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GPAF Proposal Budget - Guidance Note


1 Before preparing your budget, you should read the GPAF Financial Management Guidelines.

2 You can access the budget template by clicking on the yellow BUDGET tab below

3 To insert additional rows, right click on the row number below where you wish to insert the new row and choose INSERT.

4 To delete a row, right click on the row number you wish to remove and choose DELETE.

5 To insert a column, right click on the letter of the column to the right of where you wish to insert the new column and choose INSERT.

6 To delete a column, right click on the letter of the column you wish to remove and choose DELETE.

7 The NOTES column should be used to identify additional information on the BUDGET NOTES tab for each of the budget lines.


7 You can access the budget notes page by clicking on the blue BUDGET NOTES tab below.
The BUDGET NOTES tab should be used to record explanations, further details or cost breakdowns for individual budget lines.
8 DFID is currently focused strongly on ensuring that grant-funded projects offer good value for money and that all items included
on the project budgets are well justified. As a result, you must provide detailed budget notes for each of your project budget lines.
In particular we require you to provide clear and relevant detailed budget notes explaining:

- Why a particular item/service/human resource is needed.

- How the estimates have been calculated (e.g. based on previous experience, quotes etc.) and including a reasonable detail of numbers,
units and unit costs.

Example - Capital Expenditure

If the project requires the purchase of capital items, the reason for the purchase should be clear as well as details of the estimated number
of units and how the unit cost has been determined (e.g. based on x number of quotes; market research).

Example - Project Activities - Workshops

An example of budget note under Project Activities could be the cost of workshops. In this case you would need to clarify the number of
workshops that you are undertaking, the number of participants and the the nature of the costs incurred (e.g. facilitators, venue hire, refreshmen
The notes should also explain how the unit costs have been determined (e.g. based on local bench marking or recent experience of similar activ

Example - Project Staffing

For each member of project staff, the notes should include a breakdown of the full-time equivalent (FTE) input as well as the full-time salary.
For example - if the project requires a Project Director with a full-time salary of £10,000, working one-tenth of his time on the project, the budget
£1,000 and the notes should clarify how this has been calculated (0.1 FTE x £10,000 = £1,000). The role of each member of project staff shou
identifiable in the proposal and/or budget notes, as well as the basis for the determination of the salary level (e.g. organisation salary scale and
approriate salary benchmarking exercise).
oose INSERT.
dget lines.

detail of numbers,

e estimated number

y the number of
, venue hire, refreshments and transport).
xperience of similar activities).
s the full-time salary.
n the project, the budget entry would be
ber of project staff should also be clearly
isation salary scale and evidence of any
Before preparing your budget, you should read the GPAF Financial Management Guidelines and the Guidance Note on the green worksheet tab to the left.

ORGANISATION Carers Worldwide

Improving the physical and mental health, promoting social inclusion and increasing the household income of carers of mentally ill
individuals in Nepal


DATE (when budget prepared) 6/2/2014 7/1/2014


£220,308 and 100%
In GBP and as a %age of total funds
In GBP and as a %age of total funds
including sources, in GBP and as a %age of total funds
EXCHANGE RATE £1 = NPR 157 (exchange rates as based on the 12 month average of 1st and last of the month rates from March 2013 - April 2014, as found
including source and date on

1.8% for 2015-16 and 1.7% for 2016-17 (UK inflation based Inflation rate used in the project budget should not exceed the UK Treasury Rates of inflation for
INFLATION RATE each financial year (01 April – 31 March). These rates, referred to as 'GDP deflators' can be found
upon UK Treasury GDP deflators at on the UK treasury website. For financial years in the future please use the last available UK
No greater than relevant UK Treasury Rate treasury predicted rates.

YR 1 YR 1 YR 2 YR 2 YR 3 YR 3 YR 4 YR 4
No. of Cost
Note No.
Units per Unit
Jul-Mar Jul-Mar Apr-Mar Apr-Mar Apr-Mar Apr-Mar Apr-Jun Apr-Jun
14/15 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 16/17 17/17 17/17


Desktop Computer 2 305 610 610 610 610 1.1

Laptop computer 1 477 477 477 477 477 1.2
Plastic Chairs 10 5.31 53 53 53 53 1.3
Motorcycle Yamaha FZ 150 cc India made 1 1330 1330 1330 1,330 1,330 1.4
Sub-total 2,470 2,470 - - - - 2,470 2,470
OUTPUT 1: Access to medical and counselling support to address
the physical and mental health needs of 1,500 carers

ACTIVITY 1.1 120 Health workers from 60 government health

institutions (sub health post and health posts at village level) will be 120 34.53 691 691 863 863 1,726 1,726 863 863 4,143 4,143 2.1
trained to understand needs and constraints on carers
ACTIVITY 1.2 300 FCHVs will be trained as barefoot counsellors and
provide regular counselling as necessary to 1,500 carers 300 26.32 1,316 1,316 3,290 3,290 3,290 3,290 - 0 7,896 7,896 2.2

ACTIVITY 1.3 1,500 carers will be supported by FCHVs to access

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - 2.3
local sub health and health posts
Sub-total for Output 1 2,007 2,007 4,153 4,153 5,016 5,016 863 863 12,039 12,039

OUTPUT 2: Formation of 60 carers’ mutual support groups,

providing emotional support to reduce isolation, improve
wellbeing and capacity to care and providing a platform to
advocate for the rights of carers at a local, regional and
national level, leading to changes in policy and practice
ACTIVITY 2.1 Formation of 60 carers groups across 60 Village
Development Committees in 2 districts to include 1,500 carers; 60 77.97 585 585 2,339 2,339 1,170 1,170 585 585 4,679 4,679 2.4
and being regularly attended by 1500 carers
ACTIVITY 2.2 300 FCHVs trained to facilitate carers groups 300 4.54 341 341 682 682 341 341 0 0 1,364 1,364 2.5
ACTIVITY 2.3 Carers group meetings held regularly, facilitated by
2700 0.78 70 70 841 841 1,122 1,122 70 70 2,103 2,103 2.6
300 FCHVs
ACTIVITY 2.4 60 limited recharge cards for mobile phones issued
across the 60 VDCs to enable carers to stay in contact for mutual
support and to access necessary medical support 1320 1.27 19 19 688 688 918 918 57 57 1,682 1,682 2.7

ACTIVITY 2.5 One Carers Association (CA) formed in each district

and registered with the Chief District Officer and the Social Welfare 2 918 0 0 918 918 918 918 0 0 1,836 1,836 2.8a + b
Council in Kathmandu
ACTIVITY 2.6 11 members in each Carers Association trained on the
social, economic and inclusion rights of carers 22 62.34 0 0 686 686 686 686 0 0 1,372 1,372 2.9

ACTIVITY 2.7 Quarterly meetings of each Carers Association held

11 289.41 0 0 579 579 2,315 2,315 289 289 3,183 3,183 2.10

ACTIVITY 2.8 Biannual seminar held for relevant district authorities

to gain recognition of the CAs and advocate for provision of carer 4 345 0 0 346 346 1036 1036 0 0 1,382 1,382 2.11
specific services
ACTIVITY 2.9 Annual Carers Day held each year in the first 2 years,
followed by a Carers Week in the 3rd year with the aim of creating
awareness of the needs and rights of carers and achieving recognition 4500 1.06 0 0 529 529 1,058 1,058 3,173 3,173 4,760 4,760 2.12
and subsequent policy changes for carers

Sub-total for Output 2 1,015 1,015 7,608 7,608 9,564 9,564 4,174 4,174 22,361 22,361

OUTPUT 3: 1,050 target carers participating in sustainable

livelihoods or training and 225 child carers returning to school
through the promotion of equal access to such activities along with
the establishment of “community caring centres” providing
alternative care options.

