very successful the Fairbanks lot. When we
there wouldn't be no stars, and demonstration of this method, called upon him there was a
such perductions as "The Mir- so far as one man's capacity for crowd of . near Frenchmen on
acle "Man" wouldn't even be a work is concerned. The time the set, surrounded by a crowd
possibility. has passed, however, when a de- of interested American specta-
But as it turned out, these in- fense was necessary. and in this tors. The picture has been in
dependent birds was hot to article I will confine myself to a production about seven weeks
outdo each other, and from 1914 description and comparison for and is progressing satisfac-
to 19] 6 the movie industry, in it the benefit of those of the craft torily.
Jimmie; the Assistant series of dazzling triumfs, who are open to conviction and Roy Klaffki will photograph
leaped from its disrepertable concerned with cold facts, Alice Lake in her production
Listen here -folks, I ain't no nickelodeon standing into the rather than fancies, I base my just starting under director
Solomon or nuthin' like that. I field of Art, Of course, a lot of claims to your attention as being Dallas Fitzgerald at Metro,
ain't going to ask you to take dough was made, As we said, the first and so far, the most "The Infamous Miss Revell" is
no stock in my personal ideas, any big money maker gets mo- successful in this particular from the pen of W. Carey Won-
but--us poor working bums is nopolized, and pretty soon, be- line, having as clients the high- derly.
so close to the bottom that fore we knew it, nearly all our est class of patronage in the in-
sometimes we hears the rumbles business got into two or three dustry. Ross Fisher is enjoying the
of approaching storms before groups, and then these groups It has not been so many years . unique experience of photo-
anybody else. I'm just a bum practically rolled into one, The since anything in the nature of graphi ng "The Lotus Blossom"
assistant, and so maybe I don't new combine founded itself on a highly glossed surface, for under Director Francis Gran-
know what I'm driving at, but control of the theaters, and title work, either for lettering or din, for the Leong But J ung
I've followed the game a long made a pretty darn good job illustrations, was regarded as Productions, at the . Boyle
time and I've seen a lot of things of it. highly impractical, owing to the Heights Studio. Tully Marshall
happen, and I'm basing my gab Now, at present, about 80 per difficulty in overcoming halation is the only American in the cast.
on past occurrences. cent of our perduction is com- or reflections, and all lettering Jack Mackenzie is at Lake
This here movie business of bine, and the rest independent and illustrating was executed Tahoe photographing Earle
ourn is in for the biggest shake- perducers, The ir.dependents on as dull a surface as possible, Williams in the "Man from Cal-
up it ever had, and when the are Iucky to break even; the for that reason. gary," a story of the North'
dust clears you won't know the others are making big dough. It has only been lately that, west Mounted Police. Bert Ens-
old place, Why? Because the independ- through the untiring efforts of minger is directing.
No, I ain't got no inside dope, ents are progressing, the others a few progressive souls, striv-
and there ain't no availeable playing safe, Progress means ing for something better, this Tony Gaudio is in the midst
risk: a new idea may clean up technical stumbling block has of shooting "The Black Fox,"
facts to back up that there
statement. It's just a hunch, for you, or give you an awful been removed. Especial credit story by Phillips Oppenheim,
and a darn good hunch based on jolt. for this advance is due to such adapted and directed by Ed-
Old Lady History's celebrated As near as I can see, the big men as Ferdinand Earle, the ward Sloman. The all star cast
habit of repeating herself. group lets the little group ex- artist, whose title paintings and includes Lewis Stone, Raymond
periment, and profits by their double exposure work are too Hatton, Ruby DeRemer, Kath-
My line of dope is just this. leen Kirkham, Frank Lee and
Every big money making game mistakes. "The Miracle Man" well known to require much
was a winner and we had a lot comment. By the proper plac- Walter McGraiL The tale is laid
sooner or later boils down to a in France and England. Mr.
monopoly, and pictures ain't no like it. "Broken Blossoms" ing of lights, on even the most
flivved and they laid off it, highly polished surface, and the Gaudio promises some new
exception. They started this shadow effects,
merry stunt early in the picture But it takes more than a 20 proper timing and exposure, re-
game with the Trust, Remem- per cent effort to make real flection is eliminated entirely, Victor Milner has just fin-
ber when there wasn't nothing progress, and it's a lead pipe thus allowing the photography ished shooting "The Come-
else but Biograph, Vitagraph, cinch that we ain't doing much of oil paintings in all their rich- Back" under Director Bill How-
Kalem, Essanay, Edison, etc., more than marking time at ness of detail, density of blacks ard. This picture features
anywhere to be seen? That par- present. That's almost a dupli- and delicate values, allowing Johnny Walker and Edna
ticular Trust had it on 'em all cate of the old Trust days, and the artist to work his medium Murphy. Five weeks of day
because of the patents they con- that's where' I get my hunch. in a far more subdued key, and and night work were spent on
'trolled, They had about the At the rate the Combine is run- bringing his lighter tones cor- this production and all are glad
most air-tight cinch anybody ning things, we're due for a respondingly higher without to have a chance to take a long
ever had since Joseph played his smash, and unless they makes a conflicting with the pure white breath.
little corner in Egyptian wheat, awful lot of changes they're 'the of the lettering, producing- ef-
