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Canadian Men’s Health Foundation

2015 Operating
Table of Contents
CANADIAN MEN’S HEALTH FOUNDATION 2015 OPERATING PLAN...........................................................21
CMHF Web Site........................................................................................................................................6
Men’s Health Week.................................................................................................................................6
NHL Strategic Alliance..............................................................................................................................7
Play On! 2015..........................................................................................................................................8
Scotiabank/Rogers Sportsnet..................................................................................................................9
CMHF Champions....................................................................................................................................9
CFL and CFLPA.......................................................................................................................................10
Public Men’s Health Event.....................................................................................................................11
Economic Burden Report of Men’s Poor Health Lifestyles....................................................................13
GP Guidelines........................................................................................................................................14
Testosterone Guidelines........................................................................................................................15
Collaboration with the Canadian Mental Health Association................................................................15
Medical Advisory Board.........................................................................................................................17

To provide a quick reference guide for staff, consultants, and other internal stakeholders to
CMHF’s 2015 projects, and each of their goals, objectives, key action items, resources and time

This plan is based on the Plan A budget (current staff and funds - without assumption of new
CMHF’s management team arrived at this plan through a series of in-depth meetings in which
all of the ‘wish list’ projects were identified, discussed in detail and assigned 2015 objectives. It
was quickly determined that the list of projects outstripped the staff and funds available. The
projects were then ranked using a blind scoring system and sorted into 3 buckets based on
high, medium and low importance. A more detailed scope of the high and medium impact
projects was prepared after which a further ‘culling’ was required to ensure the project plan
could be accomplished. The culling included a mix of delaying some projects (see ‘Parking Lot’
section) and scaling back the scope of others.
Note: This plan fully utilizes our existing resources under Plan A budget. If additional funds are
raised CMHF can increase the scope of projects in Plan A and/or activate items currently in the
‘parking lot’.

1) Direct Funding: $2.45
1. Federal grant - $5 million ($1 million per year over 5 years)
2. Public Health Agency Grant - 1.2 million (pending approval)
3. Corporate sponsorships - $200,000
2) Value in Kind: $ 620,000
Free advertising and promotion such as donated air time or ad space in tradition and on line
media provided by corporations.
1. Google ad word search grant - $120,000
2. Rogers Sports Net $500,000 (subject to Federal Grant)
The CMHF has the good fortune of having funds available on demand that were raised largely

through the relationships of its Chairman and under the auspices of MHIBC. It is key to the long
term success of the Foundation that it create a sustainable multi source funding platform made
up of corporate sponsorships, government grants, association grants, major gifts and -
eventually – individual donations.
To date most of the fundraising resources have been directed towards Government grants and
corporate donations. Corporate sponsorships have proven more time consuming to obtain than
management expected but hold good promise over the long term and provide value in kind
such as free advertising, access to customer databases and in store promotions, fundraisers and
events. CMHF has retained the services of Toronto based Ariad Communications to assist in
connections to corporations and in the pitching and closing process.
Deloitte was selected as the CMHF auditors in part due to their commitment to participate in
helping build the multi-source funding platform. In 2015 Deloitte will focus on connecting CMHF
to potential corporate sponsors and the pilot test of a BC employee individual donation event.
Action Items:
 Complete funding / partnership process with 2014 prospects such as Scotiabank /Rogers
 Work with Ariad to identify and pitch to corporations
 Work with Deloitte to identify and connect CMHF to clients

Corporate Partnership Revenue Model

Summary of Categories & Investment Levels for 2015, 2016
For next 2 years based on recent negotiations/offers, corporate pitches and feedback from
various prospects
1) National Partner Level
 3 to 5 partners @ $100k+ per annum = up to $500k per year / term: 3 or 5 years
 Examples - Scotiabank in year 2, Rexall in year 2, Bell Canada, Rogers, Canadian Tire,
 Benefits – sponsorship rights to be customized for each client / may have to offer
exclusivity for some deals at this level
 2)  Official Partner Level or Presenting Sponsor for annual event – i.e. Men’s Health Week 
 3 to 6 partners @ $50k+ per annum = up to $300k+ per year / term: 1 or 3 years
 Examples – Scotiabank in year 1, Rexall in year 1, Telus, Canadian Western Bank, Kal
Tire, Mr. Lube, Dairy Farmers, General Mills, Westjet
 Benefits – sponsorship rights to be customized for each client / non-exclusive deals