ACTIVITY 3.1 Needs of 750 carers assessed with regard to

750 1.06 111 111 319 319 367 367 0 0 797 797 2.13
appropriate livelihood activities
ACTIVITY 3.2 900 carers provided with equipment/tools required to
900 24 2,633 2,633 9,218 9,218 9,757 9,757 0 0 21,608 21,608 2.14
initiate chosen livelihood activity
ACTIVITY 3.3 1,050 carers provided with training required to take up
1050 14 1,691 1,691 7,045 7,045 6,290 6,290 0 0 15,026 15,026 2.15a-d
chosen livelihood
ACTIVITY 3.4 Promote market access where necessary 4 344 344 344 688 688 344 344 0 0 1,376 1,376 2.16
ACTIVITY 3.5 300 FCHVs trained to address the specific needs of
300 4.54 341 341 454 454 568 568 0 0 1,363 1,363 2.17
child carers and their school attendance
ACTIVITY 3.6 150 school teachers sensitised to the needs of child
150 4.54 228 228 228 228 228 228 0 0 684 684 2.18
ACTIVITY 3.7 150 child carers provided with school materials
150 38.16 477 477 2,862 2,862 2,385 2,385 0 0 5,724 5,724 2.19

ACTIVITY 3.8 225 child carers supported to attend school on a

45 49.35 230 230 755 755 1,006 1,006 230 230 2,221 2,221 2.20
regular basis supported through child clubs
ACTIVITY 3.9 300 FCHVs trained on providing alternative care for
300 4.54 0 0 511 511 851 851 0 0 1,362 1,362 2.21
ACTIVITY 3.10 50 “community caring centres” established and
running successfully, caring for PWMIE while their primary caregiver 50 108 0 0 1,620 1,620 3,780 3,780 0 0 5,400 5,400 2.22
undertakes livelihood/education activities
Sub-total for Output 3 6,055 6,055 23,700 23,700 25,576 25,576 230 230 55,561 55,561

OUTPUT 4: LEADS have their capacity strengthened to address

the needs and promote the rights of carers
ACTIVITY 4.1 Induct and train LEADS staff in the Carers Worldwide
model to develop services for carers and bring about systemic changes 12 171.91 1,158 1,158 905 905 0 0 0 0 2,063 2,063 2.23a+b
in provision and policy for carers
ACTIVITY 4.2 Carry out detailed baseline study using Carers
Worldwide data collection tools as a means of measuring impact 1500 1.33 1,992 1,992 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,992 1,992 2.24
ACTIVITY 4.3 Carers and LEADS staff undertake training in
advocacy for carers, including exposure visit to CW partner in India in
order to see carers advocacy in action, giving them increased 10 444.42 905 905 3,080 3,080 457 457 0 0 4,442 4,442 2.25a-c
confidence and ability to advocate for changes in policy and practice in
ACTIVITY 4.4 Train and support LEADS staff to transfer knowledge
10 146.4 732 732 732 732 0 0 0 0 1,464 1,464 2.26a-c
and skills working with carers to 300 FCHVs
ACTIVITY 4.5 Train LEADS staff to assess carers with regard to
livelihoods options, develop individual carer plans and facilitate 10 151.2 1,079 1,079 433 433 0 0 0 0 1,512 1,512 2.27a-c
engagement in livelihoods or training
Sub-total for Output 4 5,866 5,866 5,150 5,150 457 457 0 0 11,473 11,473

Sub-total for PROJECT ACTIVITIES 14,943 14,943 40,611 40,611 40,613 40,613 5,267 5,267 101,434 101,434


For each staff member please provide organisation, job title,
location, and percentage of time spent on the project expressed
as a full time equivalent (FTE)
Executive Director, CW, UK (0.25 FTE) 0.25 46740 8,764 8,764 11,895 11,895 12,097 12,097 2,921 2,921 35,677 35,677 3.1
Accounts Officer, CW, UK (8 hours per month) 8 20 1,440 1,440 1,955 1,955 1,988 1,988 480 480 5,863 5,863 3.2
Project Director, LEADS, Nepal (0.6 FTE) 0.6 3822 1,720 1,720 2,334 2,334 2,374 2,374 573 573 7,001 7,001 3.3
Livelihood Training Coordinator, LEADS, Nepal (1 FTE) 1 2675 2,006 2,006 2,723 2,723 2,769 2,769 670 670 8,168 8,168 3.4
Admin and Finance Manager, LEADS, Nepal (0.6 FTE) 0.6 2675 1,204 1,204 1,634 1,634 1,662 1,662 401 401 4,901 4,901 3.5

District Field Coordinators, LEADS, Nepal (2 FTE) 2 1569 2,351 2,351 3,190 3,190 3,244 3,244 784 784 9,569 9,569 3.6

Accounts Assistant, LEADS, Nepal (1 FTE) 1 1086 814 814 1,106 1,106 1,125 1,125 270 270 3,315 3,315 3.7

Community Based Social Mobilisers, LEADS, Nepal (6 FTE) 6 955 4,299 4,299 5,835 5,835 5,934 5,934 1,434 1,434 17,502 17,502 3.8

Office Cleaner, LEADS, Nepal (0.5 FTE) 0.5 726 272 272 370 370 376 376 90 90 1,108 1,108 3.9

Sub-total 22,870 22,870 31,042 31,042 31,570 31,570 7,623 7,623 93,105 93,105


UK administration costs 36 29.52 261 261 354 354 360 360 88 88 1,063 1,063 4.1
Rent Project Office Pokhara, Nepal 36 58.36 516 516 700 700 712 712 173 173 2,101 2,101 4.2
District office Rent, Nepal 36 31.55 279 279 379 379 385 385 93 93 1,136 1,136 4.3
Printing and stationary (including photocopying) in Nepal 36 32.3 286 286 388 388 395 395 94 94 1,163 1,163 4.4
Communication costs (Tel, fax, Internet, postal charges) in Nepal 36 17.8 158 158 214 214 218 218 51 51 641 641 4.5
Office Utilities (Water, electricity and refuse) in Nepal 36 35.58 120 120 163 163 166 166 40 40 489 489 4.6
Insurance (equipment, office building, staff) in Nepal 3 141.33 104 104 142 142 144 144 34 34 424 424 4.7
Maintenance (Printers, photocopier, desktop computers) in Nepal 3 59 44 44 59 59 60 60 14 14 177 177 4.8
Fuel in Nepal 36 26.97 239 239 324 324 330 330 78 78 971 971 4.9
Annual Project Financial Auditing in Nepal 3 161.66 119 119 162 162 165 165 40 40 486 486 4.10
Sub-total 2,126 2,126 2,885 2,885 2,934 2,934 705 705 8,650 8,650