Then Old Lady History steps ones to get it worst. They have fects of realism and beauty, not with double exposure work,
in and repeats one of her fa- the money, equipment and tal- possible in other mediums, such knows without argument that it
vorite old time repetitions. Said ent to develop the big things of as chalk, water colors, etc. I is virtually impossible to get a
the future, like color pictures, might say, incidentally, that the clear negative on a dull black
Trust, holding all the trumps, old idea that an illustration had
stereoscopic pictures, new dra- card, for doubling on action or
perceeds to play the game to
suit itself. So they percolated matic ideas, new every things to be subdued to the point where illustrations, no matter in what
that is bound to come. Instead, the audience was kept guessing medium they are executed. The
along, grinding out their little just what it was that the artist
they makes such brilliant black velvet screen, commonly
one, two, and maybe as a grand
adventure, three reel drarnmers, cracks as bringing up this here intended to portray - and re- used in doubling on action, is
spending no more than they had German picture disgrace, and sulting in most cases in their not adaptable for lettering, so
to, and making no progress, cultivating hokum patches missing the whole thing, let- necessity has evolved the var-
Why should they attempt any- abroad, They have before 'em tering- included-is a bit out of nished card. which, while re-
thing new? Why fritter their a grand example of what hap- date in the best informed circles, quiring special equipment and
perfectly good dough away on pened to the Trust, but it don't since it has been very clearly radically different methods in
fool experiments such as direc- look like they're going to pay no demonstrated that an illustra- photography - gets the results.
attention to it. tion can be painted and photo- To those who are skeptically in-
tors with unusual ideas, and real graphed, realistically, to clearly clined, I would suggest a simple
sets instead of painted flats, or show all interesting detail, yet comparison: Take a square of
idiotic cameramen who wanted How Would Thos. A. not so high in tone that it black cardboard, such as is ordi-
to try new things in photog-
raphy? Edison Answer These? clashes with the lettering, for
after all is said, the lettering is
narily used in title work, draw a
line through the center of it
Then a lot of what was con- 1. How close is a "close-up 7" the thing. An illustration, alone, with a pencil, dividing it evenly
sidered half-wits busts loose. 2. Would F -stop if yOUturn- would often be meaningless, no into halves - varnish one half,
and makes pictures the way the ed.X-i;Jack? matter how cleverly or symbol- leaving the other half plain.
Trust wouldn't let 'em. In this ically done, A lettered title, oIJ You will notice a striking dif-
they showed more nerve than 3, If a glacier melts in one the other hand, 'can stand alone,
month, what time is. required to if necessary. A perfectly bal- ference in the density of the
good judzrnent, because most of black that has been varnished,
make a "lap-dissolve 7" anced title, where lettering- and
'em was bucking big money and so strong, in fact, that the card
patent suits. But they got away 4. Why is a "crank-turner?" illustration harmonize and help that originally appeared black is
with it, and when a certain one 5. How high is Hy-po? each other-that is a goal worth now gray, by comparison with
of these crazy guys named Grif- 6, Why are the terms "alibi" striving for. the surface that has' been var-
fith showed the world a new and "stock-static" synonymous? In regard to the lettered card, nished, I will state. inciden-
standard of pictures, the rest of -v, D. Miller. any cameraman, conversant (Continued on Page Four) ,r"
THE BLACK CARD lettering on all four sides-and experiences I wish to empha- rectly on the illustration, photo-
CONTROVERSY double expose on your painting size the fact that the basic prin- graphing both in one operation,
(Continued from Page Three) or other subj ect which has been ciple I have here described re- thus saving the expense of dou-
tally, that the marked contrast previously taken, the camera mains the same----and applies to ble exposure. The trouble with
observable between the two remaining stationary through- all double exposure work, this brilliant scheme, as any ex-
halves of the card, is also seen out the two operations. You whether it is action stuff, oil pert can testify, is the fact that,
in the developed negative, which will find on developing the neg- paintings, chalk or water colors. in order to obtain the best re-
may also be readily proven by ative that the space which has There is nothing commercially sults" the lettering requires dif-
having an artist run a line of been vignetted out is perfectly manufactured in the nature of ferent timing and exposure
white lettering across both clear, and also the space con- a black card that will compare than the illustration, The result
halves of the card, set up and taining the lettering which has with the intense black of the of photographing both at the
photograph with lights placed been exposed, is perfectly clear, varnished card, and it is the same time simply results in sac-
at an angle to avoid halation. demonstrating beyond all doubt only known means for obtain- rificing one or the other, and do-
using negative stock, develop in the value of this method. Try ing an absolutely dear, fool- ing justice to neither,
usual manner and note the con- the same method, using an ordi- proof negative. For ordinary
nary dull black card containing In conclusion I cannot refrain
trast-and if this simple test is black and white titles, requiring from commenting on what has
not convincing consult a brain printed or hand-lettered type- single exposure only, the dull
and note the difference. card, photographed in the ordi- been a source of continual won-