3) Community Partner Level or Official Supporter
 4 to 6 partners @ $25k+ per annum = up to $150k per year / term: annual
 Examples – Q Energy, Nature’s Path, Deloitte, GiveGolf, Private Donors
 Benefits – logo or personal name recognition on CMHF website, annual report and
select promotional materials if required – i.e. Men’s Health Week / non exclusive
Potential Revenue - $500,000 to $1 million (projected) annually

Government Funding:
 Federal grant: letters and other lobbying to support pending decision on $5 million grant
 Provincial – BC: lobby for renewal of provincial grant (B.C.) in 2016 –support showing
results to date: digital, DCM campaign, clinic, etc.
 Provincial – Ontario: begin lobbying process/identify Ontario VIP to be local
‘face’/identify and hire lobbyist/ create plan and schedule meeting in Ontario
  Association Grants:
 Complete research to identify applicable Associations and make 1 to 3 grant applications
 Funding application pending decision ($1.2 million)
 Major Gifts:
 Seek lead person in Ontario to identify and pitch motivated and high net worth
 Individual Donations:
 Create pilot test with Deloitte BC employee base
Time Frame
 All year round
Resources (Primary Stakeholders):
 Wayne, Larry, Jordan, Joe, Jacob, Ariad, Ascent , Summa, Kalinka


Conduct the first full calendar year of the Don’t Change Much campaign including the on-line
publishing and promotion of 500 validated men’s health information ‘nuggets’ (i.e. tips, recipes,
how-to’s, etc.) .

 To engage men about health with a positive approach, serving health tips in a fun
manner which all men can digest easily and start putting into action. Act as a hub for
CMHF promotions such as Men’s Health Week.
 To help raise awareness through online ads and drive visitors to our website and social
channels where we can create a community. Email capture will also be a primary KPI to
help us build our most effective communication channel. Analytics and data mined from
our visitors will help us identify how we can better disseminate our marketing
Action Items:
 Website overhaul: more emphasis on new blog content on home page and
redevelopment of back-end for added functionalities like sponsored pages and faster
loading times
 Google grant application for additional funding: intensive keyword research and
activation of current grant with 6S Marketing in order to be able to apply for larger grant
 Content: blog content 3-5 articles per week which feeds our social networks as well as
email marketing (500+ pieces of public facing communication for 2015)
 Online advertisement creative for Google, Facebook, Twitter and targeted websites like
The National, Huffington Post and
 Email capture strategies via landing pages and A/B split testing of advertisements to
improve conversions
 Online surveys to identify our audience and better understand what health mode they
are in and what their needs are to get healthier
 Online contests with a focus for email capture and built-in mini-surveys to continue to
better understand our audience
 Dedicated landing pages for campaigns and partners
 Engagement strategies and analysis on social networks – continually reviewing and
monitoring our Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn audience to see what is engaging them the
most and causing conversations to happen

Time Frame
 All year round
Resources (Primary Stakeholders)
 Sam (strategy, management and direction), Krystal (blog content), Graham
(development of landing pages), Ryan (graphic and web design)

CMHF Web Site

To provide the corporate presence of CMHF and be the leading Canadian resource for men’s
health information
 To further populate the site with a directory of men’s health content and links to key
 Build an on line following of key stakeholders through blog and news postings.
Action Items:
 Begin preparation for the importing of the content on
 President blog postings (minimum 2 per month)
 Chairman blog postings (6 per year)
 News release postings or men’s news tweets as available

Time Frame:
 All year round
Resources (Primary Stakeholders):
 Wayne (strategy , blogs) Dr. Goldenberg (guest blogs ) Sam (strategy and management)
Krystal (blog and PR/news media) Graham (development, organizing content)

Men’s Health Week


To develop the plan and launch, the ‘Take the Men’s Health Pledge, a campaign asks men and
their families to take pledge in support of men’s health during Men’s Health Week in June 2016


 Create an easy and fun way for people to create awareness and build a social movement
of men’s health by creating a simple, fun sharable pledge
 To raise the profile and credibility of CMHF and its DCM campaign with potential
sponsors, donors and other key stakeholders.
 To significantly accelerate the acquisition of social media followers and email
 To further establish CMHF’s ownership of Men’s Health week
 To help raise funds through retail partnerships for CMHF operations and ongoing
awareness campaigns

Action Items:

 Determine key criteria for success

 Collaborate with CMHF creative consultants to explore concepts that meet key criteria
 Test concepts through ‘Joe’ members
 Enlist organizations to participate by promoting to their employees, stakeholders and
social media
 Begin campaign May 11th and run through to June 21st

Time Frame
 Q1 – Q2

Resources (Primary Stakeholders):

Wayne, Sam, Joe, Jordan (strategy, management and direction), Ariad (sponsors) Bill Baker
(story and message) Rethink (creative plan and budget)

NHL Strategic Alliance

To form strategic alliances with a minimum of 5 Canadian NHL teams to support the Don’t
Change Much campaign in-arena and through other marketing assets each team will provide

 To generate greater awareness of the DCM campaign in those markets and to drive
traffic to the website.