Project Annual and Impact Reports 300 3.35 0 0 167 167 335 335 503 503 1,005 1,005 5.1
Dissemination of information and lessons learnt at district,
9 155.55 0 0 478 478 605 605 317 317 1,400 1,400 5.2
regional, national events
Quarterly Monitoring visits: Field activities 12 102 306 306 408 408 408 408 102 102 1,224 1,224 5.3

Annual monitoring visit from UK 3 2309.33 0 0 2310 2310 2349 2349 2,269 2269 6,928 6,928 5.4

End-of- Project Evaluation 1 4092 0 0 0 0 0 0 4092 4092 4,092 4,092 5.5

Sub-total 306 306 3,363 3,363 3,697 3,697 7,283 7,283 14,649 14,649

GRAND TOTAL 42,715 42,715 77,901 77,901 78,814 78,814 20,878 20,878 220,308 220,308
All applicants MUST provide detailed budget notes for each of project budget line. The notes should explain: Why a particular
item/service/human resource is needed. How the estimates have been calculated (e.g. based on quotes, market research), and
including a reasonable detail of numbers, units and unit costs.



2 x Desktop Computers (DELL OPTIPLEX 380, Intel®, Core TM, 2 duo processor E7500, 2.93GHz,1066MHz FSB,3MB
cache) for use by district coordinators in two districts for database, reporting and documentation. Source
1.1 when purchasing high cost items, quotations are collected and
taken to the LEADS management committee for descision and approval to ensure best value for money.

Laptop: Dell INSPIRON N5110. core i7 2470M 2.20 GHz, 15.6 LCD, 1 GB Graphic. For use by project director for
1.2 progress and monthly reporting, database, email and Skype communication. Source
10 x Plastic chairs, 5 for each district office for office visitors such as carers, Carers association members, government
1.3 officials, and for small meetings. Source - based on quotations from local furniture shops

Motorcycle: YAMAHA 150 cc FZ, India Made. For use of district coordinator in Baglung to travel to Village Development
Committees (VDCs) for training and monitoring visits, as well as delivering programme reports and letters to government
officials/NGO federations, bank transactions and other project related activities. Most of the places in the project area
1.4 have no regular transportation facilities, and using a motorcycle saves time, is a cheaper mode of transport and is more
suited for travelling to remote places. Quotation received from YAMAHA showroom, Naya Bazaar, Pokhara Nepal

Please add more rows if you have more budget notes under the Capital Expenditure heading


Cost of 3 x 3 day training programmes for 120 government health workers (Y1:20 participants, Y2:50 participants, Y3:50
participants) to understand the needs and constraints on carers of PWMIE at £34.53 per health worker. Inputs include
venue hire (£6.37 per day x 3 days x 3 training events = £57.29), stationery (£3.29 per participant = £395.22) , food
2.1 (snacks and meals at £4.78 per day x 3 days per participant = £1,721.12), accommodation (£3.19 per night x 3 nights per
participant = £1,147.41), participant travel (£3.19 x 2 ways per participant = £764.94), staff subsistence (£6.37 per day x
3 days x 3 training events = £57.29)

Cost of 6 x 3 day training programmes (2 per year) for 300 FCHVs to become barefoot counsellors (Y1:50 participants,
Y2:125 participants, Y3: 125 participants) providing support to carers of PWMIE at £26.32 per FCHV. Inputs include
venue hire (£9.55 per day x 3 days x 6 training events = £171.95), stationery (£2.52 per participant = £756.97) , food
(snacks and meals at £1.27 per day x 3 days per participant = £1,139.45), food (snacks and meals at £1.27 per day x 3
days x 6 events x 4 facilitators = £91.16), daily allowance for FCHVs (£3.19 x 3 days per participant = £2,868.54),
2.2 accommodation (£1.59 per night x 3 nights per participant = £1,434.27), participant travel (£1.59 x 2 ways per participant
= £956.18), external facilitator cost (1 district level Public Health Officer x 1 day x 6 events at £9.55 per day = £57.32, 2
government Health institution in charge officials x 3 days x 6 events at £6.37 per day = £229.16, travel cost for facilitators
£6.37 x 6 events = £38.19 ), staff subsistence (£6.37 per day x 3 days x 6 training events = £114.58) and staff travel
(£3.19 x 2 ways x 6 events = £38.25).
FCHVs are local women who live in the villages where they provide services. They work on a primarily voluntary basis,
supporting and informing PWMIE and their families. The activity of supporting carers to access government health
services will fall within the remit of their regular work and therefore incur no additional costs.

Cost of formation of 60 carers groups with approximately 25 carers per group at £77.97 per group (Y1:15 groups formed,
Y2:30 groups formed, Y3:15 groups formed) . Inputs include stationery (£1.02 per participant = £1,527.23), refreshments
while conducting consultations with carers, small groups and VDC officials (£25.48 per group formed = £1,528.82) , staff
2.4 travel and subsistence while facilitating group formation process (£6.37 per day x 60 groups = £381.94, travel at an
average of £6.37 per group = £381.94), equipment for carers groups (white board, floor mats and lockable boxes for
storing records for each group at £14.31 per group = £858.44). Venues are provided free at village level.

Cost of 1 day training programme to further develop the skills of 300 FCHVs in facilitating carers groups, with particular
emphasis on recognition of carers and advocacy, at £4.54 per FCHV (Y1:75 participants, Y2:150 participants, Y3: 75
participants). Inputs include refreshments (£1.51 per FCHV = £454.18), stationery (£1.59 per FCHV = £478.09), staff
2.5 travel and subsistence (£6.37 per day x 15 training events = £95.49, travel at an average of £6.37 per event = £95.49),
external facilitator cost (1 district level health official @ £9.55 per day x 15 events = £143.29, travel cost for external
facilitator £6.37 x 15 events = £95.49). Venues are provided free at village level.

Cost of facilitating carers group meetings at village level, each group meeting twice a month, at £0.78 per meeting. In Y1,
15 groups will be formed and start meeting from month 7(= 180 meetings); in Y2, an additional 30 groups will be meeting
2.6 throughout the year (=1,080 meetings); in Y3, an additional 15 groups will be meeting throughout the year (=1,440
meetings). Inputs include refreshments (£0.14 per meeting X2,700meetings = £382.47) and incentives for FCHVs (£0.64
per meeting X 2,700 meetings = £1,721.12) for facilitating and documenting the progress of groups.

Cost of limited recharge cards for mobile phones, 1 issued to each carers group as they are formed and topped up
monthly at a cost of £1.27 each time (this equates to NPR200 and allows an appropriate amount of calls to fit the
purpose ) plus log book for each group to record use of phone and recharge card. InY1, cards will start to be issued from
2.7 month 9 onwards to 15 groups (= 60 cards); in Y2, cards will be issued monthly to an additional 30 groups throughout the
year (=540 cards); in Y3, cards will be issued monthly to an additional 15 groups throughout the year (= 720 cards).

