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Report: 14 concepts related to the

business area.

Students: Carolina Méndez

Constanza Hernández
Teacher: Leonardo Guzmán
Date: August 25, 2020
1. - Budget: is an estimation of revenue and expenses over a specified future period, is
usually group, and reevaluate on a periodic basis.

- To take the best decision it is important check the budget before.

2. - Kick Off: it is a meeting for the start in a new project.

- In the kick off we definite the schedule for the next semester.

3. - Outsourcing: contracting model with third parties for company activities not related to
the main mission.
- This month the company acquired five new employee outsourcing for the logistics

4. - Brief: informative, summary of a project.

- Dear colleagues, please send your brief before 5 o’clock of this Monday.

5. - Back office: administrative tasks.

- I am doing back office all the mornings of this week.

6. - Headhunter: professionals in the recruitment of workers, who are looking for very
exclusive profiles, usually for managerial positions.
- The headhunter needs to find a new manager of district urgently.

7. - KPI (Key performance indicator): allows measuring the progress of a previously set
objective and quantifying its fulfillment.
- In the last meeting, we established the KPI for the next year.

8. - Backup: Replacement support in the absence of a worker.

- My backup at work is Valentina.

9. - Feedback: It is a formative evaluation of various areas of work.

- My boss called to give me feedback about my punctuality at work.

10. - Workarround: Temporary method to overcome a problem.

- It is a workarround to be able to work from home.

11. - Issue: It is a difficult situation.

- They have an issue in the service area

12. - Meeting: a reunion of people.

- We have a meeting to implement a new business.

13. - Pop-up window: A reminder and warning.

- It is good that before making the payment the pop-up notice appeared.

14. - Conference: A conversation between several people about some point or business.

- This year's conference was very boring.

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