Action Items:
 Follow-up with all Canadian teams to determine what assets they can offer CMHF to
support the DCM campaign from the following list:
 One (1) :30 sec PSA to air (in bowl) during a stoppage in play and/or intermission on
 One (1) Community Corner Game Night – if available
 Sportsnet interview to be arranged to support Community Corner Game Night with
CMHF representative TBD (during an intermission)
 One (1) button ad or :15sec PSA on team website to promote the “Don’t’ Change Much”
campaign – rotation
 One (1) half page ad in team’s Game Day Magazine
 Add one or two Champions if the opportunity develops – i.e. Brendan Shanahan of MLSE
Time Frame:

Resources (Primary Stakeholders):

 Wayne and Jordan (management and direction), Sam (digital strategy), Ryan (graphic
and web design, creative elements for each team), Graham (development of landing
pages for contesting if required), writer Krystal (blog content)

Play On! 2015

Pilot test a partnership with Brainex, owners of Play On!, to reach recreational street hockey
players across Canada.
(Hockey Night in Canada’s Play On! – is the largest outdoor recreational street hockey event in
Canada with up to 6000 teams, 42,000 players and 400,000 spectators in approximately 10
cities during the months of May and June. The championship final will take place in September)
 To generate greater awareness of the ‘Take a Men’s Health Pledge’ and the DCM
campaign in addition to pilot test a 3rd party individual fundraising.

Action Items:
 Formalize the partnership agreement with option to renew.
 Implement plan and determine resources required for Play On!

Time Frame:
 February to June, with the championship final to be held in September 2015

Resources (Primary Stakeholders):

 Jordan and Joe (management and direction, promo materials), Sam (digital strategy),
Ryan (graphic and web design, creative elements for Scott), Krystal (blog posts, content)

Scotiabank/Rogers Sportsnet
 To create awareness of men’s health and the DCM campaign to Canadian hockey fans.
 To formalize and activate a national partnership program with Scotiabank and Rogers
Sportsnet, partly funded by the Federal Government, to support the DCM campaign
during the professional hockey season through advertising, V.I.K and P.R.
Action Items:
 Finalize partnership agreements including terms and conditions of the deal
 Finalize details of the campaign and overall concept
 Determine scope and role of Jim Hughson to support the campaign
 Finalize program activation details including launch date and how Scotiabank locations
will participate
 Create an online contest to support the campaign
 Dedicated landing page(s) to be created for the campaign
Time Frame:
Resources (Primary Stakeholders):
 Wayne and Jordan (strategy, management and direction), Sam (digital strategy), Ryan
(graphic and web design), Rethink (campaign creative), Krystal (blog content)

CMHF Champions

To add credibility to CMHF and reach the fan bases and followers of VIPs through the use of
CMHF Champions in specific on line and PR activities.


 Continue to engage and nurture the existing relationships with our Champions to ensure
they feel they are contributing to the success of CMHF and the DCM campaign
 Activate all Champions a minimum of once per quarter during the calendar year.
 Define “the ask” of each Champion so the expectations and outcomes are achieved

Action Items:

 Determine the program / activation plan for our Champions – “the ask”
 Reconnect with each Champion in late February and March to provide details on the
2015 campaign, and ‘Take the Pledge/Men’s Health Week and new partnerships.
Determine blog content from each Champion to boost our social media presence– i.e.
monthly tweets, Facebook likes, etc.
 Arranging another “Champions Breakfast” at the Four Seasons hosted by CMHF and
Ned Bell (February or March)
 Add one new Champion to the roster – i.e. Brendan Shanahan or Alwyn Morris

Resources (Primary Stakeholders):

 Wayne and Jordan (management, direction and communication), Sam (digital strategy),
Krystal (blog content), Ryan (graphic and web design if required)

Time Frame:

 All year round


To reach football fans through alliances with CFL teams
 To form a strategic alliance with the CFLPA and CFL teams to support the Don’t Change
Much campaign in-stadium and through other marketing assets each team will provide
 To generate greater awareness of the DCM campaign to the Players Association,
followed by all 9 CFL markets in an effort to drive traffic to the website.
Action Items:
 Present to CFLPA (and CFL) in March to outline details of partnership
 Determine next steps and timeline for potential launch date in 2015 or 2016.