Cost of forming, registering and establishing one Carers Association for each district, at a cost of £918.21 per association
(Y2: 1 association formed with 11 members, Y3: 1 association formed with 11 members). Inputs include a 2 day training
event for each CA on leadership and organisational development with the venue provided free of charge at the district
level (stationery: £31.87 x 2 CA = £63.75; food: £4.46 per day x 2 days x 11 participants x 2 events = £196.34; travel for
participants to district headquarters: £3.19 x 2 ways x 11 participants x 2 events = £140.24; accommodation for
2.8a participants at district headquarters: £3.19 per night x 2 nights x 11 participants x 2 events = £140.24), fee for training
consultant (£31.87 per day x 2 days x 2 events = £127.49), consultant's travel (£31.87 jeep hire per day x 2 days x 2
events = £127.49). Lawyer fees for preparing constitution (£95.62 per CA x 2 = £191.24) , registration cost at District
Administration Office (£31.87 per CA x 2 = £63.75), registration cost at Social Welfare Council in Kathmandu (£15.94 per
CA x 2 = £31.87).

Travel to Kathmandu for 2 carer representatives per CA (£5.41 for single bus fare x 2 ways x 2 people x 2 CA = £43.28),
local travel in Kathmandu (£6.37 per trip x 2 trips = £12.73), accommodation in Kathmandu for 2 carer representatives
per CA (£5.41 per night x 4 nights x 2 people x 2 CA = £86.55), food in Kathmandu for 2 carer representatives per CA
(£6.37 per day x 4 days x 2 people x 2 CA = £101.85), travel to Kathmandu for 2 staff per trip (£5.41 for single bus fare x
2 ways x 2 people x 2 trips = £43.28), accommodation in Kathmandu for 2 staff per trip (£5.41 per night x 4 nights x 2
2.8b people x 2 trips = £86.55), food in Kathmandu for 2 staff per trip (£6.37 per day x 4 days x 2 people x 2 trips = £101.85),
Carers Association office set up costs (chairs @ £5.31 each x 5 per office x 2 offices = £53.10; desk @ £23.02 each x 2
offices = £46.04; cupboard @ £41.99 each x 2 offices = £83.98; carpet @ £47.39 each x 2 offices = £94.79). Lawyer and
registration fees are standard and non-negotiable. Furniture for offices will be sourced locally after collection of quotes.
Cost of 3 day training programme for 11 members in each Carers Association (total 22 members) on the social,
economic and inclusion rights of carers at £62.34 per member (Y2: 1 training programme with 11 members, Y3: 1 training
programme with 11 members) with the venue provided free of charge at the district level. Inputs include stationery
(£31.87 x 2 CA = £63.75), food (£4.46 per day x 3 days x 11 participants x 2 events = £294.50), travel for participants to
district headquarters (£3.19 x 2 ways x 11 participants x 2 events = £140.24), accommodation for participants at district
2.9 headquarters (£3.19 per night x 3 nights x 11 participants x 2 events = £210.36), fee for training consultant (£31.87 per
day x 3 days x 2 events = £191.24), consultant's travel (£31.87 jeep hire per day x 3 days x 2 events = £191.24), staff
travel (£3.19 x 2 ways x 4 staff x 2 events = £51), staff subsistence (£6.37 x 3 days x 4 staff x 2 events = £152.78), staff
accommodation (£3.19 per night x 3 nights x 4 staff x 2 events = £76.49).

Cost of 2 day quarterly meetings of Carers Associations (each having 11 members) at £26.31 per member per meeting.
In Y2, one CA will conduct 3 meetings (following formation); in Y3, both CAs will be formed and each one will be meeting
four times (8 meetings in total). The venue will be provided free of charge at the district level. Inputs include food (£4.46
per day x 2 days x 11 participants x 11 meetings = £1,079.84), travel for participants to district headquarters (£3.19 x 2
2.10 ways x 11 participants x 11 meetings = £771.32), accommodation for participants at district headquarters (£3.19 per night
x 2 nights x 11 participants x 11 meetings = £771.32), staff travel (£3.19 x 2 ways x 2 staff x 11 meetings = £140.24), staff
subsistence (£6.37 x 2 days x 2 staff x 11 meetings = £280.10), staff accommodation (£3.19 per night x 2 nights x 2 staff
x 11 meetings = £140.24).

Cost of conducting 2 seminars in Y2 and 2 seminars in Y3 for district authorities (10 representatives from Government
and 5 from civil society organisations) at a cost of £23 per attendee per seminar. Inputs include publicity (£8.85 per event
x 4 events = £35.40), venue hire (£9.55 per event x 4 events = £38.21), stationery (£17.71 per event x 4 events =
£70.23), food (£4.46 x 15 participants x 4 events = £267.73), fee for external facilitator (£31.87 per day x 4 events =
2.11 £127.49), consultant's travel (£31.87 jeep hire per day x 4 events = £127.49), fee for external facilitator to write report of
the seminar (£31.87 per day x 2 days x 4 events = £254.98), printing of report (100 copies at £0.89 per copy x 4 events =
£357.68), staff travel (£3.19 x 2 ways x 2 staff x 4 events = £51), staff subsistence (£6.37 x 2 staff x 4 events = £50.93).
Costs are based on the previous experience of LEADS in organising such events.

Cost of conducting annual Carers Day in Yr 1 and Yr 2 and in Yr3 a Carers week to bring together all carers and other
stakeholders. In Y1, up to 500 participants are expected, in Y2, up to 1000 participants are expected. The Carers Week
in Y3 is expected to attract over 3,000 participants. The average cost per participant over the three years is £1.06. For all
these events, inputs include tent hire including stage and loudspeakers (£9.55 per day x 2 days and £9.55 per day x 5
days x 2 districts = £114.61), refreshments (£0.66 per participant x 4,500 = £2,988), publicity and communication (£36.30
2.12 for Yr 1, £36.30 for Yr 2 and £159.36for Yr 3 to cover posters, banners, use of social media etc.), cost of organised
activities (eg, painting, sports, dance, singing at an average cost of £88.54 per activity = £354.14), staff travel (£3.19 x 2
ways x 12 staff x 7 days = £535.46) and staff subsistence (£6.37 x 12 staff x 7 days = £534.72). Costs are based on the
previous experience of LEADS in organising such events.