In the course of my experi- nary way, using positive stock, derment to me, viz., the placid
One of the most valuable fea- persistency with which many
tures in connection with the ence as a title artist, I have seen is very satisfactory, and I an-
swers the purpose admirably, producers will expend hundreds
varnished card is the fact that and heard of as many different of dollars for beautiful and ex-
no matter on what part of the ways of photographing titles as but for work requiring double
exposure - well, if you are not pensive illustrations, only to
card the lettering is done, orig- there are patent medicines- have them dimmed and their
inally, it can be shifted to any and in my opinion, just as po- particular as to results.
value killed by being fogged in
location desirable to suit the il- tent of results. Each camera- One method, quite popular the photography by the use of
lustration, by simply shifting man seems to have evolved a pet with producers who are more the dull black lettered card, es-
the entire card containing the theory of his own as to the concerned with false economy pecially after they have viewed
lettering to the proper location, methods to employ. With all than in getting the best results, the results obtained by the
vignetting in to the edge of the due respect to their combined is to have the lettering done di- method herein described.



Holly 4404
Our membership comprises the following known men of repute:
Fred W, Jackman . President
Alvin Wyckoff First Vice-President
Frank B. Good Second Vice-President
William C. Foster Treasurer
John F. Seitz Secretary
John Arnold Frank B. Good Jolin F, Seitz
R. J. Bergquist Fred W. Jackman James C. Van Trees
H. Lyman Broening Roy H. Klaffki Philip H. Whitman
William C. Foster Philip E. Rosen L. Guy Wilky
T. G. Gaudio HOI',lerA, Scott
Alvin Wyckoff
David Abel Perry Evans Sam Landers B. F.' Reynolds
John Arnold William Fildew John Leezer George Rizard
Joe August Ross G. Fisher J. R. Lockwood Jackson J. Rose
Friend F. Baker Wm. C. Foster Walter Lundin

Philip E. Rosen
George S. Barnes Harry M. Fowler Chester A, Lyons Charles G. Rosher
Wm. J. Beckway T, G, Gaudio Reginald Lyons C. E. Schoenbaum
Georges Benoit

Harry W. Gerstad Jack Mackenzie A. Scholtz
R. J. Bergquist Frank B. Good Wm. M. McGann George Schneiderman
H. Lyman Broening Fred L. Granville Hugh C. McClung ,
Homer A. Scott
Norbert F. Brodin KingD. Gray Virgil E. Miller JOhn F, Seitz
Karl Brown Walter L. Griffin Victor Milner Al Siegler
L. Dal Clawson Rene Guissart Ira H. Morgan W, S. Smith, Jr.
Henry Cronjager Alois G. Heimerl Robert S. Newhard Harry H. Thorpe
A.M.Davey George William Hill Stephen S. Norton R. H. Totheroh
Faxon M. Dean Fred W. Jackman Roy F. Overbaugh J. C, Van 'I'rees
E. S. Depew Roy H. Klaffki Ernest S. Palmer R. W. Walter
Robert V. Doran Ben H. Kline Paul P, Perry Gilbert Warrenton
J. A. Dubray H. F. Koenekamp G. C. Peterson Philip H. Whitman
Arthur Edeson Edward Kull Marcel LePicard L. GuyWilky
R. B. Kurrle Sol Polito Alvin Wyckoff

Loyalty Progress Art

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