 Follow-up with all 9 teams to determine what assets they can offer CMHF to support the
DCM campaign from the following list: (start small this year and build-up for 2016
1. One (1) :30 sec PSA to air (in stadium) during a stoppage in play and/or
intermission on scoreboard
2. One (1) Community Corner Game Night – if available
3. TSN interview to be arranged to support Community Corner Game Night with
CMHF representative TBD (during an intermission)
4. One (1) button ad or :15sec PSA on team website to promote the “Don’t’ Change
Much” campaign – rotation
5. One (1) half page ad in team’s Game Day Magazine
6. Add one or two Champions if the opportunity develops – i.e. Anthony Calvillo or
Matt Dunigan of TSN     
Time Frame:
 Q2–Q4
Resources (Primary Stakeholders):
 Wayne and Jordan (management and direction), Sam (digital strategy), Ryan (graphic
and web design, creative elements for each team), Graham (development of landing
pages for contesting if required), Krystal (blog content), Shea Emry (content on Wellmen

Public Men’s Health Event

To create a men’s health event concept to pilot test in 2016

 To create a concept and ‘scope out’ a public men’s health event designed to attract the
CMHF target audience to a location where health related information is presented in an
entertaining and informative manner.
 The event will be pilot tested during 2016 for a possible multi-city roll out in 2017.

Action Items:

 Determine key criteria for success

 Collaborate with CMHF creative consultants to explore concepts that meet key criteria
 Test concepts through focus groups or survey
 Finalize concept and flesh out top line plan including budget and resources
 Identify potential sponsors shortlist, create pitch and ‘deck, and initiate sales process

Resources (Primary Stakeholders):

Wayne (strategy, alliances, sponsors), Dr. Goldenberg (strategy), Joe (project manager), Jordan
(sponsorships), Ryan (deck)


 3rd and 4th quarter

You Check – Men’s Health Risk Assessment Tool

To provide men with an ‘easy’ web based health assessment tool that provides knowledge and
motivates healthy lifestyle behaviours.
To have You Check 1.5 fully operational in both official languages in Q1 2015.
Action Items:
 To fully utilize the metrics for awareness, PR and fundraising purposes
 Develop communications launch plan with CMHF and Sun Life
 Work with Sun Life to tap into their digital assets
 Investigate the potential to white label You Check for fundraising
 Complete external validation of You Check
 Formalize the program management for You Check
 Revise UBC Ethics
 Ability to save profiles
 Develop online marketing campaign
Time Frame:
 Q1, Q2 (programming, launch)
 Q2, Q3 (management and external validation)
Resources (Primary Stakeholders):
 Joe (Project Manager), Sun Life (sponsor), Dr. Goldenberg (PI), Sam (Digital Marketing)

‘Eshe’ - Women’s Health Risk Assessment (HRA) Tool

To complete programming, content and design of ‘Eshe’ a Women’s on line health risk
assessment tool
(Building a women’s HRA tool is required under the original terms of the Sun Life funding
agreement signed in 2010)
 To identify a women’s health organization willing to take on the license and operation of
the HRA tool (TBD) and transfer by end of Q2
Action Items:
 Build out the organizational structure for the delivery of the information in the HRA tool
 Identify a women’s health organization to adopt the completed tool and transfer the
 Develop communications launch plan with CMHF and Sun Life
 Program the HRA tool
 Design the user interface for the HRA tool
 Logo design for the HRA tool
 French translation for the HRA tool
 User test the HRA tool
 Formalize management and hand off plan for the HRA tool
Time Frame:
 Q1, Q2 (programming, launch)
Resources (Primary Stakeholders):
 Joe (Project Manager), Sun Life (sponsor), Dr. Goldenberg (PI), Dr. Gotay (UBC Lead),
Laura Dale (UBC Project Manager), Dr. Farshad Pourmalek (research and testing), 45
Robots (programming)

Economic Burden Report of Men’s Poor Health Lifestyles

To ad highly credible economic impact numbers to the evidence of the importance of improving
men’s health.
 In 2013 the CMHF commissioned the creation of the first report on the full economic
burden of men’s poor lifestyle behaviors. The report is complete and can be timed to be
released to support other CMHS strategy and tactics.