Cost of conducting needs assessment of 750 carers with regard to livelihoods at £1.06 per carer. In Yr 1, 10 Village
Development Committee (VDC) areas will be covered with 150 carers; in Yr 2, 20 VDC areas will be covered with 300
carers; in Yr 3, 20 VDC areas will be covered with 300 carers. Inputs include printing of assessment forms (£0.21 per
assessment form x 750 = £159.36), staff travel (£3.19 per VDC x 50 VDCs = £159.36) and staff subsistence (£6.37 per
day x 15 days in Yr 1 plus £6.37 per day x 30 days in Yr 2 plus £6.37 per day x 30 days in Yr 3 = £477.69).
Cost of providing equipment/tools to 900 carers. Exact numbers taking up activities will not be known until needs
assessments are completed, but based on knowledge of local livelihood options and their relative popularity, estimates
have been made. Resources include agriculture tools and seeds (£31.87 per set; Y1 25 carers, Y2 55 carers, Y3 65
carers), organic manure production kits (£22.13 per kit; Y1 10 carers, Y2 15 carers, Y3 20 carers), cages for goat rearing
(£19.48 per cage set; Y1 20 carers, Y2 20 carers, Y3 50 carers), subsidies for poultry house construction (£19.48 per
poultry house; Y1 45 carers, Y2 90 carers, Y3 125 carers), equipments and tools for bamboo work (£31.87 per set; Y1 10
2.14 carers, Y2 20 carers, Y3 25 carers), tools and materials for making pigeon cases (£9.74 per set; Y1 40 carers, Y2 50
carers, Y3 50 carers), sewing machines (£31.87 per machine; Y1 10 carers, Y2 25 carers, Y3 25 carers), carpentry tools
(£31.87 per set; Y1 10 carers, Y2 25 carers, Y3 25 carers), materials to start beautician shops (£63.75 per set; Y1 5
carers, Y2 15 carers, Y3 15 carers). All materials sourced locally at competitive prices, after collection of quotes.

Cost of providing training to 1,050 carers. It is expected that the following activities will be taken up: 1)
2 day course on kitchen gardening and vegetable production, participants Y1:35, Y2: 85; Y3:90, at a total cost of
£2,097.22, cost per participant £9.99 (training materials cost of £3.82 per participant x 210 participants = £803.19, local
2.15a facilitator cost of £1.91 per participant x 210 participants = £401.59, refreshments at £2.12 per participant per day x 2
days x 210 participants = £892.43)
2) organic manure production, participants Y1:10, Y2: 15, Y3: 20, no training required

3) 2 day course on goat rearing, participants Y1:20, Y2: 30; Y3:50, at a total cost of £820.11, cost per participant £8.20
(training materials cost of £1.27 per participant x 100 participants = £127, external facilitator cost at £31.87 per day x 2
days x 3 courses = £191.24, external facilitator travel at £25.47 per course x 3 courses = £76.41, refreshments at £2.12
per participant per day x 2 days x 100 participants = £424)
4) 2 days course on poultry rearing, participants Y1:55, Y2: 155; Y3:135, at a total cost of
2.15b £2,995.31, cost per participant £8.68 (training materials cost of £3.44 per participant x 345 participants = £1,185.13,
external facilitator cost £31.87 per day x 2 days x 3 courses = £191.24, external facilitator travel £25.47 per course x 3
courses = £76.41, subsistence for Livelihoods Training Coordinator £6.37 per day x 2 days x 3 courses = £38.19, travel +
accommodation for LTC £6.37 per day x 2 days x 3 courses = £38.19, refreshments £2.12 per participant per day x 2
days x 345 participants = £1,1466.14)

5) 2 days course on bamboo work, participants Y1:10, Y2: 20; Y3:25, at a total cost of £549.27, cost per participant £9.99
(training materials cost of £3.82 per participant x 55 participants = £210.36, local facilitator cost of £1.91 per participant x
55 participants = £105.18, refreshments at £2.12 per participant per day x 2 days x 55 participants = £233.73)
6) 1 day course on
pigeon rearing, participants Y1:40, Y2: 50; Y3:50, at a total cost of £603.63, cost per participant £4.31 (training materials
2.15c cost of £0.27 per participant x 140 participants = £38.42, local facilitator cost of £1.91 per participant x 140 participants =
£267.73, refreshments at £2.12 per participant x 140 participants = £297.48)
7) 3 month tailoring course at £44.59 per participant (Y1:10, Y2: 25; Y3:25) = £2,675.17, plus meals subsidy £6.37 per
person per month x 3 months x 60 participants = £1,145.82. Total cost = £3,820.99, cost per participant £63.68

8) 1 month carpentry course at a cost of £25.48 per participant (Y1:10, Y2: 25; Y3:25) = £1,528.82 plus meals subsidy at
£6.37 per month x 60 participants = £381.94. Total cost = £ 1,910.76, cost per participant £31.85
9) 3 month beautician training course at a cost of £44.59 per participant (Y1:5, Y2: 15; Y3:15) = £1,560.52 plus
2.15d meals subsidy at £6.37 per person per month x 3 months x 35 participants = £668.40. Total cost = £2,228.91, cost per
participant £63.68.
Exact numbers of participants in each training activity will be known after needs assessments have been completed.
Cost of promoting market access for 120 carers by making visits to district headquarters with product samples (Y1: 1
visit, Y2: 2 visits, Y3: 1 visit) at a cost of £344 per visit. Inputs include printing of 400 leaflets to promote products (£0.22
per leaflet = £88.54), travel for carers (£3.19 x 2 ways x 6 carers x 4 visits = £152.99), food for carers (£4.46 per person
2.16 per day x 6 carers x 5 days x 4 visits = £535.46), accommodation for carers (£3.19 per person per night x 6 carers x 5
nights x 4 visits = £382.47), travel for staff (£3.19 x 2 ways x 4 visits = £25.50), staff subsistence (£6.37 per day x 5 days
x 4 visits = £127.31), accommodation for staff (£3.19 x 5 nights x 4 visits = £63.75).

Cost of 1 day training programme for 300 FCHVs on working with child carers at £4.54 per FCHV (Y1:75 participants,
Y2:100 participants, Y3:125 participants). Inputs include refreshments (£1.51 per FCHV = £454.18), stationery (£1.59 per
2.17 FCHV = £478.09), staff travel and subsistence (£6.37 per day x 15 training events = £95.49, travel at an average of £6.37
per event = £95.49), external facilitator cost (1 district level health official @ £9.55 per day x 15 events = £143.29, travel
cost for external facilitator £6.37 x 15 events = £95.49). Venues are provided free at village level.

Cost of 1 day training programme for 150 school teachers sensitising them to the issues affecting child carers and school
attendance at £4.54 per teacher (Y1:50 participants, Y2:50 participants, Y3:50 participants). Inputs include refreshments
(£1.51 per teacher = £225.76), stationery (£1.52 per teacher = £228.42), staff travel and subsistence (£6.37 per day x 8
2.18 training events = £50.93, travel at an average of £6.37 per event = £50.93), external facilitator cost (1 district level health
official @ £9.55 per day x 8 events = £76.42, travel cost for external facilitator £6.37 x 8 events = £50.93). Venues are
provided free at village level.

Cost of providing 150 child carers with the equipment they require to attend school at a cost of £38.16 per child (Y1: 25
children, Y2: 75 children, Y3: 50 children). This provides school uniform (£15.94 per child), a school bag (£3.19 per
2.19 child), note books, pens, pencils, geometry set, colours, water pot (totalling £9.47 per child) and text books (£9.56 per
child). These items are sourced locally and at competitive prices, following the collection of quotes. Many of the items are
standard issue.