Action Items:
 News release
 Media list – reporters for pitching story
 Landing page
 Backgrounder
 Coordinate CMHF spokespeople
 3rd party spokespeople (i.e., Chief Economist of Scotiabank )
 Other resources: Ascent / Summa
 Spokespeople: Dr. Goldenberg/Wayne/Minister Lake/Hans

Time Frame:
Q 2 – during Men’s Health Week
Resources (Primary Stakeholders):
 Wayne, Joe, Dr. Goldenberg, Hans Krueger, Ascent, Summa

GP Guidelines

Improve the knowledge level of Canadian G.P.s on the subject of men’s health.


 CMHF board member Dr. David Greenberg created Canada’s men’s first clinical practice
guidelines for GPs. The CMHF and MHIBC are assisting in contributing to the cost of
distribution to Canadian GPs and is seeking other corporate funding to raise the
required $150- $250,000. The CMHF brand will be on the guidelines along with MUMS
Health, who produced the guidelines.
Action Items:
 Support David’s efforts to secure corporate funding
 MHI BC funding assistance up to $50,000
 Possible combined mailing with testosterone guidelines
 News release
 Stakeholder list for email
 Create landing page on CMHF site

Time Frame:
 Q2, Q3
Resources (Primary Stakeholders):

 Wayne, Joe, Dr. Greenberg , Dr. Goldenberg, Jordan

Testosterone Guidelines

Improve the knowledge level of Canadian Doctors on the subject of Testosterone

(CMHF has sponsored the production of Canada’s first guidelines for doctors on the diagnosis,
management and treatment of Testosterone Deficiency)


 An article on the guidelines is expected to be published in the Canadian Medical Journal

during Q 3
 Disseminate the guidelines to Doctors and create awareness

Action Items:
 Prepare Dr. Al Morales who has led the project to be the primary CMHF spokesperson
supported by Dr. Larry Goldenberg.
 Create a landing page and supporting online materials such as background and FAQs.
 Activate distribution through Abbott Pharmaceuticals commitment to pay $60,000 for
the hard copy distribution of the guidelines to Canadian doctors. This will be
coordinated by CORE Health.
 News release
 Stakeholder list for email
 FAQs
 Process for doctor inquiries and questions
 Dr. Al Morales / Dr. Larry Goldenberg email for inquiries

Time Frame:
 Q2, Q3
Resources (Primary Stakeholders):
 Wayne, Joe, Dr. Goldenberg, Dr. Morales, Sam, CORE Health. CMA

Collaboration with the Canadian Mental Health Association

To achieve another significant step towards the CMHF objective to collaborate with health care
organizations to reach their audiences with the men’s health message

(The Canadian Mental Health Association has an annual mental health week in April, this year
focussing on men)


 To continue building strategic alliances with national health care organizations

Action Items:

 Work with CMHA to define the goal and scope

 Clarify roles of each organization
 Ensure CMHF role fits within resources available
 Assist CMHA developing male specific language and content as needed
 Determine CMHF communications tactics and implement
 Formalize a partner status to build a stronger liaison between the organizations and
fully link the websites to help drive the CMHF’s website traffic and search engine
optimization strategy


 Q1, Q2

Resources (Primary Stakeholders):

 Joe (liaison, strategy, project management) Krystal (blog and PR/news media)

To harness the creative energy of BCIT marketing students to enhance the DCM campaign.
(12 groups of 5 Digital Marketing students at BCIT will have 6 weeks to put together pitches for
ways CMHF can expand our reach via different campaigns)

 In part this is a local community outreach program as well as an opportunity for
students who are very close to the social community to come up with innovative ideas
of how CMHF can integrate different campaign strategies to help us raise awareness.

Action Items:
 Campaign brief (mirrored copy of original brief to Rethink Communications)
 Question and answer period with Students at BCIT
 5 half days of presentations by students
Resources (Primary Stakeholders)
 Sam, Rethink Communications

Time Frame
 Q1

Medical Advisory Board

To create a men’s health multi-disciplinary medical and research advisory board


 To advise and guide CMHF’s medical content, research, education and outreach and
web site content

Action Items:
 Identify and enlist a medical professional to act as the CMHF’s Medical Content Advisor
on a day to day basis.
 Form a nucleus of the medical advisory board
 Begin resourcing the advisory board on CMHF medical and research related projects and
policy for medically related content
 Draft terms of reference
 Create target list of possible advisory members
 Host web or conference call to inspire participation and confirm members
 Create working relationship between advisory board and CMHF
 Work with advisory board to create short-term and long-term plan