Cost of establishing and running 45 child clubs in schools where there are child carers, providing opportunities for
socialising with peers and a safe supportive environment to address needs and issues facing the child carers, at a cost of
£49.35 per club per year, with an average of 5 child carers per club. (Yr 1: 10 clubs running, Yr 2: 25 clubs running, Yr 3:
45 clubs running). Inputs include stationery and refreshments (£6.37 per club per year = Yr 1 £63.70, Yr 2 £159.36, Yr 3
2.20 £286.85 = total of £509.92), equipment costs to set up each child club, eg. sports equipment, paints and craft equipment,
toys and books (£28.88 per club x 45 clubs = £1,299.60), incentives for FCHVs (£0.64 per visit x 12 visits x 45 clubs =
£344.20), staff travel for monitoring visit (£1.51 per club = £67.73).

Cost of 1 day training programme for 300 FCHVs on providing alternative care for PWMIE, building on their existing
knowledge and skills of mental illness at £4.54 per FCHV (Y2:150 participants, Y3: 150 participants). Inputs include
refreshments (£1.51 per FCHV = £454.18), stationery (£1.59 per FCHV = £478.09), staff travel and subsistence (£6.37
2.21 per day x 15 training events = £95.49, travel at an average of £6.37 per event = £95.49), external facilitator cost (1 district
level health official @ £9.55 per day x 15 events = £143.29, travel cost for external facilitator £6.37 x 15 events = £95.49).
Venues are provided free at village level.

Cost of establishing 50 'community caring centres' situated at village level and run by FCHVs and carers groups at a cost
of £108 per centre (Yr 2: 30 centres established, Yr 3: 20 centres established). Inputs include provision of furniture and
basic equipment (eg. beds, chairs, toys at £44.53 per centre = £2,226.66), therapy materials and first aid kits (£31.78 per
centre = £1,589.20), adaptations to toilets (£15.85 per centre = £729.39) and provision of safe water supply (£15.85 per
centre = £729.39). Items will be sourced locally and at competitive prices, following the collection of quotes. Labour will
be undertaken by people from the village and paid at the standard daily rate. Any specialist therapy materials will be
sourced from Pokhara.
Cost of 3 day training programme in Yr1 plus 2 days field follow up conducted by Executive Director of CW for 12 LEADS
staff on the CW model. Inputs include: Executive Director (ED) travel (25% of £866.44 which includes return flight from
London to Kathmandu, internal return flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara, visa fee and exit tax = £216.61; 25% of the total
is charged to this budget line because the cost is shared between 4 training courses - see budget notes 2.25, 2.26, 2.27),
ED's accommodation (£33.38 x 5 days = £166.89), ED's food (£6.37 per day x 5 days = £31.83), local travel (£6.37 per
2.23a day x 3 days = £19.12), field travel (£31.87 jeep hire per day x 2 days = £63.75), staff subsistence (£6.37 per day x 12
staff x 3 days = £229.16 plus £3.19 at field level per day x 10 staff x 2 days = £63.75), staff travel (£3.19 x 2 ways x 12
staff = £76.49 plus field travel at an average of £2.27 per day x 10 staff x 2 days = £45.33), staff accommodation (£4.78
per night per person x 12 staff x 3 nights = £172.11), venue hire (£15.93 per day x 3 days = £47.78), printing and binding
of training materials (£20.36 for 15 copies) and stationary (£5.29).

Cost of 2 day training programme in Yr2 plus 2 days field follow up conducted by Executive Director (ED) of CW for 10
LEADS staff on establishing 'community caring centres'. Inputs include: ED travel (25% of £866.44 which includes return
flight from London to Kathmandu, internal return flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara, visa fee and exit tax = £216.61; 25%
of the total is charged to this budget line because the cost is shared between 4 training visits - see budget notes 2.25,
2.26, 2.27), ED's accommodation (£33.38 x 4 days = £133.51), ED's food (£6.37 per day x 4 days = £25.46), local travel
(£6.37 per day x 2 days = £12.75), field travel (£31.87 jeep hire per day x 2 days = £63.75), staff subsistence (£6.37 per
2.23b day x 10 staff x 2 days = £127.31 plus £3.19 at field level per day x 10 staff x 2 days = £63.75), staff travel (£3.19 x 2
ways x 10 staff = £63.75 plus field travel at an average of £2.27 per day x 10 staff x 2 days = £45.33), staff
accommodation (£4.78 per night per person x 10 staff x 2 nights = £95.62), venue hire (£15.93 per day x 2 days =
£31.85), printing and binding of training materials (£20.36 for 15 copies) and stationary (£5.29).

Cost of conducting detailed baseline study working out at £1.33 per carer, involving 8 field staff over 30 days, plus 5 days
of supervision visits from the LEADS Project Director. Inputs include staff subsistence (£3.19 per day x 8 staff x 30 days
= £764.94) and travel (an average of £2.27 per day to project villages x 8 staff x 30 days = £543.96) while making village
level home visits to 1500 carers, Project Director subsistence (£6.37 per day x 5 days = £31.83), Project Director travel
(£31.87 jeep hire per day x 5 days = £159.36), cost of printing data collection sheets (£0.21 x 1500 = £318.73), analysis
2.24 of data by external data analyst (£31.85 x 5 days = £159.23), printing of baseline study report (£0.89 per report x 15
reports = £13.41). All beneficiaries are included in the baseline survey as this information also goes on to be used as the
starting point for livelihoods assessments and individual carer plans. In addition, the information helps to build evidence
around the needs of carers and the issues affecting their quality of life which can be used effectively in advocacy work as
the project progresses.

Cost of 2 day training programme in Yr1 plus 2 days field follow up conducted by Executive Director of CW for 10 LEADS
staff on advocacy for carers. Inputs include: Executive Director (ED) travel (25% of £866.44 which includes return flight
from London to Kathmandu, internal return flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara, visa fee and exit tax = £216.61; 25% of the
total is charged to this budget line because the cost is shared between 4 training courses - see budget notes 2.25, 2.26,
2.27), ED's accommodation (£33.38 x 4 days = £133.51), ED's food (£6.37 per day x 4 days = £25.46), local travel (£6.37
per day x 2 days = £12.75), field travel (£31.87 jeep hire per day x 2 days = £63.75), staff subsistence (£6.37 per day x
10 staff x 2 days = £127.31 plus £3.19 at field level per day x 10 staff x 2 days = £63.75), staff travel (£3.19 x 2 ways x 10
staff = £63.75 plus field travel at an average of £2.27 per day x 10 staff x 2 days = £45.33), staff accommodation (£4.78
per night per person x 10 staff x 2 nights = £95.62), venue hire (£15.93 per day x 2 days = £31.85), printing and binding
of training materials (£20.36 for 15 copies) and stationary (£5.29).
Cost of 5 day training exposure visit in Y2 for 2 carers, 4 LEADS staff and the Executive director of CW to NBJK, a CW
partner in North India to see carers work in action and gain knowledge around advocacy for carers. Inputs include travel
to Kathmandu (£5.41 for single bus fare x 2 ways x 7 people = £75.73), return air travel to India (£232.85 per person for
return flight from Kathmandu to Ranchi x 7 people = £1,629.93), jeep hire for local travel in India (£150 for the group for 5
2.25b days, based on local jeep hire at £30 per day), accommodation in India (£15 per person per night x 7 people x 5 nights =
£525), food (£9 per person per day x 7 people x 5 days = £315) and travel and refreshments for Indian carers to attend
meetings to enable LEADS staff and carers to share experiences with Indian counterparts (£385).

Cost of 1 day training programme in Yr3 plus 2 days field follow up conducted by Executive Director of CW for 10 LEADS
staff on promoting a carers movement at national level. Inputs include: ED's accommodation (£33.38 x 2 days = £66.76),
ED's food (£6.37 per day x 3 days = £19.10), local travel (£6.37 per day x 1 day = £6.37), field travel (£31.87 jeep hire
per day x 2 days = £63.75), staff subsistence (£6.37 per day x 10 staff x 1 day = £63.66 plus £3.19 at field level per day x
2.25c 10 staff x 2 days = £63.75), staff travel (£3.19 x 2 ways x 10 staff = £63.75 plus field travel at an average of £2.27 per day
x 10 staff x 2 days = £45.33), staff accommodation (£4.78 per night per person x 10 staff x 1 night = £47.81), venue hire
(£15.93 per day x 1 day = £15.93)

Cost of 1 x 1 day training programme in Yr 1 plus 2 days field follow up conducted by Executive Director of CW for 10
LEADS staff to refresh and update their abilities to transfer knowledge and skills to others. Inputs include: Executive
2.26a Director (ED) travel (25% of £866.44 which includes return flight from London to Kathmandu, internal return flight from
Kathmandu to Pokhara, visa fee and exit tax = £216.61; 25% of the total is charged to this budget line because the cost
is shared between 4 training courses - see budget notes 2.25, 2.26, 2.27).

ED's accommodation (£33.38 x 3 days = £100.13), ED's food (£6.37 per day x 3 days = £19.10), local travel (£6.37 per
day x 1 day = £6.37), field travel (£31.87 jeep hire per day x 2 days = £63.75), staff subsistence (£6.37 per day x 10 staff
x 1 day = £63.66 plus £3.19 at field level per day x 10 staff x 2 days = £63.75), staff travel (£3.19 x 2 ways x 10 staff =
2.26b £63.75 plus field travel at an average of £2.27 per day x 10 staff x 2 days = £45.33), staff accommodation (£4.78 per
night per person x 10 staff x 1 night = £47.81), venue hire (£15.93 per day x 1 day = £15.93), printing and binding of
training materials (£20.36 for 15 copies) and stationary (£5.29).

Cost of 1 x 1 day training programme in Yr 2 plus 2 days field follow up conducted by Executive Director (ED) of CW for
10 LEADS staff to refresh and update their abilities to transfer knowledge and skills to others. Inputs include: ED travel
(25% of £866.44 which includes return flight from London to Kathmandu, internal return flight from Kathmandu to
Pokhara, visa fee and exit tax = £216.61; 25% of the total is charged to this budget line because the cost is shared
between 4 training courses - see budget notes 2.25, 2.26, 2.27), ED's accommodation (£33.38 x 3 days = £100.13), ED's
food (£6.37 per day x 3 days = £19.10), local travel (£6.37 per day x 1 day = £6.37), field travel (£31.87 jeep hire per day
2.26c x 2 days = £63.75), staff subsistence (£6.37 per day x 10 staff x 1 day = £63.66 plus £3.19 at field level per day x 10 staff
x 2 days = £63.75), staff travel (£3.19 x 2 ways x 10 staff = £63.75 plus field travel at an average of £2.27 per day x 10
staff x 2 days = £45.33), staff accommodation (£4.78 per night per person x 10 staff x 1 night = £47.81), venue hire
(£15.93 per day x 1 day = £15.93), producing training materials (£20.36 for 15 copies), stationary (£5.29).

Cost of 3 day training programme in Yr1 plus 2 days field follow up conducted by Executive Director of CW for 10 LEADS
staff on assessing livelihood options, developing individual plans, facilitating engagement in livelihoods and exploring
alternative care. Inputs include: Executive Director (ED) travel (25% of £866.44 which includes return flight from London
2.27a to Kathmandu, internal return flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara, visa fee and exit tax = £216.61; 25% of the total is
charged to this budget line because the cost is shared between 4 training courses - see budget notes 2.25, 2.26, 2.27).
ED's accommodation (£33.38 x 5 days = £166.89), ED's food (£6.37 per day x 5 days = £31.83), local travel (£6.37 per
day x 3 days = £19.12), field travel (£31.87 jeep hire per day x 2 days = £63.75), staff subsistence (£6.37 per day x 10
staff x 3 days = £190.97 plus £3.19 at field level per day x 10 staff x 2 days = £63.75), staff travel (£3.19 x 2 ways x 10
2.27b staff = £63.75 plus field travel at an average of £2.27 per day x 10 staff x 2 days = £45.33), staff accommodation (£4.78
per night per person x 10 staff x 3 nights = £143.43), venue hire (£15.93 per day x 3 days = £47.78), producing training
materials (£20.36 for 15 copies), stationary (£5.29).

Cost of 2 day training programme in Yr2 conducted by local government official for 10 LEADS staff on microcredit,
maximising Government-NGO links, accessing markets and business skills. Inputs include staff subsistence (£6.37 per
day x 10 staff x 2 days = £127.31), staff travel (£3.19 x 2 ways x 10 staff = £63.75), staff accommodation (£4.78 per night
2.27c per person x 10 staff x 2 nights = £95.62), venue hire (£15.93 per day x 2 days = £31.85), fee for external trainer (£31.85
per day x 2 days = £63.69), trainer's travel (£25.47), trainer's food (£6.37 per day x 2 days = £12.73) and accommodation
for trainer (£6.37 x 2 nights = £12.73).

Please add more rows if you have more budget notes under the Project Activities heading


Contribution of 25% to CW Executive Director's salary to fulfil project development and management responsibilities -
monthly review meetings, receipt of reports monthly for the first 6 months and then quarterly, financial monitoring on a
monthly and then quarterly basis, reporting and maintaining communication with DFID, developing and delivering a
tailored training package to LEADS, development of baseline survey and data collection formats, analysis of baseline
data, expert input on the development of the livelihoods aspect of the project, communicating with other stakeholders,
building networks and advocacy at national level, annual project visits to oversee project progress and development and
to conduct training, to monitor and evaluate the activities and compile reports, coordinating innovative elements of this
project, for example Carers Day and Carers Week in order to maximise the opportunities and learning. These activities
and preparation for them will take 55 days of the Executive Director's time. CW is a small organisation and the Executive
Director is the only paid, fulltime member of staff so will be taking on all of these activities in full.