 Q1–4

Resources (Primary Stakeholders):

 Dr. Goldenberg and Dr. Pommerville (Chair, creating team, establishing terms of
reference), Caroline (coordination), Wayne (assist Larry as required)

Office Systems
To reorganize office systems to enable seamless growth and increased efficiency

Action Items:

 Office systems reorganization as determined by assessment

 Migration of files to cloud server
 Create shared contact database
 Manage and update staff benefits program and HR initiatives

Time Frame:

 All year round

Resources (Primary Stakeholders):

 Kalinka

Public Relations
To garner increased credibility and exposure through selected P.R. tactics

Action Items:

 Speeches
 On-going media relations including proactive seeking of news coverage

Resources (Primary Stakeholders):

Wayne, Jacob, Krystal, Joe, (PR agency if funds available)

Parking Lot
Projects on hold due to time and budget constraints. They can be initiated at any time with
additional funding or other resources.

To create one on-line men’s health compendium by combining the content of About Men and
CMHF onto the CMHF site.
 To validate, update and transfer the compendium of men’s health content hosted on
the web site to the CMHF web site and relegate the URL to
redirecting web traffic to one combined site.
 website maintenance and possibility of full audit by a medical professional
and porting all content to
 To serve as a in depth men’s health resource for Canadian men, women, health care
professionals, patients of MHI and the Urology Department of VGH.
Action Items:
 Medical professional obtained in order to audit the website to make sure the
information is valid and to fill in areas that are missing
 Website code prepared to be exported
 Resources section of redeveloped and redesigned to allow
for import of content
 website redirection with proper SEO coding to allow to receive the benefits of the former website
 Web server optimization for speed and automated back-ups in place
Resources (Primary Stakeholders):
 Medical professional ( TBD) Sam (overseeing management), Graham (development and
code maintenance), Ryan (website design for section on
Naomi and Caroline (for any questions)
Time Frame:
Q3 & Q4

DCM Motivational Quote App

To build and pilot test a simple engagement app

 The Don’t Change Much Motivation app will serve motivational quotes from our DCM
 The main objective will be to capture emails and expand our knowledge on what data
we can mine with regards to users who download the app.
Action Items:
 Content: collection of motivational quotes from blog and plan on further quote
development for remainder of year
 Submit app to Apple’s iTunes and Google Play
 Strategies to obtain users:
o Call-to-action at the bottom of blog articles on DCM which have the motivational
o Dedicated email to all who sign up to our DCM email newsletter
o Seek approval to send a dedicated email blast to the database of the Canadian
Mental Health Association
 Google Analytics integration with guidance from 6S Marketing
 App development including social media login as well as push notifications
 Test ad buy on Facebook to see conversion rate into email signups
Resources (Primary Stakeholders)
 Sam (strategy, management and direction), Graham (development of app), Krystal (copy
for quotes), Ryan (graphics)
Time Frame
 Q3 & Q4


To develop the plan for #sockitup, a 2106 campaign that asks men and their families to wear
colourful socks in support of men’s health during Men’s Health Week in June 2106

 Create an easy and fun way for people to create awareness and build a social movement
of men’s health by creating a simple, fun sharable campaign

 To raise the profile and credibility of CMHF and its DCM campaign with potential
sponsors, donors and other key stakeholders.
 To significantly accelerate the acquisition of social media followers and email
 To further establish CMHF’s ownership of Men’s Health week
 To help raise funds through retail partnerships for CMHF operations and ongoing
awareness campaigns

Action Items:

 Determine key criteria for success

 Collaborate with CMHF creative consultants to explore concepts that meet key criteria
 Test concepts through focus groups or survey
 Finalize concept and flesh out top line plan including budget and resources
 Identify potential sponsors shortlist, create pitch and ‘deck, and initiate sales process
 Enlist organizations to participate by promoting to their employees, stakeholders and
social media

Q 2- 4


1. Donations (individual)

2. Deloitte (non-revenue)

3. Corporate Funded Research

4. PHAC Grant

 You Check v 2.0 and design of men’s health intervention program will begin if grant
application approved. Decision expected Q 2 – Q4 )


Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
On-line overhaul
Grant applications
Content creation
Social media
CMHF Website
Men’s Health Wk.
NHL Strat. Alliance
Play On! 2015
CMHF Champions
Public Men’s
You Check
Economic burden
GP Guidelines
Medical Advisory


White – low resources

Grey – moderate resources

Black – intense resources


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