Accounts Officer for 8 hours per month, at a cost of £20 per hour x 8 hours a month x 12 months = £1,920 (for year 1; Y2:
3.2 £1,955; Y3: £1,988). This person would carry out the scrutiny of information received from LEADS, identify any issues
and draw up a summary report for the Executive Director.

Project Director monthly salary Nepalese Rs 50000 (£318.47), 60% time in the project - responsible within Nepal for
monitoring, monthly, quarterly and annual reporting and liaising with CW, maintaining relations with government
3.3 authorities and district level stakeholders

Livelihood Training Coordinator monthly salary Nepalese Rs 35000 (£222.93), FTE - responsible for conducting and
coordinating livelihood training for carers, supporting district coordinators, tracking and collecting project and beneficiary
3.4 information, producing and managing publicity and documentation materials

Administrative and Finance Manager monthly salary Nepalese Rs 35000 (£222.93), 60% time on the project -
3.5 responsible for project financial accounting and financial reporting

Two District Field Coordinators monthly salary Nepalese Rs 20500 (£130.57) each, FTE - responsible for activity
3.6 implementation in Baglung and Myagdi districts, providing support and training to CBSMs, FCHVs and carers groups

Accounts Assistant monthly salary Nepalese Rs 14205 (£90.48), FTE - responsible for daily petty cash management and
3.7 financial transactions related to the project activities, supporting admin activities
Six Community Based Social Mobilisers monthly salary Nepalese Rs 12500 (£79.62), FTE - responsible for supporting
3.8 FCHVs, overseeing medical, education and livelihoods activities at village levels and supporting carers groups

Office Helper monthly salary Nepalese Rs 9500 (£60.51), 50% time related to project - responsible for cleaning,
3.9 preparing catering for meetings and training events

Please add more rows if you have more budget notes under the Staff Costs heading


Contribution to UK administration costs - £29 per month towards phone/internet/electricity/stationery and printer cartridge
4.1 costs

Office rent Nepalese Rs15,000 (£95.54) per month, 60% of this cost is allocated to the project

District office rent Nepalese Rs4,000 (£25.48) per month x 2 districts, 60% of this cost is allocated to the project

Printing, stationery and photocopying related to work the staff will be carrying out when at the central and district offices.
Details are: toners £53.44 (£4.45 each x 12), binding materials £12.66, masking tape £17.04 (£0.31 each x 55), scissors
£14.17 (£2.83 each x 5), gluesticks £11.95 (£0.27 each x 45), drawing pins £5.58 (£0.93 per box x 6 boxes), white
4.4 boards £93.85 (£46.92 each x 2), marker pens £4.43 (£2.21 per pack of 12 pens x 2 packs), yearly planners for staff and
volunteers £35.41 (£2.21 each x 16), printing of 2,000 copies of annual calendar, which showcases project work £114.21,
printing of project photographs £18.59

4.5 Telephone and internet charges: telephone bill £18.57 per month x 12 months = £223; internet bill £127.39. 60% of these
costs are allocated to the project
Electricity, water and cleaning:electricity bill £13.27 per month x 12 months = £159; water jars @ £0.61 each x 40 =
4.6 £24.20; cleaning materials £7 per month x 12 months = £84. 60% of these costs are allocated to the project
Insurance: staff accident insurance £159.24; building insurance £37.15; equipment insurance £36.09. 60% of these costs
4.7 are allocated to the project
Annual maintenance contract with Himalayan Computers, Pokhara for computers, photocopier and printer £96 per year.
4.8 60% of this cost is allocated to the project

4.9 Fuel -actual costs for the fuel estimated to be used to fulfil project activities

4.10 Fee for external registered auditor from Pokhara

Please add more rows if you have more budget notes under the Administration Costs heading


Costs of printing project annual report (£0.96 per copy - Y1: 50 copies, Y2: 100 copies, Y3: 150 copies = £286.85) and
5.1 project impact report (£2.39 per copy - Y1: 50 copies, Y2: 100 copies, Y3: 150 copies = £717.13)
Costs for district, regional and national level events each year. Inputs include: district level stakeholders' meeting
refreshments (£2.83 per person x Y1 20 people, Y2 40 people, Y3 40 people = £283), Project Director's travel to district
event (£6.37 x 2 ways x 3 years = £38.25), regional workshop organised by government (contribution towards organising
this event £63.69 per event x 3 events = £191.08), refreshments for national level workshop with officicals from relevant
government departments (£4.78 per person x Y1 10 people, Y2 15 people, Y3 40 people = £310.76), staff return flight to
5.2 Kathmandu (£61.09 per person x Y1 1 person, Y2 2 people, Y3 2 people = £305.45), staff subsistence (£6.37 per person
x Y1 3 days, Y2 6 days, Y3 6 days = £95.49), venue hire (£9.55 per day x 9 days = £85.98), banners (£9.55 each year x
3 years = £28.66), stationery (£15.93 per year x 3 years = £47.78), communication (Y1 £2.23, Y2 £2.23, Y3 £9.31 =

Costs of project director visiting project villages (20 days). Inputs include subsistence (£6.37 per day x 20 days =
£127.31) and vehicle hire (£31.87 for jeep hire per day x 20 days = £637.45). Costs of district public health officer and
5.3 district development committee representative visiting project villages (6 days). Inputs include their daily rate of £15.92
per day x 2 people x 6 days = £191.02 plus vehicle hire (£31.87 for jeep hire per day x 6 days = £191.24) plus
subsistence (£6.37 per day x 2 people x 6 days = £76.39)

Cost of monitoring visits (one visit each year) of Executive Director, Carers Worldwide accompanied by one Trustee of
Carers Worldwide. Inputs include: Travel (£866.44 per person which includes return flight from London to Kathmandu,
internal return flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara, visa fee and exit tax = £1,732.88), accommodation in Kathmandu
(£27.71 per night x 1 night x 2 people = £55.42), accommodation in Pokhara (£33.38 x 5 nights x 2 people = £333.78),
food (£6.37 per day x 5 days x 2 people = £63.66), local travel (£6.37 per day x 3 days = £19.12), field travel (£31.87 jeep
hire per day x 2 days = £63.75). NB: This is the cost of the visit for one year. We have kept the cost the same for Y2 and
Y3 and added on UK inflation at the rate of 1.8% for Y2 and 1.7% for Y3.

Cost for conducting independent final evaluation. Inputs include the fees of an experienced external evaluator from Nepal
(£211.60 per day for 15 days = £3,173.98), hotel accommodation (£33.38 x 10 days = £333.78), return flight from
Kathmandu to Pokhara (£122.18), local travel (£31.87 jeep hire per day x 10 days = £318.73), food, snacks and tea for
all parties (£14.34 per day x 10 days = £143.43). The external evaluator will be recruited via advertisement in the relevant
5.5 NGO and INGO publications, email and word of mouth. The terms of reference will be circulated and interested parties
will be expected to complete an application form and submit their CV. Selection will be carried out by the Executive
Director of Carers Worldwide and the Project Director of LEADS. A contract will be drawn up and the involved parties,
including the consultant will sign an MOU.

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